cover of episode 39: A Dangerous Con Man, A Missing Teen & Secret Murder?! The TWISTED Story of Nicholas Barclay & Frédéric Bourdin

39: A Dangerous Con Man, A Missing Teen & Secret Murder?! The TWISTED Story of Nicholas Barclay & Frédéric Bourdin

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Serialously with Annie Elise

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Annie Elise
Annie Elise 讲述了尼古拉斯·巴克莱失踪案的离奇经过,以及冒名顶替者弗雷德里克·伯丁如何成功骗过尼古拉斯的家人和警方。她详细描述了尼古拉斯的家庭背景、失踪过程、以及弗雷德里克如何伪造身份、编造故事,最终被揭穿的过程。她还探讨了尼古拉斯家人在事件中的反应和可能存在的隐情,引发了人们对真相的猜测和质疑。 Nicholas Barclay 是一个13岁的男孩,在1994年失踪。他的家人在最初并没有立即报警,因为Nicholas有离家出走的历史。然而,随着时间的推移,家人意识到事情不对劲,并向警方报案。 Frédéric Bourdin 是一个法国人,他以其精湛的演技和伪造身份的能力而闻名。他冒充Nicholas Barclay,成功骗过了Nicholas的家人、警方以及其他相关人员。他编造了一个关于被绑架和性虐待的故事,以解释自己为何出现在西班牙,并最终被带回美国。 Beverly Barclay 是Nicholas的母亲,她对儿子的失踪感到非常痛苦。在弗雷德里克冒充Nicholas后,她坚信他就是自己的儿子,并拒绝配合警方的DNA检测。她的行为引发了人们对案件真相的质疑。 Jason Barclay 是Nicholas的同母异父兄弟,他在Nicholas失踪前曾搬来与家人同住。他曾向警方报案称看到Nicholas试图闯入车库,但这一说法后来被证实是虚假的。Jason在弗雷德里克被捕后不久死于吸毒过量。 Carrie Barclay 是Nicholas的姐姐,她前往西班牙确认了“Nicholas”的身份,并将他带回了美国。然而,她后来也对弗雷德里克的身份产生了怀疑,但她仍然坚持认为“Nicholas”就是自己的弟弟。 Nancy Fisher 是负责调查此案的FBI探员,她对弗雷德里克的故事表示怀疑,并最终揭穿了他的谎言。她对尼古拉斯家人的行为感到困惑,并试图获取DNA样本进行比对,但遭到了拒绝。 Charlie Parker 是一个私家侦探,他被媒体联系,对“Nicholas”的身份进行了调查。他通过照片对比,发现了弗雷德里克冒名顶替的事实,并向FBI提供了关键证据。 Bruce Perry 是一位医生,他为弗雷德里克进行了精神评估。他发现弗雷德里克的故事存在诸多漏洞,并认为他不可能是Nicholas Barclay。 本案中,警方、FBI探员以及私家侦探都参与了调查,但由于尼古拉斯家人的不配合以及弗雷德里克的精湛演技,真相的揭露过程十分曲折。尽管弗雷德里克被捕,但尼古拉斯的下落至今仍未查明,案件的真相仍然扑朔迷离。

Deep Dive

Annie Elise introduces the case of Nicholas Barclay, a 13-year-old who disappeared in San Antonio, Texas, and the complex events that followed his disappearance.

Shownotes Transcript

Welcome back to this week’s episode of SERIALously! In today’s episode, we are going to discuss a case that’s truly unbelievable. Think about the last time you got an emergency alert for an Amber Alert on your phone. The amount of children that go missing every day in the United States is staggering and often leads to terrible outcomes. But what about the children that are found? What are their lives like when they return home? Does it matter if they've been gone a day? A week? A month? A year? Several Years? Most of the time, we only hear about the return of missing children in high-profile missing persons cases like Elizabeth Smart. But what happens when a family that never got media attention and eventually never expected their loved one to return finally turns up? What if they weren't the most picture-perfect family to begin with? What is it like then? Nicholas Patrick Barclay was only 13 years old when he went missing in San Antonio, Texas, and the events that unfolded in the aftermath of his disappearance are unlike any other case you have heard before.

Your True Crime BFF, Annie Elise 

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