Boah home's jay dog here. No connection that jay dog. Hello, listeners.
Doctor john Watson, your E N T. Physician as a joke. I'm not actually an ian nose throat doctor. I just smelt like i'm a doctor and i'm in new areas. So yeah not not any knows obviously, or throat, but yet IT ear doctor was the joko is kind of anyway its new adventure of time, the golden pants 内 spelt pinners, but prononce ced panne.
A bit of the old front, say for you, for those of you who are well Normal and don't know what a panda is, it's a pair of glasses without the the the arms so like the little ones at so on you knows um yeah ah so i'm sad to say that this adventure is regarding a murder yes so there there will be some distressing scenes, depictions of violence and yeah, minimal swearing in this one like a tiny we need bit of religious intolerance. A mocking skepticism at worst I promise and yeah, I will enjoy what I know don't enjoy IT is a murder just, yeah, you know, just just listen to IT. Okay, cheers by pointing in this.
Please make hi. There was going to upload the episode today, the golden pants, but thought I should just flag that this will be a three party now, I know, I know, I know, I know i'm not doing that netflix x thing where I just drag story out unnecessarily. I did.
I try to find a place to cut out for IT to have been too. But the episodes have been, like you, forty minutes each. And yeah, attention span to a troubles and beast.
So there you go. And yet IT begins with the impending visit of my mom. When you look and I wear Christmas shock at, well, he wasn't.
I was. So yeah, three person. apologies. Thank you. But you know what they say? Good things come to those who wait. Yes, seriously, why aren't sponsoring the show? That was absolutely perfect.
No, Watson, please, I can't come on. Not another show. Christmas .
shopping mate, this is IT region street. Yeah, no, is kind of region street.
but it's pickton.
yeah. All right. Just 哦, 呼呼 了 干嘛? X party Christmas present.
suspended over the straight ears. Coal isn't there.
What last one?
The storm tonight.
yeah, is a bit on the .
humid IT is IT those plastic rainer will be massacred every last one of them.
Well, let's take that negative outlook and turn IT upside down with this place too busy. This is call fort omand Mason. I know .
what he is. Watson.
this is push central. Yeah, this is like waitrose on series organic and steer away from the coast. Well, it's not gonna my mom and Christmas hampered when he gets here so that I mean, I look, there's a little bit on the expensive side but they are so worthy, you know because they have all of the jesus Christ hundred twenty five.
My name is doctor john water, once of the british armi northumberland fuselier regiment. Now the true crime podcast that based in central london, I don't have much experience in criminology. So this is mostly a record of how I met possibly the most brilliant and desarve person I have ever and will ever know. Join me as I document the adventures of sherlock holds.
John, can you just um reread this, please?
For the compass .
bank account.
Yeah yeah. Um I I think probably just have a separate account if we are .
saying their expenses. No um no no I can sort that. We don't need oh how long share look and cover in a speaking. yes. Adult.
IT was an accident. What a tragic accident. Nothing more.
mister holmes said. IT was an accident. They said, IT can be because fumes.
Potatoes require inflation, especially rotten in ones.
Did you hear all the? Ha, I am very sorry.
I know.
OK OK, 拜。 Well, case closed. He would be .
nice if we had actually opened IT .
to begin with. Come on, it's easy. Y, Y, A face. I know i'm also now using lovely and jobs.
It's lovely. Jubb, not lovely and jobs. And how is the adult and tragedy easy? P.
so from the four hundred d article I read this morning, right? Okay, you go. Watson, all done.
What are you doing with my medical license?
nothing. Now, I finished.
What the transaction? Oxy, more phone, two months worth.
You're going to get me struck off. No, yes, you are. You cannot use my medical license .
to procure heroin.
Christ, god got head out and meet my mom. But in, okay, this is unacceptable.
What you're disturbing. mrs. Hudson.
sherlock, can we talk about this? My name is quick.
But no, sorry.
nobody of that .
name resides.
Back at london, padding ton my friends, just waiting for my mom, Carol Watson, the one and owly. I know this is probably ably loads of the most common name. Anyway, she's she's in scotland this Christmas with friends, I think, well, Christmas, Carol, so yeah, gonna do some gifts exchanging and issues.
Oh, selling.
What did those naughty .
russian duty? I.
mom, we've done this.
I seen you twins. So humid. Is that .
humid here? Really muggy?
yeah. Yes, there's a storm on the way you can tell.
yes. So of her.
we need IT. We need the storm. John shouldn't be this .
humid in december.
Member, too warm. The as too clothes. Look.
you so good journey, then it's been shorter than that trip. Scotland.
you got coming up.
I'll be in the car for that car .
he .
was driving you jEllied a whose? july?
That's what i'm going to scotland with.
right? Like yet charlie is a SHE friend.
He thought generation are obsessed with pronounce john, obsessed.
not obsessed with prononce S, I just wanted know with, actually, no, I don't wanna know. Good journey.
Oh, fantastic at bad phones on the whole time.
I was lovely. Great, great. If you .
list .
to the show, to my podcast, what's that? My microphone for the podcast thought .
IT was a book.
No, is, is a podcast. I, I put IT in the watch.
