cover of episode Connecting With The Invisible | Guided Hypnosis for Better Sleep

Connecting With The Invisible | Guided Hypnosis for Better Sleep

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Sleep Magic: Meditation, Hypnosis & Sleepy Stories

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jessica Porter
Jessica Porter: 本集引导式催眠旨在帮助人们连接自身感官,特别是触觉,以接收来自周围环境的能量。她以自身经验为例,描述了如何通过双手感受音乐的振动,并以此类推到其他感官,例如通过脚底、腹部、心脏和大脑的特定部位接收能量和振动。她强调我们是被动的能量接收者,会受到积极或消极能量的影响,并鼓励人们尝试倾听和接收来自周围环境的积极能量,以达到深度放松和更好的睡眠。她引导听众进行一系列的放松练习,想象能量流经全身,最终达到身心合一的境界。整个过程强调放松、接受和感受,引导听众进入深度睡眠状态。 Jessica Porter: 本集的核心在于引导听众意识到我们周围存在着许多无形的能量,这些能量可以通过我们的感官来感知和接收。Jessica Porter 鼓励听众打破对可见事物的固有认知,尝试通过不同的感官途径去感受和连接这些无形的能量。她认为,通过这种方式,我们可以更好地理解自身与周围环境的关系,并从中获得身心上的益处,例如缓解焦虑,改善睡眠质量等。她还强调了积极能量的重要性,并引导听众去感受和接纳这些能量,从而达到身心平衡的状态。

Deep Dive

Jessica discusses an exercise from Roberta that helps connect with the invisible through our senses, emphasizing the importance of listening and receiving energy.
  • Roberta's exercise involves listening to music through the palms of the hands.
  • Energy is constantly pouring into us through various parts of our body.
  • We are receivers of both positive and negative energies.

Shownotes Transcript


Hi, I'm Jessica Porter and welcome back to Sleep Magic, a podcast where I help you find the magic of your own mind, helping you to sleep better and live better. Thank you everyone for being here tonight. I'm going to keep the intro short. I just want to give a shout out tonight to Caitlin, a single mom who uses Sleep Magic to help with anxiety. Thank you for listening, Caitlin, and for spreading the word. I'm so glad it helps.

Before we get started, let's hear a quick word from our sponsors who make this free content possible. Ryan Reynolds here from Intmobile. With the price of just about everything going up during inflation, we thought we'd bring our prices down.

So to help us, we brought in a reverse auctioneer, which is apparently a thing. Mint Mobile Unlimited Premium Wireless. How did they get 30, 30, how did they get 30, how did they get 20, 20, 20, how did they get 20, 20, how did they get 15, 15, 15, 15, just 15 bucks a month? Sold! Give it a try at slash switch. $45 upfront payment equivalent to $15 per month. New customers on first three-month plan only. Taxes and fees extra. Speeds lower above 40 gigabytes each detail. Tonight, connecting with the invisible.

So I'm in this year-long accountability group. I've done it for about four years now, and it's with people from all around the world. And we check in over a webinar every month. And on every webinar, a woman from Italy, Roberta, does an exercise with all of us.

Now, Roberta is a very deep woman and has a background in music and dance. So her exercises are always done to music and she asks us to stand up and move our bodies, incorporating some deep and meaningful idea as we move. And the other day she asked us to listen to the music through our hands. And I'm like, what? And Roberta talks like this.

Let the music come into the palms of your hands. Okay, I know this sounds trippy, but bear with me. Allow your hands to open right now. And notice all the sensitivity in the palms of your hands. They're really portals. And energy comes out the palms of your hands, like the energy moving through you when you give someone a massage or cook a meal with love.

