Neo-Advaita (New Not-Two) "Modern experiential & perennialist mystical framework"
Shankara, Ramana, Poonja, Satsang movement Self-enquiry “What is I?”
Direct recognition of non-existence of ‘I’ or ‘ego’ Emerson: Immediatism, direct spiritual knowledge & power
Trouble with “One Direct Step”
Mirror of consciousness (God) is distorted/polluted
Consciousness meditating on itself purifies
Just surrender to the appearance/nothing-to-do Superficial 'Spiritual Bypassing' because there is no dissolving of ego
Insight alone is not enough Committed practice is needed to sever/destroy the knot forming identification between God/Self and mind Preparing the mind for insight into non-duality Aphorisms, books, quieting of the mind, retreats Both Sudden & Gradual Awakening
More Stable “Two Direct Steps” #1 God-Realization then #2 Absolute Realization Shared Eternal Awareness being colored by experience Leap beyond Eternal Awareness
Liberation already exists, this is unconditionally free Yet also will you realize this?
True Simultaneity nondual dual individuation #1 Inward - #2 Outward
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