For just six pounds a month, you can get early access to add three episodes. And I just binge those full adventures immediately. And that is just the tip of the ice book.
There's so much more over a patri on up com forward slash, sherlock and coat, just six pound a month. Six pounds, yeah, that is cheaper than parking a he throw for twenty nine minutes. You know that twenty nine minutes in a hetero car park.
Share local co members club. You do so patri on outcome for slash shall often come. Previously on show lock and code.
how can I help? lily? So I found, found something.
You found something.
IT was like a barrier mound, like A A mounted dirt.
a burial .
yeah. What did you find?
let me see.
I like IT here. And what .
exactly is IT eight .
fifteen thousand seven hundred ninety .
pounds cash for doctor earns and mrs. Lee have been missing for a week. Her husband reported that he had been robbed to the tune of fifteen thousand and seven hundred and eighty pounds in cash. And you knew .
that the color man.
colman, who who's the colman .
is the color man that was his company, plainly, some decade, instead of this show, look, mariana and john, this is mr. wang. I hi .
mister lee. Do you, in a .
bit of painting, always makes the world feel noon?
So when you dressed the elephant in room there, he murdered, he murdered red. And the old vietnam's bloke downstairs, about five teeth, murdered his wife and her lover.
He didn't deed.
Sorry, what the, how are we doing here?
This is not that kind of case.
Wife of creepy man has a fair wife. Creepy man goes missing with lover.
This he's .
gloating shlock the man is gloating down there .
as long it's a chest term. He's forcing us to make a bad move, putting us at an immediate disadvantage. Even playing field of turn based games is that both sides simply must always, without fail, make a move. This is a waiting move. And if it's effective, strong.
shallow stop.
that is a poor move, widely a very poor move. What was that is my he has seemed to feel the need to store a signed caps in the government. One of his missing molas, a paint.
The sheer amount of bit IT isn't cover the wars. It's to cover the smell, the smell of Amber. And right? What have you done with the body is.
Here I am. Thanks for letting me in your ears. Love what you're done with the place, the drum, the wax with everything.
Love looking great, right? That's the nicest thing you hear, are going to hear for the next half hour. I'm afraid this episode contains death, human remains, swearing blood to need a this claim of a blood in the podcast. Well, i've done IT now. So right the moment, let's go solve the adventure of the retired columne after you.
Oh, you're soaked.
and nothing to show for him. I told you the back garden had no signs of disturbance in the soil. I was shaking the shed. The shade has a lock that is rusted shut. You'd never get in there.
Yes, I know that now, thanks. I mean, come on. They are bound to be in there.
right? You think the bodies are in the shed?
It's impossible to get in there. An ideal spot. T, as far as wine is concerned.
IT takes longer than a week for the iron of a padlock to oxidize.
right? Yeah.
So are you asking or telling?
Just go to.
don't fall in.
What is a joke. Why would I fall in the toilet?
It's it's a stupid thing that people you go.
And why do you even do jokes like that?
Yes, I know, I know. Hi, look, look, ang murderer. But also, look, that radio towing reader says.
IT all, oh my god.
will you stop with this? Why do you quit check of IT?
Actually, why do that do yourself?
Maybe the misprint. They might have meant to say Watson is a competent true crime podcast there. And maybe no yeah still says uncompetitive.
Maybe do your shouts.
yeah, yeah, yeah shout outs from the house of a murder a what lucky people you are okay, to suki, to rome, to chunk, to rami and Jones or very special friends over the show. Premium popal. Yeah, to some person called leaf, they don't get one.
That's a joke. I'm so sorry i've missed all this time. Leaf, there's your shouts out.
You deserve IT and chappy, you can have one, two high chappy, two pepper, the dancing canadian ice demon who sent me a video of them dancing in some sort of freezing ice storm in the middle night. So, you know, nice to see what canadians get up too well. We're all to sleep.
No shout out to clay or clock. Prefer my friend grio a pink glow in perou and from perote in nebran. Hey there, queen nicki and White.
Yeah, we ve also got a much deserved shouting out to the bulk PS, bulk up Bailey and bulk pup, evidently harmless. Getting the full name drop here. Shout out to lee stars that's right.
