cover of episode 194: P. Diddy Charged with 3 Felonies: 1000 Bottles of Lube, “Freak Offs”, 3 AR-15’s with Serial #’s Removed and More!

194: P. Diddy Charged with 3 Felonies: 1000 Bottles of Lube, “Freak Offs”, 3 AR-15’s with Serial #’s Removed and More!

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Serialously with Annie Elise

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Annie Elise
Annie Elise详细解读了Diddy案的14页起诉书,起诉书中详细描述了Diddy涉嫌领导的犯罪组织,该组织长期以来从事性交易、强迫劳动、绑架、纵火、贿赂和妨碍司法等犯罪活动。起诉书指控Diddy强迫受害者参与其所谓的“freak-offs”,即精心策划的性行为表演,并利用其商业帝国的资源和影响力引诱受害者。Diddy还被指控对受害者进行身体、精神和言语虐待,并使用录制的性行为视频进行勒索。起诉书还列举了Diddy为这些性行为准备的大量用品,包括润滑剂、静脉输液和灯光设备。Diddy的律师表示将不认罪并全力抗辩。Annie Elise对Diddy被捕和起诉感到惊讶,但同时也表示希望他能为自己的行为负责。她还评论了Diddy案的背景和社会影响,并表达了对案件结果的期待。

Deep Dive

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Call 1-800-GRANGER, click, or just stop by. Granger, for the ones who get it done. Hey guys, it's me, your true crime bestie Annie, and I am so excited to share with you that Serialistly is officially hitting the road and coming to you live in a city near you. That's right, we are going on tour. We've got shows planned in Orange County, California, San Diego, California, Salt Lake City, Denver, Colorado, Phoenix, Arizona, and

and more. We're going to be discussing all new exclusive cases. I have some surprise guests planned, but I can't tell you who. It's a surprise. At the end, we'll do a meet and greet so I finally get to meet so many of you. We've got exclusive merch and just so much more. It is going to be a show that you definitely do not want to miss. But space and tickets are very, very limited. So grab your friends, grab your co-workers, or come on your own and hang with me while we talk all things true crime together.

All of the information, including dates, cities, and links to purchase tickets, can be found at and then just toggle over to the events page. So grab them now before they're gone. I can't wait to meet all of you, and I will see you on the stage. Hey everybody, welcome back to an all-new episode of Serialistly.

Hey everybody, welcome back to an all-new episode of the True Crime Podcast, Serialistly. It's me, Annie Elise, and today is our Headline Highlights edition, but you're probably noticing that we usually release Headline Highlights on Thursdays. That's where we go through all the breaking true crime updates, any brand new cases, things like that. But we're releasing it early this week, and the reason why is because there was a huge breaking news update last night in the Diddy case.

I'm sure many of you have seen it. And so this morning he was actually in court in New York and I got my hands on the indictment. And I don't know, I just was kind of like, you know what, instead of the regular headline highlights this week, let's dive into this whole ditty mess and go through all the documents, go through all the charges, everything.

And then that'll, and we'll release it early because it's happening right now. So this week's episode is going to be released a little early, and that's why you're listening to it now. So as I mentioned, last night Diddy was arrested, and then this morning he was inside the New York courtroom. Once he was inside the courtroom and overnight, we were able to get a glimpse into what exactly those charges have been against him, what the allegations are. We also now have our hands on the unsealed federal indictment.

And guys, this gets so crazy, especially when you read through everything and not just go through, you know, the top headlines. Because mainstream media is very censored in a lot of what they say, I

I don't know that they are sharing all of these details and I understand why, but we're not censored over here. So we are going to break it all down. We're going to go through the whole indictment. I'm going to read all of it to you, the whole 14-page indictment. We're going to go through what went down in the courtroom, what his defense attorney is now saying in response to all of this, and I'm just going to break it all down for you.

So, as I mentioned, music mogul Sean Diddy Combs was arrested yesterday at the Park Hyatt Hotel on West 57th Street in New York City. Prosecutors allege that he created and ran a, quote, criminal enterprise through his business empire, and that it engaged in crimes including sex trafficking, forced labor, kidnapping, arson, bribery, and obstruction of justice. I mean, a lot of heavy, heavy allegations.

