cover of episode The Sign of Four - Part Three

The Sign of Four - Part Three

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Jonathan Small
华生医生详细描述了围绕着Morstan家族,一个失踪男孩,以及一颗罕见钻石“上帝之心”的谜团。他与福尔摩斯一起调查,发现了许多相互关联的线索,但这些线索并没有完全解释事件的真相。他强调了Sholto的异常行为,以及Sholto对Mary Morstan的骚扰,这些都增加了案件的神秘感。他表达了对案件的困惑,并寻求福尔摩斯的帮助来解开谜团。 福尔摩斯则展现了他敏锐的观察力和推理能力。他发现了“四个的标志”字条,并推断这可能是一个组织的标志。他通过对字条的化学分析,发现了可待因和炭疽杆菌孢子(已失效),这为案件的调查提供了新的方向。他推断Morstan船长可能是中毒身亡,并且“四个的标志”组织与“上帝之心”钻石及其相关的宝石有关。他最终解开了“四个的标志”的含义,并指出这很可能是一个组织的标志。 Mary Morstan分享了她过去在阿富汗的创伤经历,这与案件本身没有直接关联,但展现了她坚韧的性格和面对困境的勇气。她的经历为整个故事增添了一层情感深度,也暗示了她内心的脆弱和对过去的创伤的挣扎。她与华生医生之间的情感发展也为故事增添了浪漫色彩。 Jonathan Small作为案件中的关键人物,提供了关于“上帝之心”钻石碎片和Morstan家族之间联系的重要线索,但他的动机和目的仍然不明确。他的陈述增加了案件的复杂性,也为后续的调查提供了新的方向。 华生医生在与Mary Morstan的会面中,表达了对Mary Morstan的关心和歉意,并鼓励她分享她的经历。他展现了他温柔体贴的一面,也体现了他作为朋友和医生的责任感。在案件调查中,他与福尔摩斯配合默契,提供了重要的线索和支持。他展现了他对细节的关注和对真相的追求。 福尔摩斯在案件中展现了他超凡的推理能力和观察能力。他通过对字条的分析,发现了隐藏的线索,并推断出案件的真相。他冷静、睿智,并能够在关键时刻做出正确的判断。他与华生医生的合作,体现了他们之间深厚的友谊和默契的配合。 Mary Morstan勇敢地分享了她过去在阿富汗的创伤经历,展现了她坚韧的性格和面对困境的勇气。她的经历为整个故事增添了一层情感深度,也暗示了她内心的脆弱和对过去的创伤的挣扎。她与华生医生之间的情感发展也为故事增添了浪漫色彩。 Jonathan Small的陈述为案件提供了重要的线索,但他的动机和目的仍然不明确,这为案件的后续发展埋下了伏笔。

Deep Dive

Sherlock and Watson discover a mysterious note labeled 'The Sign of Four' in a storage unit, sparking their investigation into its origins and meaning.
  • The note was found in the storage unit of Captain Morstan.
  • The note reads 'The Sign of Four' and is a key clue in their investigation.
  • Sherlock and Watson speculate on the note's significance and its connection to the case.

Shownotes Transcript


Previously on show locking coat and country after .

span 逗 比, hello 逗 比。

He's a specialist search dog, retired.

Hey, mary, are you familiar with this time?

Are you working for him? Did he hire you or something mary did?

Did who shoulder .

you still .

have the dimension?

I sold summer first, but they just keep coming. And I I contacted an expert, diamond expert. Hello, hi.

hello. From what we get, we understand that sota sees the more things of some importance. I believe IT is a fragment of gods heart. But this is what I don't get.

Why is IT fragmented and why is shoulder are seeing them to make to do we think he killed the boy?

I, I have to say that walked pop up in my mind.

Then why is there a missing boy? And why did he possess an exceptionally rare diamond? I don't know.

And why did the boy have a picture of the descendent of captain arthmore, who lived at work in the holland of that very diamond? Don't know. And why did the shorto individual harass mary .

upon her show?

Would you like to know?


we are in the storage june of the late captain. More than that, there we go. Well, what is IT? What's inside a note?

What is IT? Say the sign of four.

morning. What the hell happened to you?


you're right. Yeah.

I just walked him. We are cracking the case. That's what happened to us.

inc. Or performing.

performing nude sex act in west london. And can people stop telling me I was?

And what were you doing then?

We inflated an old storage unit owned by, kept more than but my pyjamas .

ripped at the back. Look, just john, it's the morning.

So she's my bump cheeks.


