In this episode, I have the honor of speaking with Coach Michelle Moore. She drops some life-changing truth bombs. You're gonna want to listen twice and be sure to take notes.
A little about her:
Michelle is committed to providing her clients with an experience of healing they didn’t know existed or believe was possible. As a certified Neuro-Transformational™ Results Coach, she works with her clients to create neurological shifts in their bodies so they can make behavior changes that actually last. Through transparent truth-telling, Michelle lovingly challenges her clients to liberate themselves from the shackles of shame & guilt and put an end to their people-pleasing patterns so they can begin prioritizing their own needs and desires. She says she is still on this wild expedition back home to who she really is, but these days, she is enjoying the journey instead of judging the process or how long she’s been traveling.
Follow her on insta @ coachmichellemoore
I would love to meet you! Come join the sisterhood!
Stay blessed, Michelle