cover of episode JAMES & FUHAD LEARN TO BE SAVAGE! | EP 445


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Christopher Kimball
领导Root Financial从小规模公司发展成为全国性公司,专注于目的驱动的财务规划。
Christopher Kimball: 介绍了Whole Foods超市提供的各种节庆食品和服务,包括火鸡、火腿、派和面包等,并强调了其优质的食材和员工。 James: 表达了对生活中需要展现一些“野性”一面的想法,并与Fuhad讨论了在什么情况下可以展现“野性”以及如何控制自己的情绪。他认为自己缺乏这种能力,并举例说明了在与前任沟通时遇到的困境。他认为Drake在歌词中展现的“野性”并非小气,而是果断的回应。 Fuhad: 与James讨论了如何展现“野性”,并分享了与前任之间充满负面情绪的沟通经历。他认为在某些情况下,果断的回应比小气更有益于生活。他还讨论了回复前任长语音信息时展现的“野性”以及应对后果的能力。他认为删除聊天记录并给予对方提示,能达到类似于剧中人物崩溃的效果。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why do the hosts feel the need to act out savagery in their lives?

They feel the need to act out savagery to cope with situations where people irritate them and to assert themselves without being the 'bad guy.'

How do the hosts view Drake's behavior in his song 'Sarcadia Rhythm'?

They view Drake's behavior as savage and cutthroat, not petty, and believe it can be a way to cope with life differently.

What dilemma does the female host face regarding her disabled cousin at her wedding?

She faces a dilemma about whether to invite her disabled cousin who has crossed physical boundaries with her, causing discomfort, to her wedding.

How do the hosts suggest handling the situation with the disabled cousin at the wedding?

They suggest inviting the cousin but mitigating the situation by placing him on a table far away and having family members manage his interactions.

What is the main dilemma in the movie 'Forrest Gump' as presented in the podcast?

The main dilemma is Forrest Gump's struggle to get his wife, Jenny, to respect him as a successful man rather than the 'joke man' she grew up with.

How do the hosts view the wife's actions in the movie 'Gone Girl'?

They view the wife's actions as vengeful and psychotic, orchestrating a murder to frame her husband after discovering his affair.

What advice do the hosts give to the man in the '50/50' dilemma?

They advise him to either be the asshole and leave or endure the situation until it resolves naturally, as he's already in the wrong by cheating.

Why do the hosts consider the man in the last dilemma an asshole?

They consider him an asshole for interrupting a woman's peace to flirt, then kissing another woman in front of her and his previous partners, showing poor judgment and lack of respect.

The hosts discuss the concept of embracing savagery in life, especially when dealing with people who push boundaries.
  • The need to act out savagery sometimes in life.
  • Difficulty in being the 'bad guy' when people push boundaries.
  • The balance between being dark and walking away.

Shownotes Transcript


Hi, this is Christopher Kimball from Milk Street Radio. I often shop at Whole Foods markets since they sell the kind of food I like. Organic vegetables, a great meat counter, and of course a great staff.

For Thanksgiving, Whole Foods offers brine turkeys as well as a spiral cut bone-in ham. The Whole Foods Market Bakery has a large assortment of pies, even a vegan pumpkin pie. Or grab some brioche and butterflake rolls for the table as well. Or you can ask the Whole Foods team to cater your meal for you, including the bird, the sides, and desserts. Get your holiday party started at Whole Foods Market. Is there advice for this? He's in a pickle! Yes!

It's finished, no? He's kaput. Yeah, like she's cooked him. She's cooked him. Before we get started into today's episode, this has been playing on my mind for the last 24 hours because I keep hearing this on TikTok and I think, wow, I need, you know what I don't have that I always need? Savagery.

To be done to you? No. Oh. Why would I need that? I don't know. That's why I'm confused. No, no, no, no, no, no. To be an act, like a, like a, an activist of savagery, like I need to, I need to act out savagery sometimes in my life. Okay. Cause I can't, I can't be the bad guy. I can't do it. I'm with you, I'm with you, I'm with you. And sometimes people piss me off. I'm with you. And I'm like, bro, I can't be, okay, okay. That's actually a lie. If I'm, if I'm, if I'm confident in the fact that,

that you actually done something like- - To warrant savagery. - Yeah, to warrant savagery, I can be dark, but also CBA. So I'd rather just walk off. - Okay. - Unless I'm gonna throw hands, I'd rather just walk off. But I keep hearing, and I keep seeing it, you know that it's from, was it "Sarcadia Rhythm"?

Which bar? I ate the weed too hard. Yeah. You left an eight minute voicemail straight from the heart. I replied like, yeah, whatever. When can you come get your stuff? I need it out of the crib. This shit is bringing bad luck. Yeah. Big man. Bars. That's savagery. Do you know how long eight minutes is? Drake is petty when he wants to be.

He's petty when he wants to be. I love it. - He's fucking petty, bro. You sent an eight minute voice note straight from the heart. I replied like, yeah, whatever. When can you come get your stuff? Bro, I wouldn't be able to, I couldn't receive an eight minute voice note from the former love of my life being like, babe, please, please. Like think about this time. Think about that time. What did we go through? What did this, what was it for? And I replied like, yeah, whatever. When are you coming to get your shit?

Yeah It's bringing bad luck When is When you come to get it I would expect my house To be blown up In the next five days Bro I fear consequence Way too much Yeah Yeah that's savage Yeah We're over And you're sending man Eight minute voice notes I don't have the strength To be like Yeah whatever Come get your shit That's Yeah because I know My cars are scratched Yeah that's demonic behavior Yeah yeah That's demonic behavior But I feel like I need that man Yeah Because people be doing Shit like that They do man But it's

- I feel like that also allows you to cope with things, just get through life differently. - Being petty? - Not even necessarily being petty because Drake is petty in general when it comes to these bars. But I feel like that level of savagery isn't petty. I feel like it's just cutthroat. - Yeah, it's just cutthroat. - Yeah, you see what I'm saying? - That's not even petty, that's just cutthroat. - That's not petty, it's just cutthroat. And sometimes- - Fuck your eight minute voice note. - Bro, sometimes people live a better life being cutthroat. - Yeah. - In certain instances.

- To be fair, I used to have an ex where we had a real toxic, whilst we were broken up, real toxic back and forth. She used to send man like seven, eight to 10 minute voice notes. And sometimes I would, I'm not gonna lie, if I'm in the heat at the moment, I'd be like, you're a joke man if you think I'm listening to that.

