cover of episode U.S.-China Crisis Management and Crisis Prevention, with Michael Swaine

U.S.-China Crisis Management and Crisis Prevention, with Michael Swaine

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Michael Swaine
Michael Swaine: 我认为危机管理和危机预防是不同的,尽管目标重叠。危机管理关注的是如何在危机发生后有效地控制局势,而危机预防则侧重于如何避免危机一开始就发生。在像台湾和南海这样的敏感问题上,这两种方法都需要谨慎的平衡,既要展现决心,又要避免升级。 从过去的危机中,我们可以吸取教训,例如在朝鲜战争中,美国未能充分理解中国对美军行动的担忧,导致了误判。我们需要认真倾听中国的声音,避免对他们的警告视而不见。同时,我们也要认识到中国‘有理、有利、有节’的原则,虽然表面合理,但在实践中可能导致僵化的立场和对等的升级,从而限制了妥协和降级的空间。 美国对联盟承诺可信度的担忧,与中国对主权和领土完整的强调一样,都是根深蒂固的,难以改变。这两种立场都可能加剧危机。我们需要更灵活地看待这些问题,避免因为对联盟承诺的担忧而过度反应。 双方对自身行动的感知存在差异,这会导致误判和危机升级。我们需要培养同理心,准确理解对方的感知和动机,避免误判。有效的沟通渠道至关重要,这包括预先建立的危机管理沟通渠道、情报机构间的沟通以及危机管理专家团队。 信号传递中的问题包括信号的协调性、解读的准确性以及不同渠道信号的区分。为了减少误判,需要建立可靠的沟通渠道,控制信息发布,并对关键术语达成共识。 忽视或曲解双方的历史记忆可能会加剧危机。我们需要避免对历史的过度简化和误读,准确理解双方的历史记忆和文化背景。 中国和美国的决策系统都存在结构性问题,这可能会阻碍有效的危机管理。我们需要教育各级领导,让他们了解危机管理的陷阱,并采取措施改进决策流程。 通过Track II对话,我们可以促进更开放和灵活的讨论,增进相互理解和信任。 Kaiser Guo: 在与Michael Swaine的对话中,我主要关注的是中美关系中危机管理和危机预防的挑战和策略。我们讨论了定义危机、区分危机管理和危机预防、从过去的危机中吸取教训、理解中国和美国的思维方式、解决感知问题、改进信号传递、以及建立更有效的危机管理机制等重要议题。通过这次对话,我加深了对中美关系复杂性的理解,也认识到有效沟通和相互理解在避免冲突中的关键作用。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What defines a crisis in the context of U.S.-China relations?

A crisis in U.S.-China relations involves threats to important interests by one or both sides, high levels of uncertainty and risk, and a sense of urgency. It often escalates due to neither side backing down and can include the possibility of military force.

How does crisis management differ from crisis prevention in U.S.-China relations?

Crisis management focuses on resolving a crisis once it has begun, balancing signals of commitment and accommodation to avoid escalation. Crisis prevention aims to avoid crises by establishing ground rules and confidence-building measures that reduce the likelihood of provocations.

What are the lessons learned from past U.S.-China crises, such as the Korean War?

The Korean War taught that ignoring Chinese warnings and underestimating their resolve can lead to significant miscalculations. Clear and serious communication, understanding the other side's concerns, and being cautious about assumptions are crucial for managing and preventing crises.

How does the Chinese principle of 'yǒulǐ, yǒulì, yǒu jié 有理, 有利, 有节' impact crisis management?

This principle, meaning 'on just grounds, to our advantage, and with restraint,' can lead to inflexible moralistic stances and reciprocal escalation, leaving little room for accommodation or de-escalation, especially in issues involving sovereignty.

Why is U.S. credibility concerning its alliance commitments a significant issue?

The U.S. needs to maintain the credibility of its commitments to allies like the Philippines, Japan, and South Korea. However, this can also lead to rigid and assertive responses in crises, potentially drawing the U.S. into conflicts it might prefer to avoid.

What are some examples of how each side misinterprets the other's actions during crises?