Now, in a federal indictment that was unsealed today, Diddy was charged with racketeering, sex trafficking, and transportation to engage in prostitution. He has also recently, as I'm sure so many of you know, he has faced this wave of lawsuits, one as recent as just last week where they accused him of sexual assault and also misconduct that apparently happened in the past year.

but we also saw that horrific viral video of him abusing his then girlfriend Cassie they were in the hotel room she's trying to flee she's trying to escape he catches her and literally drags her by the hair back to the hotel room and is like throwing these glass vases at her it is such a triggering video so if you haven't seen it please google search it with caution but he has been under scrutiny now for the better part of the year right and I'll be honest I

I was hopeful that if all these allegations proved to be true, which it appeared to me they would be, especially after seeing that Cassie video, I was hopeful that he would be held accountable. But I'm kind of surprised that he actually was arrested and charged. I don't know. I feel like he has a lot of pull. He has a lot of people in high places. And I wasn't sure that we would see this.

So it's going to be very, very interesting to see what comes with this. Not to mention, of course, all of the allegations that he was involved in Tupac's murder and other murders. It goes so much higher and deeper than I think we even know. So like I said, a federal indictment was unsealed against him, and they charged him with those three felony counts. Those are racketeering, sex trafficking, and transportation to engage in prostitution.

So this morning he entered that New York City courtroom so that he could hear the charges for himself and his defense attorney was, of course, with him.

The federal prosecutors are accusing Diddy of forcing victims into these sex acts that he allegedly called, quote, freak-offs. Freak-offs. I know that's hard to understand. I feel like I should spell it, but you get what I'm saying. Freak-offs. So apparently these acts are these sex acts which he would record for his viewing pleasure.

The indictment against him also alleges that he used his vast resources and business associates to, quote, lure female victims into his orbit. And they also say that it was, quote, under the pretense of a romantic relationship.

So he would bring these young girls in, pretend to be romantic with them, pretend to be interested in them, but then he would like lure them into his like disgusting orbit of all the sex crimes, the abuse, the control, everything. It also goes on to describe these sex performances, which are known as freak-offs, where they say that he allegedly organized the transportation of commercial sex workers across state lines and also internationally, all for these parties.

These events, quote, occurred regularly. Sometimes they lasted multiple days, and often they involved multiple commercial sex workers, end quote. Apparently, controlled substances were also a regular part of the performances, according to this indictment, and they were provided, in part, quote, to keep victims obedient and compliant.

The complaint says that he kept these videos of these people having sex at the gatherings in these freak-offs all so that he could have them as blackmail, as leverage. Prosecutors then offer details of the sorts of supplies that they say that he required for these performances. Now, the supplies, among a lot of other items, included IV fluids, lubricants, and lighting, like stage-type lighting, not full-stage lighting, but you get what I mean, especially since he was videoing it.

So during these parties, he's alleged to have, quote, subjected victims to physical, emotional, and verbal abuse. It claims that victims of his abuse were threatened with a loss of income or even livelihood if they resisted participating in the parties.

It also goes on to allege that he, quote, used force to, quote, cause victims to engage in extended sex acts with male commercial sex workers, which he arranged, directed, and masturbated to during the sex acts as they were taking place, and that he often electronically recorded them. The charges against him also allege that he, quote, threatened and coerced women and others around him to fulfill his sexual desires.

and federal prosecutors say that this went on for years. They say he created a criminal enterprise whose members and associates all engaged in various crimes such as sex trafficking, forced labor, kidnapping, arson, bribery, and also obstruction of justice. Now following his arrest, his attorney, Mark, arrived at the Manhattan federal courthouse, and he briefly spoke out to a very large media gathering that was outside.

He says he came to New York to basically engage the court system and start the case. And it will start today. And he's going to plead not guilty. He said he's going to fight this with all of his energy, all of his might, and the full confidence of his lawyers.

Now that is just the starting point guys because I want to read to you this 14 page indictment where it outlines everything but it's 14 pages like I said so I'm going to get a quick drink of water really quick we're going to have a quick break and then I will be right back and I will read all of this to you.

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Okay, so we have the federal indictment, and there might be certain things as we go where I need to redact. I don't think so, but just in case there are names listed, I will redact them for the victims' and survivors' protection. But this was the once-sealed indictment. He was indicted by a grand jury. This is a federal indictment, and it is now unsealed. So for count one, which is racketeering conspiracy, it's a federal indictment.