What was in the storage unit? Well.

so IT.

could you just sit your bears down on my couch?


He pays a lot.

doesn't know. Yeah, I suppose he does. I think it's a boy dog thing, those market territory sort of thing.

He's got his work cut out in london.

Oh, good. yeah. It's it's very difficult these days for for a Young dog to get on the territory later in london.

Yes, I just .

sorry you. No, no, no, no. Honestly, you you go speak words.

Okay, speaking words. yeah. I just wanted to say because I didn't say IT before.

I mean, I takes IT, but I didn't say IT. Sorry about not tuning up at the criteria. Come on there.

It's not like you could planned IT.

There was ever no. Yeah, but I just feel bad. I I feel.

I don't know. Yeah no, I understand. I was at a funny chapter in my life. I didn't really think I knew at time. But yeah, I was just looking for something.

anything past yeah, just so you found IT.

I did find IT. Yeah.

what's IT like?

It's good. Yeah, yeah, it's it's good. He doesn't do laundry and he plays the violin all night.

But but yeah, seriously, that is, I finally feel like you. I feel like me. yeah.


T C. Cys of that.

Please stop down. Yeah, yeah. It'll come. And of course, IT will you're you're seek in IT out. So then IT comes along by acid, or in my case, on a tread mill covered in blood.

But that makes sense of her.

Listen to the show.

That would make .

sense if you head. Listen to the show. Boy.

I just want to to stop one thing so much, you know.

yeah just keep doing .

student stupid stuff because i'm just i'm a right and i'm just trying to claw my way out graving IT anything jobs ideas side hustles mean women is honestly been IT IT doesn't work almost stupid. Twenty first century branes gets bored of IT and throws IT in the then and moves under something else just. This is like the opposite of me as well as what really sucks. And it's the opposite of him to to be honest.

Oh, you're dad. Yeah, that you guys moved around a lot when you were Younger.

I mean, he did, but all of the name work I used to bed like that, that routine, my routine.

Yeah, very hard to replicate.

really. Lady, had I W me up into a brief t too face, too. Look.

h wolves, lots of wolves.

I like a wolf. I do like a wolf. I think when you message, I sort of, I guess I fat a lot of stuff.

Oh, steady. I'm steady now, mary. yeah. No, IT. I I think I thought that I was gonna talk about painful stuff for your podcast course course.

because you thought I was going to do the interview for that.

right? exactly. But this was before you turn into this maple mr. Map, even .

doctor marble.

yeah. And anyway, I think I got excited because I saw the message and I was like, ah, okay, this will fix me and now i'm just this whole only stuff has taken over and I don't know i'm back to feeling so small again. I mean, we can completely .

talk that if you want. He's not just not often and you get a guy that's being blown up to .

listen to your war story. War story come off in now i'm serious.

mary. Why are you minimize IT?

Because IT IT wasn't a battle, was IT IT IT wasn't big explosions in persons? No.

IT wasn't IT was, well, come on.

Okay, okay, but if I turn into some blooming me, some people start steer.

This is your fault. I'll take my chances.

Well, yeah. Sorry, so total all new Venus seeing out to afghanistan .

in the deep .

end and four hours and a complete stopped the background been another four hours the next day and we'll be in canto a yeah and packed myself jump on the truck outside a bk craft private disease, private Harrison and few others like they really know but I got to know them on the journey as you were right I mean four hours post and yeah came into back around we are looking for what what we've been told as a compound that already has some military prisons already. And i'm looking at the truck in front mounting into these, I guess you call them pot holes. And just as his turn to head back down to all the town has higher sinks into this hole, and immediately I just see this wash like this.

You know what .

I was like? IT was like, a shame, pain cork. 我, 我 like a guy like。 A sweet gold, the front into their trucker head of us just takes off, flips into the area. And I just see this tower of flames just shooting up out of the ground.


I mean, I was like snow. I just remember about starting to finally feel the cold. I, but he didn't gone. And I, I D, D, working out no longer in the track, but in total darkness. If I was an cafe, yeah, and I I would be in the cave for another five and half days.

OK, yeah.

I wasn't alone.

I was back. SHE was great. He was like, actual woman, you know, slappers around and kick us to us.

Cak a close of us. And SHE realized, like after day, to been absolutely kick and punch back to these decades. You can really get, get a good few hits into.

And he did. He did. SHE SHE fought them every day. I guess.


there was something about the way they treated her, cause I guess the way he looked short here. Well built, tett s wrapped, right the way they traded her. This is the way they traded me.

