This week, Felix Salmon, Emily Peck and Stacy-Marie Ishmael talk about’s CEO firing tons of employees via Zoom, DoorDash’s dark stores and increased hiring, and New York City Council passing a measure to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections.
In the Plus segment: What’s going on with inflation now.
**Mentioned In the show: **
“Better CEO ‘Taking Time Off Effective Immediately’: Email”) by Maxwell Strachan
“The Dark Side of 15-Minute Grocery Delivery”) by Lev Kushner and Greg Lindsay
“Closed Movie Theaters Leave Void From Small Towns to Big Cities”) by Brian Eckhouse and Dave Merrill
"Cream Cheese Is the Latest Casualty of Cyberattacks”) by Elizabeth Elkin and Deena Shanker
“How a Cream Cheese Shortage is Affecting N.Y.C. Bagel Shops”) by Ashley Wong
Email: [email protected])
Podcast production by Cheyna Roth
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