- Yeah, I would let her know. I would probably see it. I'd be like eight minutes and 48 seconds. You're a joke man if you think I'm listening to that. - Oh burn. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Burn her. - You've just wasted precious time. - Just take a shot of your chest. - 'Cause I'm not listening to that shit. - Yeah, facts. - Oh yeah. - Speak, speak. - I wish there was a way for the recipient to know when your chat's been deleted. 'Cause I would receive an eight minutes voice and I'd be like,

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, chat deleted. - Chat deleted. - They should need the notification saying chat deleted. - Yeah, chat deleted, yeah. The same way you've been removed from a group chat. - Yeah, she'll break down. There's a scene in "Arcane" 'cause I'm rewatching "Arcane" now. - Yeah, see, I remember you saying that. - There's a scene in "Arcane" in like episode two or whatever where, you know, when they're still kids, before they go up, before the sisters grow up to be jinx and- - Yeah, before they're enemies. - Via whatever, when they're kids,

What's her name? Powder. Her name is... The blue head thing is Powder when she's a kid. Okay. When she gets left there, when they go to save their dad and she gets left in the room because she keeps fucking shit up, she has a mental breakdown. Okay. She has a breakdown. Okay. And...

That same thing about notifications saying chat's been deleted. That's exactly what the kind of breakdown I'm trying to initiate. - Give to someone. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Initiate. - Yeah, I'm trying to incite that. 'Cause sometimes, bro, I be, don't get me wrong. I've done some horrible things in my life. Some real not nice things, but it's part of growing up. But one thing that's been consistent is I just don't know how to be an asshole on purpose. Especially when it's warranted and needed.

And I just can't do it And sometimes I think That's a positive But sometimes I'm like Am I just a mug Nah I just feel like You're too much Of a nice person Even though in this moment You're being an arsehole Do you see what I'm saying Like it's hard It's hard to Have that bone in your body I don't have the bone Yeah It's okay Yeah I guess I have to come to terms I just don't have that bone It's okay That arsehole bone I don't have it bro Mmm

Intentionally anyway I could be an arsehole by accident Yeah Easily Everyone can Yeah yeah It's like walking on ice I'm gonna slip Facts Facts I'm only human bro I'm gonna slip Facts But yeah intentionally Nah I can't do it I can't

just imagining it is like, fuck. I wouldn't be able to get through it. - Yeah, I wouldn't. - 'Cause I would start being an asshole and see you break down about it. Stop, stop, stop. - Yeah, yeah, why you- - Get up, get up, get up. - Stand up, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on, it's fine. - My whole demeanour's changed. - Yeah, yeah, here's my card. - I'm hugging you again. - Here's my card. - Yeah, here's my card. - You can make yourself happy, man. - Yeah, come on, man, fuck's sake. Go to Sephora, just clean up. Stop crying. Yeah, I can't handle it, it pisses me off. I've never had that bone in my body, bro.

- Yeah. - And people have had that to me. - It's a good thing. Yeah, people have had it to me too. And they feel like they got away with it. He's laughing now. - I'm just saying stuff. I'm saying stuff. I'm just saying stuff. - You are saying stuff. You are saying stuff. Jesus Christ. Yeah. Wow. You had that locked and loaded since I brought it up. - Oh my God. - So guys, we're gonna do a special episode today. And we're just gonna do straight dilemmas throughout the episode.

And how many dilemmas do you have today? I have four, I believe. I have three, but mine come with a twist. Okay. So obviously you've got four dilemmas. I've got three. So you go first, then I'll go. You go first, then I'll go. But mine are dilemmas that I've written and they are movies. So I am writing on behalf of a character in a movie, explaining their dilemma to us. And I want you to guess what movie it is. Okay. Okay.

- Okay. I see where you're going with this pen game nowadays. Yeah. Who am I? The fucking say less the other day. - All right, go, go, go, go. - You're working with your pen game. Say less. - I'm trying, bro. - Yeah, man. You're trying to get that new attribute. - Yeah, bro. - We like to hear it. - Yeah, I'm trying to write something. - Yeah, yeah. We really like to hear it. - Something else. I wanna make money elsewhere. - Elsewhere. Yeah!

Who needs a script? Yeah, bro, I'm offering up free services right now. Who needs a script? I want to make money elsewhere. We love to hear it. Yeah, creative bag. That's so good. Creative bag, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I want to make money elsewhere, bro. All right. I'm tied down. I'm tied down to you in this chair. I want to make money elsewhere. Pause. Fuck.

Yeah, fucking out. All right, cool. All right, cool. So it's dilemma day, guys. Dilemma day, right. Well, this is an am I the arsehole. Oh, even better. Am I the arsehole for not wanting my disabled cousin at my wedding? That's insane. I, 26 female, am getting married soon to my amazing fiance, Liam, 30 male. And I'm struggling with whether or not to invite my cousin, Tom, 29 male. Tom has a developmental disability.

And while he's almost 30, he has the intellectual capacity of about a seven-year-old. I've always tried to be patient and understanding, but he has consistently crossed physical boundaries with me in ways that make me really uncomfortable. Oh, dear. I wasn't expecting this. I thought it was just going to be like shouting and shit. Physical boundaries. Wait.

I've always been an early bloomer and I have a much larger than average chest. And because of all the sports I did in high school and that I continue to this day, I would say I'm in good shape. - Is this a dilemma or a Tinder profile? What's going on? - I've got fucking tits. - I've got fat tits and I'm slim. - I've got fat tits and I'm slim thick. - Yeah, slim thick. - All that sport.

I only say this because it's the main reason my family uses to justify Tom's behavior. Oh, dear. Over the years, Tom has touched my chest and butt quite a few times. He's also hugged me tight and tried to kiss me. That's what she said. He's hugged me tight. He's hugged me tight. That's what he said. That's not funny, bro. He's also hugged me tight and tried to kiss me. And even though I immediately told him to stop each time, it never seems to stick.

He also tells all of his caretakers, nurses and live-in caregivers that I'm his girlfriend. Okay. He also doesn't like that Liam... He also doesn't like Liam because he insists Liam isn't a good fiancé slash boyfriend because he is my boyfriend. Tom also talks about how he will marry me. It kind of feels like when a little kid tells their parents they're going to marry them, but it makes them feel uncomfortable.

I brought it up with my family, but they always downplay it, saying Tom doesn't understand and that he's just showing affection. The excuse used most often is he's a little boy in a man's body and you're a conventionally attractive woman.

When I told my mom how uncomfortable it makes me feel, she said I probably entertained his behavior too much. Okay. And that he's harmless. Gaslighting. Jesus Christ. She insists I should just be firm, but at any time I've tried, the family accuses me of being mean to him. With my wedding coming up, I want the day to be relaxed and special without constantly worrying about Tom overstepping boundaries. When I told my family that I was considering not inviting him, they were outraged.

They said I was being unfair, cruel, and that he'd be devastated not to come. My mum even said it would ruin his day and make it obvious that he's different, which she thinks is heartless."

I get that Tom can't help certain behaviors, but I feel like my family have completely ignored my feelings in this. They always brush off my discomfort and say it's my responsibility to manage it or that he doesn't know any better. But it's my wedding and I don't want to be on the edge the whole time.