There's a tenderness, an energy from your heart being emitted through your hands. But your hands also receive energy. They feel, they absorb, they listen, or they can. And sure enough, when I opened my hands to the music, to really imagine the music coming into my body through my hands as if they were themselves a pair of ears, it worked. So let's do that now.

listen to my voice, but imagine my voice is coming through the palms of your hands instead of your ears. And this exercise made me experience my whole being as like a receiver, a vibration of energy. And music showed me that. Roberta showed me that. So whether we know it or not, whether we believe it or not, energy is pouring into us and it surrounds us.

from every angle. And it's coming into us through our hands, our ears, our hearts, our brains. We are receivers of the invisible. And we are supported by these energies, especially when they're positive. And we can also be drained by these energies when they're chaotic or negative. Yeah, and I found that exercise with Roberta fascinating because we're so trained to believe only in the visible things.

the provable things, the observable things. And yet thoughts, feelings, even smells and sounds, they're all invisible. So much of our world can't be held or seen or touched, and yet it's there. So let's do some listening and receiving tonight. But before we begin, I have a request. If you're listening to Sleep Magic using AirPods or earbuds, I'd ask you to take one of them out

You can listen to me with one ear while also tuning into the sounds going on around you and into you through your body. Great. So get yourself into a safe and comfortable position and let's begin. Allow your eyes to close easily and gently. Here we are again. Here you are again in your own body, in your own consciousness, relaxing as you release

at the end of the day. Now bring your awareness to your breath just for a moment. And your breathing can just be regular, normal breathing, nothing fancy. But your awareness is now settling on your breath. It may not stay there for long, and that's normal. But for just a moment, you're reeling your awareness in to your breath, like pulling an unruly puppy gently, gently,

on his leash as your awareness hangs out on your breath. Good. And now I'd like you to bring your awareness up into your eyelids and just imagine that your eyelids are feeling heavy, that the muscles of your eyelids are releasing and relaxing, getting heavier and heavier. And as you accept this sleepiness in your eyelids, I'd like you to imagine that this sleepiness in your eyelids, this heaviness is so complete

so total and you are accepting it so completely that your eyes simply won't open. Now, your eyes will open if you want to open them, but we're pretending that you can't. So as we pretend that your eyes are so relaxed, they simply will not open. I want you to test that right now by wiggling your eyebrows. Just give them a tug while your eyes remain closed. Good. Beautiful.

So now this relaxation that you have around your eyes is the same quality of relaxation you will soon have throughout your entire body. So let's imagine this relaxation around your eyes now. Let's imagine it moving back into your head, sort of pouring back into your head like a waterfall of relaxation taking over every single cell of your brain. And your whole head is becoming heavy now. Heavy.

heavy like a bowling ball, and it feels nice to let your head relax. You've done a lot of things with your head today. You've been alert, and now as it sinks deeper and deeper into the pillow, and the muscles of your face are letting go, and you give permission to your face to let go of the day, of any performing you may have done today, of any masks,

you may have worn today. Just letting all of that go. Good. And as this wonderful relaxation that's inside your brain, this waterfall of relaxation, let's imagine the mist from that waterfall, the beautiful, beautiful mist from that waterfall moving down into your neck so that the large muscles of your neck are softening and releasing.

into the bed or the pillow. Just imagine your neck relaxing. Good. And as that mist of relaxation moves down even further now into your shoulders, just allow your shoulders to let go. Everything you've carried on those shoulders today falling to the floor. Because now that you're relaxing at the end of the day, you get to be selfish.

You get to let go of your responsibilities for the night. The things that are important to you are being carried in your subconscious mind, and you couldn't forget them if you tried. You are a responsible person, but your body can let it go. Your muscles are letting everything. And just as you are letting go tonight, of the world is letting go too.

We all get to be selfish at the same time. So give yourself permission to release and relax as that mist of relaxation moves down your arms and your arms are feeling nice and heavy, heavy. And as the relaxation moves down into your hands, into your fingers, allow your hands to feel heavy, heavy, good.

And let's imagine that mist of relaxation now moving down inside your chest. As you imagine that mist surrounding your heart, spiraling around your heart, that beautiful mist holding, holding your heart. And as you hold your own heart, any emotional tension that may have built up over the day or the last little while is dissolving and disappearing.

