Smoke Screen is an investigative documentary series on people with complex motives and morals. Follo
Huizar’s downfall started with a sexual harassment lawsuit. He didn’t have the hundreds of thousands
Gentrification comes in waves. Over years, a piece of downtown LA transformed from Skid Row, to a ba
No man is an island. Huizar couldn’t have pulled off the alleged corruption scheme without help. Hos
When fancy new developments like The Gold Line expansion get proposed, residents of Boyle Heights wo
Alvin Parra worked for Huizar when he first got elected. He saw early warning signs that Huizar wasn
A militant organization called Defend Boyle Heights protests encroaching gentrification, by any mean
As a working-class Latinx neighborhood in Los Angeles faces gentrification, residents are ready to f
Jonathan Hirsch, Neon Hum CEO and host of I Am Rama, introduces this season of Smoke Screen (it's ca
Jose Huizar grew up in Boyle Heights – a working-class Latinx neighborhood in L.A. Eventually, he be
In this episode, we explore all that Rama left behind: students, a charitable foundation, music, boo
Power trips to paradise and never-before shared knowledge -- were these golden times, or Rama’s way
As Rama’s image took a hit in the public sphere, his students circled the wagons around their teache
Multiple women accuse Rama of sexual misconduct and emotional manipulation. Many of Rama’s students
Rama finds himself in the crosshairs of the Cult Awareness Network, a group dedicated to extricating
A young woman follows Rama to New York, and mysteriously vanishes, leaving behind many to wonder wha
Will Arntz is a man of many talents, from filmmaker to laser physicist. In this episode, Will relive
Rama’s growth as a spiritual teacher in the mid-80s starts in California but takes him and his stude
This episode follows Frederick Lenz III from his early days and education through his introduction t
Rama was a man of many faces: teacher, tech entrepreneur, friend - and to some, a scam artist. This
Rama was a spiritual teacher in the 80s and 90s who inspired many of his students while helming what