Liam says I have every right not to invite him because, especially because of how he treats both of us like our relationship isn't real. Still, I wonder if I'm being too harsh or unkind since Tom isn't fully aware of boundaries and doesn't really know what he's doing, what he's doing is bad or harmful, especially because his parents and other family members encourage it. Am I the asshole? That was a good one. That was a really good one. Yeah. Damn. Okay, so...

These wedding ones always, always get techie, man. They always get techie. My mindset, I don't have the appropriate mindset to answer these wedding ones. Why? Because I don't care. Because I don't care about, like, I think I've said, I've said better. I was like, weddings to me are all about the guests. Okay. And give fuck about this whole day that has to be about

us i like i don't care um about this whole this is our day and everything needs to be perfect and like this whole thing is like if i'm gonna offend someone by not them not coming like come i don't care um i'm not gonna have him grips me though okay i was i was just about to ask which role are you playing right now when you're saying this are you playing i'm saying yeah i'm playing her okay um yeah just i would just invite him like

To me, it's not worth the drama of offending people. Okay, this is my thing about weddings, right? Yes, it's your day. But everyone else is taking time out of their day. They're spending time and they're spending money

All for you Yeah So if you're now Gonna say This Primary member Of our family Can't come Because his disability Causes him to do shit That makes me uncomfortable And by doing that I'm offending Like 10 other members Of the family And being like That's fucked up Mm-hmm

But because I'm a good serving member of this family as your aunt or your uncle, whatever, you're still expecting me to come. So you can say I'm Tom's mom. You can say Tom ain't coming. But now if I say, well, if Tom ain't coming, then I ain't coming. You will turn to me and be like, you're a bastard. It's my special day. Why would you now not come? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it's like, so who is this really about? Like, is it about you or is it about the guests? Because it's like...

You wanna dictate who can and can't come, but yet we're supposed to still come with smiles on our faces and scream for the heavens. We love you, we love you, this is all about you. It's like, it's give and take. - I hear it. - So if this, don't get me wrong, if it's a distant third cousin that you hardly ever see and he's a bellend, fuck that. You wouldn't invite him anyway. But if it's like a, damn, this is a really tough one because it's my day, but Tom fucks around and he does this and all that, it's like,

I would never, like, I would never ever, in my wedding, for my wedding, I would never want one person to feel remotely uncomfortable. Yeah, I agree. I would, if I was in her shoes, I would still invite him. And ultimately, in my head, if it's my wedding day, how many times am I going to cross paths with one person? Yeah, facts, bro. I've been to plenty of weddings. These men don't cross paths with the peasants at all. Yes.

They do their one round. With a gen pop. Yeah, with a gen pop. Yeah. On the kids table. They're not coming over there, bro. They do a one quick spot. And that's it. And they go up to the king table and they sit there for the rest of the night. Yeah, so ultimately. It's a couple photos. Couple photos. Exactly, couple photos. In and out. So ultimately, I would still invite him. But I just, like I said, I wouldn't be in his area for ages. I'll take one photo with like the group family photo. Take one of them. If he wants to hug me.

The big man's your last chance. Yeah. Big man's your last chance. I'm taken. I'm taken now. It's your last chance. Hug where you want to hug because after this day, you're dead to me. So yeah, ultimately, it's not going to affect them that much, man. Oh, fuck.

Yeah, bro. Fuck. Next time I see you, you're sick of our under, big man. I'm not going to see you again. It's charged, Tom. Take your time. Take your time. Squeeze me. Squeeze me. You're not going to feel this again. Yeah. Yeah. Fucking that was funny. Yeah, bro. The whole wedding thing sometimes pisses me off, man. I want people, obviously it's your wedding day. You want it to be memorable. You want it to be special. At the end of the day,

people are sacrificing so much more than you are to be there. Yeah. So if you're going to offend his mom and his aunties and all this other stuff by saying he's a bit handsy, so I don't want him to come, just let him come. Mm.

Just let him come because it's not fair to upset other people and still expect them to come and throw flowers at you. Like he, especially if he ain't doing nothing wrong. If a guy is a serial criminal and he knows exactly what he's doing, different conversation. But also, yeah, just mitigate the situation. Put him on a table that's in the far East quadrant. Mm.

and just chat to your mum and be like, "Mum, you know what, go on in it. "Do me a favour, I'm gonna need you running." - Boundaries. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm gonna need you running security on this thing. And yeah, when we're doing the family photos, I need you to put Tom on this side. While I'm in the middle, you're doing this. Mum, this is your mission. And the mum will be gasping, like, "I'm on it." - Facts, facts, facts, facts. The mum will be gasping. - But yeah, none of this, he ain't coming. 'Cause it's just gonna fuck everyone off. - Facts, facts. Hopefully that's asked and answered. - Yeah, hopefully. That was a really good Amalia, so I like that. Right.

So my first one I'm gonna go through it And we'll see if you can Obviously if we can help with the dilemma And also see if you can guess what movie it is I've just realised So you said these are character situations in a movie But so the dilemma is really fake The dilemma is fake Okay cool cool cool The dilemma is fake Alright So I'll be speaking on behalf as a character of each movie Okay Right first one I think is pretty easy Okay

Title of this dilemma is my wife thinks I'm a fucking idiot and a charity case. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. My wife thinks I'm a fucking idiot and a charity case. So dilemma. My wife and I have known each other since we were kids. I used to get bullied a lot and she would always jump in to save me. As we got older, I feel like it was her who needed the saving and I was more than happy to be her knight in shining armor.

She's never appreciated what I did for her and would always remind me that I'm the idiot and I'm the one who needs the help. For a few years, as we got older, we didn't see each other. And over that time, I became a very successful entrepreneur and a national celebrity. She saw this and obviously came running back to me because she had no other viable options at the time.

I, of course, accepted this as I knew she was my one true love. Even though I finally have her to myself, I can still see that she can only see me as that joke man that she grew up with. How do I get her to respect me as a competent, successful, wealthy superstar? Advice. I actually don't know what movie this is. Interesting. Nice. I'm glad. Do any of you? No. Very nice. That's made my day. Advice, first and foremost. Um...

I feel like it's one of those ones where I think his ego came into play when she, when he realized that she ran back to him. It's like, it's not even ego, it's more pride than anything. And he should have, well, then again, if he's a true love of his life, it's one of those ones where you feel like, yeah, I'm here now. She wants me. I've always wanted her. So let's just make it work. But then she's now belittling him again, making him feel like the mug of the yard. Yeah.

- Mug of the yard. - That's jokes. - It's techie, man. What was it? What did he say? How does he get over this? - No, how can he make her see him for the success that he is as opposed to the joke man she grew up with? - Joke man is crazy. - Random, when Chunks calls someone a joke man, it's the funniest ting I've heard.

