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Industrial Revolution

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Joel Mokyr
旁白: 本集讲述了发生在1760年到1830年间的英国工业革命,探讨了其发生的原因、当时的社会影响以及对现代世界的塑造作用。工业革命不仅改变了人们的工作方式,也改变了社会的本质,引发了旷日持久的阶级斗争。从农业社会向工业社会的转变,带来了前所未有的经济发展和技术进步,但也造成了贫富差距的扩大和社会问题的产生。 Joel Mokyr: 工业革命并非突发事件,而是一个渐进的过程,人们在经历过程中并未立即意识到其影响。1760年代一系列发明极大地提高了工业效率,标志着工业革命的真正开始。英国通过全球贸易扩张积累了财富和影响力,为工业革命奠定了基础。农业效率的提高释放了劳动力,为手工业发展提供了更多机会。英国丰富的煤炭资源为机器提供廉价能源,而高昂的劳动力成本推动了技术创新。英国独特的科学方法和追求进步的文化也促进了创新。瓦特改良的蒸汽机是工业革命最重要的发明之一,它极大地提高了生产效率。工厂制度的出现是工业革命的重要标志,它改变了生产方式和社会秩序。 Joel Mokyr: 每一次技术创新都会面临阻力,尤其来自担心失业和技能过时的工人。英国政府支持工业家,镇压工人抗议。工业革命增加了对棉花的需求,导致美国奴隶制得到了延续。马克思是第一个深刻认识到工业革命深远影响的人,他认为工业革命创造了工业无产阶级,并深刻影响了社会主义和共产主义思想。工业革命是一个持续进行的过程,至今仍在影响着世界。

Deep Dive

The Industrial Revolution transformed Britain from an agricultural society to an industrial powerhouse between 1760 and 1830. This chapter explores the unique factors that led to its inception in Britain, including global trade expansion, technological advancements, and agricultural improvements.

Shownotes Transcript

During the years 1760 to 1830, British industry exploded. Thanks to advances in machinery, and forward-thinking inventions, the country shifted from a predominantly agricultural nation, to a modern state. This movement has become known as the Industrial Revolution. But why did these changes take place in Britain and not somewhere else? What were its impacts at the time, and how has it come to shape the modern world? And, are we indeed still living through it?

This is a Short History Of the Industrial Revolution.

A Noiser production, Written by Dan Smith. With thanks to Joel Mokyr, Professor of Economics and History at Northwestern University, and the Sackler Professor at the University of Tel Aviv.

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