cover of episode The Greatest Scam Ever Written | 4. The Swiss Swindlers

The Greatest Scam Ever Written | 4. The Swiss Swindlers

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Smoke Screen: The Greatest Scam Ever Written

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jacques Maillan
Rachel Brown
Richard Clarke
Rachel Brown:本集揭露了 Maria Duvall 骗局的幕后操纵者 Jacques Maillan 和 Jean-Claude Roy,他们如何利用 Maria 的名义建立了一个庞大的诈骗帝国,以及该骗局如何持续多年并发展壮大。调查过程中,Rachel Brown 采访了多位相关人士,包括 Maria 的儿子 Antoine,以及 Jacques Maillan 和 Jean-Claude Roy 的合伙人,以及他们的前司机 Steve Rust 和反欺诈调查员 Richard Clarke,揭示了骗局的运作模式、参与者的角色以及对受害者的影响。 Antoine:讲述了瑞士两位商人如何利用 Maria 的名义和形象,并威胁她,从而使诈骗合法化并扩大规模。 Jacques Maillan:他辩解称,Maria Duvall 骗局提供的“服务”与教会类似,帮助人们感觉更好,并非犯罪行为。 Jean-Claude Roy:他否认自己与骗局的持续运作有关,声称在 90 年代中期就已出售公司,并在 2006 年退休。 Steve Rust:作为 Jean-Claude Roy 的前司机,他提供了关于 Jean-Claude 生活方式和部分工作内容的线索,但对他的具体工作知之甚少。 Richard Clarke:他分析了 Maria Duvall 骗局的组织结构和运作模式,指出其分散性使得追踪幕后主使非常困难,并将其与有组织犯罪进行类比,揭示了骗局的持续性和演变性,以及诈骗者如何通过目标锁定易受骗的群体来提高成功率

Deep Dive

The episode delves into the origins of the scam, focusing on two Swiss businessmen who exploited Maria Duval's name and image to legitimize their fraudulent mailing scheme. The narrative explores their motivations and the threats they posed to Maria.

Shownotes Transcript

To find out how the scheme is operating in the present, we go back to how it all started. We know that two Swiss businessmen had bought Maria’s name and image to add legitimacy to their mailing scheme and launch letters across Europe. But who were these men? What motivated them to cheat hundreds of thousands of people out of their life savings? And where are they today?

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