Yeah, he says it strong. Every time, joke man. Look at you, joke man. Joke man. Joke man. It's the funniest shit, bro. I can't handle it. Oh, God. Make her see him as the successful man he is today. I mean, ultimately, I feel like it's one of those ones where you can't. She has seen that he is successful. That's why she came back. That's why she came back.

So she already knows he's in a much better position than where he used to be when they were together back in the day. Obviously, like you said, they've known each other since they were kids or they grew up together, whatever. So the sheer fact that she's staying with him now isn't purely, I don't think it's because of, I don't think it's because of how she feels about his status. It's more so about how the public feel about his status. That's why she's now with him. Does that make sense? Mm-hmm.

So it's one of those ones where she's with him for the clout and where it can take her. She still sees him as the joke, man. She still sees him as, oh, you're this guy that I used to run around with back in the day. But ultimately, you love me more than I love you. That's what I'm seeing from this. That's... Wood, wood, wood, wood, wood, wood, wood. That's 100% the case. That's... Yeah, so it's... Or wood, wood, wood, like you said. Yeah, that's it. I don't think there's advice for you, bro. Ultimately, I feel like...

We don't condone this, but I feel like you just got to spread your wings, man. You just got to spread your wings and let her know what man she's actually really missing as opposed to what you bring to the table. Fair play. You know? Fair play. Cool. I like that. What movie is this? Forrest Gump.

I don't, oh damn, I don't remember. I've seen a movie once in my life. I don't remember it. It's a fucking movie. I genuinely don't remember it. Forrest Gump. Fair play. Jenny is a fucking bitch in that movie. I don't care what anyone says. I fucking hate Jenny. Yeah. I was never getting that. Fair play. But damn, damn, that's harsh, man. Yeah.

Damn. It's a slight twist because actually Jenny dies and she leaves man with a U. I don't remember that. You don't remember Jenny dies? She takes the piss roll. So basically they grow up together. He's getting bullied because he's a bit dumb and he can't run. His legs are murked. So the other kids kick the shit out of him all the time. And then like Jenny was always bopping it, bopping out like cool, cool, cool. She grows up, turns into a little baddie and she wants to be a little hippie thing.

So while my man's in the army, she's getting clotted by waste men all the time and getting gripped up because she's singing naked in a bar or some shit. And then Forrest has to start thumping up, man, because they're moving a bit handsy. And then she's always like, fuck off, fuck off. Like you're always moving mad, bro. Just chill. And he's like, but I love you, Jenna. And then-

like she's like oh piss off you're a joke and then he goes and like runs Bubba Gump Shrimp he creates the fucking smiley face logo he runs across um America like he's in a place for the USA ping pong team plays in the Olympics bro for us it's no joke bro it's a super millionaire everything bro and then um yeah it's

When she's done running around like a little tart and dealing with dickheads her whole life, she comes back to Forrest. They settle down. They get married. But she just does it as a little consolation thing because she knows that he loves her so much. And they have a ute. Once they have a ute, she dies, bro. Leaves him with the ute. It's long. What a life. Yeah. Forrest Gump is dark, man.

What a life. Fuck's sake. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Damn. Yeah, it's rough. Cool. I've got a second Am I the Arsehole. Am I the Arsehole for kicking my brother out of my home after he invited our estranged father over without asking? Okay. I, 28 female, have been estranged from my father, 55 male, for the last 10 years. He was abusive growing up,

And after years of therapy and healing, I made the decision to cut him out of my life completely. My brother, 24, however, has always maintained a relationship with him. And while I don't agree with it, I've tried to respect their bond. I've made it clear, though, that I don't want him in my life and I don't want to hear about him. A few weeks ago, my brother visited me at my house. We were hanging out when he suddenly mentioned that he was planning to bring our dad over to patch things up with me.

I was shocked and told him that under no circumstances should our father be coming to this house. I even made it clear to him that I wasn't interested in talking to him whatsoever. Fast forward to yesterday. My brother shows up without dad. You're taking the piss out of me. I was furious. You're taking the absolute piss out of me. I immediately told them both to leave and that my brother has completely disrespected my boundaries. My brother tried to apologize, saying that he just wanted to fix things and thought it was the best way to do it.

I told him that he had no right to make that decision for me and that I never wanted to see our father again. My brother left, but he's now texting me saying I overreacted and that he was just trying to help me heal. He says it's not fair to cut off the chance for reconciliation.

I'm feeling really torn because while I know I'm within my rights to not want him in my life, I also don't want to ruin my relationship with my brother. But at the same time, my boundaries are important to me. So, am I the arsehole for kicking my brother out of my house and refusing to talk to my father? No, bro. That's standard. Yeah. Man said, I thought it was the best way. So I just bought him anyway. You've lost, you've actually lost your fucking mind. Think about it as you and your brother or me and my sister. Would you...

If my brother, if me and my dad, I don't like my dad. My brother comes around and is like, "Oh, I've been chatting to dad." - He's been chatting to you. - Oh yeah, obviously, you know I've been chatting to dad. Me and dad are boys. I know you guys have had a rough patch, but he really wants to make it up. I'm thinking about bringing him over so you guys can patch things up. And I say to my brother, "Don't you dare. I have no interest, big man. Like you man do your thing, I don't care.

Two weeks later, there's a knock on my door and my brother and my dad are at my door. And I say, bro, fuck off. What are you doing? He's like, bro, I decided this is the best thing to do.

I'm throwing hands on everyone I'll put paws on everyone bro It's peak innit It's peak bro And now you're making me Look like a dickhead In front of my dad Because You look like Your little angels Trying to sort stuff out And you're making me Look like the bastard Because I have to now Tell him to fuck off And I have to tell you To fuck off When you've come here With your tail between your legs Now I have to feel Like a guilty prick By sending yourself Along the way When you shouldn't have Wanted me in the first place And now you want to text me again Being like bro You overreacted

- Don't tell me how to feel. Don't tell me how to feel. Don't tell me how to feel. - Nah bro, 100% you can fuck yourself big man. - That's so jarring because it's now you've, obviously you've lost your dad, but now you've lost your brother. Or for the meantime. - My brother would have to hear me and he'd be like, "Me and you are cool, don't talk about him again." This whole, you're overreacting, you're still talking about him. What are you talking about? I don't know, I'd have to pretend like the whole situation didn't happen.

This whole, you overreacted. Don't know what you're talking about. That's the only way we can move forward as a relationship. I don't know who or what you're on about. - Do you think because of what has happened, it will make you think, oh, maybe I can try to repatch things with Pops? - No, because I don't care about him. - That literally makes it worse. - Yeah. - That whole thing made it worse. - Yeah, bro, 100%. I don't care about this guy. I didn't even want to see him. Now I've seen him on my doorstep. Now he knows where I live. Like, what is this? What actually is it? I don't care about this bruh.