So cruel to her, so evil. They keep saying they were waiting for a dollar to meet me. A dollar can.

I don't know what they think was some warlord or whatever. Maybe he wanted to pray this around as some trophy. Me, however, hold woke up one night or morning. Really, that must have been for a or something. There's a firefight going on outside, and I can hear some bullets pinning around the city walls.

I can see flash rings going off and think, the lord, I can hear americans shouting all the while, more bullets and threatens shooting around the cave as they closer and louder. And eventually, after all this noise of this, miss IT goes quiet, I was sprayed to bankrupt. And as I say her name and reach out to her, I can just see the early light of dawned, bounce off her eyes and I smiled.

I remember smiling. I could feel me up crack because I had been so long since theyd made their shape, they'd been almost sit in stone in them. yeah. SHE didn't smile back and SHE didn't blink as SHE guests.

I put, I felt for her pulse.

and I caught a little sweater ter of something there, very weak. And I quickly just, I kissed her. I had just felt like the right thing to do. I kissed her. Hold your hand instructive property end yeah and in SHE SHE does A K how .

many staring .

right .

now about two .

hundred people. There are a moment, but I will get bored soon. Shut up.

I'm just going like my .

nose because yeah sure said it's .

not said it's not coming to.

Don't feel helpless. okay.

What do you mean?

Sometimes people go and they shouldn't and you might feel that IT shouldn't been new, but it's it's it's just a natural rummaging around the your brain is doing just to try expense of IT all you don't have to do that.

I don't .

no all great.

I always, you tell my brain there.

Well, mary's brain, if you're listening, that isn't you leave mary alone. She's brave. She's driven, powerful. And he was just wrong place, wrong time.

Play pleasure. What are you going to say?

That he was an ages ago, yeah, I think I was just gonna was just boring kase stuff. What is no IT doesn't matter OK IT actually doesn't matter. No, I realize.

K right. yes. So the note, the sign of four note that we found when you double to lock up, sure, I have IT just here. I wanted to double check. That's not your that handle is IT.


it's not right.

And that was in historic. Yeah.

I was in a lot box.

Oh yeah, I I couldn't get IT everything .

and inter was empty. OK. this? This is toby.

hey. Oh, he likes you.

Actually seems to be into this note. I down. Toby down.

Make toby. He is great. down. So, right, right.

Tobe here. Not drugs. The promise? I don't know. He wants this.

He wants everything. Sorry, guys.

No worries. No worries. bye. as. I hold on.

Fancy to get around to that therapy any minute. Hold, please. I do. Yes.

hello, i've confirmed that I cannot be captive of in handwriting. Stop hanging around with her now.

Yeah, no, I just just confirmed that with her.

understood. So it's likely that is not a note, but a message.

a message from the sign of four. Indeed.

I may wish to take another look at IT to examine that handwriting a little closer. Maybe see if I can, under sample of short toes, perhaps don't small. The assistant in this area well.

you're lucky, I still have IT to be onest your amazing creature nearly swallowed.

What are you talking about?

Toby just came over frantically sniffy in regional park. And now I look like i'm using IT a snake.

He sniff IT .

frantically. Yeah, called .

stanford. Get us a loud and media and parts.

Sorry, mary, i've i've got to fair is a, oh.

I I was probably .

gna up on the discord. Briefly check to .

some listeners the criteria. Wow.

I mean, this is the most confident .

i've i've had been. So feel free to shot me down and destroy that.

No worries. No, no, no, i'm not gona shoot you down.

You have about them in the F, P, L.

by the way, i'm not. You are that p is now I doesn't count.

Why not? Because he's married with three kids. So so he's tuned out. Any is way too busy to know is going on with football.

Yeah, that's why he's bottom. I'm not bottom.


you are my all right.

Where are you then on time? Obviously.

why is a highly regarded surgeon on top of a fantasy football? And you should be .

busy saving lives. I so he goes, be honest.

if we could just turn the volume down a touch.

How was nodia?

Yeah, she's good. Yeah, going strong. Good for you next, right? gonna. ET a parents next week. So.

wow. yes.

Could we please? right? sorry.

Remember what we're looking again. A note from john's girlfriend.

not with a girlfriend. IT is a note connected to Jones girlfriend.

but we don't know who from.

She's not my girlfriend, but we would very much like to discover who IT is from, but also why our friend toby was so interested in IT.

Toby Perry.

fellow from the park. I thought you're doing C.


