cover of episode 202: Jaguar Wright Exposes Diddy, Menendez Bros Getting Out?, Flesh Eating Bacteria Psycho, & Teen Murders Both Parents

202: Jaguar Wright Exposes Diddy, Menendez Bros Getting Out?, Flesh Eating Bacteria Psycho, & Teen Murders Both Parents

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Serialously with Annie Elise

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Annie Elise

Deep Dive

A 17-year-old boy in Florida is in jail, accused of murdering his mother. This comes after he previously killed his father in Oklahoma, claiming self-defense. He has a history of mental health issues and violent behavior, including attacking his mother and making threats.
  • The teenager called 911 claiming his mother fell on a knife.
  • He had previously shot his father, claiming self-defense.
  • He was Baker Acted after claiming his mother threatened him with a gun.
  • He had a history of violent behavior and threats towards his mother and therapist.
  • The medical examiner determined the mother's wounds were intentional, leading to a first-degree murder charge.

Shownotes Transcript


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Hey, true crime besties. Welcome back to an all-new episode of Serialistly. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to an all-new episode of Serialistly with me, Annie Elise, Headline Highlights Edition. We have got so, so much to talk about this week. I mean, we have updates to cases. We have new cases breaking. We still have more news in the world of P. Diddy that we need to talk about, particularly with Jaguar Wright and all of these...

insane interviews that have come out and new allegations and it's gonna be a wild one guys uh but before we get into all of that quick reminder next week we have salt lake city for the live tour and then the following week denver we are almost completely out of tickets so if you wanted to come make sure you snag those now you can do those at and then go over to the events tab

But at these live tours, I present a brand new case that I've never talked about. We do a deep dive into it. I have very special guests who join me on stage who share some other cases and some updates with you. And we do meet and greets after. And it's just, you know, a fun night out.

So check those out if you haven't done so already and if you're thinking about going. And also just really quickly, I want to just say as a blanket statement for all of you who are affected by the hurricanes that are going on, please keep yourselves safe. My heart is with you. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. And I just hope that you are all taking care and keeping safe along with, of course, your loved ones and family and friends.

So now let's move into the first case that I want to share with you today, and it's one that is coincidentally, of course, coming out of Florida. 17-year-old Colin is currently in jail for allegedly killing his own mother. Back on Sunday, September 9th, Colin called 911 from his grandmother's house in Auburndale, Florida, which is a town about 50 miles east of Tampa.

So when he called 911, he told this dispatcher that he and his mother, quote, had a very long fight and she fell on top of a knife. So when officers immediately arrived at the home, Colin said that his mother was bleeding from her neck and that she was dead. Now, meanwhile, he had blood all over him and he just appeared very unbothered, almost

Like he didn't care. At all. You know, didn't care at all that his mother had just died right in front of him. Now, when the officers entered the home, they also found that it was pretty clean. It wasn't like this huge fight had occurred and it ended with somebody dead. In

In fact, it seemed almost like the opposite. And Colin wouldn't really tell these officers what happened. One of the first things that he did say to them was, "I know my rights and I want an attorney." And it was just very unnerving because this wasn't the first time that Colin had killed someone. See, in Oklahoma back on Valentine's Day in 2023, Colin shot his own father.

When it happened, Colin claimed that his father was chasing him with a knife and eventually cornered him in a bedroom. So because of that, Colin had no choice but to defend himself. So he shot him. He shot him once in the head and once in the chest. He

He claimed that this entire thing was self-defense. But officers weren't too sure about Colin's self-defense argument. They couldn't prove him wrong, they couldn't prove otherwise, but there were definitely some questions. And whenever they tried to interview Colin, he just kept pleading the fifth. He outright just refused to talk.

Any charges that were brought against him ended up eventually being dropped. They just didn't have any proof that it was or wasn't self-defense. So then after his father died, Colin went to go live with his mother, Catherine, in Florida. Things weren't exactly easy, though, between Colin and his mom, Catherine. And one example of that is that just months after moving to Florida, Colin was Baker Acted. Now, we've talked about that term a couple of times in different cases on this podcast, but in Florida, there's a law called the Baker Act.


And under this law, anyone can be involuntarily admitted for a mental health evaluation. That is, of course, if they are deemed a threat to themselves or to others. And under the Baker Act, people are generally held for up to 72 hours for evaluation. But anybody can make that call, that claim, saying, you know, I think that this person is a danger to either me or to themselves. Come intervene, come collect them for a mental health evaluation, and then that is what is called being Baker Acted.