I don't want to patch shit up. Like what the fuck? Like that's, that's crazy. Cause it goes, imagine if you imagine just seeing it the same as like an ex, like imagine like, imagine your sister just brings your ex to your yard years later. And she's like, I just think you guys should patch things up. You'll be like, what are you on about? I don't care what you think. I don't give a fuck what you think. This is my life. What are you talking about?

What are you talking about Matter of fact Why are you in contact Yeah Facts man Shut up Go away Yeah Damn And what You get to just drop him On my doorstep And you think You're just gonna fuck off And leave me to deal with this Nah You've lost your mind Don't open that Pandora's box for me Yeah bro I don't need that Fair play That's fucked Fair play that is fucked Damn that's crazy That is fucked Right my next one So the title of this dilemma Mmhmm

My wife is a sociopathic, manipulative, lying piece of shit, and she wants to ruin my life. Okay. Yeah. I feel like there's a trend here. Yeah. I thought that as I was writing it. I feel like there's a trend here. And I was like, damn, the next one needs to be different. Yeah. Yeah. I felt like that as I was writing it. Read it out for me again. My wife is a sociopathic, manipulative, lying piece of shit, and she wants to ruin my life. Okay. Ready? Yeah. So.

My wife and I have been quote unquote happily married for many years. But since I lost my job, our relationship hasn't had the same spark it once did. My wife's family is very wealthy and I live off of her inheritance whilst I look for new employment. I sit at home and play video games all day and I can see she resents me for it. She looks at me like a lazy leech and I can't stand it.

So recently I started banging this younger ting and she's given me a new lease of life I woke up this morning with the impression my wife might have found out about the affair as the police have found blood all over my floors and they're looking at me for the murder She's trying to ruin my life. How do I expose her vengeful psychosis? So the wife

- There's been a murder. - There's been a murder. - That's all I wanted to tell you. There's been a murder. I'm not gonna tell you who it is. There's been a murder that the wife has orchestrated and they're looking at the husband. - Yeah, 'cause there's blood on the dance floor. - Because there's blood all over the gaff. - Okay. - And he doesn't know which way is up. All he knows is that the wife's found out that he's been clarting an ex ting.

But is it the third thing that's... I'm not willing to say who or what has been murdered. Okay. Again, I don't know what this movie is, so well played. Fair play. I mean, is there advice? Fuck, is there advice for this? He's in a pickle. Finished, he's finished. He's finished, no? She's cooked him. Yeah, like, she's cooked him. She's cooked him.

He's in a pickle, bro. He is in a pickle, bro. Is there advice for this? Yeah, he's in a deep pickle. He's in a deep pickle. How does one help someone with this? Because I really, really don't know. Because ultimately he's in the wrong. Yeah. Oh, yeah, of course he is. Ultimately he's in the wrong. He's in the wrong, bro. He's leeching off his wife's family.

In her eyes, he's a bum because he's not getting a job. He's now finding a new lease of life by clarting a younger ting. And that's giving him more like vim to do... Yeah, it's giving him more va-va-vim to do stuff. Lo and behold, he wakes up one day, there's blood somewhere, and he has a feeling that his wife knows that he's clarting the next ting and someone's dead. Yeah, and she wants to... The wife's trying to pin it on him as revenge for cheating. I mean...

I mean, he's got to find an escape. There's no advice to help the situation. He's got a dart. He's got to find a way to escape. And I'm trying to be him right now. I'm putting myself in his shoes. And I really would panic. You man, I would panic. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And to give a little bit more context to the situation, it's not just the blood. She's planted evidence for all kinds of schemes. And it's all, all things are pointing at him. Yeah.

But do you think that's fair? Cheating to what she's doing? No, but they think it's fair. I've heard how gala... Yeah. Yeah, they think it's... I don't think it's fair. It's not. But also...

- Yes, because I live off of your parents' wealth. - Okay, that's the, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I live off your parents' wealth. - That's the caveat. - And now I wanna fucking ex-ting. - Yeah, you've been eating off me and then you're going outside. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - You're eating off me and then you're eating next man's cock. Nah, never. - Nah. - Never, you're going to jail. - I'mma plant shit on you. - You're going to prison. - Yeah. - That's criminal activity. - Also, fuck fair. - Yeah, life ain't fair. - Fuck fair.

Yeah, fair went out the window when you left his house. Wait, I'm trying to think if I know... Is this a movie or is this a series? It's a movie. I don't know what you're thinking. You think you know what I was thinking? Yeah. What was I thinking? Presumed innocent. No, that was what I first thought when you first started talking about it. I knew it wasn't. The video games are spinning me. Yeah. I...

That's something that I would pick up from a movie because I... It's really a small part of this movie. You really wouldn't pick it up. Oh, okay, fair.

But yeah, advice wise, I don't think there is advice. I feel like it's one of those ones where he's made his bed. He's got a somewhat laying or find a way to escape. I hope that's what happened in the movie. I hope he found a way to escape or find a way to flip it. So like, listen, babes, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know you did what you had to do, but like clean slate. Let's start again. You know, I'm gonna find a job and we can work things out. That's what happens in this movie. Okay. Pretty much. Find a job and we can work things out. I'm sorry for banging next thing.

But what movie is this? So for context, again, to help you find the movie, it might not help you find it. I'll tell you regardless. So it does happen as a clean slate, more so because whilst trying to do this to him, she finds herself in a pickle and now they're both in a pickle and it's better if we all just lower our swords and come back. Is her pickle a case of like she starts to have a fling with the next man? I'm not willing to say.

But in the process of orchestrating something against her man, she has found herself in a pickle. He's now fucked. She's now fucked. And it's better if they just bury the hatch and yeah. I have no idea what this movie is. Want me to tell you? Yeah. Gone Girl. Oh, Ben Affleck. Yeah. Gone Girl. Gone Girl. Gone Girl.

So he's cheating She finds out She pretends that She's been murdered By him Goes Puts all the evidence On him that he murdered His own wife And then when she finds Herself in her own Fucking pickle She has to Return from the dead Say that she got Kidnapped By fucking What's his face I can't remember John Burnto No That's a different thing It's the guy from How I Met Your Mother

- Oh, Barney Stinson. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Neil Patrick Harris. - Yeah, Neil Patrick Harris. Yeah, she has to kill Neil Patrick Harris. Pretend that Neil Patrick Harris kidnapped her and Ben Affleck had nothing to do with it. And then go back to Ben Affleck and Ben Affleck's like, "You crazy fucking bitch." And she's like, "Shut up, bro. Shut up and lips me." - Yeah, as if happily ever. - Fucking amazing movie.

When I say I love this movie. Yeah, I've seen it a few times. Yeah, she's crazy in that movie. Yeah, she played it well. Yeah, she really did. Damn, fair play. Yeah. I was never getting that. Emily Ratajkowski is the sighting. Ridiculous. Yeah, crazy stuff. How greedy. Yeah, how greedy indeed. The fuck? Greed is the word. Next one. Am I the arsehole for telling the teacher that our daughter will participate in a school play even though my wife was against it?

