Christopher Edwards
Mariah 和 Taz:马莎·爱德华兹的谋杀自杀案震惊了亚特兰大社区,案件的官方结论是谋杀自杀,但动机不明确。马莎拥有成功的事业、幸福的家庭和良好的人际关系,她的两个孩子也才华横溢,前途光明。这起悲剧给人们留下了许多疑问,也引发了人们对案件背后真相的猜测。一些人怀疑马莎的前夫克里斯托弗·爱德华兹可能参与其中,但缺乏直接证据。 Mariah 和 Taz 详细描述了马莎和她的家人,以及他们各自的成就和生活状态。她们回顾了马莎和克里斯托弗的婚姻和离婚过程,以及马莎与孩子们之间的良好关系。她们还提到了马莎在案发前几天与孩子们一起旅行的经历,以及她案发当天发布的社交媒体帖子,这些都与她自杀的结论相矛盾。 Mariah 和 Taz 对警方调查结果表示质疑,并提出了自己的推测,认为马莎的死因可能另有隐情,克里斯托弗·爱德华兹可能在其中扮演了某种角色。她们分析了案件中的一些细节,例如马莎和孩子们各自的枪伤数量,以及案发现场的环境等,试图寻找案件背后的真相。 Christopher Edwards:克里斯托弗·爱德华兹在事件发生后保持沉默,直到很久以后才公开发表声明,呼吁人们专注于帮助他人,并表示这是他唯一一次也是最后一次向媒体发言。他的沉默加剧了人们对案件的猜测。 Mariah 和 Taz:尽管警方调查结论为谋杀自杀,但两位主持人对这一结论表示质疑,并提出了自己的推测和疑问。她们认为,马莎的死因可能另有隐情,而马莎的前夫克里斯托弗·爱德华兹可能与此事有关。她们分析了案件中的一些细节,例如枪伤数量、案发时间、马莎案发前的社交媒体活动等等,试图寻找案件背后的真相。她们的推测基于对马莎和她的家人生活状态的了解,以及对案件官方结论的质疑。她们的讨论充满了疑问和猜测,也反映了公众对这起悲剧的困惑和不解。

Deep Dive

The podcast introduces the players involved in the case, detailing the backgrounds and achievements of Dr. Marsha Edwards and her family, setting the stage for the tragic events that unfolded.

Shownotes Transcript


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And welcome back to Sisters Who Kill. Oh, this is so sad. When investigating a case, police love an open and shut case. Why? Because they're easy. The wheels of justice move really fast. But what happens when they open and shut too quickly? Dun, dun, dun.

Our players this week are Christopher Edwards, Marsha's husband. Christopher Edwards II, our victim, and Marsha's son. Aaron Edwards, our victim, and Marsha's daughter. And Marsha Edwards, our murderess. Marsha Denise Major Edwards was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She was born on March 6th, 1961 to her mother, Iva Williams Major.

And maybe a father. I don't know. Now, she grew up and her family really put forth the importance of education. And she really wanted to make something of herself. And so she did. After graduating from high school, she went to Southern University. Shout out to the HBCUs. And got a BS of science.

She went on to pursue her doctorate and she went to LSU School of Medicine in Shreveport, Louisiana. From there, she practiced family medicine. While she was there, she met Dr. Christopher Edwards and he was an orthopedic surgeon in the area and he was extending his education. That's why he was in Shreveport. Now, when they dated, they really hit it off. Now, Dr. Christopher Edwards is from Columbus, Georgia. He

is a second generation Morehouse man. Shout out to the Morehouse men. His father, who was the first generation Morehouse man, his name was Dr. Delmar Edwards. His dad is actually a part of black history. His dad, Dr. Delmar Edwards, was the first black orthopedic surgeon in Columbus, Georgia.

Dr. Christopher Edwards, Marsha's soon-to-be husband, graduated from Morehouse, graduated from Morehouse again for the School of Medicine, went to Shreveport. He is a part of all of the surgical clubs and

accolades that you're supposed to have. He served as the assistant clinical professor of surgery at the Morehouse School of Medicine. He is the vice chair of the board of trustees for Morehouse School of Medicine, and he's the vice chair of the board of trustees for Grady Memorial Hospital. I do believe that he's still in those positions today. Now, we're

When Dr. Marsha and Dr. Christopher got together, they were in love. Now, when Dr. Christopher and Marsha got together, now he already had a child from another relationship, an older daughter. That's what I heard on the Internet. But it didn't matter. We were going to be together. It doesn't matter. And she's still in school. She's pursuing her doctorate. We are looking like a black excellence couple right here. You know what I'm saying? They are on their way. So they got, okay, doctor, soon to be doctor. And then she found out she was pregnant.

