Serialously is hosted by Annie Elise, best known for her true-crime YouTube channel “10 to Life” wit
A dairy farmer named Don Sipple heard someone knocking on his front door. He went to answer the door
Headline Highlights: Today’s episode dives into everything happening this week in true crime. From n
Warning: This episode discusses graphic details that are difficult to hear. Madeline Soto was last s
There is a lot to talk about today! We're going to be discussing a new case from Australia, a recent
Mountain City, Tennessee was rocked by some truly chilling news - a brutal double murder had taken p
Annie has A LOT to discuss today! Breaking down so much new activity in the true crime world. From n
In July of 2022, a 15-year-old boy was found dead. The police were called to his home, and when offi
She was only 5 years old when she was last seen. However, authorities only started looking for her 2
Sometimes violence comes from the people you least expect. Visit
While some look for companionship on dating sites, others have turned to self help books, life coach
Paramount released a new 3 part docuseries called ‘#Cybersleuths: The Idaho Murders,’ and it has the
On February 11th, 2010 in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, a man noticed a garbage can stuck under his serv
On January 6th in Mount Vernon, Washington, 14-year-old Ella Jones was reported as missing by her
Today Annie is sitting down with Payton Moreland from the hit podcast Murder With My Husband and Int
Scott Peterson was convicted of murdering his pregnant wife, Laci Peterson, in November of 2004, aft
On the night of January 9th three men, David Harrington, Ricky Johnson, and Clayton McGeeney were fo
Chris Watts’ Mistress, the infamous Nichol Kessinger, has seemingly disappeared off the face of the
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Aaron Quinn and his girlfriend, Denise Huskins, were woken up by armed intruders and a voice saying,