cover of episode The Red-Headed League - Part One

The Red-Headed League - Part One

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Sherlock & Co.

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The episode begins with a case about Jabez Wilson, an actor who landed a role in a Hollywood blockbuster, only to find the production vanished without a trace. The unusual circumstances and the seemingly impossible nature of the situation raise questions about a potential elaborate hoax or a more sinister plot.
  • Jabez Wilson, an actor, secured a role in a supposed Hollywood blockbuster.
  • The entire production, including the studio and crew, disappeared.
  • The case appears to be an elaborate hoax or a more complex scheme.

Shownotes Transcript


Well, the the moment has arrived for just six pounds a month. You can have early access, add free adventures info with merge discount, discord and loads more. So listening the outbreak for more details, or go to patron dot com, ford slash, sherlock and cow.

That's patriot. t. Com ford slash sherlock and cow, enjoy.

Greetings s crime fans. It's john hemis sh watton. I bring you the adventure of the red headed league for those opposed to the f word.

I've got some good news for you. IT aying here, baby. No f word for part one, but we do have his Younger brother the sword, so you can't win a all time is fourteen .

fifty detectives present along with mister john clay and his legal. Right, mister clay, thank you for giving a summer valuable time, more valuable than you can imagine. Officer.

sure. I suggest we maybe watch what we say. job.

No, no. Yeah, I know. I know. Just pointing out with a total waste of time.

This is, but they're fully aware of that, i'm sure. Can you explain to me, mr. Clay, how much money you ve stolen over the past three months? No comment. Do you know AManda, mary weather and a firm .

is no comment.

You are thief. Aren't you missed the clay? Are you familiar with show up homes and doctor john Watson? Mister clay, no bloody comment. His name is legion. June south koa national became arrested here in twenty eighteen on married, works locally and lived in a flash showing out did .

you find him all was another officer cp.


called in any C, C, T, V.

obscure, got some people is work, saying he left, apparently pissed.

For north american listeners, pissed means drunk, not angry. IT also means to pay, which I think you guys used as well, actually, yeah, right. Well, show, look, shouldn't be long. So .

yeah, what you .

think in .

murder got to be no .

blood or signs of a .

struggle yeah, that's why it's probably best to wait for sherlock. yeah. Currently in black health, southeast london, first time we've been asked for assistance this early into a crime and from the police as well.

So yeah, they found the body of a man in a car in the driver's seat. Let's have another look, talking blood instrument to the head. Possibly he died in the driving position with his hands on the steering, where he just start the engine. So may, maybe, maybe the engine and triggered some kind of a poisonous gas to go through his ec convents into the car.

And kinder, sorry.

what here is?

Bang made mr. Homes and afternoon officer, sorry, what? And please continue something about poisonous gas.

Don't be smug. Look, because all the doors are locked on the car, you know, so the murder or needed him to remain in the in in in, in the vehicle for the poisonous gas to take effect.

So what was IT blunt instrument or poisonous gas? both? Gentleman, i'll give you a couple more minutes and then the inspect to would like the crime seam back.

alright? Yeah, no problem. Just just going to do a quit lucky here. Yes, SHE gona shine my light into his eyes. And as weird got some uneven pupils, god can remember .

that's cool and real.

Yes, that's IT .

thinks not a problem. Doctor.

do we need to have the conversation about tone, voice again?


absolutely not. okay. So south korean man, possibly drunk, can't smell the booze, though, gets locked in his car, dying in position without so much as a broken fingernail. Car looks untouched. C, C, T, V, saw him walk to his car, but then I was included by this pillar.

So boring.

what? sure. I lock. Hi me. See that cops in a car.


real shame is a Young, healthy man. Yes.

out for forty one. Terrible innings, really.

A why are you smiling?

I applied to sporting analogy there.

Yes, very impressive.

There's no murder of what is the only man even were remotely responsible for. His debt is not a cold blooded killer, but is a bloody good batsman. We best shoot off.

Hopefully mrs. Hudson has a case worth out time. No.

we will not shoot off. Would you like to .

start with the uneven pupils and work your way to the logical conclusion? Or maybe you could start by looking .

at his lists, grass, the grass stain on them, yes.

And the passenger seat.

the food .

shop lunch sandwich, crisp juice.

was no sandwich .

crimes there, there and there. And that shiny y substance on his lip is not a bomb, it's from butter. Our man was having a legacy stroll on his lunch break over black heat common. Then the blunt instrument struck doctor Watson hammer .

know a cricket .

ball IT collided with the side of his head. Here he fell onto the grass and endures. Ously concluded he felt well enough to continue his stroll after dismissing the concerns of some genuinely sorry critters by the time he reached his office as he told his manager he was leaving, they reported him as drunk because he was slowing his words. He was slowing his words, and his pupils are showing signs of anesthetic because the cricket ball helpme out. Her doctor, please.

of cause, probably an epidium hematoma. Quite right.