Stars with a zed on the end sounds I can expect to win a shout out to marlin and mccalla hello there. And celia has very kind of gotten touch and i'm going to go ahead and wish her brother Arthur very early, but very happy. Fourteen birthday.
I break my ARM on my fourteen to birthday, Arthur. So, you know, watch yourself. Adrianne birthday was on the twelve of march and I missed that by some distance, so belatedly.
Happy birthday. rion. Thanks for that destiny about that's the name of email. I'm not thanking the universe or or fate anything.
There's a noise. Yeah, yeah.
IT john, this is really at the front.
No, he's taken only ally to the station.
Then who is out there?
Okay, okay, here's what will do. I open the door at which point, sherlock, well, down for the road and block off any route of escape. Marion and I will closed down the intruders.
but you'll be holding the door right.
You hold the door and i'll closed down the intrude. What am I doing? Got sake. Your closing of any potential escape.
Oh, this is so dumb. Hey, hey. What do you think you're doing?
You again and I can't. I'm the not a game.
You made call about the money.
This this is helping.
But are you going through the .
guy's bins? I know.
So so I was, I did right?
I have, but I look, my phone is in my hand. I'm literally gonna call the place right now. Honestly, litter right now. Oh.
well, that's an old then.
哦, go. Did you find?
Is this a trick?
Why would I be a trick?
Like, I am gonna you and then you say i've broke in the rules and this isn't again what you find.
So I know that hang la's defense is that is SHE amba uk's cash savings, right? The day they disappeared, the cash say over ease, right?
What is IT with you in this money? I'm beginning to think you may well be his accomplice.
No good cheese. No, I, I, I was thinking that just because he didn't leave this house after they died, he doesn't like, he doesn't mean he didn't bury the money.
We know he buried the money. He buried IT before. We need proof exactly.
And this will work way that are in front of a jury, then just told conspectus.
what if you found he .
didn't leave the house right, because he knew he would help his case to stay put. But if he can't leave the house, he can't take out the beans to be collected. And in these beans, oh, so smells in IT .
like you smell generally onest you and you.
by the way, yeah, sorry. yeah. Hey, this is what I found.
Bank withdraw receipt, fifteen thousand, seven hundred eighty pounds, withdrawn three weeks ago.
So yeah, he buried the money when they were alive. Fifteen thousand, seven hundred and eighty pounds is a weird amount, right? wow. Yeah, only in pounds. Not if you're from a country that uses the american dollar all the time, like the the amaze to .
twenty thousand dollars.
twenty thousand dollars. boom. Exchange rate. The very well mound is circumstantial, but this is actually like evidence.
The case of his defense just got that little bit more difficult. Good work, barker.
Oh, my god. Thank you so much. shock.
Is this illegal? what? Eating a murder? Instant noodles? I'm not a lawyer, but IT would be a weird .
lot of bus still stealing.
There are like thirty pens, a bucket. True.
true. right? Well, i'll leave thirty pens on the side for him when he gets out in eighty five years. God, IT still works of pain doesn't .
IT h i'm way past even smelling IT. I've got like a chemical headache.
feel like I could throw up well, if the lock is right, and you know, this may shock you, but he usually is the painting, er, is to cover up a different smell. D, composition, let me tell you, that would definitely make you throw up.
Makes me. Wh, I was working for hut on us again. Does IT not genuinely sometimes with stuff like this?
Yeah, no.
What do you mean? Did you ever think that when you word war.
what I have traded places within a state agent when I was on the front lines? That's A. Joke, uh, yeah, maybe, maybe once, twice I A wish to be teleported back into a Normal life.
when is in? When did I think there?
actually right to wait, right? Like soon as I got there, just just arrived at the worst time in the worst place. classic. What's in timing? really?
What happened?
American, you note helicopter was shut down right front of me. Thirty eight people dead. In there, thirty eight minute.
Wow, I year usual up in a state. Agent.
yeah, I should have. Well, I mean, you were one. Look to you dead bodies.