And the muscles of your back are softening and relaxing. The muscles in your chest releasing, letting go. And as we imagine the mist of relaxation moving down even deeper into your torso, softening, softening, softening your internal organs. Everything feeling very gentle inside. We can build up so much

tension during the day deep inside. And as this mist moves so beautifully and gently deep into your belly, your pelvis is feeling heavy on the bed. The muscles of your lower back are softening and relaxing. And any tension you may have held deep inside today or in the last little while has disappeared. Your whole

torso feel so relaxed and heavy on the bed. As that mist of relaxation moves down into your legs, pouring down your legs like a waterfall. And as that mist moves down into your knee, down your calf, into your ankle, allow that relaxation to pour right down deep into your feet and your toe. Your legs are now feeling

So relax. So heavy. So heavy. And as your body is relaxing, your mind is relaxing. And as your mind is relaxing, your body is relaxing. And as your body is relaxing, your mind is relaxing. Good. So now I'd like you to bring your awareness into one of your hands. Allow that hand to open. I'd like you to listen.

with that palm. Listen to any sounds going on around you, in your room or in your environment. Maybe there's a fan or an air conditioner or a television in another room. Let those sounds and vibrations come into your hand and let them take you deeper and deeper into relaxation. The palms of your hands are receivers.

and you are receiving vibrations going on around you. Just imagine listening through your hand. Good. Well done. Now let's bring the awareness to the soles of your feet. You can focus on one foot or on both. You decide. I'd like you to imagine listening to the sounds in your environment or just the vibe of the room through your feet. Through the soles of your feet.

And as you go deeper and deeper and your awareness is coming down to the soles of your feet, notice that they're receivers and can sense vibration. As you let them listen, what are your feet sensing? As the sound of my voice takes you deeper and deeper into relaxation, bring your awareness up your body now to your lower belly.

Let's just hang out in all the sensitivity in your gut. Imagine all the vibrations being picked up from your belly. Just let your belly listen and receive what's going on in your belly. Now bring your awareness up into your heart. And as you go deeper and deeper, allow the whole area around your heart to open.

and relax and receive. Let your heart listen and sense. Your heart is a receiver. Notice the vibrations being picked up by your heart. What are you letting in to your heart as it listens? Good. I'd like you to bring your awareness now up into your brain, right into the middle of it, what we call the third. Imagine that there's a very sensitive spot

right in the middle of your brain where you pick up vibrations, sounds, and intuition. And now imagine listening from your third eye. You are a receiver, your whole body absorbing vibration. Listening, listening. Imagine now you're standing in a pine forest. You smell the strong scent of the trees,

and feel a cool evening breeze on your face. You reach out and touch the thick, scaly bark of one of the older trees, and now you lie down on the ground, which is covered in a soft of dry pine needles. It feels so comfortable as you go deeper and deeper, and as you stare up into the branches of the trees,

past all the tiny pine needles and into the evening sky. You take a nice deep breath of clean, clean air and you smell the rich scent of the earth. As you relax, you begin to listen, your whole body opening to the sound and the energy of the forest. You hear the hoot of an owl, the cracking of a twig,

You are a receiver taking in this wonderful environment, becoming one with it. I receive easily. I receive easily. I receive easily. The sky beyond the tree is becoming a darker blue. And you close your eyes and you open your hands as your palms receive the sounds of the forest.

And as you go deeper and deeper, you'll bring your awareness to the back of your head as it lays upon the pine needles. And you sense, you feel, you listen from the back of your head. And now imagine listening from your spine, moving down your spine as it relaxes and opens and listens to the earth

The earth has its own magnetic charge and even a sound called the earth's hum and you are hearing it through your spine as you receive this deep, deep charge from the earth. Nothing to do, nothing to think, just receiving. And as you go deeper and deeper, this energy is revitalizing every cell

And any resistance you may have had to this energy has disappeared as you become one with the forest. And now you are in a cabin in the forest so you can sleep through the night. You're safe and protected. And the bed of pine needles has become a comfortable mattress. There's a skylight in the roof of the cabin.

and you see the stars twinkling in the sky, you listen to them, receive them. I receive easily. I receive easily. I receive easily. As you drift and float and dream.