I, 38 male, am married to my wife, 38 female, and we have a daughter together. She's five. Our daughter started school this year and she's doing fantastic. She's really coming along with her reading, writing and confidence. My wife and I agree for the most part on decisions regarding our daughter, but this has absolutely split us to a point where we're arguing constantly about it.

My daughter was asked to take one of the main roles in a Christmas school play. I was excited for her and said that I'd help her practice, etc. My wife though immediately told her she wasn't doing it, which upset her a bit. Her argument is that if she freezes, she'll be scared and ruin the play for everyone. My logic is that if you deem her to fail before she even tries, how will that encourage her to try new things in life?

I bet.

And again, I stood my ground and said that it's important for her to try new things. It's been frosty in here since. And whilst I don't regret my decision, I regret upsetting my wife. Am I the arsehole for disregarding my wife's decision in this matter? So why again did she say she's not doing it? Selfish reasons. So she says her argument is that if she freezes, she'll be scared and ruin the play for everyone. That's the wife's logic behind it. The kid's fine.

Yeah. Five-year-olds freeze. Five-year-olds freeze. It's part of the blue. Yeah, bro. Five-year-olds freeze, bro. You got to get through that. I feel like the mum is more concerned about how it makes her look because her daughter's frozen. Yeah, 100%. As opposed to anything else. So they get selfish reasons. I think that's a selfish thing to do. I'll do what the dad did. Facts. I wouldn't...

I wouldn't go behind my wife's back. - I'll tell her on that day. - Babes, she's doing the play. She wants to do the play though. - She wants to do the play. She's a fucking five year old. And if she freezes, she freezes. If you're scared of seeing her freeze, don't come. - Facts. - She's going to do the play.

I'm going to be there supporting. That's my daughter we're talking about. If she wants to do it, she'll do it. Yeah, bro. And I'll do whatever. Yeah, like you said, I'll do whatever it takes to put her in the best position possible. I tell you, she's doing a fucking play. Facts, bro. Like, be on her side. Yeah, bro. And what's this whole negativity? If she freezes, if she freezes. The fuck?

That's not my daughter My daughter's not freezing Not my daughter My daughter's not freezing She's gonna do that shit well Nah bro That would My protective instincts Would stand up There's no way I'm telling her Like okay yeah I'll go tell the teacher That she's not doing it And then be like Yeah she's doing it I'll tell her before You know I'm going to tell her She's doing it right Just so you know Because I'm not even having Any attitude when I get home Facts This discussion's done

Wow That's peak man Yeah man Like I said Selfish reasons man Damn Selfish reasons Fuck yeah Fuck that woman bro That's fucked up That is fucked up My daughter's doing the play I hope she did the play I really hope she did the play I hope she smashed it And if she froze Peak Life Yeah Life comes hard and fast Maybe the one was right Just Should have been the tree Sometimes we need to learn the hard way Oh god Right Last one from me yeah Alright Title of this dilemma

My boyfriend is a simp with a terminal illness and I don't know how to leave. I started seeing my boyfriend a few months ago. Everything was great. He's not my usual type, but he's incredibly sweet, kind of funny, but most of all, he worships the ground I walk on. I'm way out of his league, but I've dealt with only handsome assholes my entire life. It's time for a change. He makes me feel special and I feel like I deserve that.

Recently, I've been sleeping with a local artist on the side who allows me to get the fix of a real man that I need. Eventually, I know I'll leave my boyfriend, but for now, I'm happy living this double life. Fast forward a few weeks and my boyfriend has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer. I don't want to deal with this. He gave me the opportunity to leave, but I didn't want to sound like a bad person. So I decided to stay and I'm regretting it more and more every day.

How do I get out of this without seeming like the villain? The doctors have given him six more months, but I don't think I can wait that long. Advice. - I think I know this movie. - I'm glad. - Is it 50/50? - It is 50/50. - Let's go! - It is 50/50. Well fucking played. - Yes! - Well fucking played. - Justin Borden level, what his name is. Yes. - Well fucking played. - Oh yes! Yes, I'm gassed. Fuck yes. Fuck yes, I'm gassed. - Well played, bro.

I'm even more proud of you Because she's not the main character Let's go She's very much a side character So yeah well played Well played Well played Yeah 50-50 One of my favourite movies I remember him shaving his head In the mirror like this Yeah yeah yeah Oh heartbreaking Yeah bro Seth Rogen was there like Holy shit Good movie I forgot the whole thing I was too gassed I got the movie Yeah so the dilemma was She's with her man He's been diagnosed With terminal cancer Yeah yeah yeah She's already been Fucking next man on the side But

But when he got diagnosed, he's basically said to her, if you don't want to deal with this, you can leave. Oh yeah, but she still stays there. Yeah, she stayed anyway. She can't dump him. She felt too bad to leave a guy with cancer. And now she's been cheating on him. She can't deal with looking after him. He's going through chemo. He's throwing up. He's not sleeping. He's getting more and more butters by the day. And she's like, I need to get out of here. So wait, the perspective of this is from the girl? Yeah. Yeah.

- Wow, you really didn't listen, did you? - Yeah, yeah. - You really didn't listen. - I was locked in, but I wasn't locked in at the same time. - He needed to get this movie. - 'Cause as soon as I clocked it was 50/50, I was thinking of him. - Oh, right, yeah, yeah. - You see what I'm saying? - Just from the perspective of the girl. - Yeah, perspective of the girl. Fuck. I mean, what's done is done, no? She's been cheating. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So it's like, how to lock it? I mean, can you lock someone that's on their deathbed?

Damn That's exactly where She was struggling with bro Damn bro I don't remember How the movie ended Or like how that part Ended anyway Oh he started Doing a thing With his psychiatrist I think Because he was dealing With like a Like a grief counsellor Or whatever To deal with like The potential of him dying And then they started Doing a thing Okay Beautiful movie Yes Heart wrenching Joseph Gordon-Levitt Has got some bangers He has got some bangers

Damn, yeah. I'm happy you got that movie though. I was gassed. Yeah, I know you were. Fuck, I was gassed. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You got it from the first sentence. I saw you take a deep breath after the first opening. No, so I thought it was something else. I thought it was, what's that movie? I can't remember what the movie's called, but it's the guy that does the biopic of Stephen Hawking.

I thought that's what the movie was. It's... Actor. Oh my God. The guy from Fantastic Beasts. Yes. Actor. What's that movie called? With Stephen Hawking, it is The Theory of Everything. Theory of Everything. Yeah, he owns that role. Yeah. I thought it was that movie. Say less. I mean, I feel like... You have to be the asshole or see it to the end. Yeah, yeah. You have to see it too, my boy.

both ways she's still an arsehole. Yeah, she's an arsehole no matter what. In life, like we've all been there. It's hard to rip that bandaid off. We've all been there. It's tough. It's difficult. So you'd rather just endure the pain of hurting yourself than hurting someone else or an extended family. 100%. So it's like how long... Also, I mean...