See, told you boring isn't IT pass me his orange juice.


Thank you.

Wow, what you doing?

thirsty? It's a long walk from the station.

I thought that was a clue. 是 good sake。 My name is doctor john water, once of the british army, northampton fuselier regiment. No, the true crime podcast that based in central london, I don't have much experience in criminology. So this is mostly a record of how I met possibly the most brilliant and desarve person I have ever and will ever know. Join me as I document the adventures of sherlock homes.

Parks around here isn't IT very gales. Bakery connections, ft. And she's walking her dog with hunter wEllies on there has some rain for about two weeks. And look the part benches they have here as well, they look more expensive .

than account. Why do you always do that? Obsessed over the affluent?

Why don't obsess over the affluent? yes. Well, I mean, I I do a bit, but what the everyone does, but you not seen all the real housewives have got those where know grand designs and the cat asians that made in Chelsea and all that I I tell you what, mate, right there isn't a made in swinging wonder why right there? There's no real house wives of a couple of minutes outside what? And basit is there? No.

I only understood about twelve percent of that sentence.

And god, i'm not obsessed with rich people. No, I don't know.

I don't know. You just like to remark on how they live.

sure. whatever. I'm just some jealous left of centimeters in wines about house Prices all the time.

But all of the time, though, IT doesn't very often, I must say.

right, here we go. What is IT? Marion, a email with some cases that have come in to sort out your bodow.

right? First one, a line. O, P, hands, eighty eight years old, went missing just outside of foul.

Cook was found on some farmland nearby. armed. Wow, but dead.

No, no. Mo discharged from his rifle. No witnesses. Time of death estimated at seven a and next you are joking. I recall .

the details. Wife ouldn't let him hunt. He's knock out. Had a heart attack and died.

Oh, had a heart attack and died. That's IT. Is that, you know, we had a pacemaker.

then he shouldn't have walked near a sheep farm that had comprehensive electric fencing.

Well OK yet. I mean, that would, of course, some issues for th Epace m aker, but only you've got a rid me IT worse with me or yes.

until the defining bang of a bird scare. A few minutes later, seven, you said, IT yourself first, legally permitted one of the day for most farms.

especially in that area. All right, fine about this one. Gold reserves from a french bank that .

gold never existed was sanded decades ago. They lied. Now that covering for .

IT next lord Henry blackwood has boring, right? Well, well then it's just but a blow crews providing a reward to find his cousin woman who thinks husband is having an affair. Well, two affairs actually some guy complaining his employer has disappeared, some his .

employer .

um yeah yeah lost his job. Company is unreachable ble his an actor or production has vanished. But mean, you know it's final industry isn't IT I probably .

happens a lot not .

doring you are kidding me. I've given you murder tragedies, missing gold affairs and and you think a man losing his .

job is .

the interesting one. Read more well, he's jobing actor. He says he's like forties get stage work from time to time.

Then finally landed a role in no wow. Hollywood blockbuster being shot here in the U. K. Is agent at the red headed league got in the part? Okay, he's he's mental.

Yeah, this guy, this is, this is a waste time on look, he's saying that tom cruise was in the movie and ma stone, yes, and that this would never happen. Why not? Because, I mean, these are household names.

This is just some bloke who thinks he had a leading role in a tom cruise movie. You actually want me to keep reading that right? great.

Anyway, after a couple of weeks of doing table read every day, he goes in again on thursday. And and yeah, IT was gone. Yeah, no sign of them couldn't contact anyone.

And the owner of the studio building had never heard of the production. Your smile, you're gonna. The game is a foot, aren't you? Where are you .

going to two, two, one b Baker street?


Because the game is a foot. What's I knew .

he'd say that nobody says that show. Look, it's not an expression. I say IT, yes. Yeah.

you speak performing off as my master, but as my friend new.


but I do. Why not? I only wish you.

Our dark is great. They are the true.

For a shopping.

Was that good? No.

IT was absolutely terrible.

Yes, I thought so. Just wanted to check.

This is ridiculous.

It's a job.

There's plenty of jobs to choose from. shock. And they don't involve me sit through .

two hours of absolute show logo.

Hi, hey, jabez wells up. Water performance. May I really wow to took .

my breath away?