In a simulation involving the Philippines, the U.S. backed its carrier away from a crisis area to show non-provocation, but the Chinese interpreted it as an escalation. Similarly, Japan's deployment of a ship named after a vessel from the Sino-Japanese War was seen as a deliberate provocation by the Chinese, though the Japanese had no such intention.

What are the dangers of misinterpreting China’s historical memory and the 'Tian Xia' ideology?

Misinterpreting China’s historical memory, such as the idea of the 'Tian Xia' system, can lead to gross simplifications and mistaken assumptions. These tropes often fail to account for the varied and complex relationships China had with its neighbors, which were not always hierarchical or based on dominance.

What are the problems with signaling in U.S.-China crisis management?

Both sides often assume that signals are well-coordinated and come from the top leadership, leading to misinterpretations. Unauthorized signals, particularly from media or lower-level officials, can also be misread, causing further tension. Clear and authoritative communication channels are essential to mitigate these issues.

What is Mike’s proposed two-tier dialogue structure for crisis management?

The two-tier structure includes a civilian-led forum for discussing policy and crisis prevention, and a more traditional military-led forum for crisis management. This approach aims to break down barriers and ensure a more flexible and coordinated exchange of ideas and information.

Why are track two dialogues important for crisis management?

Track two dialogues, involving non-officials, allow for more flexible and honest discussions compared to formal track one dialogues. Participants can explore different scenarios and perspectives without being constrained by official talking points, which helps in understanding the other side’s concerns and potential reactions.

What are the key structural issues in U.S. and Chinese decision-making systems that affect crisis management?

China's decision-making system can stovepipe information, limiting communication between the military and civilian branches. The U.S. also faces challenges in coordinating military actions with civilian oversight, particularly in operations near China’s borders. Both systems need better internal communication and a systemic approach to avoid miscalculations.

How can leaders be better educated on crisis management to prevent worst-case scenarios?

Educating lower-level officials who communicate with higher levels about past crises and the processes that led to them is crucial. Leaders need to understand the pitfalls, biases, and structural issues that can arise during crises and how to navigate them effectively.

Shownotes Transcript

This week on Sinica, I chat with Michael Swaine, Senior Research Fellow at the Quincy Institute for the last couple of years, prior to which he spent nearly two decades as a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where he led extensive work on Chinese defense and foreign policy, U.S.-China relations, and East Asian international relations more broadly. He was also a senior policy analyst at the RAND Corporation, where he developed a reputation for rigorous research on Asian security and crisis management. We focus on his recent report, “Avoiding the Abyss: An Urgent Need for Sino-U.S. Crisis Management,” which offers both a framework for understanding the forces driving U.S.-China crises and a roadmap to prevent or manage these crises effectively. He drew on his many decades of experience working on the security dimension of the bilateral relationship, including his participation in many Track II dialogues and simulations of crisis scenarios over the years.

4:51 – Defining "crisis" and "crisis prevention" 

10:13 – The possibility of a crisis in the South China Sea

12:31 – Lessons from past crises  

20:08 – The problematic moralistic stances and tit-for-tat escalation produced by yǒulǐ, yǒulì, yǒu jié 有理, 有利, 有节

27:37 – U.S. concern over the credibility of its alliance commitments 

34:50 – The problem of perception 

38:16 – Examples of how each side is sometimes unable to see how its own actions are perceived by the other 

41:20 – The dangers of failing to understand and making assumptions about the China’s historical memory 

45:42 – Problems of signaling and how best to solve them 

51:17 – Mike’s suggestions for a crisis toolkit and his proposal of a civilian-led two-tier dialogue structure 

58:41 – Track II dialogues 

1:02:47 – The importance of educating leaders up and down the system on crisis management 

1:06:08 – The structural issues of the decision-making systems in China and the U.S.


Michael: Art critic Brian Sewell’s The Reviews That Caused the Rumpus); Robert Suettinger’s The Conscience of the Party: Hu Yaobang, China’s Communist Reformer)  

Kaiser: The Great Transformation: China’s Road from Revolution to Reform)* *by Odd Arne Westad and Chen Jian 

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