Oh, sorry, love. No, I was listening.
sorry. Let me take you back. Just that will go this quicker for the back.
Thank you. Oh, look at you.
Looking no, again, we're done this on the one.
Why not? You're in craine.
yes, but the british arming words. So you quit. It's not like a quit. I chose a humAnitary arian calls that they disagree with me. choose.
Or did they suck you me?
Well, yeah, they did. Yeah, oh, no.
They'll take you back. I don't .
want to go back. Why not? Because I make my podcast now, and, you know, I I run a company. Actually.
you become A G. P. This, hardly any G P. These days. And you can do IT all on. Zoom, I had to show my gp, my moon.
Zoom, in fact, I had to show the reception stuff first. Can you put that? I said, Angela, i'm not going to get my ball out to your reception. IT, it'll be all over the internet before, you know IT.
right? My company doesn't matter, doesn't matter. So what will you listen to on the train?
Fifty shades freed, it's called, it's A C. So fifty shades freed.
it's about this Young, right? really. IT doesn't IT no.
IT isn't. There's so in love. I feel so, so sorry for him. You know it's got ever so many .
issues in the bedroom it's .
so launch johnes so structure around with his bit sand.
right? Okay, turning this off. Turning this off.
Here we are. This is the .
flight was lovely. Who was that nice? Go.
She's nice.
Isn't SHE john?
she's nice. yeah. Beautiful hair. yeah. yeah.
Lovely hair. yeah. But he's getting fat. Why is he getting fat?
He's not getting fat.
So what does that girl do? The one with .
a nice hair. He works in office downstairs. SHE wants the business. So anyway, this is the lounge. You can have my .
bedroom just .
through there. This is what? right? So.
so much about you. Your wit and charm have been so highly tarted by your exceptional son. He didn't, however, mention your glowing beauty. What a care is, emission doctor?
Or you a charmer? I have to meet you.
your show lock .
and the man charged with .
looking after this fine fellow. You look off to me or it's quite a task.
believe me, I did if twenty four years.
eighteen years.
then I left and what wonderful work you have done mrs. Watson, I have made the bed in there. Anything you need, please just let me know you.
Thank you share, darling. I'm just going to use the toilet quickly.
Absolutely lovely. And I just in the. Goodness, that was exhAusting, and I bet that was, what do you mean? You made the bed? I make the bed, mate.
You were right about the store.
Yes, little later than I expected. Could you tell us you to be quiet?
He's snoring.
He's a bulldog.
Show up. yes. And they snow. Do they do anything else?
Sorry about the storing. sure. Look, make i'm just having a dose sorry about the facts and all.
What are you doing?
The last voices I talk.
How are the .
listening figures for the podcast?
Very good. thanks.
And you're gonna go to bed anytime soon.
No, why? Because it's eleven.
Then go to bed. The couch is my bed tonight, so now you have to listen to me. Do my shouts out.
Got well, mom, asleep. So my reasonable volume out. Andrew parian is sent her thanks for helping her country in the thorns dge case show lock. okay? Yes, no.
Probe a shelled out to her and her friend, zero marine pol son kisa, the london hackney carriage driver be lucky, says kisa, as they say in the cavaliers trade. Oh god, sorry at my attempt to this name. August noise.
wander. Hello grave. Raven asks, how is aren't you getting along with Sherry? yeah. The cordial there are on speaking terms, late, well barked, well, you, the noise term also.
Grave raven asks, what do I do if I have a painful lump under my armpit? Had that once myself. IT was an grown hair.
But do check with your doctor, please. Grave raven, heather from turkey wingle from sweden our phones from wisconsin in their horse the twenty year old jelly bean. Good for you being who is also a fan of the show.
So that's good, right? That's horses dump. Now duck, apologies to the duck community coroner has pointed out on x following noble bachelor, I shouldn't been feeding the bread.
Water fan should not eat material that soaks like bread as IT muddies their gizzard. So there you go. Corn or peas are a friendly substitute. So sorry, ducks. Hello, heller to Butler.
Hi amy and seattle high raffael delray hay maker and Crystal from los Angeles laney, denis, pete ray, Chris kogan, cardell a what a name coun cardell A A. Kevin sofia, Christopher in java. Tony cherokee in germany. I miss ed you out last week, sorry at all. And Simon ashby was a knock.
I think you could just be.
Is that a heroes in delivery service?
It's not heroin. It's opto more phone. Would a delivery driver be so persistent? torch?
It's the police.
the cheese, chis cheese. Chris, I knew. I planty knew you and your plenty hero in many more phone.
That's IT. I'm done for me. okay. I should I go speak to to your layer?
My mom.
Is he a lawyer?
she's a midwife.
Are you having contractions?
No, but I am having a panic attack of .
while we speaking .
to your mother because i'm scared. I want to break the news to her that i'm going to be arrested and have my medical license taken away before SHE watches me get dragged into a police car.
mrs. Hudson has let him into the .
office to maron. A it's .
a job with .
what the squad car.
It's not a metropole ican. Police vehicle. It's come from another constant lary. There's been a murder.
what. Yes, describing the mike, be a good boy. Archi, okay, bye, mate. Bye bye.