No, IT is IT was yet, you know, p top notch the topic of the notches he told .

you to stop.

Yeah, yeah. just.

And what did you to produce from that performance? great. tecture.

The chair was a tad uncomfortable in the fire exit sign was quite distracting.

but he enjoyed IT jabs. He definitely said something about enjoying IT horrific.

Now this grab sys a drink, and i'll get us a spot upstairs. And you can hear my tail of war. My, my, my.

My my.

Yes, yeah, yeah. Let me just do the the read. All right, this bit is for professional podcast house stone.

Well, god stepped on the mike. Yeah, that was. That's fine. High listeners, we have caved to popular demand. Yes, I bought you looks some discus but i've also done the second thing you wanted.

It's the sherlock ck and co member's club yeah only on patron patron dot com for slash, sherlock and cow find membership tear that suits you become one of the stamped ds, sorry, stampa. Support the show. Join the discord for just three english pounds per month. I will be in that discord to chat with you. And eventually your luck will be to, once I talking into IT, just three pounds a month, you will be helping keep the lights on here at two to one bee Baker street.

But my favorite tea is this one, become a Baker street irregular lights on in the flat batteries in my mike that maybe even a new mike who knows a bake street irregular will have access to add free listening bonus male their episodes where sure luck and I will answer your questions a monthly news less little load me discount on show loan coverage which is on its way and get ready for this early access to episodes no more waiting a week for the next part as soon as the first part of an adventure drops as a bake street, a regular for just six pounds a month, you will have not the first part, but the entire adventure yet the whole thing gobble up in one sitting for all I can so that aren't free listening that's bingo ble adventures that discord. Access transcripts, merge discount, monthly newsletter, bonus episodes of share, hanging out, answering questions, six pound a month, everyone keeps calling me. I'm offering too much for that Price tag.

But whatever they can buggers off final tear is the diogenes SE club. I don't know what that means. Show up suggested that's twenty five pounds a month for you.

Generous, wealthy lot too. Yeah, I just just lovely, really. No, you get all the above free merge items, tickets to twice yearly show lock and co meet ups.

You heard that right? Plus a personalized message from myself and shock. Oh, i'll probably also do a little dance around my flat.

You would be able to see IT, but just know that I did IT. So yeah, go to patri on dot com forward slash sherlock. And i'm really proud of what i've been able to get together to all for you.

I I think he's great. I know you will do so. Thank you.

Very red isn't IT j. Baz Wilson's .

had yeah IT is ginger. No.

it's not. It's not even strawberry blonde. It's red, red, red.



I mean, yeah, don't know what to tell you. He has read hair.

Are you still sulking about the case?

I'm not sulking about the case. I look, i've got a podcast here, mate. It's got loads of downloads because people want drama, they want mystery excitement and they don't want some god awful stage production in a derange actor that thinks is going to star alongside tom cruise.

Emotional one, how is he? Danged, because terrible .

show lock.

You told him he was good. I did not. So IT was good.

You praised him, but I used creative language.

You said you took your breath away.

Yeah, because I signed so many times, I nearly collapsed my .

own bloody lung. You said IT was the topic of notches.

Praise means a lot to him. I can tell. okay. So I use creative language to reassure him of my enjoyment and his talent.

So you lied.

I want to hurt anyone, know?

right? Creative language.

yeah. Like I do not remember those on the tube the other day, and I said to that woman, her kid was an independent spirit.

Yes, well, he wasn't. He was a little shit.

exactly. But you don't say that you cushion IT in language that isn't hopeful. Here is Lawrence clivia.

Who me? How big yourself, right? Goodness, long night is a terribly big role, profoundly complex character and twice and convoluted narrative that's just hanging together of my performance.

Lots of pressure. Let me tell you, lots of pressure. Now, a richer, the Carrier didn't have much do with the.

can we stop talking about this now and move on to the case?

Yes, of course. Well, where do I begin at the .

point where IT is relevant? Well.

i've want you to be an active in such three years old gencer.

Is there a sooner point than that?

Oh, so when I graduated from rada.

even sooner, he shows .

just eager to get the case solved. So.

yeah, right. Well, okay, I supposed began with them. Oh yes. That that what that was IT. I had a meeting with as a ka hopkins, my log events, who's been staying with me as I got a few spare room, a single bed up, I put never be and be every now again about any anyway, he said he knew of a big hollywood producer that was in london.

Briefly, he flown out from los Angeles, and vince suggested to him to come and see my play. And he came to see IT. And he was blown away much like yourself.

And he wanted to meet because he just started a new agency as a high. Hopkins is a red hood like me. And he had this idea that he wanted more red head representation on screen.