Now, in Colin's case, he had told a school officer that he and his mom got into a huge argument one morning back in September of 2023. He said that his mother pulled a gun on him and said that she was going to kill him and then she was going to kill herself. So Colin then claimed that his mom asked him to take the gun away from her and for him to kill her.

So because of all of this, the school officer was like, uh, this sounds horrific and toxic and very dangerous, and they called the police, which then caused them to go do a welfare check on Colin. Now when they arrived at the family home, his mom Catherine said that that story just was not true. She never pulled a gun on her son. She claimed that Colin was just angry at her. He was failing multiple classes in school apparently, so because of that, as a punishment, she took away his phone, she took away his AirPods, but

but that infuriated him so much so that it prompted him to make up this entire gun story all to get back at her. So she tried to explain away his behavior, claiming that he suffered from PTSD after living with his father in Oklahoma, and she went into more detail about the dynamic between Colin and his father. She continued,

She claimed that Colin's father actually held him captive for over 1,000 days. This, again, was back when he was living in Oklahoma, and she says that the reason he did that was because Colin told him that he was gay.

So this prompted his dad to keep him isolated at home. He didn't go to school. He couldn't call people on the phone. He was only allowed to eat one meal a day. I mean, if true, extremely barbaric, right? So after talking to Catherine and hearing this story, the police decided to take Colin to a mental health institution for an evaluation. He stayed a total of eight days and then he was sent home. But

But before leaving, he claimed that he was going to kill himself or kill his mom if he did end up going home. He then said that he would, quote, So aside from being baker-acted, Colin was already seeing a therapist.

However, he once threatened to kill that therapist as well if they ever were to have diagnosed him with anything. Nevertheless, though, the therapist did their job and diagnosed Colin with PTSD and also with a personality disorder. So eventually, Colin was moved to a different mental health facility, and this is where he would receive more long-term care. He stayed there for a few months, but eventually went back to live with his mother.

Then, in late 2023, police were called to the home once again because this time, Colin had attacked his mom. He pulled her hair, he kneed her in the groin while she was eating, and it was just absolutely a horrific scene, so he was arrested and charged with domestic violence.

Fast forward a couple of months to February 2024, and Colin ran away from home and went to go to his grandmother's home in Auburndale, Florida. However, his grandma didn't want him there because she didn't feel safe around him considering everything that had happened, which, honestly, I don't blame her. So eventually, police went to go get Colin and bring him back to his mother. And when they did, he told the police, quote, "'I don't want to go home. I'll use any force necessary to avoid it, including killing my own mother.'"

However, Colin, despite these threats and this clear danger, in my opinion, he was still brought home. So then that takes us to September of 2024. And on September 6th, 2024, Colin and his mom, Catherine, got into yet another fight. This time, it prompted Colin to run away. He drove again to his grandma's house because he knew that it was going to be empty. She apparently was currently out of town at the time. And his mom, Catherine, drove to go get Colin from his grandmother's house. When

When she arrived, a neighbor witnessed Colin pulling his mom by the hair and bringing her inside the house. And two hours later, she was dead. The medical examiner determined that Catherine didn't, quote, fall on a knife like Colin had said. Her wounds were just too intentional. Eventually, Colin was arrested and he was charged with first-degree murder. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said that the state attorney's office is going to try Colin as an adult.

And he went on to say that when he looks at Colin, he sees, quote, a psychopath. Saying,

Based on his conduct, had he gone to go live with his grandmother at the end of this, and if she would have crossed him, she would have been next.

Now, speaking of his mom, Catherine, she was only 39 years old. She was a young mother and she just loved her son. She was always posting pictures of him on social media. She was taking him on vacations and she truly just wanted the best for him. Her friends say that her unconditional love for Colin prevented her from seeing just how truly evil he was. And Eric Reyes, a friend of Catherine's, said, he was very well-spoken, very smart, but you can pick up that he was kind of controlling and manipulative. However,

However, you can't pick up that he's basically a murdering psychopath. And these cases never get any easier to understand or to share because anytime there is child on parent violence, it's so difficult to wrap your mind around it, right? It's not like there's any rhyme or reason. It's just an entitled little brat, in my opinion, who doesn't get their way and then

acts out and sure maybe he had some sort of mental health at play or PTSD but we have seen this in so many cases especially lately like one other one that comes to mind is Carly Gregg I'm sure you guys have seen her trial if you haven't let me know there are a couple deep dives out there but I've kind of been going back and forth if I should do a deep dive on that case let me know in the review section or on the Q&A section on Spotify if you do want the deep dive but

But she was a young girl who went and shot and killed her mom after school one day. And then she just started text messaging like it was no big deal, like nothing had ever happened. She started bragging to friends. She then tried to lure her stepdad back to the house to wonder when he was going to get there. She was going to apparently kill him. Then when you watch the trial, it was really weird because the stepdad and Carly were like smiling at each other and like mouthing, I love you. So of course, you can imagine the conspiracy theorists are all thinking that he's

he enlisted her to kill the mom and like they had a secret relationship. I don't know if that's true one way or another. I haven't done the deep dive myself into this case. But again, I'm just citing it because it's a recent one where a child did kill a parent. But if you do want that deep dive, let me know. So now let's move into another case that is so creepy and gives me the chills all over my body.