And in 1995, she had her son, Chris Edwards Jr. But that didn't stop her. Education was always first. And she finished her degree in 1996. And now she, too, was Dr. Edwards. Dr. Edwards, Dr. Edwards. From there, the couple decided that they were going to move to Atlanta. Back to Atlanta for him and to Atlanta for the first time for her. And they practiced in the family medicine program at Emory University.

right down the street. In 99, they had a daughter and her name was Erin Victoria Edwards. Now, Marsha, she loved her friends. She loved her family. She loved her kids. She was an overall happy person. She's from Louisiana. Everybody says she made the best gumbo and she knew it.

And honestly, I was looking through their family pictures and I think that that's one of the things that an HBCU has that most people don't speak of. You meet all of these 18 through 22 meeting other crazy ass black 18 through 22 year olds.

that are going to go on and be excellent. All of her friends from college are doctors. His friends from college are all professionals. And now your kids have all of these super successful play aunties and play uncles that they've known their entire lives. And now your child is surrounded by black excellence because you took the chance to go to an HBCU and immerse yourself in the HBCU world. So like, look

looking at their pictures, I'm like, this is exactly the reason why. And everybody knew that she loved hosting everybody. She loved her kids and she loved working. So when Marsha moved to Atlanta, she became really a staple, a pillar in her community. She wasn't just about doing her doctoral work, but also

also wanted to truly be involved in her community. She joined the Camilla Rose Chapter of the Links. The Camilla Rose Chapter of the Links was a volunteer organization committed to enriching, sustaining, and ensuring the culture and economic survival of African Americans and other persons of African ancestry. So she was out here doing her Black work, to be specific.

She also joined the Atlanta chapter of the Jack and Jill of America, more black work. Yep. And up an echelon black work. You know what I mean? Because she had the money. For those who don't know, this is a membership organization of mothers with children ages 2 to 19 dedicated to nurturing future African-American leaders by strengthening the children through leadership development, volunteer service, philanthropic giving, and civic duty.

Of course, she had her kids involved. Erin was at all the cotillions. Marsha also worked with the City of Atlanta's Workers' Comp program. She worked as a partner at the Atlanta Neurological and Spine Institute from 2004 to 2014. Now, this was her husband's practice, and she worked there alongside him. Now, somewhere between 2012, 2014,

Her and her husband separated and can only assume this is why her time ended at the Atlanta Neurological and Spine Institute. From there, she went on to be a sales consultant for Biocraft. In the meantime, in between time, she kept that job, maintained that job. She started her own business in 2015 called MME Enterprise. This was a premier surgical and medical equipment supplier. And according to her LinkedIn profile,

They quote, provide state-of-the-art FDA-approved durable medical equipment to medical professionals and medical establishments in the southeastern region. They take pride in effectively assisting physicians in addressing the needs of patients while decreasing the cost of medical care.

The primary goal is to help people lead more active, productive, and pain-free lives by restoring daily function through highly differentiated surgical products and devices. Whether the patient's injury is due to sports, work, or daily activity, they offer products that reduce recovery time and excessive pain medications while providing patient satisfaction.

MME Enterprise LLC is dedicated to developing and maintaining lasting relationships, providing the best products for the best price. And they want to become the supplier of your choice. Period. As you can tell, this is a very well-off family. And because of that, they were able... She was a very accomplished woman. And her husband was a very accomplished man. And so their children really had...

the best in life. Now, Erin Victoria, she was born, like we said, on June 21st, 1999. She went to high school in Atlanta and she graduated from the Woodward Academy in Atlanta, which is a very fancy school. I actually went to that school for pre-K. While she was at school, she knew that she wanted to be a writer. She was a Tumblr girl and she was writing blogs and she knew that what she wanted to do in her life had to involve social justice. She was very pro-Black. She started making

Like her Tumblr, like I said, she also co-founded and was the co-editor of Afroglo. According to her YouTube, it says that Afroglo. She said, this is all things Afrocentric. Follow, like, and subscribe for beauty, style, natural hair, culture, and social justice blogs. She knew that this was what she wanted to do in life and that she wanted to become a journalist and journalist.

really bring light to her community. In 2017, she was crowned prom queen at her school. Of course. And absolutely.