No, is name red head, red head actor that gets lots of work. You can't name them. Nico kim, oh, he dies .

IT frequently. There's no truth, just. And thing is, daughter, god, what's earning and run? How's daughter?

Why on earth you're looking at me? I don't know. Or can 没有 red headed .

mae actors? We are a minority where a minority at a time when minorities are being celebrated. Doctor Watson, and yet we were ignored with forgotten. We don't get work purely based on the color of our hair. And I think as a guy, I wanted to change that.

and I don't blame him. Won't you just die?

Dr, you should never wish a man dead.

No, show lock, that's not funny. I didn't mean that I meant die. You have I T I meant because? Because why I don't know. You said IT yourself, you know, IT seems to be inhibiting your career.

but i'm a minority. I deserve .


I get back to the case.

You seem unconvinced.

It's just the I I feel that a minority personally is or or was at some point a persecuted bunch. You know, not not just, you know, a smaller group in society.

but we are persecuted tent.

We really .

should establish .

mainstream culture. I mean, you just told me to die my head, for example. Yeah, but that was, you can't name mainstream bread head actors were tears. And in primary .

school, I would cry when he do, you need mainstream presentation.

Look, you're not understanding opposition in society. I would really like to get a grass.

Red head man is the most old man. Short man. Know whether their talent agency, they should get one.

Come on. They protect own. You can just throw your toys .

out of the room. Forgotten minority.

get on with the bloody case.

right? yes. Well, after bince, my log has set us up. I was at my meeting with as a guy hopkins.

He enjoyed my performance and wants to see me up, to manage me to to be my agent. So I signed to the red headed league. The red headed .

ed league is the agency.

That's correct. A group of red headed performers, artists, professionals in the industry that wanted the correct kind of representation. Anyway, one day out of the blue, as a caire calls me, and he says he'd liked me to meet with duncan ross as he received a casting call to hear let me then let me show.

and a casting cause that's like a description of a role.

Yes, exactly the age ranged. The sex appearances are looking .

for ego casting call male, forty to fifty, around six foot commanding frame, strong vocal projection, red hair, not like red, strawberry blond or ginger, not dark red or urban, real bright, blazing fire red. I mean, yeah.

so that's me.

That's you was there. In addition.

i'll just a self tape that vans helps me with vince.

your larger. Is he an actor?

Oh, no, no, no. He works from home doing something or other, but he's eof some help from from the house and in instances like this as well.

of course. So then what happened.

mister Wilson, is that your jumper?

Um yes.

mind. If I take a closer look, it's rather .

lovely OK ease into his fashion and you sure are luck. You finished.

Yes, continue.

What I sent off the self tape IT was an extract from the movie.

Okay, do you mind if we see IT?

Well, i've got a scrip right here.

Okay, wow, solar thunder.

Solar thunder. Yes, absolutely captivating script. okay. So I play a captain tyson if you play, you play Susana and mr. Holmes if you play the ships.

But s it's .

an escape .

vesle and is heading right for the black hole we need to get into.

Urgent, yes, capt.

In tyson, bring us closer to the black hole.

But captain, that suicide.

we needs to be close enough to the no.

what you can do die. You verse.

What you put some mean, this is blood. eat. This is life and debt stuff.

This really is not necessary.

I've got control of the vessel. I can bring any close her color, prepare the space cruiser for launch. But there's no time, got time. There's no time. And that's yeah, that's when I leave that ship and then get on the spaceship with on.

IT doesn't make any sense .

exactly how could they remotely access the internal communications of an unknown best him.

this whole thing you you IT said, people, people, people don't go from staring and dreadful place in ethiopia. Res, to stay staring alongside tom cruse and emotional one in space that alone slightly charbon blocks in their late forties with no outstanding acting credit.

Well, unlike you, Watson, I intend to spend less time on confusion and more time on action.


I am sure, up homes. I know how to track people down, get answers, watch and trial, best to learn. Hello, great.

ency. yes. Hello, that i'd like to speak mr. Thomas cruise. hello.

Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Why not sure IT doesn't matter what tom cruise thinks is is clearly a completely made up movie.

Yes, that's what I was hoping to decision from its leading talent.

Why me whom makes up a movie just to cast some nobody.

right, right? And nobody that had to attend table readings and rehearsals everyday, and nobody .

that was wind and dying by a talent agent signed to an agency, lauded and hired by a producer .

on his lodges recommendation.

I don't get IT, I don't understand what's so we then hiding from from jabez.


we're talking about.

I've been following him home. Oh, sorry, we've been following him home.