But on Monday, October 7th, a British doctor named Thomas Kwan pled guilty to attempted murder for trying to kill his mother's partner. And the motive was a tale as old as time. It was all about securing his inheritance, ensuring that when his mother died, all of her money, her home, everything went solely to Thomas. But you're gonna freak out when I tell you just how he did this calculated murder. And he was a doctor, remember, so he was wise.

But this past January, Thomas sent his mother's partner, Patrick O'Hara, two letters in the mail. And in these letters, it stated that he was due for a home visit for a COVID booster shot.

The letters were fake, and they were all part of Thomas' elaborate plan to kill Patrick. On January 22nd, Thomas checked himself into a hotel under a fake name. The hotel was closer to his mom's house, which is where Patrick lived. And later that day, Thomas put on a disguise. He had used makeup to make his skin darker. He put on a wig. He put on fake facial hair. He just wanted to go unrecognizable.

He also used a car with fake license plates, and once he had his whole disguise, his fake license plate car, everything, he drove over to his mom's house. And once he got there, he posed as a nurse.

He wore a medical uniform, a face mask, he had dark tinted glasses, all again to just try to disguise himself even further. He did a few routine tests, and he eventually administered a fake COVID-19 shot. And immediately after this injection, the mother's partner Patrick felt just this excruciating terrible pain. I mean,

Meanwhile, Thomas left the house, but this pain was so bad that Patrick ended up going to the hospital the very next day. He had a fever. He was still in pain. His arm was now blistering. It was very alarming. And at the hospital, it was discovered that that injection that Patrick received, it wasn't a COVID vaccine. It wasn't anything of the sort. Instead, Thomas had injected him with a flesh-eating bacteria. It feels like a Lifetime movie, right? Like,

This actually exists. People like this actually exist. So for the next few weeks, Patrick remained in intensive care. Doctors had to literally cut flesh from his arm to prevent the infection from spreading.

Thankfully, Patrick lived, but he is still recovering. Now again, the whole motive in all of this was money. That's what drove this entire sinister plot. Because Thomas' relationship with his mom took a really bad turn when he had discovered that she changed her will. If she died, her house would go to her partner Patrick so that it would ensure that he had somewhere to live after her death.

So this was all Thomas's motive, which I also gotta ask, and I can't help but wonder, if he was a doctor, why would he, I mean, I get it, money is money is money, but like, wouldn't he be earning enough money to where why would he need that inheritance so badly? Or was it more out of principle that he was just angry about this? I don't know. But police used surveillance camera footage to ultimately determine that Thomas was that fake nurse, and he was the one behind the attack.

They searched his home, and they also found that he installed spyware on his mother's computer so that he could, you know, just track her activity, take photos of her without her knowing through the webcam. Again, creepy stuff that you usually just see in movies. They also found vials of arsenic, liquid mercury, and other dangerous chemicals. This guy was clearly a threat. Thomas originally pled not guilty and claimed that the injection was only meant to, quote, "'cause no more than mild pain and discomfort.'"

But eventually, after seeing the evidence against him, he agreed to plead guilty to the charges. So thankfully, Patrick survived, but I mean, how scary is that? I guess it kind of also goes to show, like, don't let anybody inject you unless you're in a hospital or a doctor's office. But I guess even then, it's like...

How do you know what you're injected with is the real thing? And this isn't to get like all crazy with vaccinations and like, you know, all of the craziness around that because everybody has their own opinions. I know. But you know what I mean? Because we've also heard of like the guy nurse who was injecting insulin into IV bags and killing people that way. It's like, gosh, you can't trust anyone, right?

Now, speaking of not trusting anyone, we have another case to talk about that is a new one breaking, and this one takes us to South Carolina. On September 10th in Pendleton, South Carolina, 20-year-old Jessica Barnes was reported missing. She had last been seen back a month earlier on August 1st at her home.

Now, what was so weird about this is there was no trace of Jessica. Her mother, Cecilia, hadn't seen her in weeks. However, she kept receiving messages from Jessica. But something about those messages just seemed off to her. They didn't sound like they were coming from her daughter.