Correct me if I'm wrong. He stays in hospital at one point now. For his chemo sessions. Yeah. He's in hospital for a bit. So it's like, there's only so much she has to deal with. Yeah. In that time, you know? So. There was one time where he left his chemotherapy and she was hours to pick him up. He was sitting in the cold for hours. Oh my God. Yeah. She was late because she was getting dicked down by next month. Oh.

Yeah, it was horrible. He sat in the cold for hours waiting for her with his bald head. It was dread, you man. It was fucking dread. I think best case- It's relevant. The baldness is relevant. I know, it's just I wasn't expecting it with such men. I know, I know. With his bald head. Yeah, it's dread, bro. I think her best case scenario is if she doesn't want to rip that bandaid off, she has to-

continuously but subtly do asshole things. So he dumps her. - So he dumps her, yeah. - That's the only way out of it. - He's not dumping her. He has six months to live. - She's all he has. - I know, but like, he keeps getting taken for a mug. - 100%. - And he has to have, he's gonna leave this earth. So he has to leave this earth with a bit of dignity. Do you know what I mean? - 100%. He's gonna leave this earth. - He's gonna leave this earth soon.

Leave it with a shred, with a shred of something. Because when you're watching your life back when you're upstairs, it's gonna be like, "Bro, she took you for a mug day in, day out." - Yeah, and in that movie, bro, Seth Rogen's screaming, "She's mugging you off." Stand up! - Oh, and he doesn't wanna hear it. - He doesn't wanna hear it, bro. He's saying to her, "I've got 50/50, Seth. "What am I supposed to do? "What would you have me do?" Bro, that movie's horrible, man. - "I've got 50/50."

Oh, it moves horrible. Oh, it is. And then they break up and then he sleeps with a baddie. He sleeps with a baddie, but his back's hurting and shit. Oh, so he climbs in the bed? Yeah, like the baddie, yeah. Like the baddie's riding him and he's like, oh, fuck. Oh, my tumour in my back. And she's like, bro. Stop. And it sends him into depression.

It sends them into depression. Fuck, man. I need to watch that movie again, but I don't think I can. It's rough. Fuck. I've never seen that. You've never seen 50-50? First of all, not surprised. Second of all... It's a deep movie. It's a movie. Fuck. I've seen it three times, I think. Damn. I'm gassed I got it, though. Yeah, I'm gassed you got it as well. All right. Last one? My last one. This is a lengthy one, Paul, so...

I'm locked. Yeah, lock in. Am I the arsehole for kissing a girl in front of two others I had previously hooked up with? To be clear, I'll be using the initials B, K and J. I've been knocking it around with B for a couple of weeks. Nothing serious and we haven't slept together. Made it clear at the start it was nothing serious as well. She was aware and all was good.

A few months before knocking around with B, I met K. We hooked up briefly but stopped talking and I hadn't heard from her for a while. I was on a Saturday night out with my mates at a place I normally drink at. I was bored and went to the bar and that's where I met J. She was just there chilling and we had a conversation. We ended up sitting next to each other and got to know one another.

- Time passed and we shared a few drinks. I got up to get a drink and I saw B sitting on the table with my friends. - Christ, with his friends? - With my friends in brackets, she knows them as well. - Oh, okay, cool, cool, cool. - I said hello. - That's some crap. - I said hello and I recognized the lady she was sitting next to, which happened to be K. - Oh, come on now. - What kind of small ass town does this dude live in, bro? - They didn't know each other and met that night. What a coincidence.

Kay looked banging. Oh, of course she did. And I asked her to come to the bar for a drink. We had a conversation and I asked if she'd like to go out with me that night and she was on it. She mentioned she saw me talking to Jay and I said, I just met her and I finished speaking to Jay and we will bounce. Everything was okay until B all of a sudden walks past and listens to the conversation I was having with Kay.

Of course. I go over and speak to Jay to wrap things up. Everything to me was running smoothly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry to cut you off. Certain men, like you like to say, think they're controlling the midfield. Sorry.

When they're not. I love that you used that reference. When Fuerza says you're controlling the midfield is the funniest thing you've ever heard. So, man, like to think they're controlling the midfield when they're not. They really, really aren't. Bro, it's too fucking funny, bro. It's too fucking funny, bro. Jesus Christ. There's times years ago where we've been out

And you think you're controlling the midfield. Yeah. And you're not. I don't even remember. The room might as well be empty. And everyone can see every play you're making. Pass accuracy low. No. The pass accuracy is abysmal, bro.

- Turnovers galore. - Oh my days. - Because you got a bit drink in you. You think you're a god. You think you're spinning webs. Everyone can see every move you're making. So transparent. - That is fucking hilarious. - Oh, Jesus Christ. - Right. - Jonathan Mitchell is the funniest bar I've ever heard in my life.

Everything was running smoothly to me. This was until I went to the bathroom, came out, and then I'm confronted by Kay telling me that she spoke to B outside and that B said me and her were boyfriend and girlfriend. Oh, stop.

I was angry and confused because I wasn't anybody's boyfriend. So I was pissed off, sorry, in general. B and K, along with some other nosy people who decided to make the situation worse, made a load of noise and I just stood there completely shocked. In the end, I thought, forget this, and went back to speak to Jay, who was waiting for me. I ended up chilling with Jay until she left. We shared a lot of kisses.

And as she left, we had a big one, which everyone saw. - Oh dear. - Once Jay left, I ended up chilling back with my mates, having a drink. B and K were giving me evil looks all night. And I was getting horrible comments, calling me evil and a horrible person. And that I should apologize.

Why should I apologize? To be honest, I did nothing wrong. I wasn't promised to anybody. I didn't tell any of them I was ready to commit. I was a single man chatting to a few ladies and seeing where the night would go. Am I the arsehole? Wow, this guy's got confidence. Confidence. Jesus. I would say...

- He is the asshole for sure. - 100%. - I wasn't even, by the way, I wasn't thinking. I was just replaying the story in my head. I wasn't trying to decide whether he was or wasn't. He 100% is. If anything, this is a hot take. If anything, he's the most of the asshole to K.

Because Kay was literally minding her business. And then you came up to her, dragged her to the bar, chirps and chirps and chirps and chirps in, talking about, she's like, well, what about Jay? And you're like, don't worry about Jay, bro. I'm talking to you. I'm talking to you. So Kay was there literally minding her business. You interrupted her piece to spit game and then lips another thing in front of her.