A on IT. I already have alright, just awaiting results. In the meantime, i'm doing some paper chroma, total phy that is proving rather illuminating now. So well, I can see benzo alcohol and dive in the byrinth, of course, then a smelting of other results. I'd say some calcium, some sodium, potassium, then some metabolic ts, so that would be some sweat.

On page from atherton.

from the author of the note, i'd say the sweat is pushed down, almost forming a Green print in a present shape to the right of the writing. So a right handed person, ather morston, was left handed. And i'd say that, along with the handwriting analysis, gives us reason to believe he didn't write the note. I can also tell you, our author is possibly in a great deal of pain.

why our sweat .

expose a number of things from our bodies, the minerals I mentioned, patashie, sodium and so on, that also metabolizes, eura, ammonia and alike. IT does, however, also deal with the unmeet abolished, particularly in the form of .

description drugs. 哦, okay, wow.

what a nice.

good spot. Maybe that's .

why toby was all over IT an open.

I've checked no service dogs are trained to sniff coding unless case dependent. And he never worked on any. He was sniffing for .

something else. So basically, narcotics, explosives, harmful substances, correct?

Not if we go. Back, oh, love like an embro and everything, right? But he wants to guess stamp. I want to be fun, right?

What do you think was on the note? This isn't a bill .

in a restaurant. When not guess .

IT lis and thrust dover, that is what about .

flying peace play and ah i'm going to go OK.

Okay, okay. We asked which chemical has been found on the note you said cocaine, sir. They said. mr. Sherlock homes, you said what .

was basilius and thrash our survey said.

top, really pon, there is a congress results.

Good god, well done.

make good work. Absolutely know that. Show what is IT baculard what say?

And though we. Evacuate.

do to evacuees.

Acua the sport have long red captain moston did the right thing by storing them away in that box and then in a locked container for ten years.

okay. So, so somebody poison him.


has mad cor block.

And what does.

what is the forming the sign of four? We don't know. IT feels to me like we're dealing with a group, group that felt the need to eliminate captain more than ten years ago. I dare say IT tie into the god's of heart diamond and its kindred stones.

Not on the foremark, on the lock box. 我, the four Marks.

of course, it's not a scratch. It's a mark one, two, three, four.

It's their symbol, the sign of four.

I'm David massy, former C I, A analyst turned spinout list.

and i'm good and career a national security journalist.

And together we are the host of gold hangers, the latest pod test. The rest is classified.

Every week. We're going to bring you brilliant stories from the world of ea.

We are going to have hilarious characters, real deal authentic spycraft and intelligence Operations, and the often same absurd events that fill this world of secrecy and deception.

Think the rest is history, but with spies.

And we're going to start in iran, the americans and the brits, yes, even the brits got and doing downright dirty things, stabilize of government.

The C I, A, love a coup.

Don't David, what? You don't love a coup as much as you think we do, gordon. But when we get around to IT, we make sure that it's a banner. And this one, I think, cept the temper regime .

changing around, all started by single american spy. Come and join us. The rest is classified. Listen at the end of this episode.

Ah sorry .

pologies. I picked daily circus around here. Yeah hi listeners. hello. Just got a big pack. Something pank.

The old old crisis, the old mental health just then you know, it's it's seven or four P M. And I am stood outside the criteria. That's why that picture circus choice yeah and Chris yeah got a bit of the but jitters.

I know I I don't think it's mary, it's daughter, a world I don't want to open nothing against. The criterion here is very nice. But yeah, I wasn't in a great place when I was here before.

I'm I I don't think mary is in a great place right now, and I feel I I don't know. Oh no, poor john. Sexy lady is easy to talk to and fang hang out with.

He want his attention. Oh no, it's not that straight board, okay, because I not I can't be her crutch because I I mean, i've got to crushes myself. My on, okay, just cash will get together.

John, you know, john, boy weet chat over a drink. Little drinker poo, never heard anyone that I did. You know, OK right, going in, going on a date. I think here we go.

But we are back. Listen, is where we're back.

where we first met. Haven't we come a long way? God, she's got the table I was at.

lovely. Okay, let's do this. You're going in the front right pocket of my coat.

What I say, coat is more of a jacket, a jacket, you know what I say, a jacket sort of, a shirt, jacket sort of the right, you're going in. bye. Good luck. Sorry, don't know what? I'm sorry, but by.

Have you've been .

waiting long now.

like five minutes time? Well, now you know what feels like joking.