So the messages, along with not seeing her, prompted her mom to report Jessica is missing. So police went to Jessica's home where she lived with her husband and her two roommates. Her husband, Brandon Barnes, said that they were having issues in their marriage. They had been arguing a lot more lately. They had been fighting. So because of this arguing, it caused Jessica to leave. But he says, "'She just kind of stormed out and she didn't tell me where she was going. I have no idea where she went, but it's not surprising because we were having a lot of arguments.'"

Now, as I mentioned, Jessica and Brandon also had two roommates. One is named Kendall Mims and the other Victoria Tippett. They all claimed that they had absolutely no idea where Jessica went. They said that they didn't report her missing because they thought that Jessica would return, that she left of her own volition. She was just pissed off at her husband and she was making her own choices. She was an adult. So the police announced that none of the three were being considered as suspects. However,

However, during their search for Jessica, police located human remains in a forested area near the family home. This was on September 20th, so shortly after she was reported missing. That same day, police also conducted a search at the family home. Now, this prompted rumors to just spread like wildfire, as I'm sure you can imagine. The town of Pendleton was convinced that Brandon had something to do with his wife's disappearance.

Then, one of Brandon's ex-girlfriends came forward and said that Brandon was in fact abusive. So this prompted the rumors about Brandon's involvement to grow, despite the fact that law enforcement was saying, you know, no, he's not even a suspect. Meanwhile, Brandon and the two roommates, Victoria and Kendall, were all seen putting up missing persons flyers all around town.

Brandon gave an interview to the media where he said, you know, I would tell Jessica how much I love her and I wish I never went to work every day and ignored her. I ignored her voice. I told her she was fine when I knew she wasn't. I was young. I was stupid. I was always just focused on getting more money and more work. He continued by saying, we never felt like we had hope in life.

We always felt down, depressed, miserable, alone, seeking for help, hiding from help, never accepting it when it came. There was childhood trauma. There was being abused as a kid, blaming people for things that we regret or had done. It just was nasty. But all of the comments and the M word, meaning murder, and all of the other stuff, I could physically never do something like that.

that. Brandon then read a letter that Jessica wrote him in July, and part of this letter read, "'We have been through so much in the first year of our life together, and I am so grateful that I met you. I love you so much, baby. Thank you for sticking by my side and letting me in.'"

It's hard to love me, but we had a son and got married, the best choice I ever made, by the way. We even went through a stillbirth and came out on the other side, stronger and more motivated, knowing that we can stick together through anything. God put you in my life for a reason, and I will never let you go. I could never picture starting life with anyone else. You are my rock, and I love you so much. You amaze me with your strength to keep moving forward after our angel passed, never giving up on our family. You

Eventually, on Tuesday, October 1st, a coroner confirmed that the remains that they had found belonged to Jessica.

and it was also determined that her cause of death was asphyxiation by strangulation. The medical examiner ruled her death a homicide. So they continued their investigation, and through phone pings and car GPS information, it was determined that her husband Brandon and the two roommates, Victoria and Kendall, had all been at the area where Jessica's body was found. Specifically, they had all been there in early August, right after she first went missing.

So the trio were questioned again, and Brandon eventually admitted that he strangled Jessica after one of their arguments. And Victoria and Kendall, the roommates, they admitted that they witnessed the murder, and they helped Brandon hide the body. So just last week, all three of them were arrested. Brandon was charged with murder, while Victoria and Kendall were charged with accessory after the fact and obstruction of justice. All three of them were denied bail.

And this kind of blows my mind too, because how often do we see these cover-ups where friends help cover things up, family members, roommates, where not to say that it would be different if they had any sort of direct hatred or motive towards killing Jessica, but...

When it's somebody who, pardon the expression, but has no skin in the game and has no motive or reason for wanting that person dead, why even offer up your help? Like, why not just call the police? Why not even maybe pretend that you're going to help and then escape if you're scared and call the police? Which I know there are sometimes situations where people feel as though they're forced to help because they feel like their own life is in danger.

but sometimes that's not the case. And I wonder if that was the case here, or again, like if there's no motive for you, why do you just like offer up your help? Like, oh wow, you got into a fight with your wife and you killed her. Let me help you hide the body. Yeah, me too. I'll help you too. Let's all go together. It just, I don't get it. I will never get it. Now,

I'm winded, as you can tell. So I'm going to grab a quick drink of water. We're going to hear from our sponsors, and then I'm going to be back, and we are going to talk all about Jaguar Wright, the new Jay-Z allegations, everything going on with Diddy, and we're going to talk about a couple of other cases involving love triangles and things of that nature. So we will be right back.