It says,

resources, and influence of the multifaceted business empire that he led and controlled, thus creating a criminal enterprise whose members and associates engaged in and attempted to engage in, among other crimes, sex trafficking, forced labor, kidnapping, arson, bribery, and obstruction of justice.

Sean Combs operated his business, headquartered at various times in Manhattan and Los Angeles, under a variety of United States-based corporate entities, including Bad Boys Entertainment, Combs Enterprises, and Combs Global, which is collectively the Combs business. Corporate entities in the Combs business included, among other things, record labels, a recording studio, an apparel line, an alcohol experience business, a marketing agency, and a television network and media company.

At all times relevant to this indictment, Sean Combs engaged in a persistent and persuasive pattern of abuse toward women and other individuals.

This abuse was at times verbal, emotional, physical, and sexual. As part of his pattern of abuse, Combs manipulated women to participate in highly orchestrated performances of sexual activity with male commercial sex workers. At times, Combs and others acting in his direction made arrangements for women and commercial sex workers to fly to Combs' location.

Combs ensured participation from the women by, among other things, obtaining and distributing narcotics to them, controlling their careers, leveraging his financial support and threatening to cut off the same, and also using intimidation and violence.

Physical abuse by Sean Combs was reoccurring and widely known. On numerous occasions from at least in or about 2009 and continuing for years, Combs assaulted women by, among other things, striking, punching, dragging, throwing objects at, and kicking them.

These assaults were at times witnessed by others and included one instance at a Los Angeles hotel in or about March 2016. This was captured on video and later publicly reported where Combs kicked, dragged, and threw a vase at a woman as she was attempting to leave. That's that Cassie video. When a member of the hotel security staff intervened, Combs attempted to bribe the staff members to ensure silence.

Combs' violence was also not limited to these women. It extended to his employees, witnesses to his abuse, and others. Sean Combs used the Combs business, including certain employees, to carry out, facilitate, and cover up his abuse and commercial sex.

Those employees, including security staff, household staff, personal assistants, and high-ranking supervisors, and other close associates, acted as Combs' inner circle, and their conduct was facilitated and assisted by Combs' control of the Combs business.

Then it goes into the Combs Enterprise, and it says, "...from at least in or about 2008 through on or about the date of this filing of this indictment, Sean Combs and others known and unknown were members and associates of a criminal organization known as the Combs Enterprise or the Enterprise."

Members and associates of the Combs Enterprise engaged in and attempted to engage in, among other activities, sex trafficking, forced labor, interstate transportation for purposes of prostitution, coercion, and incitement to engage in prostitution, narcotic offenses, kidnapping, arson, bribery, and obstruction of justice.

The Combs Enterprise, including its leadership, its members, and its associates, constituted an enterprise as defined by Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 19614. That is a group of individuals associated, in fact, although not a legal entity. The enterprise consisted of Sean Combs, NJPW,

Entities within the Combs business, including but not limited to Bad Boy Entertainment, Combs Enterprises and Combs Global, individuals employed by him and associated with the Combs business, and others known and unknown. The Combs Enterprise constituted an ongoing organization whose members functioned as a continuing unit for a common purpose of achieving the objective of the Combs Enterprise—

The Combs Enterprise was engaged in, and its activities affected, interstate and foreign commerce. The Combs Enterprise operated in the Southern District of New York and elsewhere. At all times relevant to this indictment, Sean Combs was the leader of the Combs Enterprise.

Sean Combs and others, known and unknown, participated in unlawful and other activities related to the conduct of the Combs Enterprises Affairs. These individuals included certain Combs business employees, such as members of Combs security staff, household staff, personal assistants, and high-ranking supervisors, as well as other close associates of Combs.

It then goes on to the purposes of the Combs Enterprise, and it says, "...the purposes of the Combs Enterprise includes the following. Operating a global business in the media, entertainment, and lifestyle industry, including, among other things, record labels, a recording studio, an apparel line, an alcoholic spirits business, a marketing agency, and a television network and media company."

