cover of episode #528 - Murder Math - New Castle, Delaware

#528 - Murder Math - New Castle, Delaware

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James Pietragallo 和 Jimmie Whisman: 本集讲述的是发生在特拉华州纽卡斯尔一起离奇的谋杀案。受害者玛丽是一位善良的特殊教育儿童护士,在家中被残忍杀害,案发现场极其血腥,但受害者身上却出奇的干净,这表明凶手可能事后清理了现场。警方最初怀疑是入室抢劫,但随后发现案发现场有被精心布置的痕迹,这表明凶手对受害者非常了解,并且是蓄意谋杀。 调查过程中,警方发现受害者的丈夫约翰与受害者的一位年轻朋友景之间存在婚外情。景经常出入受害者家中,与受害者关系密切,甚至将约翰和玛丽视为自己的“特拉华州父母”。约翰承认与景有染,但否认参与了谋杀案。 最终,警方通过测谎仪和审讯,确定景是凶手。景承认,她因嫉妒玛丽与约翰的婚姻,并对约翰的感情过于执着,最终导致了这场悲剧。景在案发当晚前往受害者家中,与玛丽发生争执后将其杀害,并精心伪造了案发现场,企图嫁祸他人。 James Pietragallo 和 Jimmie Whisman: 本案中,凶手景的作案手法极其残忍,并且事后试图掩盖罪行,这体现了其极度扭曲的心理状态。同时,本案也反映了婚外情对家庭和社会造成的巨大危害。受害者玛丽是一位善良无辜的人,她的死令人惋惜。本案也提醒人们,要珍惜家庭,维护婚姻的忠诚,避免类似悲剧的发生。此外,本案也引发了人们对法律程序的思考,例如景的供词是否有效,以及警方在审讯过程中的行为是否符合法律规定等问题。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

This week, in New Castle, Delaware, a horribly bloody murder scene isn't exactly what it appears to be, when detectives notice that body has been stripped of clothes, and cleaned off. The spouse is immediately a suspect, but he was in another state, when this very vicious murder happened. As layers start to peel away from the mystery, an affair bubbles to the surface, and a confession comes from the last person you'd expect!!

Along the way, we find out that everywhere is close to everywhere in Delaware, that it's gross to call a sexual partner by a parental name, and that love can most certainly make you do crazy things!!

Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman

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