Anthony Scalia
主持并参与调查的true crime播客《Denise Didn’t Come Home》的主持人和调查记者。
Karen Falasca
Karen Falasca: 我记得Denise的葬礼有很多不认识的人,还有侦探和记者。Denise的穿着打扮与她生前习惯不同,她的脸上还有淤青。我看到Denise的前男友Max也在那里,他的行为举止很奇怪。在Denise遇害前的一周,家里举办了一个派对,Max没有离开。7月4日,Denise和Max发生了激烈的争吵。在Denise被杀害的晚上,她和Max又发生了电话争吵,之后她说要去做一些事情,我怀疑她要去见Max。在等公共汽车时,我看到一辆蓝色轿车多次经过,然后朝Denise离开的方向驶去。第二天,Denise的尸体被发现。警察审问了我,但我因为年纪小,记不清细节。回家后,我看到Max在我家,他的手上有一个很深的伤口。几天后,Max带我去一个地方,强吻了我。我认为Max杀害了Denise。 Anthony Scalia: 本集讲述了Denise Velasco的谋杀案,以及Karen Falasca对案件的回忆。Karen的回忆中,Denise的前男友Max是主要嫌疑人。Karen回忆了Denise遇害前一周发生的一些奇怪的事情,以及Max在案发前后的一些可疑行为。通过对报纸资料的调查,Anthony证实了Karen部分回忆的真实性,并发现Bergen County发生过其他类似的谋杀案,这暗示可能存在一个系列杀手。

Deep Dive

Karen reflects on her sister Denise's murder, the suspicious behavior of Denise's ex-boyfriend Max, and the intense media scrutiny following the tragedy.
  • Denise Velasca, 15, was found strangled in Saddle Brook, New Jersey.
  • Karen, Denise's younger sister, recalls suspicious behavior from Max, Denise's ex-boyfriend.
  • The funeral was heavily attended by both acquaintances and strangers, including detectives and reporters.
  • The media's intrusive coverage of the funeral added to the family's grief, with photos published and hate mail received.
  • Karen recalls a moment with her sisters at Denise's casket, wishing she would wake up.
  • Denise's appearance at the funeral was altered, with clothing and makeup concealing injuries.
  • Max's strange behavior after the murder raised suspicions in Karen's mind.

Shownotes Transcript

Karen remembers the bizarre events leading up to her sister’s murder, and all the people she never suspected, until she took a second look. 

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