Okay, so I listened to episode .

one and you want to .

know what I learned. Sure that you would want this.

a bottles of the pills and, well, thinking you, so what did you think of .

the loved really, really cold too? It's funny .

because IT may be.

feel, no, it's weird. I know him who to prove that I felt like reading something.

Yeah, I know.

That's why I don't listen. You wouldn't happy. No, but you'll look at median and act of course is a great the best.

So do you take .

my key with what do you .

mean it's .

on union isn't IT?

It's what sorry. Look, oh my god, you keep straight .

fight doesn't it's going .

to be cut to get you keep IT .

on in case something happens exactly like a whole superman getting changed in the first more time.

You couldn't even say that without laughing.

Yeah, no, I couldn't.

I could be too.

桃姐, that is a good local of show.

Incredible, right?

That SHE size of IT. Huge.


So huge. Now, glad you trick me into get in the tube here.

up here. Yeah, right? mr. c. Ral.

london. yeah. Yes, I did like a king. London and then so funny and off yeah we had I. What do you think .

you do is keep living in london? Yeah, I don't know. Got some strong urgings feelings pulling me back home, home being a home, being new ireland.

But we all live upside down with our sheep prints. So yeah constantly being pull back home, but in something here always. 耶。

Yeah, in the trip on the bike stand.

did you did that too? But you really style IT out.


I thought I did too.

Got destructed.

Yeah, me too for second now. This is my house.


Well, I say my house belongs to a lander that charges me a grand a month to live in a bedroom. But apart from that, it's mine.

Very nice. Well, mary, we we finally did IT .

finally. I'm really sorry.

Just no. Hey, was IT was worth .

the weight .

IT .

was so yeah, i'll. Give you call or sure.

Thank you for everything today.

That's okay. Thank you.

For for .

being so what .

you .

okay, sorry, I I didn't I D I didn't technically kiss.

I was. I was just positioning .

because I .

think what they are on, there's a leader from him. Oh my god.

So basically you were making out with her.


that's not what I said you were making sexual advances on a client continue should lock you.

Don't look .

at me like that. Can we get to the actual serious thing here? Show to is back. He's corresponding again.

So we have more diamond. S no.

what do we have?

Then he sent her an airline ticket to india. Oh, the three program does g international airport in amata.

You memorize that? Yes, very impressive.


Why did you memorize IT?

Because I think it's important that you both know where i'm going, what you can go by herself.

but then SHE shouldn't go just the case.

So so if somebody doesn't go and track down.

so now a pretty girl around you run towards murder. Is that right?

We don't know. He's a mood.

Oh, sorry, i'm an suspected murder who's also a crepy stoker. That how us as women at funerals of their parents.

all reasons why i'm going with her.

You are not going by yourself. Be with mary. No.

i'm going with mary. I'm going to protect mary.

Yes, and i'm going to protect you.

I'm going to protect mary.



you? You said my name?

No, I didn't. Yes, you did. Did not. You did. yes. Well, IT just sort .

of came out.

He said .

my name.

job he did. He finally .

go to teasing, who want wants to come stay, who's going to be a good boy to.

The sign of full volume one is available now. Add free on the patron sign up now.

Hi, it's David mclouth y from the rest is classify. Here's that clip that we mentioned earlier on. We're back with permit rose belt or in tehran in july of thousand nine hundred and fifty three permit is there. He is planning a coup. He's got bags of cash and he's in constant villa calling himself James lock age.

That's right. And he's supposed to be undercover as jane broker. But when he plays tennis with other other experts and diplomats, every time he misses a shot, he curses himself and says a rose of belt, which is his real name.

So is. And then when people asked why, there he goes, well, i'm such a passionate republican that I hate, Frank in roseveldt democrat. And so yeah, use the name is a curse word. I mean, that is not good covers that.

It's pretty rough. It's pretty rough. Although I will say that being wasted online, Ricky, and playing tennis that's ai .

seems very .

Normal. So permit there. Now he's brought money that right to come throw around but it's maybe less than we would think yeah to accomplish the overthrows of the government. Is that right? Yeah.

I mean, some of the estimates that the we can do IT for hundred thousand dollars, something like that, and that seems crazy, doesn't IT to think that all that costs for the coup. I mean, estimates vary, but that's .

basically bribe money. That I was also very interesting. He actually takes over M I sexes network yeah in iran doesn't a which is like I actually can't think of a modern parallel where you don't have a joint I mean, it's it's a joint effort, but he doesn't have britz on the ground with him. He's there. He's taken over the bridge hord.

And if you want to hear the full episode, listen to the rest is classified wherever you get your podcasts.