"...preserving, protecting, promoting, and enhancing the power, the reputation, and the brand of Sean Combs as a musician, an entrepreneur, and a figure in the entertainment industry, enriching members and associates of the enterprise, including its leader Combs, and in particular, those who demonstrated loyalty to Combs and willingness to conceal his crimes."

preserving, protecting, promoting, and enhancing the power of the Combs enterprise, including the power of its leader Combs through violence, use of firearms, threats of violence, coercion, and verbal, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse.

also fulfilling the personal desires of Combs, particularly those related to Combs' sexual gratification, including through the exploitation of women and the use of commercial sex workers. Next, enabling Combs and other members and associates of the Combs enterprise to engage in unlawful acts of violence,

including sexual violence, sex trafficking, forced labor, interstate transportation for purposes of prostitution, coercion and incitement to engage in prostitution, narcotics distribution, and other crimes, and also concealing the commission of such acts.

Next, securing absolute loyalty for members of the Combs Enterprise, including through acts of violence and threats. And then lastly, protecting the Combs Enterprise and its members and associates, including Combs, from detection and prosecution by law enforcement authorities. This through acts of intimidation, manipulation, bribery, and threats of retaliation against individuals who witnessed the crimes that were committed by members and associates of the Enterprise.

It then goes into the means and methods of the enterprise. It says, among the means and methods by which Sean Combs and other members and associates of the Combs Enterprise conducted and participated in the conduct of the affairs of the Combs Enterprise included the following.

1. Combs and other members and associates of Combs Enterprise wielded the power and prestige of Combs' role at the Combs business to intimidate, threaten, and lure female victims into Combs' orbit, often under the pretense of a romantic relationship.

Combs then used force, threats of force, and coercion, all to cause victims to engage in extended sex acts with male commercial sex workers, which Combs referred to as, among other things, freak-offs.

Freak-offs were elaborate, and they were produced sex performances that Combs arranged, directed, masturbated during, and often electronically recorded. In arranging these freak-offs, Combs, with the assistance of members and associates of the Combs Enterprise, transported and caused to be transported commercial sex workers across state lines and internationally.

Freak-offs occurred regularly, sometimes lasted multiple days, and involved multiple commercial sex workers. During freak-offs, Combs distributed a variety of controlled substances to the victims, in part to keep the victims obedient and compliant. Sometimes, unbeknownst to the victims, Combs kept the videos he filmed of victims engaging in sex acts with these commercial sex workers.

After freak-offs, Combs and the victims typically received IV fluids to recover from the physical exertion and the drug use.

Next, members and associates of the Combs Enterprise, including high-ranking supervisors, security staff, household staff, personal assistants, and other Combs business employees, facilitated these freak-offs by, among other things, booking hotel rooms for the freak-offs, stocking the hotel rooms in advance with the required freak-off supplies, including controlled substances, baby oil, lubricant, extra linens, and lighting, and

cleaning the hotel rooms after the freak-offs to try to mitigate any room damage, arranging for travel for victims for commercial sex workers and also for combs to and from these freak-offs, resupplying combs with requested supplies, delivering large sums of cash to combs to pay the commercial sex workers, and also scheduling the delivery of the IV fluids.

In or about March of 2024, during searches of Combs' residences in Miami, Florida and Los Angeles, California, law enforcement seized various freak-off supplies, including narcotics and more than 1,000 bottles of baby oil and lubricant. I'm sorry guys, I gotta pause. Who needs 1,000 bottles of lube? That is crazy.

So then it goes on to say, Combs subjected victims to physical, emotional, and verbal abuse to cause the victims to engage in these freak-offs.

Combs maintained control over his victims through, among other things, physical violence, promises of career opportunities, granting and threatening to withhold financial support, and by other coercive means, including tracking their whereabouts, dictating the victim's appearances, monitoring their medical records, controlling their housing, and also supplying them with controlled substances. During and separate from these freak-offs, Combs, among other things,


kicked, threw objects at, and dragged victims at times by their hair. These assaults often resulted in injuries that took days or weeks to heal. Combs also threatened victims' careers and livelihoods, including if they resisted participating in these freak-offs. Victims believed that they could not refuse Combs' demands without risking their financial or job security or without repercussions in the form of physical or emotional abuse. Combs'

Combs also used the sensitive, embarrassing, and incriminating recordings that he made during these freak-offs as collateral to ensure the continued obedience and silence of the victims. Members and associates of the Combs enterprise, including Combs' security personnel, at times carried firearms. On more than one occasion, Combs himself carried a brandished firearm to intimidate and threaten others, including victims of and witnesses to his abuse.