She actually interned in New York at WNBC, and she was mentored by Blaine Alexander, who said that Erin was beyond effrocentric. She was happy, excited. She's always eager to jump in when it comes to journalism. She wants to learn everything. And I mean, she is really creative. Her YouTube, she was just starting it for Afroglo. But oh my goodness, I could tell that there is like...

real talent in her direction and how she wants to get her voice out, how she wants to talk about womanism, blackness. She really...

knew what she wanted and so she was going to do that. Now, she was a part of the Posse Foundation. She was extremely smart. She did well in school and basically this foundation picks students based off of their extraordinary academic and leadership potential. And from that, she got a full ride to Boston University. When she moved to Boston, she loved it. She wrote for the Daily Free Press and she was starting to write different pieces covering immigration rights, affordable housing, transgender rights,

They would keep her in the office late and she would just be happily type, type, type, editing away, type, type, type, editing away because she knew that this was how she wanted to spend her life. She was willing to put in the work to really train and hone her craft so that she could be an excellent journalist. She also was able to go back and forth to New York where she was working with NBC, starting her career there.

She was selfless. She always had a smile on her face. I also saw a picture on Erin's Facebook where she got to meet Angela Davis, and she was so excited. I was like, girl, I know you're excited. I'm excited, too. Her Facebook is full of her posting about herself, the things she's doing, and the people that she loves. And, of course, her big brother, Christopher Redding Edwards II...

was born on June 30th, 1995. And he described himself as a sports nerd in the South just trying to make a difference. And he looked just like his daddy. Oh, man. He a junior for real. He is. He looked just like his daddy.

On his website, he says that my ultimate goal is to work as a professional sports television and radio broadcaster. More so, I strive to inspire future African-American broadcasters that you can reach your dreams and make a difference if you put the work in and have a little faith along the way. He, too, graduated from Woodward Academy, and then he went on to

and graduated from Elon University with a degree in broadcast journalism and film production. His resume was stacked. For a little while, he worked back at his parents' practice at the Atlanta Neurological and Spine Institute. Then he, you know, interned. He was in Media Craft, the Vocal Corner store. He was interning at the Atlanta City Council. He then became a production assistant intern at the SEC Network, television production assistant at WABE. He was like...

you know, media and television is his thing and sports. And he was really starting to work towards that. Then, you know, one thing about being excellent in black and having parents that have excellent in black friends is that you get to the top of excellent in blackness. And so he was actually working as the digital content manager for the mayor's office of entertainment. So a lot of people crossed his path. He was working on the social media. He was really,

He wasn't doing sports at the time, and everybody knew that sports was his ultimate goal, but he was working full-time in his career. And I will say, like, his connection with the mayor, the family home was in the same neighborhood that Keisha Lance Bottoms lived in. So she watched these kids grow up. So it was nothing for her to get a job. Yeah, she knows them.

And not only that, but like him, just like his sister, they have all of the excellent and blackness and can do whatever they want. But they also worked their asses off. Right. As we spoke on earlier, Marsha and Christopher Sr., they did everything.

end up facing some issues in their marriage and decided that it was best that they go their separate ways. I think they began their separation around 2012 and then maybe got officially divorced by 2014. And they kept it very cute because you can't find a scandal about it anywhere.

But apparently by the time that they were officially divorced, Christopher Sr. was already engaged to another woman. Of course he was. And both of them are very well known in their community. I feel like they both were just like, she was like, you dumb as fuck. Of course, now we can't tell no fucking body.

Yeah. And, you know, to do Black folks know about discretion. You know, they have to. That's how they stay well to do. It's not like they were private about a lot of things. They definitely, you know, bragged on themselves. People knew, like, the work that they did, but people didn't know about this shit. It was kept tight.

All in all, the divorce seems pretty amicable. When they were seen out in public, which they were still seen together from time to time, it was always friendly. There was never any statements of either one of them speaking bad about each other. She didn't change her last name, probably because she shares that name with her kids. So why would she? But I have heard rumors that apparently...