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Okay, it is no secret that I am like fueled off of Diet Coke and DoorDash. Literally, I am probably like not the poster child for living healthy and eating healthy and all of the things. However, I will say this. I recently started drinking greens because I don't even know the last time that I actually consumed a vegetable or ate, which again, I know that is so bad, but I'm just being honest with you guys. But you know I love Beam for their Dream Sleep Tea. They also now have greens and

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All right, so now let's move into what's going on with Diddy. As you guys know, I'm not going to rehash everything. You can go back to past episodes in the feed on this podcast and listen to them to get fully up to date. But as you know, Diddy has been charged with some horrific things, with racketeering, with solicitation and transportation for prostitution. I mean, all sorts of different things.

And since then, there's been more revelations that have come to light, such as over 3,000 victims coming forward with their own accounts of assault that took place. With those 3,000 accounts, attorneys feel as though 120 of them have enough supporting evidence to...

take that forward to litigation with civil suits. And that's not to say that that diminishes any credibility from the other 3,000 victims, but that's enough where they feel like they have strong enough evidence to move forward and take these civil suits forward. But ever since the arrest was made and we learned about the charges,

I've been feeling a certain kind of way and I've been vocal about it that it is just eerily quiet out there. Nobody is coming forward and detesting his actions. Nobody's saying even something to safeguard themselves saying,

you know, if these allegations prove to be true, I'm appalled by this. My heart and soul is with the victims. I'm so sorry that you experienced this. Nobody's talking. And because of that, a lot of people are, of course, suspecting that it's because they are safeguarding themselves and that they might have some sort of involvement or that they might be brought in to testify as a witness or that they might be named in one of these civil suits. I mean, the rumors are going, you know, wild out there.

However, there are select few talking. Cat Williams, obviously, is somebody who's talked. 50 Cent is somebody who has been very vocal. And there's also somebody by the name of Jaguar Wright.

Now, if you aren't on TikTok, you probably have not seen these interviews. But Jaguar Wright is a woman from the industry who has been outspoken about the corruption and disgusting activities of Hollywood for years. She has made all sorts of allegations and implications that this runs way deeper than what we even know, and that not only was Diddy responsible for Tupac's death, but also for Aaliyah's death, for...

so many other people's deaths and like, and that Beyonce's involved, Jay-Z's involved. And it's interesting because you, you can't help as a viewer, but get captivated by her storytelling because she says it with such passion, such conviction and such detail to where she's been in that industry. So she knows all the players and knows how they move, but she,

She hasn't done an interview since the arrest. Everything that has been out there and recirculating has been past stuff that she has, you know, brought to the surface for years. However, she has now done an interview since the arrest of Diddy, and she appeared on the Piers Morgan show for this interview. Now, at the time that this airs, maybe she's done another interview since then. I haven't seen one, but correct me if I'm wrong. But on October 2nd, she went on the Piers Morgan show.

Specifically, she went on his show Uncensored, and it was to discuss the allegations against Diddy. In this interview, she claimed that, quote, everyone knew that he was the devil. He's been the devil for 30 years. A lot of people have been questioning, well, she doesn't really know him. She has no knowledge of him. She doesn't have a picture with him. I'm smarter than Claudia Jordan. I would never take a picture with the devil.

Everyone knew he was the devil. He's been the devil for 30 years. He's been covered and protected by not only Clive Davis, but Lucian Grange. He was selected to be the demon that he is to keep the culture in line so the industry could continue to rape it for all of its precious jewels. We have too many lost. The list of lost is

It's ridiculous, and everyone knows Diddy was selected for this job. He's the Judas. Do you think that if he's cornered in the way that he's been now, that he may start revealing things about other people? He has no choice. His ego and his drug addiction won't allow him to do anything different. Anybody who thinks he's not gonna talk is crazy.

The simple fact that he's not saying more now only means that the people who have been protecting him all along, who put him in position to be such a horror to the black community, still find value in him. He's got everybody on tape. They all know it. For those who were never at these freak-off parties, what were they like? See, this is the thing. Simply too scared to talk about.

Everyone knows. And every person that's sitting there trying to act surprised knows very well. The whole point of this, like Cat Williams said when he sat with Shay Shay earlier this year, the whole point of this is for them in a coordinated effort to pretend like none of it is real for the public's perception. Everyone knows what's going on and it's been going on for years. It's been going on before Diddy.

She then went on to say that there were likely thousands of victims. Her interview came just days after the 120 victims came forward with sexual misconduct allegations against Diddy. And again, it's that 120 that are moving forward with civil suits. The lawyer representing these victims has said that they have received over 12,000 calls in a 24-hour period, all to a hotline that they set up for victims to come forward and share their story with.

