Sidenote by AsapSCIENCE

Each week Greg and Mitch of AsapSCIENCE explain the science behind a controversial subject. They use


Total: 281

We are the only animals that cry emotionally. Scientists don't know exactly why we do it, but all of

The science of boredom is confusing. Depending on the study it is considered helpful, or harmful. To

All humans experience winter. The pandemic is a form of winter, forcing us to be stagnant, stay insi

Weed changes your brain, so what happens if you stop? Today we explain what happens when you get sto

The science of comedy is complicated. It involves complex neurophysiology, culture, context and … fe

Vodka, Beer or Cider? Is one worse than others? With the holidays coming, being stuck at home and dr

Spring 2021? Moderna better than Pfizer? 94.5% vs. 90%? What details do we know about these slique n

Video games, such as Among Us, have become popular in a pandemic, but why do we as humans love them?

A brain while crushing is similar to people on COCAINE! In the past people thought a crush was a lov

Take Out - how bad is it?


Styrofoam, aluminum, plastic - which is worse? Also, new studies show we are getting way more takeou

This ep is LOL! Chewing loudly, nails on a chalkboard, LEAVING FOOD IN THE SINK!? Everyone has a pet

The science of muscles, motivation and steroids is fascinating. In recent years it seems humans have

Volatile organic compounds, nature bathing, repotting plants and your heart rate, there are a lot of

Dried fruits, simple veggies, PINEAPPLE EVEN!? WHAT WILL HUMANS EAT ON MARS!? Dr. Sian Proctor is an

Glycerol, retinol, phenoxyethanol - chemicals galore! Are face cream ingredients fake or do they act

The vulva, lubrication and Bartholin's glands contribute to a WAP! In fact, there is a reason why Ca

Marques Brownlee is the king of tech on YouTube. Today he explains how the pandemic is affecting tec

Meditation activates your default mode network, but how? Can meditating help other people around you

Are economists evil or the backbone of society? Anna Gifty explains economics, sociology and how div

The end will come, but how? Katie Mack, the brilliant cosmologist and author of the new book The End