Yeah, true. I got sucked in. right? You promise me a world of adventure.
yeah. Now look SAT on the floor eating instant noodles in a four bed house in leisure. I say four bed. It's a five bed really.
I take back what I said about you being in a state agent. what?
It's five bed? No.
it's not.
There's four upstairs, not master the two at the back and the little love cobby room.
Yes, correct. Good counting. Here's a sticker.
A big, clever boy. Shut up. Is four upstairs, one next to this room?
That's a study. Come off in. Yeah, they, what if? What if the paint? So the paint is on the wolves, right?
right? Yeah, usually where IT goes.
But go on. What got? What if the paint is on the walls? Because the body is, the bodies are in there in the world. If they put a room in downstairs, IT wouldn't .
be brick IT would be.
Try lock the bodies. The bodies are are ever in the walls.
Yeah, I always wanted to do this. So is a handy high street hardway .
shop .
schema. Yes, please.
Let me look inside.
Your look is currently looking. Excuse me, dusty, he's currently looking into the wall that we've just broken open. You, okay. Yeah, nothing.
nothing. Try here. A, that's an external wall.
we've not through three walls already. I'm not doing .
the fourth yeah sure we can't break a fourth wall.
I'm not breaking in the fourth wall, guys just doing the edit here. And yeah, I am about to break through the the wall and use the phrase from the shining. Don't know if that's copyrighted material.
Don't know if Stephen king will come after me. Yeah, just just thought. Do IT yeah just knocked a hole in the side of the house and we will end up outside.
But we have been go. No, this will be a cavity war. Sure, sure.
OK OK have summer .
at a big break bus and .
come on.
He is john Y, I always wanted to do .
just a few, a few more hits, make.
make a bigger hole. right? Here we go. Are you stupid wall?
Bye you stupid wall.
What's radio .
times? The radio times called me. And yeah.
who's incompetent now?
O, K, 走。 Stop, stop, stop.
You, okay.
yes, no. Hi to lie down. You, i'm slip into a coma.
I'm going in the .
cavity. Give me your phone. You let fun in .
the wall .
will do.
So I guess .
he's not cluster for bic.
I guess no.
Should should we go help him?
He loves this kind of thing.
But god.
no, 我我我 是。 What's out the back, mate?
And from the real war OK .
looks like I know extension they took down.
maybe very old.
is an outline of the building that was once here on the back of the house. You can going to to see its foundations is on the back of the house. And yeah, tiny room. If IT was toilet, you don't need to ask, just go. No out .
house toilet. That's what IT would .
have been. Yeah, yeah. That make sense. That's how was in the old days when they built these things. He's left his love glendow open in the person rain.
probably because he choked himself .
in this man of paint. There's a seller has to be, go smash that garden shed open. We need .
some shovels.
Okay, so we are we found the old toilet that opens up. So we're going to go in through there in in theory, in theory, that should open up into a floor under the house. Obviously, my me has blocked up is not unusual, I guess, do not use an old seller, but very unusual. When you are being held on discussion of double murder, the police have searched your house nonstop, and you have failed to declare .
IT with the room.
well, down. look. OK you go.
let's do this.
Okay, yeah, it's a very dark, very damp sella.
They're not here. We .
haven't even looked.
We'd know. Believe me. No snow, no smell shit. This is hurting us. This is zug swang, for goodness sake.
And if we go with the zog's wang again.
cluster moves, just illustrating to a jury over and over an exhaustive search discovered .
nothing but we there's so much to .
properly explore them here.
The huge books down here S A pipe work sense. Obsess with the out house and toilet to think .
this would have been gallery, I suspect.
Yeah ree with you, that stuff for the house we've had, this is there are living and working space, cooking, cleaning. Looks like lee, or maybe previous owners stored stuff down here. Not really well, mostly wet, small cds. Here are clip Richard. I said, read the blobby, although the whole room of you guys.
all right.
she's still here, please she's doing .
the same thing we are doing.
yes, but we will hear first. Plus her podcast is.
yes, she's crist.
yes. Well, it's not as dramatic as IT looks. The only legally questionable thing here is music collection.
He didn't hide them in here.
No joking.
Can I help you urge?