So in her interview, Jaguar went on to claim that Jay-Z and Beyonce were accomplices, that they knew what was going on all along. Specifically, she said, quote, For four years, I've been screaming not just Diddy, but Diddy and Jay-Z are monsters. And the victim-making machine kept going on. Well, because the Me Too movement was a ruse. It was a setup. It was a scam. I'm saying that now, publicly.

Dream Hampton spearheaded the surviving R. Kelly campaign, which fueled the Me Too campaign. And that was all funded by Sean Carter to make sure that Robert Kelly went to jail, get his lick back. Why is nobody understanding that Dream Hampton...

was being financed and ran by Sean Carter. They were able to go and get all of these witnesses because he was there with Robert Kelly. How does Jay-Z sit down with Gayle King and she not ask him one question about the intersection between him and Aaliyah and Robert Kelly? This is insane that people keep refusing to see what's right there.

If the Me Too movement were real, why aren't they speaking now? They've also been very quiet in this time of the diddlers' downfall. Jaguar... Yes, they're on vacation. If this goes to court, Jaguar, do you think the world is going to be shocked by what comes out? Oh, absolutely. I just don't know why they are. It's been happening in front of everyone's faces for decades. For decades. How many victims... What's the difference between me and Judy Garland?

Social media. How many victims? There was none for her. How many victims potentially do you think there could be? Thousands. Thousands. I've talked to hundreds that I deal with still myself. I have three victims right now who are willing to give testimony about not only what Mr. Carter has done to them, but his wife as well. They're a nasty little couple. They do nasty things.

What do you think happened with Kim? Keeping people against their will, putting people on planes while they're unconscious, just like Aaliyah got on that plane, unconscious. There's a lot of things that people don't want to talk about, Pierce. Listen, like I said, Jay-Z and Beyonce are not here, unfortunately, to respond to that. I know. I'm just being honest with you.

You're perfectly entitled to your views, obviously. Kim Porter, a new book claims that Diddy may have been involved in her early death. What do you think of that? I think people should really look into that more. I am friends with Al Bishore. I love him. I love his children. I knew Kim. We used to all hang out together at the Kit Kat Club back in the mid-90s when Diddy was first starting his reign. I watched that whole thing happen and...

Everything that Albert has been through, every attempt on his life that has been ignored by the authorities, it all leads back to Diddy. And everyone knows it. The wiretapping of the phones, putting air tag on children during visits.

These are normal practices that these people do. She continued to say that Jay-Z needs to break his silence about everything, saying, quote, he starts little fires everywhere and forces everyone to carry water while he sneaks away without a response. That changes now. You must respond. You have no choice. Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Robert Kelly, Sean Combs, they have one person in common professionally and privately, and that is Sean Carter, who

who goes by Jay-Z. Jay-Z has been notable by his silence since these charges were brought against Diddy. Why do you think that is? Because that's what he does. He starts little fires everywhere, forces everyone involved to go and carry water while he sneaks away without a response. That changes now, Sean. You must respond. You have no choice. Harvey Weinstein...

Jeffrey Epstein, Robert Kelly, Sean Combs have one person in common professionally and privately. Sean Carter.

Now look, I don't know what's true, what's not true. Always do your own research. These are all allegations. This is all what she was saying in this interview. However, it appears that it did ruffle some feathers. Because this interview has since been taken down, and Piers Morgan has also issued a public apology to Jay-Z and Beyonce. And on October 8th, Piers said that the couple's lawyers reached out and said that Jaguar's claims were false and that they were not based in any fact.

Pierce then said how his show will comply with a, quote, legal request and will remove that part of the interview. As you can imagine, people are really angry about this because they're thinking, oh, it's just silencing somebody yet again.

However, we don't know what's true, what's not. So if any of those allegations were rooted in lies, I understand why you would, of course, want that scrubbed and want that removed and you would hire lawyers to do that. But other people are just kind of insinuating this is how deep it goes. This is how far their power reaches. And that interview was a huge, huge thing. Everybody was watching it and now it's been taken down.

There's also been allegations, and this is more conspiracy, I will say, but I'll mention it just in case you've been following this closely, that...