Chris Sr. took Marsha through it while they were married. Maybe he was very controlling. Maybe he was just an asshole. Don't really know. Or maybe he was just a sneaky-ass, cheating-ass. Maybe he was just a sneaky-ass, cheating-ass nigga. They didn't have any reports, so we really don't know what was going on between them. Like, we don't know if he was actually physically abusive. We don't know if he was cheating, but I feel like...

I feel like he was. If you already engaged, nigga, you was cheating. Morehouse man, please. He was cheating. So Marsha moves on. She finds herself a four-story townhouse in Cobb County. It's giving wealthy. Wait, somewhere else I saw Vinings. Is Vinings in Cobb County? Probably. Probably.

But I have seen Vinings. I think Vinings is the city and Cobb is the county. Yeah, the townhouse was in Vinings, but it's getting wealthy. But still, the relationship between her and her kids stayed strong. You know, the relationship between her and her and Alex's husband stayed amicable. She continued to do well for herself. She continued to be there for her family. And she continued to strive in her own life.

In fact, in April of 2019, her daughter Erin made a Facebook post dedicated to Marsha with the caption reading, You know, what an honor.

And she's really just taking this time to enjoy her life. Her kids are doing well. They're making their parents proud, doing respectable jobs after getting their respectable degrees. Marsha even at some point bought her daughter a Tesla. Let's give a big baller, shot caller. Went on a trip to Miami with her son for the National Association of Black Journalists Annual Conference.

And then shortly after that, she needed some other daughter time. So she and Aaron took a trip to Italy, just a little girl's trip. They're living the life, living La Vida Loca. On August 19th of 2019, Marsha posted a picture of her and Aaron from their trip to Italy. Just them having a good time. The next day...

Erin and her dad, they went out for dinner. It was Erin's last night in town before she had to head back to Boston. So her and her dad had a little dinner to catch up before she leaves. And at the dinner, nothing seemed wrong. You know, it was just a regular daddy-daughter dinner, you know, nothing crazy. The following day, August 21st of 2019, Marsha makes an Instagram post saying,

And it's just a series of picture her and her kids smiling, happy. And the caption says, I've had the best summer. First with Chris in Miami and Aaron in Italy. I could not ask for better children. Later that day, while she and her kids were at her fancy townhouse,

Chris was lying in his room. Marsha goes, gets a gun, goes into the room where Chris is lying down and shoots him five times. She then goes into the room where Aaron is and proceeds to shoot Aaron three times, then turns the gun onto herself and shoots herself in the chest.

All three of them succumbed to their injuries and died. It's the next day, and it was time for Chris Jr. to go back to work, but he didn't show up. Now, like I said, Chris is very dedicated to his work, just like his sister, just like everybody in his family. So when he didn't show up, they were like, hmm, this is weird.

We know Chris Sr. Let's just call him and see if he knows where his son is. They call Dr. Christopher Edwards. And Dr. Edwards says, Chris is missing from work. That definitely doesn't make sense. Let me try and call him. Calls Chris. Doesn't answer. Ring, ring. Doesn't answer. And so he starts thinking to himself, hmm, where was Chris last? Chris was with his mom.

That's weird. Let's call Marsha. Calls Marsha. Doesn't answer. Calls Marsha. Doesn't answer. He's like, that's weird. And he's like, let me call Aaron. Shoot. Aaron is supposed to be... What time is it? She should be heading back to the airport. I know her schedule because she has to go back to Boston. Let me call Aaron. Calls Aaron. Doesn't answer. Calls Aaron. Doesn't answer. At this point, he's like, I done called everybody at the house and no one has answered. So he's like...

Let me call the police. Let me tell them to go swing by Marsha's house, make sure everything is okay. The police pull up to the house in Vinings and Dr. Edwards, he was already on his way, to meet the police there.

When he gets there, the police, they pull up and they see the bodies of Aaron, Christopher, and Marsha, all dead from gunshot wounds. When the news got out of All Three of Them Dying, it was a huge shock to the Atlanta community. Everybody knew this family. Everybody knew these kids. Everybody knew Marsha. What could have possibly happened? The autopsy report comes back and shows that all of them were shot with a gun,

They also say that the hole in Marsha's chest was self-inflicted. And so now the medical examiner and the police, they say that this was clearly a murder-suicide. And people just couldn't understand, like...

