cover of episode 开启一场“盲目”信仰漫画的大型试验


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Sarah: 本期节目讨论了Scott McCloud的漫画理论著作《Understanding Comics》的再版,并分享了对漫画以及理论研究的阅读经验和看法。节目涵盖了漫画的定义、创作技巧、不同文化背景下的漫画差异,以及漫画作为一种艺术形式的价值和意义。 Sarah 认为,麦克劳德的书将漫画创作视为一个科学的、系统的理科实验,并以极高的热情和持之以恒的态度进行研究。她认为麦克劳德的书中,最重要的是他对于漫画的极高热情,以及他持之以恒的研究态度。 Sarah 还谈到了自己阅读漫画的经验,以及对漫画理论的理解。她认为,漫画是一种直觉的艺术形式,读者可以通过自己的直觉来理解漫画的内容。她还谈到了自己对不同类型漫画的偏好,以及对漫画理论的看法。 Sarah 认为,麦克劳德的书中,最值得关注的是他提出的“知觉封闭”的概念,以及他总结的漫画创作的六步法则。她认为,这些概念和法则可以帮助读者更好地理解漫画,以及漫画创作的过程。 Sarah 还谈到了自己对漫画产业的一些看法,以及对漫画未来的展望。她认为,漫画产业是一个不断发展变化的产业,未来会有更多新的漫画形式出现。 亦桐: 作为《理解漫画》的责任编辑,亦桐从编辑的角度出发,详细介绍了新版与旧版之间的差异,包括翻译的改进、彩页的还原等。她认为新版最大的优势在于还原了原版彩页,解决了旧版中彩页被遮挡的问题。 亦桐还分享了自己阅读漫画理论书籍的经验,并对麦克劳德的理论进行了深入的解读。她认为,麦克劳德的书并非单纯的技法指导,而是从更广阔的视角探讨漫画的艺术性和文化意义。她特别提到了麦克劳德对漫画的定义,认为其客观且包容,涵盖了各种形式的图像叙事。 亦桐还谈到了亚洲和欧美漫画理论研究的差异,以及对“图像小说”概念的讨论。她认为,亚洲漫画理论研究更关注漫画的起源和发展脉络,而欧美则存在更多批判性声音。 亦桐还分享了在编辑过程中遇到的挑战,例如如何准确翻译麦克劳德自创的一些术语。她认为,这本书的翻译难度很大,需要在准确性和易读性之间取得平衡。 亦桐最后总结了《理解漫画》的价值,认为它不仅是漫画创作者的重要工具,也是读者欣赏漫画的艺术指南。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is 'Understanding Comics' considered a classic in comic theory?

'Understanding Comics' is regarded as a classic because it provides a comprehensive and accessible exploration of comic theory. Unlike purely technical guides, it uses the comic format itself to explain the medium, making it both engaging and easy to understand. It covers a wide range of topics, from the history of comics to the psychology of visual storytelling, making it valuable for both creators and readers.

What distinguishes 'Understanding Comics' from other comic theory books?

'Understanding Comics' stands out by using the comic format to teach about comics, making it more accessible and engaging. It focuses on a broad understanding of the medium rather than just technical skills. Additionally, it takes an objective approach, unlike many books that focus on the personal experiences of individual creators.

How does 'Understanding Comics' address the cultural differences in comic interpretation?

The book highlights how Asian and Western creators approach comics differently. Asian creators often focus on the historical and cultural origins of comics, while Western creators, like McCloud, tend to critique the industry's current state. This cultural lens provides a broader understanding of how comics are perceived and created globally.

What is the significance of the term 'comics' in 'Understanding Comics'?

In 'Understanding Comics,' McCloud uses the term 'comics' broadly to encompass all forms of sequential art, regardless of cultural or stylistic differences. He argues that comics are a universal medium, and the term should not be limited to specific genres or formats. This inclusive definition helps readers see comics as a diverse and evolving art form.

How does 'Understanding Comics' explore the relationship between images and text?

The book delves into how images and text interact in comics, emphasizing that they are not separate entities but work together to create meaning. McCloud discusses how the combination of visual and textual elements can evoke emotions, tell stories, and convey complex ideas, making comics a unique medium of expression.

What role does symbolism play in comics according to 'Understanding Comics'?

Symbolism is a central theme in 'Understanding Comics,' as McCloud explains how images and symbols in comics can convey emotions, actions, and ideas. He discusses how even simple symbols, like hearts or facial expressions, can carry deep meaning and how readers instinctively interpret these visual cues.

How does 'Understanding Comics' compare comics to other art forms like film?

McCloud contrasts comics with film by highlighting their unique storytelling methods. While film is bound by time and space, comics allow for multiple moments to coexist on a single page. This flexibility gives comics a distinct advantage in conveying complex narratives and emotions through sequential art.

What is the 'six-step process' for creating comics outlined in 'Understanding Comics'?

The 'six-step process' in 'Understanding Comics' outlines the stages of comic creation, from initial idea to final execution. McCloud emphasizes that this process is not linear but allows creators to choose different paths at each stage. He also stresses that mastery in comics involves both technical skill and creative innovation.

How does 'Understanding Comics' address the evolution of comic styles?

The book discusses how comic styles have evolved over time, influenced by cultural, technological, and artistic factors. McCloud notes that while early comics were often simple and formulaic, modern comics embrace a wide range of styles and techniques, reflecting the medium's growth and diversity.

What is the significance of color in comics according to 'Understanding Comics'?

McCloud explores how color in comics can enhance storytelling by adding emotional depth and visual impact. He contrasts the use of color in American comics, which often feature bold, vibrant hues, with the more subdued palettes of European and Japanese comics. The choice of color, he argues, is deeply tied to cultural and historical contexts.

  • 对漫画进行定义,探讨其包罗万象的特性。
  • 从历史和不同文化视角审视漫画,例如埃及壁画、鸟兽戏画等。
  • 比较漫画与电影的不同之处,阐述漫画独特的时空表现力。

Shownotes Transcript

























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