There's no need for that. There is no need for that. B is a dread one. You're still an asshole to B because you know she likes you. Yes, you've told her your intentions and you haven't slept together or anything like that. But you've been spending time with her and you can see, you know it's going to piss her off to be lips in front of her. That's insane. Granted, it's not your fault that you were on a date and B happened to be there. That's the game. Mm.

That's the game. You don't need to be lips in people in front of her. Kay, you're a savage. - Yeah. - You're an absolute savage. She was minding her business. - She was. And she said, you look bagging. Took us to the bar. - Yeah. - Took us to the bar where J was on the other side and B was on the other. - Yeah. - Insane. - That's crazy behavior, man. Yeah, you didn't control the midfield well at all. At all. - Yeah, you didn't bro. - That's a pass accuracy blow. That's fucking hilarious.

Yeah, that's terrible, terrible moves. Terrible moves. Yeah, I'm not impressed by that. But so, man, yeah, once you've got drink in your gut, you think... Any holes of gold. You think you're a playmaker. Yeah. You think you're a playmaker moving like Jason Kidd. You think you can see the whole floor from bird's eye view. Yeah, saggy vibes. Yeah. You think you're on blue lock. Yeah, fuck. You're not. You're not. You're really, really not. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're really not. That's me in hush days. I thought I was...

I thought I was breakdancing in there Yeah you thought you were invincible Yeah and then everything Would turn out to be But what about I'm like DJ A What's all this Semantics Yeah bro That's my brethren That's my roommates girl Facts Let's get a drink Yeah what's all this Silly silly Fucking childish behaviour bro But yeah fuck that kid You do need to learn the hard way But someone This whole Why am I an arsehole Da da da da

Be accountable, bro. Be accountable. You know what you're doing. Clearly it's the alcohol that gave you some courage as well. And again, he's... I'm assuming this guy's just a teenager. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Teenage dirtbag, bro. Exactly. It happens. You go through that phase and then you'll just get over it. Yeah. Blame it on the juice got me fitting loose. Facts. God, I used to sing that song. Same. Right. Just before we wrap up, I mentioned it earlier. I'm just going to mention it again. I'm not really looking for actual sound advice. So you know how sometimes...

Gyal will get angry at man because they come at you with emotion and then mandem will give them logic in return. It's like, I have no use for your logic. You think I didn't know the answers before I started speaking my mouth. I just need support. This is why I'm going to say something. I need you man support. Like I said, I already brought it up earlier. I haven't slept in three days and I'm at an emotional tipping point, you man. And I just might cry. When I say every night for the last three days,

Daddy's sleepy deepy. I snuggle up in bed and I'm like, Christ almighty, Sandman, take me into your arms. And I snooze off. And then throughout the night, I roll to the left, it wakes me up. I roll to the right, it wakes me up. Like I can hear a car go past outside. That's not even that loud. It wakes me up. Everything wakes me up and I'm having dreams. Yeah.

I'm having lucid dreams, you man. It's fucking me. I've been there. Yeah, and every day, when I say I gave myself 10 hours to sleep last night, 10 strong hours because I needed it, bro. I woke up, felt like I had 20 minutes. I woke up, my face puffy. I'm on camera. Damn. Damn, man. Bro, do you know what I mean? Sorry, bro. I'm murked. I can't live like this, you man. Sorry, G. Every night I try again and every night I'm failed.

Hopefully tonight's the night Because you're training tonight You're training after this We are training Get me in that sauna That's gonna put something in me Yeah, yeah, yeah Get me in that sauna That's gonna wear me out Yeah That's gonna wear me out Cool, cool Heavy session Sauna Hopefully that would like, you know Make your body feel a bit more relaxed Pause and then you can just You can just sleep tonight I need to Yeah, I hope so, G Because we've got a day tomorrow We have such a day tomorrow I've had fear all day

Since I woke up, I've been shaking thinking I can't go through this again tonight. Do you know what it's like to be a grown man, to be scared to go to bed? Do you know what that feels like? You man, I'm at the edge. I feel like I need to check into Arkham. I'm at the edge, you man. Insomnia does stuff to people. It does stuff to people because it's been three days and I'm losing my mind. I would be intrigued to know if you had worn your weave, how many hours of sleep you would have had collectively. The recovery would be 11%.

I'm on the ropes. - Damn, so. - I'm on the ropes. - Has this ever happened to you in a period of life before? Like consistently? 'Cause this has been three days you said. - Yeah, I've had consistent insomnia before, which is not this. Where insomnia where I just can't fall asleep. - Okay. - And I'll be on my phone and I'll be whatever and I just can't sleep. And I'll get to sleep at like six in the morning, wake up at nine and just wanna kill myself. I've had that before, but this in terms of as soon as I rest my head on the pillow, I'm asleep. But all night I'm just no deep sleep whatsoever, no REM.

Nothing, nothing big man. It's horrible. But even when I'm tossing and turning and waking up at no point am I like, fuck sake I'm awake. I'm still falling back asleep, falling back asleep, falling back asleep. But bro, it's just not, it's not hitting bro. I feel like I'm starving eating one piece of sweet corn at a time. It's murking me. - You're teasing yourself. - Yeah, I'm literally just edging and edging and edging. And it's fucking me up. - Damn bro, damn. Sorry G.

I'm sorry too. Sorry G. Hopefully, like I said, touch wood, tonight's the night. Strong gym session, sauna, relax, straight to bed when you get back. Food, bed. It has to be. And it's so bad that like, obviously we fly to LA in a few days. I'm excited for that because the first night we land in America every single time, you man is the best sleep I've ever had. I'm so tired. Yeah. I'm so tired every single time. I sleep through that night. Same, same, same. So I've been praying for that just because I'm not getting the sleep I need. Mm.

But tonight, yeah, tonight it has to happen. - Okay. Hopefully it does for your sake and I. - Gang. But anyway, that's enough cry baby stuff from me. Guys, this has been a very unique episode. - It has. - I feel like we needed it, man. - We did. - It's like a nice little shake off. - Yes, nice to mix things up a bit. Nice to mix things up a bit. And just a reminder, guys, like we said at the beginning of this episode, Australia,

Eastern time, 11 a.m. today. General sales. The tickets are live. We are coming down under. New Zealand, Australia. We're coming home. Make sure you cop that. We'll see you soon. Love, love, love. Gang, gang, gang. When you use SAP Concur solutions to automate your business finances, you'll be ready for anything.

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Hi, this is Christopher Kimball from Milk Street Radio. I often shop at Whole Foods markets since they sell the kind of food I like. Organic vegetables, a great meat counter, and of course a great staff.

For Thanksgiving, Whole Foods offers brine turkeys as well as a spiral cut bone-in ham. The Whole Foods Market Bakery has a large assortment of pies, even a vegan pumpkin pie. Or grab some brioche and butterflake rolls for the table as well. Or you can ask the Whole Foods team to cater your meal for you, including the bird, the sides, and desserts. Get your holiday party started at Whole Foods Market.