In or about March 2024, during searches of Combs' residences in Miami, Florida, and Los Angeles, California, law enforcement seized firearms and ammunition, including three AR-15s with defaced serial numbers, as well as a magazine.

Members and associates of the Combs Enterprise enabled Combs' control over victims by following his directions regarding financial payments to victims, advancing or suppressing the victims' career opportunities, and acquiring the controlled substances that Combs used to keep these victims compliant. Members and associates of the Combs Enterprise at times witnessed Combs' violence toward the victims or the victims' injuries caused by Combs without intervening.

Instead, members and associates of the Combs Enterprise helped conceal the violence and the abuse by, among other things, assisting Combs in monitoring and preventing victims from leaving locations, such as hotels or even Combs' residences.

And these occasions included instances in which a victim was required to remain in hiding, sometimes for several days at a time, all to recover from injuries that Combs inflicted without being publicly observed. Members and associates of the Combs Enterprise also assisted Combs in locating and contacting victims who attempted to flee his abuse.

When employees, witnesses to his abuse, or others threatened Combs' authority or reputation, Combs and members and associates of the enterprise engaged in acts of violence, threats of violence, threats of financial and reputational harm, and verbal abuse. These acts of violence included kidnapping and arson. In addition, on multiple occasions, Combs threw both objects and people, as well as hit, dragged, choked, and shoved others.

When Combs' authority or reputation was threatened by the possibility of negative publicity or legal or law enforcement action against him, including in or about late 2023 following public allegations of Combs' crimes, Combs and members and associates of the enterprise pressured witnesses and victims, including through attempted bribery, all to stay silent and not report what they experienced or knew to law enforcement.

On phone calls, Combs and other members and associates of the enterprise, among other things, provided these victims and witnesses with a false narrative of events in an effort to conceal Combs' crimes. Combs caused these calls to be recorded on at least two occasions.

So now we're in the racketeering conspiracy. It says, from at least in or about 2008 through on or about the date of the filing of this indictment in the Southern District of New York and elsewhere, Sean Combs and others known and unknown, being persons employed by and associated with the Combs Enterprise, described in paragraphs 6 through 12 of this indictment, an enterprise engaged in, and the activities of which affected interstate and foreign commerce, knowingly combined,

conspired, confederated, and agreed together with each other to violate the racketeering laws of the United States. That is to conduct and participate directly and indirectly in the conduct of the affairs of the Combs enterprise through a pattern of racketeering activity."

as a term that is defined in Title 18, United States Code Sections 19611 and 91615. This included multiple acts of kidnapping, chargeable under the following provisions, state of law, and it cites all the penal code, multiple acts of arson,

again, cites all the penal code, multiple acts involving bribery, again, penal code, multiple acts indictable under Title 18, which is relating to tampering with a witness, with a victim, or an informant,

multiple acts indictable under Title 18 new section relating to forced labor, multiple acts indictable under Title 18 in a new section relating to sex trafficking, multiple acts indictable under Title 18 in another section relating to transportation and inducement to travel for purposes of prostitution and other illegal sexual activities, and

and multiple offenses involving the possession with intent to distribute or distribution of narcotics and controlled substances, including cocaine, oxycodone, alprazolam, methylene dioxide, methamphetamine, gamma-hydroxyuric acid, and ketamine. Some of those names, but I'm sorry, there's like 40 letters in some of these names.

It was part of the conspiracy that Sean Combs agreed that a conspirator would commit at least two acts of racketeering activity in the conduct of the affairs of the Combs enterprise.

So then it goes into the notice of special sentencing factors. And it says, from at least in or about 2009 up to and including in or about 2018 in the Southern District of New York and elsewhere, in his agreement to conduct and participate in the conduct of the affairs of the Combs Enterprise through a pattern of racketeering activity, Sean Combs agreed to in and affecting interstate and foreign commerce.

knowingly recruit, entice, harbor, transport, provide, obtain, advertise, maintain, patronize, and solicit by any means a person."

This is in violation of Title 18, and it cites the code.

Then it goes into count two, sex trafficking by force, fraud, or coercion. From at least in or about 2009 up to and including in or about 2018 in the Southern District of New York, Combs the defendant in and affecting interstate and foreign commerce knowingly recruited, enticed, harbored, transported, provided,

obtained, advertised, maintained, patronized, and solicited by any means a person, knowing and in reckless disregard of the fact that means of force, threats of force, fraud, and coercion, as described in Title 18, and any combination of such means, would be used to cause the person to engage in a commercial sex act and attempted, aided, and abetted, and willfully caused the same.