We know that Dr. Marsha loved her children more than anything else. She loved them. And when people found out that Erin wasn't coming back to Boston, people were just in awe. They said that Erin was a gifted storyteller with a passion for her work.

Her enthusiasm was infectious. She was an incredibly decent, kind person who was really to be admired. And her talents were truly God-given. Now, Dr. Chris Edwards, everybody wanted to hear from him, but you know, he's got everybody in place like he needs to. He's

dotted his eyes and crossed his t's and he has a family spokesperson speak to the media they said quote dr edwards his extended family and friends are in a state of grief and shock and privacy of the family is paramount as arrangements are being made

But then Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms made a statement after the murder. Because again, she saw this family grow up. She's very familiar with everyone who was lost in this tragedy. She posted a statement that said,

compassion, and kindness. May the peace of God that surpass all understanding be with the Edwards family and all who had the honor of having had known them.

Which I think is a very good statement because especially as the mayor, you have to draw that line because a lot of people are confused by this news, right? A lot of people, how does Marsha, who loves her kids so much, who just posted she's enjoying her life, then take her own family? And a lot of people didn't want to believe this narrative. But as the mayor, like, you can't, like...

say, oh, we lost Marsha to this tragedy. You know, you can't really console, you can't really grieve your friend publicly or make a statement on her behalf. And, you know, she just kept it about the kids and left it at that, which, I mean, I think it was a very tasteful statement.

Yeah, I'm sure that in the privacy of her own home and her own circles that she grieved Marcia also. The National Association of Black Journalists President Dorothy Tucker said, quote, this tragedy has claimed the lives of three members, but touches countless more.

Also, one of Aaron's managers spoke out and said, quote, Aaron was the type of intern you're always hoping for. So bright, so engaged, entrepreneurial, a beautiful writer, the kind of person who makes you grow as a manager.

She goes on to say that Erin pitched, produced, and spotlighted the diversity and humanity of New York City. And she wrote about the elderly, interviewed a person who suffered from mental health issues, interviewed her favorite drag queen for Stonewall's 50th uprising anniversary. Like, she wrote with a purpose. She wrote to highlight those who don't often get highlighted, a voice for the voiceless, like really touching in on...

all those smaller communities who don't often get recognized or get spoke of, especially in a positive way. There was a joint funeral held for all three of the Edwards on August 28th. Governor Brian Kemp, Mayor Keisha Bottoms, and former Mayor Kasim Reed were all in attendance. Dr. Christopher Edwards greeted


Reverend Terry Lemons, who was Marsha's childhood friend, described the sudden loss as tough when she spoke at the funeral. One of Erin's best friends spoke and said that Erin was a beautiful voice, that she loved whipped cream, she loved butter, and she was her very best friend. I, too, love butter. I put that shit on everything.

Country, country, because she country too. When they spoke about Christopher Edwards II, they said that he never met a stranger. His friends from college described him as the dad friend of the group. You know, he was the one that always looked out for everybody, but he was determined to reach all of his goals.

Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms also spoke at the funeral, and she was telling people about how she first met Christopher and Marsha when she first married her husband and they moved in the same neighborhood. She said that little Chris was just a breath of fresh air. He was just the perfect little gentleman, and he had unique comicality. When they spoke about Aaron, they talked about how...

She really could have taken off with her communications career, honestly, without even going to school. And that she, say it with me guys, brightened every room that she walked into. At the funeral, the mayor announced a mayor scholarship fund that will be named after both Chris and Erin, made for students pursuing degrees in journalism, sports, and entertainment.

One of Marsha's nieces said, as we grieve, I'd encourage you not to focus on what we don't know, but what we do know. And that's that this family was full of love. We ask you respect us as we grieve three members of our family we loved deeply. That kind of made me, I don't think this is the first time I've ever kind of teared up.

Read about somebody's funeral on this show. Oh, wow. Now, when the officers dealt with the investigation, they said that the kids had multiple gunshot wounds each and the mom died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The neighbor, Talia Cartel, was interviewed, and she said that she didn't hear anything. No shouting, no gunshots. But she also claimed that the townhomes were very well insulated. So, you know, noise was never really a problem over here. She also said that she never really saw any issues between Marsha and her ex-husband, Christopher. Whenever they were seen together, they always seemed amicable, like...

friends, you know? When the funeral happened, the police still hadn't quite pieced together exactly why Marsha decided to kill herself and her kids. There was no suicide note. There was no inclination as to why this may happen. There was no tragedy going on in her life.