Oh yeah, that makes sense. Where are we going?

We are following him.

Great, great. And when exactly? We're gona tell me where .

he headed. IT looks like his home.

You are joking me.

quite the location .

he leaves behind the strand. I just ask you, nobody could actually afford to live here. What is he? A billion.

Aire, don't feel like a billionaire again. I don't really know what billions feels like. Get in touch. If you're a billionaire, we'd love to know, I don't know really, we'd love to know what a billion air feels like. Js.

Wilson clearly has a lot of family wealth and quite the flagship asset in that house. This could well be central to our case.

Always the same that that you watch a film when you go, he's he's good. The new google limit. Turns out you went to horo and is the third sound of lord barren smiling ham and his R. T.

Model second wife? You're doing IT again. sorry. So this is his residence and that of his lodge of winds. ExcEllent.

right where we go .

now to backing ist.

Oh, okay.

why? Because this needs solving.

right? And the tobacco ist will help, really.

He certainly will. The red headed league, it's a three pipe problem.

Watson, course, this is.

oh, barry, please. I need more. The range light again. Oh, please, barry, this.

Guy is terrible, and why are we hoping?

This man, well, been wondering the same thing. But snap dog over seems to think something is miss.

Who is smoke?

Dog is a blow.

Who smokes up, right? Speaking of dogs, can you get out off?

My lap is cutting.

yes. Well, he's too fat and it's hurt in my leg. Okay.

can everyone just stop calling out chi fat please?

This doesn't make any sense.

I know. I mean, i'm doing one cup of the dry food and then the wet food as recommended. You're talking about the red headed. Yeah, sorry.

So an american talent agency that looks after red headed actors signs this guy because he's talented.


Oh, look, he's been in east standers.

Can L A I 是真的。 人家 play 是。

That's IT. That was IT one line in any standards and then a leading role alongside some .

crude and holidays.

What have you been?

I've been with Michelle ool.

So thinking, bob.

the pool, I.

And the hollywood episode from two thousand and eight, great.

We mustn't forget the significance .

of the larger.

the larger. So he runs out a room to some guy le vince. He set him up with the red .

headed league right? Then duncan ross, a producer, hires him for a tom cruise movie based on his appearance.

the perfect red hair. yes. He then goes in every day, eight until five, to do table reads with the other act, notably not the stars.

And now we arrived to the most .

curious pot.

mrs. Hudson IT .

gets a weird IT vanished .

solar thunder yeah.

I don't understand .

the actual movie only is the talent agency, the red headed league I M D B page. Everything disappeared after just two weeks s .

that's crazy.

ExcEllent isn't IT. But listen, show lock, the whole thing is crazy as the problem. You know, he's just, I don't know, you just been cat fished and someone is .

messing around with .

a cat fish trick, usually online. I me people just making up who they are to, I don't know.

prank this guy. They're be a motive. There always is.

except when there .

isn't one final thing, the house yeah.

okay, well, look, i'll give you that one. That is.

that is weird.

Whatever the house he lives in, sex, coburg square.

Why do I know that name?

Because it's behind the strand. What what? Yeah, big towns about about the only thing there that isn't a bank or solicitous.


let's crack on. No, look, way, way, marion and till, sure, look about some of the other cases .

that are coming in. Yes, yes is yes. So um oh, there is a potential murder.

This is the case.

Oh, please.

what is the problem? what? And you've set IT yourself countless times IT doesn't add up.

I know, I know, but share lock, i'm concerned. Okay.

you always are. Watson, no.

I just the podcast has had a really strong start.

has IT now we've had .

some amazing cases, and it's important that the content remain gripping. And I I I just think bloke who isn't all there, by the way, losing a job isn't the kind of material that brings in big listening figures. why? Because it's boring and not your kind of boring. It's actually .

boring far from IT as a chair. Hopkins, the mysterious, talented and cross, the fraudulent movie producer, and vince, the infallible larger. This is most appealing.

I told you the most fascinating thing about this case is bloody postcode. I an but who we helping out next? A street clean with a big ben pent house.

Yes, you may, doctor Watson, have a point.

What you've doing?

I'm handing you your coat.

Yeah we'll then pass IT to me. Don't throw IT pick up the microphone, please. What a shame IT still .

seems to be working. Your listeners will continue to suffer IT would seem. Where are we going?

You'll find out well, for the sake of the podcast.

could you say we are going to pinewood studios to the set of solar thunder? And I promise I won't be boring.

And red headed league parts two and three are available now at patri on dot com forwards like show lock and go go, go go. That's paton ford slash lock.