Sick and Wrong is your hearing aid into the dark, depraved, and dripping abscess that is contemporar
Why would anyone want to live forever? Dee and Kate attempt to answer that question by delving into
In honor of Mother’s day, Dee and Kate recount the story of Barbara Daly Baekeland, a mother who lo
Dee and Kate chat with indie actor and director Dennis Woodruff on how to make it in Hollywood with
The college students protesting across US campuses have caught the attention of the world media but
Dead baby jokes are pretty funny unless they’re being told by serial killer abortionist, Dr Kermit
OJ Simpson’s passing has sparked a maelstrom of emotions within Kate Rambo – mostly joy. Dee and Ka
The recent revelation about the marriage of Abby Hensel leads Dee and Kate to explore the sex lives
The man, the myth, the legend Lance Wackerle officially returns as a regular cohost of the podcraft
In the early 80s, punk rock gangs ran wild in the streets of LA. Dee and Kate chat with Jimmy Genoc
Dee and Kate compare the suspicious suicide of Boeing whistleblower John Barnett to the untimel
The extreme act of protest by US Air Force member Aaron Bushnell prompts Dee and Kate to explore th
Dee, Kate, and special guest Alexandria from the We Hate You Podcast discuss what went wrong with t
There’s no better way to relax after a busy day than on the sofa with a cup of Sleepytime tea… espe
Valentine’s Day can be a lonely holiday, especially for the side hoes. Kate tells Dee all about the
Dee and Kate celebrate Black History Month by delving into the life of John Howard Griffin, a journ
Dee and Kate explore the curious parallels between the mysterious deaths of three Kansas City Chief
Inspired by the recent juicy allegations that Vince McMahon is a sexual deviant, Dee and Kate swant
It’s Dee’s birthday and the only gift he wants is to finally see Jerry Lewis’ legendary never relea
Dee and Kate celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. day by discussing the little known first assassinatio
The recent UK police investigation of a virtual rape of a minor in the Metaverse causes Dee and Kat