Rumors went around that Marsha was jealous of Chris's new fiance and did this to get back at him. But this is also a very drastic move to get back at him. Others speculate that Marsha was a part of a scheme that stole government funds and she got audited and then killed the kids and herself to try and save face. But that also doesn't pan out because had that been the case, you know, something would have arose by now. We found out why. There's nothing that's still unexplicable as to why this happened.

In November of 2019, the autopsy reports were finally released. It showed that Aaron and Marsha died in the same room, but Christopher died in the bedroom.

And they also tested Marsha's blood alcohol level, and they found that she had less than the legal drinking limit. In fact, the medical examiner said that the alcohol found in her system could have just been a byproduct of her body decomposing. So it's very possible that she was completely sober. Once the autopsies were released, Detective Murphy from the Cobb County Police Department said that there was, quote, " evidence of a fourth party being included in the three deaths at this residence."

Based on the information available at this time, the cause of death is certified as gunshot wound to the chest. Given the findings of the police investigation,

The manner of death is certified as a suicide. Basically, they couldn't find anything to point to anybody else. There's no evidence of anybody else being in a house. There's no evidence that anybody else could have committed this crime. And being that Marsha's wound was self-inflicted and the only one self-inflicted, they narrowed down that she must have killed her kids and then killed herself afterwards.

Scholarships for both of the kids were set up at their alma maters. Chris had a scholarship at Elon University called the 101 Sports Scholarship and the Aaron Victoria Edwards Award for Leadership, Excellence and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion was created in honor of Aaron. This scholarship

Scholarship is given to communication seniors and grad students who are outstanding leaders in DEI at Boston University College of Communication and in the community. It's nice that they honored the diversity aspect of the work that she was doing.

And not just the journalism part. I mean, that's that's but that was the focus of her journalism, like everything that she. But I think could have easily just put a journalism scholarship out, but to make sure that it focused on the things that she was passionate about. Like, right. There was a scholarship fund established for Dr. Marsha at the Morehouse School of Medicine's Satcher Health Leadership Institute.

And finally, for the first time, Dr. Christopher Edwards broke his silence and spoke about this incident on September 11th, 2019.

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So he pretty much said nothing about it. He didn't say anything. And he just said, and that's all I'm going to say about it. He didn't formally sit down before his ex-wife and kids, but they started asking about him publicly. And he was like, no, no, we're here for business and business only. Yeah. What a heavy story. And that is the story of Dr. Marsha Edwards. Okay. Can we talk about this story for real, for real? Everybody has heard the facts. We've told it the way that it needs to be told. I don't think she killed herself.

I don't think she killed them kids. I just don't. I just don't. So do you have a suspect in mind? Yeah, I do. As a matter of fact, his name is Dr. Christopher Edwards. Oh, Lord. Y'all don't think that man killed his wife? I think even if he conspired to kill his wife, I don't think he would kill his kids.

This is definitely a story where nothing makes sense. Nothing makes sense. Maybe he tried to do like a murder for hire thing. But if the if the gun looks self-inflicted, Marsha wasn't a big woman. You know what I'm saying? And he is a bigger man. And if somebody is wrestling you with the gun, they can make it look like you did it. And you're so connected. So that's a great way of keeping things under wraps. But it's also a way of, you know, helping things move in your favor.

I saw somebody on YouTube that was like, I didn't see it in a newspaper article. I saw this on like a YouTube comment. You know, take what I'm saying with a grain of salt. Yeah, we're done with the facts. Yeah, the facts are done. I heard that somebody was like, oh, she was suffering from dementia and that's why that happened. And I'm like, if you're suffering from dementia, there are stages to that. It's not like one day you're great and one day you're horrible. Like you do phase things.

Right. Through dementia. Like, you phase through, you know, your brain going away. Right. And to say that dementia made you kill your entire family? Right. You're still traveling. You're still living by yourself. You're still going internationally. Your grown kids aren't doing everything for you. They're learning how to be independent people for themselves. And, you know, dementia can come. I've heard of young people with dementia, so we always think it's an old folks thing. But...

That doesn't make you kill your family at all. So why do you think the dad did it? What is his motive? Not wanting to go public with the divorce. But even still it's public. It really wasn't until afterwards. But that's what I'm saying. It didn't prevent anything. I ain't seen no engagement on his page because he ain't on the internet like his kids are.