Jay-Z and Beyonce's involvement also goes to the fact that the reason Diddy got rid of Aaliyah was to make Beyonce the superstar, and that was going to be Jay-Z's partner because Aaliyah denied him or dissed him or, like, didn't want to be with him. And that's kind of why Beyonce has now rised to stardom over the past decade or so. And with that, people are posting all these different clips on social media. It's all resurfacing from previous award shows where...

women who receive a Grammy or Best Music Video or whatever the award is, they all thank Beyonce in their speech or they mention Beyonce in their speech or they say, I don't deserve this. This should be yours. Adele, I believe it was, broke her Grammy on the stage and like

said, I'm splitting this with you, Beyonce. We know Kanye, when Taylor Swift won an award, he hijacked the mic and started talking about Beyonce. There was another one where Britney Spears starts crying. I think she had received like, not the Vanguard Award, but something, and she starts talking about Beyonce. So people are now splicing all of this together. And look, it could just be because these women truly admire Beyonce and the career that she has built and what a force she is.

but a lot of people are putting them side by side saying, like, what's happening here? Beyonce isn't winning any of these, yet all of these people are mentioning her. Is it because they're scared of her? Is it because they feel like they have to? Because everybody kind of knows what's going on in the underground of Hollywood? And again, that kind of goes more and trails off into the conspiracy part of this case, but I figured I would mention it. And

We've talked about the updates that have been going on in this case, so I will continue to update you with those as soon as they come out. But if you do want even a deep dive into that conspiracy stuff, let me know. I'm happy to go over it. But again, I will make the disclaimer here, now, and again on that episode, should we ever do it. Always do your own research. Everything is alleged at this point.

Everybody is innocent until proven guilty, so, you know, let's just be mindful of that, okay? Now let's move into this love triangle situation. On September 17th, 2023, Zoraida Bartolome and Alberto Rolon, their two young children and their three dogs, were all found dead in their home. This is after the police were called to conduct a welfare check on them. The couple hadn't shown up for work, and their families couldn't get in contact with them.

So when the police arrived at the home, what they found was honestly truly horrifying. I mean, the scene was gruesome. The entire family had been brutally murdered. They had all been shot a combined total of 20 times.

The house also was just a complete mess. There was furniture turned over, screen doors were cut, there was blood everywhere. And shortly after the family was discovered, the police in Romeoville, Illinois, quickly identified a suspect, Nathaniel Huey Jr. His car was seen on a ring doorbell camera in the area around the time that the murders occurred.

So police started a statewide search for Nathaniel and for his 2017 GMC Envoy. Eventually, his car was spotted in Catoosa, Oklahoma. Police tried to pull him over, but Nathaniel started driving erratically, trying to evade the police. Eventually, he crashed and the car caught fire. Officers then heard two gunshots coming from the car. They eventually discovered Nathaniel dead from a gunshot wound in the front seat.

Next to him was a woman who also had been shot. She was alive, but she died after being brought to a hospital. So for the past year, people have been wondering what caused Nathaniel to do this, this mass murder. Why did he kill an entire family? And also, who was the woman with him?

Well, Romeoville police have finally released documents revealing what they discovered. This was after a year-long investigation. Now, apparently way before the murders happened, Nathaniel was having an affair with Zoraida. They worked together for an engineering company, and eventually Nathaniel's fiancée, Irma Linda, found out about the affair. But instead of just breaking up with Nathaniel like, you know, a normal person would, Irma Linda decided to trick Nathaniel.

She created multiple fake social media accounts where she pretended to be part of a Mexican and Bulgarian criminal organization. And somehow she convinced Nathaniel that he was part of this organization as well.

Irma Linda would message Nathaniel as the organization, and she would do this constantly, and would frequently tell Nathaniel, quote, Irma Linda even sent threatening messages from this account to Zoraida and her family. She revealed details about the affair and threatened the family on numerous occasions.

Police say that, quote, saying, based on years of communication, Nathaniel's response seems to indicate that he fully believed the information being fed to him by Irma Linda, but he didn't know that Irma Linda was the person that he was communicating with.

I mean, that's a pretty elaborate hoax to get back at your boyfriend or your fiancé for cheating on you, right? She apparently eventually convinced Nathaniel that a mole in the organization was planning to attack him. Later, she said that the mole who was going to attack him was the woman that he was having an affair with, Zoraida. Then Irma Linda, still disguised, you know, as this organization, worked with Nathaniel to create a plan to murder Zoraida and her family.

The police report released says, quote, They researched the neighborhood to locate cameras. They planned how to get in and out of the house and learned the house behind Zoraida's was vacant. They discussed the persons residing at the residence, including Zoraida, Albert, and their two children, as well as the number and types of dogs in the house. Irma Linda tells Nathaniel to cause damage to make the scene appear to be a burglary committed by kids. She reassures Nathaniel by saying, Many murders go unsolved.

Now, part of this plan was that Irma Linda would essentially be Nathaniel's getaway driver.

