A podcast about understanding how tech works and the way it is changing the world. Hosted by Andrew
A question about Apple sentiment in China spawns memories of Apple's entrance to Japan, the uti
Parsing the latest reports on the battle for the NBA's next round of broadcast rights, a questi
Ben proposes a potential update to Clayton Christensen's theory of disruption, why the latest r
Why TikTok makes more sense for Wal-Mart and Amazon than Oracle and Microsoft, and the FTC's ba
A closer look at Netflix after news that the streamer will stop reporting subscription numbers in 2
Celebrating 10 years of Stratechery as a subscription business with 10 questions about analysis, cr
The advertising possibilities that AI can unlock for Meta, Google and Amazon, why TikTok is interes
Andrew and Ben turn to the emailers and answer questions on Jony Ive's post-Apple adventures, s
Updated thoughts on Amazon rolling back “just walk out” in grocery stores, context for a viral Meta
To email the show: [email protected] Scheduling Note: There will be only one episode of Sharp Tech
Follow-up on Apple and the DOJ, including new antitrust laws Ben would like to see, distinctions be
A closer look at the US v. Apple complaint, including the good and bad of the introductory rhetoric
An AI day for Sharp Tech. Topics include: Nvidia’s GTC and the Blackwell B200 GPU, Nvidia’s strateg
A closer look at Meta's strategy with WhatsApp, why Disney's failure to buy Google in 1999
A look at Reddit’s business as well as the company’s message board DNA, examining some of the oppos
The latest legislative push to address TikTok’s relationship to ByteDance, Ben’s 2020 analysis of t
A closer look at Elon Musk’s lawsuit, why it will probably fail, and the OpenAI concerns Musk highl
The challenges posed by AI as aggregators like Meta and Google deploy models around the around, why
The letter from Sundar Pichai in the wake of a Gemini’s disastrous week, the relationship between T
An email about AI losers spawns a check-in on the AI efforts of the big five, Google’s Gemini rollo