I don't know. I think even that still doesn't make sense. I think he'd rather have a divorce tied to his name than his entire family being murdered to his name. You know, because even if he didn't do it, it's still associated with him, you know? Like, you search Dr. Christopher Edwards, you don't see his new family. Entire family killed. No. Yeah, after you scroll down a bit, but you type in his name, you get...

in Morehouse School of Medicine and all of his accolades. And then, like, in a small section, it starts to see...

You start to see, like, autopsy from his family. He's fine. Honestly, he's fine. I think he's going to be fine regardless, but still. It's still on the first Google page. And I think he'd rather a divorce be tied to that, especially because it seems like they were going through it amicably. Like, there's just not— Maybe if he was having, like, a bunch of issues and she was stalling the divorce and he couldn't get divorced. But at this point, 2019, they divorced in 2014. But somebody said—

Somebody kind of like threw away mention, oh yeah, he put her through it. Yeah, but they divorced five years ago at this point. I know some people that I know from five years ago that'll still kill over me. Mm-mm. He got too much to lose. What them people got going for them? That's why you have all the leaders in your pocket. She really think it's him. It may not be him. You know what I'm saying? Like, I am totally speculating. Clearly the police said that he didn't do it, but like...

No one can find a motive. But I feel like the motive is lacking on both sides. Because even her side was about the divorce. She could never get over him. And she decided she was going to get back at him. Please. She was living her best life. She was having so much fun. She just couldn't get over that man. And there's no need to give her a pass or act like she didn't do it. She murdered her entire family. But all of it is speculating over...

It being about the divorce, and I really just think the divorce is way too old news for it to be anything about that. I don't know what the fuck went on. I don't know what anybody was trying to hide. But I guess it's fucking Barry, because we don't know. I guess it worked, because we don't know. Yeah, because we don't even know what type of gun it was, like...

I'm sitting here trying to count the bullets, because if he was shot... What was the son shot five times? Son five. She was shot three. Shot her once. And, you know, magazines are usually, like, seven to ten bullets. And then, like, why five times and three times? You know what I mean? It's not giving. I didn't want my kids to suffer. I wanted us to go peacefully. It's giving, like, ballistic, like, completely went ape shit. If I'm killing the whole house, I'm turning the gas on and letting everybody go to sleep. Like...

I'm not going to just viciously kill them. And even if she wanted to kill herself because of, like, the tax fraud, the money laundering thing, her daughter was headed back to college the next day. That day? You just had an amazing... That day, yeah, you're right. They... Well, maybe those summer trips were her planning. It could be. Her last moment in. Yeah. But also, you know, why not just take you? That's what I'm saying. I don't know. I don't know. I really want...

in the discussion group for real, for real, y'all. But, like, it's not fair to accuse him of murdering his family when nothing shows that. But, like... And it's just frustrating because nothing really shows that for her either except for she was there and it was self-inflicted. But, like...

It's very hard to process things without a reason. And the medical community is also very close. They also know discretion very well. Who's to say that he wasn't right there while she was being autopsied to skew whatever needs to be done? He's got a medical degree. He can go look at whatever he wants to look at. You know what I'm saying? It's a conflict of interest. But if he knows somebody else that will sign their name on it. Yeah, of course.

I'm Maraz making all this up. Don't have a man calling my phone. Maraz is going to make him guilty, okay? They're going to open up his name. I can't say that he did it or didn't do it.

But it's definitely worth exploring, and no one seems to be exploring that avenue. And it's just very frustrating. Maybe not he did it. He hired someone to do it, and the person came the wrong night, and his daughter was actually not supposed to be there. Very frustrating. It's hard when you're left with the question of why. Yeah. If she left a suicide note, that would be something. You know? Yeah.

Even the money, like, even if you're down bad with the money, like, I don't understand why the kids. Yeah. On the same day that you posted about how you're having the best summer ever, it's not giving suicidal. Nothing is giving suicidal. That's true.

But that's what I'm saying. And that's why I'm saying the trips is the only thing that I can be like, okay, maybe. But then even your Instagram posts are just like, you were having a great year. You're named one of Atlanta's 100 most influential women. Like,

You're having your own successes. You're enjoying your kids. You're traveling with them. You're making memories with them. Your friends are also rich and well-to-do all across the country that you're going to see. Even if your marriage didn't work out, you still have a very full life. I just can't imagine it being about that man. I just can't. Maybe it's because it's me. Yeah.