Here they are, sure luck. Doctor john Watson, this is officer hopkins of a pcs.
actually a community support officer. Yeah, that's right. Oh, is this gonna about a parking ticket or something? We don't own a vehicle burger.
I must be tired. My mind caught the scent of a murder. We all make mistakes, even I, i'm off to bed.
No note a boy man, I mean, murdered, nineteen years old will be smith. He, he's been found dead. York, ee, old place, mister homes. It's very complicated and I shouldn't have raised over here, but I did because I I don't want them to cover IT up because I know they will have to cover IT up. The police, no, the save years of god.
Tell me everything.
Would you like a cup .
of t maron? It's A I don't think we can waste any .
more time. Go call me if you need anything done will do.
How kins I suggest you fire up the siren, get us to chat him as .
quick as possible. It's not really allowed.
How long until what is yaxley old .
place this summer night can only do about fifty five months?
great. So, E, T, A, about midnight.
Yeah, my shift ends of five. And that's when the rest of the force were back. We or you just need to work out everything you can in that time.
What's in seven alarm? four? Fifty five A M? Yes.
just okay. What sort of alarm sound do you want?
What is a bit .
too happy? Isn't IT about this? Not that's rubislaw .
this one, just please.
Yes, have done. Set.
tell me about yak's.
the old place. It's well, was a state home about ten years ago. Didn't what you call in really? If i'm jeal preach, suppose especially corren moved to the area for lundon.
Everyone calls in elder corn, whether you are a believer. Anyway, he buys up, up the old place. And because it's all the grounds, essentially houses, faith would be a kind word, could would be more accurate.
These are the saviors of god.
Yeah, they believe that corn is in shrine was some sort of authority from god. Heaven has been invaded by the forces of hell, apparently.
Oh yeah.
since win two thousand and eleven.
I think IT was right. OK much miss .
that on the news. yeah. So corny's believer s see themselves as the, yeah, the safe use have got. They they practice a very strict way of life closed off from the outside world. No girls, no temptation, no society.
Well, because they are recruits for the armies of heaven are, suppose, can't get into .
evan unless you do what elder corum says.
something like that. anyway. See in my village, holton Green, big village, no enough to town, seven miles outside of chat yorky old place, probably as about easy worships or saviors estate, call .
themselves, well, yeah.
lots of boys, some Young lads, some older, held a corum. Much, much older than most. No women. No women. That's right. Anyway, as you can imagine, since they moved into the area, the locals haven't taken too kindly to them. They see corms influence and some of the vulnerable, Young and as poison will IT be.
Smith is a good exam.
our victim and his heart. He was a friend from school. I know his mom and dad really well. And yeah, when he got converted, IT was hard, obviously.
But now this just.
I hate them. I just.
And your concern is that the save as of god will cover up this murder?
Not certain of IT know, but it's said, is a risk our body take.
How do you know if IT then this murder?
I was there, the station, when the call came fruit. A couple of officers .
went to attend.
But what one of them was a savior once. I mean, still cool me. See, this is what corum does.
He reaches into every community center, every friendship group, public service, anything you can imagine, schoolboys, sports teams, local shops there in my parents book club, books club, I cheese choice, they bound the great gaspy last week. Why the subject matter reading material not suitable for the recruits of the heavenly forces? I guess.
well, my mom is reading fifty shades of great me. Have a mind to ban that, to be honest.
Well, that's nice in a big included man house at midnight in a storm.
Great was next. Just be careful of the grave out of the front after.
Got sake, we won't to take the main entrance. Tell me of the murder from .
what I know about IT shortly after the call from the residence, who made IT savior? Tilton, is he from? Hold on Green? Yeah, I see his man quite a, anyway, two officers went there. I stayed at the station. Then about forty five minutes later, a forensics officer arrived at the front desk from london, and I was asked to drive into the location.
Why don't you have any available .
socs was a soca scene of crime officer forensics, basically. Yeah, we do have one, but chee wasn't allowed. why? Because she's a SHE, I see.
So that the save is put stop to her being on the prevacid.
And that was my first intention that paul will not be. He wasn't gonna the justice he deserved. Anyway, I made IT to the crime.
Sca, and yeah, he yeah. Snow to the name. In elder corrus bedroom jesus.
elder corms bedroom. Well, that's pretty ammi. No, that's it's an open in short case.
not going corms ill, very ill. I can't really .
go out of bed with what?
So release lungs cancer? No, no, it's it's a disease. Is got the word disease .
in a pulmonary C O P D?
Yes, is C O P disease.
What is IT chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? Must been a heavy smoker or just very unlucky. Sounds like corn .
is late stage yeah .
so he's bed bound .
almost entirely but for a will chair if you again. He's a witness conveniently for him. Coren says that will a be said as he was dying. Ella corum IT was .
SHE eldora IT was SHE. Very .
convenient. If you ask me.
you believe correa is protecting his flock.
or if it's a SHE, then he can't .
be any of them.
Lock can IT right show up, 稍微 wait。 There's talk. The corn is planning something with all the safest planning. What human sacrifice.
Well, the plot seconds IT certainly .
does lovely and indeed jumbly.