So Nathaniel took off work for a few days to prepare, and on September 16, 2023, at around 3 a.m., Nathaniel and Irma Linda drove to the home of Zoraida and Alberto. Irma Linda waited in the car while Nathaniel cut the screen doors to make it seem like a break-in. Then they walked in through an unlocked door in the kitchen. The husband heard the noises, went to go see what was going on, and when Nathaniel saw him, he just immediately started shooting.

He, meanwhile, got away and ran to his wife and to his kids, but he was shot multiple times. He eventually fell and died. Nathaniel then found Zoraida and her children in a bedroom, where he shot and killed all of them. Then he shot the two dogs in the kitchen and another in the bedroom.

Irma Linda and Nathaniel then fled the scene and eventually fled Illinois altogether before they were eventually found in Oklahoma. During this time, Nathaniel allegedly confessed to his mother about the murders. Now, I might do a deep dive on this case because...

I don't even know where to begin. Like, this is so crazy to me. I have seen hoaxes. I have seen lies. I've seen catfishing schemes. All of it. This seems crazy. It almost seems as crazy as the one Janelle Potter. I think it is. I think it is. I'll link the deep dive in the show notes for you. But she was the one who...

was involved with like this group of friends and she started pretending to be I think it was like an FBI agent or something like that and then like she enlisted this whole murder plot it was equally wild and her parents believed that they were talking to this FBI agent who was trying to protect their daughter it was so bizarre like

So maybe I'll do a deep dive on this, but let me know what you think. Now, I want to also talk quickly about the Menendez brothers and a possible new hearing, new trial, all of the new renewed interest in this case, because Netflix recently released a series called Monsters, and it details the case of Eric and Lyle Menendez. They are the two brothers who were convicted of murdering their parents back in the late 80s. They

They committed the murders, I believe it was 89, and then they were convicted in 1996, I believe. But this show has caused an uproar surrounding the case because Eric and Lyle alleged that their parents sexually abused them and that because of that, it caused extreme trauma that drove them to murder their parents. That was the only way that they saw as being free of them. The Menendez brothers originally had two trials.

The sexual assault allegations were presented in the first trial, and that trial resulted in a hung jury. However, the allegations were not allowed to be presented in the second trial, and that's when the brothers were convicted. So if you followed the Menendez brothers, you will now know that these allegations, they're not new. They've kind of been talked about for decades now. For years, people have been asking that the brothers receive a new trial, that this was unjust, this was unfair. The

The thought is that they should have been charged with manslaughter, not murder, and now that they've served enough time in prison for their crime and they should be released. The brothers' attorneys have filed petitions for authorities to review new evidence and to also consider resentencing them based on their level of rehabilitation and their overall conduct inside of the prison. And just last week, the Los Angeles District Attorney announced that they are in fact reviewing new evidence of the alleged sexual abuse. He

He said, quote, We've also got evidence that was provided by the defense, his lawyers, that one of the members of the Menudo band alleged that he was molested by the Menendez father.

So this new evidence could lead to a retrial or resentencing for the brothers. However, nothing has been confirmed yet, but I believe a hearing has been set for November 29th. I'll have to double check that exact date, but I think so. Now I get deep dive requests all the time, and I know I've already mentioned possibly doing a couple deep dives based on today's episode, but I have received so many requests now to relook at the Menendez case and do a full deep dive start to finish and new take on what I think

think I haven't done that because I feel like everybody's so familiar with the case and now it's like you have the series you also have the documentary that launched this week where it's actually them speaking out from the prison so I don't know if it's really needed but if it is something that you want let me know and we can certainly do it so again let me know either in the apple review section or on spotify q a if you do want the deep dive into the menendez brothers

Other than that, if you feel like you still need a true crime fix going into the weekend and you need more content to binge, we do have our ad-free bonus episodes that get released every single Friday. Tomorrow, it's a fairy tale romance, secret love affairs, a murder that was planned for years.

A very, very shocking twist that even I didn't see coming. An insane detail that we truly have never seen in a case before. There were like stolen embryos. It is wild. So that you can get access to on Patreon, which I will link in the episode show notes, or you can just go to slash Annie Elise, or you can get it directly if you listen on the Apple podcast app. You just sign up for the subscription. And we release those episodes every single Friday. They're bonus episodes and completely ad-free.

Other than that, let me know what you guys think about all of these cases, which ones you want the deep dives on. Get your tickets so that you can see one of these cases live in person in Salt Lake City or Denver. All of that's at on the events page. And I have very special guests joining me again as a reminder. And yeah, until then, I'll be back on the mic with you first thing Monday morning with an all new deep dive case.

All right. Until then, guys, stay safe. Watch your back. Be nice. Don't kill anybody and don't join any cults. All right, guys. Thanks so much. Bye.