Maybe she says, I can't, but like, I just, it doesn't make sense to me. Yeah. I think we both know we wouldn't do it. I was going to say, usually this is where we do it. I'm not black, I'm OJ, but I don't think. But if I did, I definitely wouldn't took my kids. I'd have let them keep growing. And I just took myself. If I got something I need to hide and just take me out. And I wouldn't do it by gun. I'm sorry. It hurts. I'm just going to like. Turn the gas on and go to sleep.

Parole or no parole, they're all not with us anymore, so no one went to jail. Let's say Marsha survived. Would you parole her? Hell nah. If she survived? Yeah. If she survived, that means that we have proof that she did it. Hell nah. Hell nah. I'm just not sure that she did it. Yeah. All right, that's the end of the show. Let's go ahead and read some reviews and go home. Do-do-do-do.

All right. If you want to leave us a review, please do anywhere. Sisters Who Kill. You can search us on Spotify, Apple, wherever you listen to your podcast. If you're listening right now, you found us. Go ahead and see if your app lets us, lets you leave a review. Even if it's not a written review, tell them five stars. This is from, I didn't do it, but if I did, it says the saddest day this week. Five stars.

First of all, congratulations ladies on this podcast journey. I have watched every episode from the first one to now and that's why it's a sad day. I'm out of episodes and now I gotta wait until Friday. Mmm!

I remember when I first seen Sisters Who Kill title and I was skeptical. I even played one episode and turned it off midway through because it was different. But I eventually found my way back to You Ladies Show and I love it. From the side conversations to the singing, the giggles, and the profanity, everything is authentic. Please don't go to Hollywood and change on us. A true fan. P.S. I'm also a Taurus and I have ADHD, so I relate so much when y'all go off topic and break into a song. Thank you.

I'm trying to leave Hollywood. My goodness. Dirty city. Dirty city. I'm definitely ready to leave Hollywood. I hate it there. Can't stand LA niggas. I went to the Bay, though. I went to the Bay and I had a ball. If you from the Bay, check in because we enjoyed the Bay so much. But LA, eh, I can live without coming back here. This one says, I love this podcast, but Taz, who you talking about?

Or talking to. I don't know. I got cut off. It says, hey, y'all. I love this podcast. I've been listening every week for about a year now. My bestie put me on. I binge and then I've been keeping up every week. This being said, this week, Taz, you have been calling Mariah. Everybody but Mariah. Was this a joke? And you were trying to see who caught it? Because I did. Keep up the great work and stop playing with my girl. Literally, I think I cut out the beginning, but Taz was like... You should have left it. I'm going to call. I think...

I think, like, I wasn't on the mic or something like that, or you sounded weird or something. But you were like, I'm going to call you every name but your name. And I was like, because a couple names I actually had to cut out because of, like, the bring in was wrong. So they actually didn't even get all the names. But tell them why you did that. I just, I truly enjoy seeing these reviews and seeing what name y'all are going to call for our next. I've been telling her for a while. One day I'm just going to.

I'm just going to be the other people and just call you every wrong name in the book from Mara to Mariah. You get Mariah a lot. You get Mara a lot because the R is capitalized. And if it's not, then it's Mara. Yeah. And then I just started having my fun with it once I got to morale and mirage. No, somebody has definitely called you mirage before. But yeah, I was just being one of y'all. Basically, because that's how y'all do me. Yeah.

That's really how y'all do me. And then people were like, somebody posted, is Taz calling Mariah the wrong name? It's M-A capital R-A-H. M-A capital R-A-H. One more time. M-A capital R-A-H. I appreciate and love y'all so much. Y'all gonna get it. One day. But now I got them paying extra attention to your name, right? See? Right. M-A capital

Capital R-A-H. All right, y'all. Follow us on everything. Sisters Who Kill, Sisters Who Kill Pod, Sisters Who Kill Podcast, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook. We also have a private Facebook discussion group where I really want to hear your opinions about this case. I'm really like, I need to know what you all are thinking. Sisters Who Kill Podcast private discussion group. Do you have anything else, friend? Talk to us. We talk back. Bye. Bye.