cover of episode Shoscombe Old Place - Part Two

Shoscombe Old Place - Part Two

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Sherlock & Co.

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
华生:讲述了比阿特丽斯失踪的事件,以及肖斯科姆老宅豪车拍卖的疑点。他与福尔摩斯一起调查,并与凯莉、罗伯特和乔治等人物互动,试图找出真相。过程中,他表达了对凯莉的复杂情感,并对案件的进展感到困惑和焦虑。 华生的叙述贯穿始终,展现了他对案件的参与和思考,以及他与凯莉之间情感纠葛的困扰。他不断地提出疑问,并试图将各种线索联系起来,但同时又感到迷茫和无助。他与福尔摩斯的合作,也展现了他们之间默契的侦探搭档关系。 福尔摩斯:福尔摩斯负责引导调查方向,并提出关键性的问题。他敏锐地观察到细节,例如凯莉的异常行为、树林中的烧痕以及陵墓中的线索。他推断比阿特丽斯可能被罗伯特杀害,并最终发现陵墓下方的墓穴,暗示着案件的真相可能隐藏在地下。 福尔摩斯的推理过程展现了他出色的侦探能力,他能够从看似无关紧要的细节中发现关键信息,并构建出合理的推论。他冷静地分析案情,并引导华生一起寻找真相。 罗伯特:罗伯特是案件的关键人物,他声称比阿特丽斯去了圣特罗佩,并负责肖斯科姆老宅豪车的拍卖。他的言行举止前后矛盾,暗示他可能隐瞒了某些事实。他与华生的对话中,既表现出对比阿特丽斯的关心,又流露出一些不自然之处。 罗伯特的叙述和行为,为案件增添了悬念和疑点。他看似平静的外表下,隐藏着不为人知的秘密。 乔治:乔治是绿龙酒馆的老板,他提供了关于比阿特丽斯和罗伯特的相关信息,例如比阿特丽斯身体状况不佳,以及罗伯特对豪车拍卖的急切态度。他的叙述补充了案件的背景信息,并为福尔摩斯和华生的调查提供了线索。 乔治的叙述,为案件提供了重要的背景信息,也展现了当地居民对案件的关注和猜测。 凯莉:凯莉是比阿特丽斯的看护人,她的行为举止异常,深夜出现在福尔摩斯和华生的帐篷附近,并带走了阿奇。她的出现增加了案件的复杂性,也暗示了她可能与案件有关联。 凯莉的角色,为案件增添了悬念和神秘感。她的行为和动机,是案件的关键所在。

Deep Dive

John and Sherlock are investigating the disappearance of Beatrice Faldo, an 86-year-old woman. They learn that Beatrice's brother, Robert, has been selling off her prized cars and claiming she is in Saint-Tropez. However, locals doubt this story, as Beatrice has never missed the Shoscombe Festival before.
  • Beatrice Faldo is missing.
  • Robert Norbertson, Beatrice's brother, is selling her cars.
  • Beatrice has never missed the Shoscombe Festival.
  • Carrie Evans, Beatrice's carer, is also missing.

Shownotes Transcript

YOU'VE GOT A FAST CAR - that would be an understatement for Shoscombe Motors. The Falders had a fleet of some of the most prized cars on the planet... but Robert was orchestrating their sale. Things didn't add up. Oh and my ex-girlfriend was there for all this.

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Copyright 2024.


Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Paul Waggott as Dr. John Watson

Harry Attwell as Sherlock Holmes

Miranda Langley as Carrie Evans

Harry Frost as Robert Norbertson

Kevin Exley as George Sharland

Written by Joel Emery

Directed by Adam Jarrell

Editing and Sound Design by Holy Smokes Audio

Produced by Neil Fearn and Jon Gill

Executive Producer Tony Pastor

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