They're not in here.
How do we know that there's no smell? The paint was to hide the smell.
There is a smell that might be you.
No, oh, wait. Yeah.
maybe, maybe go home shower after you've been crawling through a bin.
Thought, com, I smell like.
is IT absolutely necessary. join.
Let me wash .
my hands.
I think this.
oh my god, what is IT? This blood? This blood. Happy out at the time. Turning off here.
Are you? OK do you need to take me?
Where is.
Hey, all right, let me just show lucky. Take the mike. I'll get lily in outside. Maybe the rain can wash off some.
What does this mean?
You know what that means?
Yeah, right?
You do.
Do I and .
because of your observation, I know what that means also. Well, yours and a comment from Watson.
God, I should probably start going through .
don't run away from IT.
So it's really it's not it's not totally a form thought.
So it's natural to be scared when you know what you'll find at the end of IT. I just don't .
want to see the bodies should look okay.
You don't have to. I will do IT follow IT the water .
remark that .
the attic window was open even through this rain.
I know. Then tell me.
see the old water system.
These pipes are still connected to IT.
Where do they lead?
Well, they will go up to the top of the house to to a large tank full of water. The window to the attic is open because. Because ryan number are decomposing up there in the tank. And that's, well, that's why the tank is full of blood, and that's why these steps are sparing IT out. Over poor .
million .
come with me OK OK.
This way, the rain, mr. Harson, there was no rain last night. Now the rain has come. IT will show us exactly .
where IT is.
What is the .
rest of the attic?
What are you .
doing feeling .
for something .
for .
damp damp here?
Stand on my hand, i'll lift you.
Um okay, ready .
one .
OK 吗? OK you 干嘛?
Thank you. That's a whose .
war? So the tankers at the back .
and there's the smell.
I see. The water tank?
Oh, god, sure. Look.
I I really.
I will do IT.
You've got to take the .
lead of the tank off. IT. IT should slide.
Check mate.
You murder your wife's lover, and then surely, after you murdered your own wife, that is your belief. Well, IT was just a belief at mister lei made for a slightly shaky legal position. The foundation of death is a body without life.
Mister a kenn, if this is how you wish to take me to trial, then there is your move to make. Well, I will make that move then. Oh, and forgot to mention that you might want na dry out the attic of yours, really nasty up there in a bit.
That was D. I rory mechanical ter .
went on, she's not good at me.
yeah. SHE is isn't not as good as you because who .
stop in south east london, where he will .
await trial? OK, yeah.
yeah. And Better the power .
of a cup team, my friend, was everything.
How did you make IT .
as a doctor? Think.
know the answer to that question.
The real story here is about what the rage and hatred of this man could do to those around him. All IT took was this slight heartache. E in his life to rip people apart, ending the beautiful lives of beautiful people who deserve to reach retirement, just like he did.
Don't forget folks .
in next weeks question and answer episode.
So SHE released IT.
SHE released the episode.
Yeah, so what do we do?
I mean, she's just got a little podcast. I mean, like we did once, I suppose I don't know. Yeah, I I don't know. We should .
release this episode.
No, let her have IT. Yeah, I haven give her this moment. She's tenacious. She's hungry and SHE makes a difference.
Good for you, john. That is really big of you.
It's not about us about Amber and ray.
What are you do?
I call in gold. Hang, yeah, I can't really make this decision by myself. Just i'm going to get the clear. Hey, hi, hello. Yes, john Watson, let just just let you know that there's going to be no adventure this week yet. Well, we met another true crime podcast, and they did a great, a great job on the case, and we wants to let them have this moment. Yeah.
yeah. OK .
okay, 拜拜。 拜拜。
Well, rose m stuff, apologies, but I don't commit the murders. I just solve them. Well, we all do as a team. Get in touch. Dc, jay watts and nd, at g mail dot com raus, you can give us phone stars want more stuff.
You want more of me and the gang early access and free listening, go to patro on the com for slash show lock and come. Thanks for listening. See you next time from a very competent pod caster. yeah. Cheers guys.
Take IT easy. Can I borrow the sina?
Absolutely not. Show up.