Ejecting an object from the solar system requires less energy because it involves adding velocity to overcome the sun's gravitational pull, whereas throwing it into the sun requires removing its angular momentum, which is more energy-intensive.
The moon moves at approximately 60% of one mile per second, which is about 2,160 miles per hour.
If the moon fell into the Earth, the immense kinetic energy would liquefy the Earth's crust, potentially creating a new moon or multiple moons from the debris.
Stopping the moon in its orbit would require energy equivalent to detonating the world's nuclear arsenal continuously for 10 times the current age of the universe, which is 14 billion years.
The Grey Goo scenario involves self-replicating nanobots that exponentially consume resources to create more copies of themselves, potentially converting the entire Earth into grey goo. It's concerning because it represents a runaway technological threat that could disrupt human society.
The most efficient way to destroy the Earth using current technology would be to create a stable black hole, which requires about 10% of the energy needed to stop the moon in its orbit.
Hawking radiation is a theoretical process where black holes lose mass and energy over time due to quantum effects. Small black holes emit Hawking radiation so intensely that they evaporate almost instantaneously.
The gravitational binding energy of the Earth is the energy required to overcome the gravitational force holding it together. It is proportional to the square of the Earth's mass, making it extremely difficult to blow the planet apart.
False Vacuum Decay is a theoretical scenario where the universe transitions to a lower energy state, spreading at the speed of light and potentially wiping out everything in its path, including Earth.
The most realistic threats to humanity's survival are nuclear war and the potential for self-replicating artificial intelligence, both of which could cause catastrophic disruptions to human society.
What's your best option? Stop the moon and let it fall? Nuke the center of the planet? Create a mini black hole?
Astrophysicist Dr. Bryan Gillis is here to help us destroy the entire planet. It might not be as easy as the movies make it seem...
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