It goes on to say that he recruited, enticed, harbored, transported, and maintained a person known as Victim 1 and attempted and aided and abetted and willfully caused Victim 1 to engage in commercial sex acts, knowing and in reckless disregard for the fact that Victim 1 was engaging in commercial sex acts as a result of forced abortion.

And this is very much the same of what I just read, so I won't cite all of the code and all of the, like, legal jargon necessarily. But it does say that he knowingly transported an individual in interstate and foreign commerce with the intent that the individual engage in prostitution.

and he attempted and aided and abetted and willfully caused the same, to which he transported, aided and abetted, and willfully caused the transportation of female victims and commercial sex workers in interstate and foreign commerce on multiple occasions with the intent that they engage in prostitution.

So then it goes into the forfeiture allegations where it just basically breaks down all of the different penal codes, all of the different sections where it says that he shall forfeit to the United States pursuant of the title with the cited penal code and says he shall forfeit all property, real and personal, anything that was used to facilitate the commission of any of these said offenses, anything that afforded any source of influence over, just kind of anything that really helped facilitate all of these different crimes.

It talks about property, it talks about personal effects, it talks about all sorts of different things, basically citing everything under the umbrella. And then it goes into the substitute assets provision where it says, "...if any of the above described forfeitable property as a result of any act of omission of the defendant cannot be located upon the exercise of due diligence..."

has been transferred or sold to or deposited with a third person, has been placed beyond the jurisdiction of the court, has been substantially diminished in value, or has been commingled with other property which cannot be subdivided without difficulty, it is the intent of the United States, pursuant to Title 18, code, code, code, to seek forfeiture of any other property of the defendant up to the value of the above forfeitable property."

So basically what they're saying there is if he tried to throw things offshore or if he tried to disguise different property he owns under somebody else's name or transfer it, sell it, whatever he did and tried to hide assets, that they're saying if they can prove that he did any of that as a result of any act of omission or anything on his part, then they're going to come after him for other stuff that he has up to the value of those things that he has now made it difficult for them to get their hands on.

So I know that that was a lot, and I appreciate you sticking with me, especially with some of the legal jargon. I tried to, you know, get through it as easily as I could, but that's why I needed my water. But...

We are just scratching the surface. It is going to be so interesting. If this goes to trial, what all goes down, if what more information comes out, I feel like we probably just open the floodgates. But the fact that he had like a thousand bottles of lube, that there's proof that all of his associates in the Enterprise helped him cover all of this up, which, hello, no real surprise there, right? But...

This was ongoing for decades. And again, I don't think it's that big of a surprise, especially with all the things we've heard over the years, especially if you're a millennial like me, about his involvement with Tupac, about his involvement with Jay-Z, all of these things about, you know, not to go conspiracy, but like the Illuminati and all these higher ups. And I'm not saying this is Illuminati, but you know what I mean?

I just am very surprised personally that this is happening in the sense that he is being held accountable. But I feel like that's kind of the way that we're going now. A lot of these people in power are being called out. They are being held accountable. Not all of them, but some of them, which, hey, I'll take it. That's a good start. So we'll see where this goes. We have yet to hear from Cassie. J-Lo hasn't made a statement either, and...

There's rumors about when she was dating him how they showed up to some like nightclub and he she was forced to carry a gun for him again that's just a rumor but like I don't know I don't know where we go from here I will definitely keep you updated so if you're not following the podcast yet take a quick second it's totally free obviously but just go in the top corner of whatever app you're listening on and press follow because.

Because I'm able to jump on the mic really fast and give you these updates as they're happening. So I also will update you over on Instagram, which is at underscore Annie Elise.

As a reminder, we do our deep dive into cases every single Monday. Usually Thursdays are our headline highlights episodes where we talk about a variety of cases going on that week in the true crime world. But check those out if you haven't yet. We just released a deep dive yesterday about a plastic surgeon who allegedly used plastic surgery to kill his stunning, beautiful 32-year-old wife. It's wild.

And other than that, as a reminder, get your tickets for the live tour so you can see one of these episodes in person live in a city near you. You can get all of that information at and then go over to the events tab. And that kicks off as early as next week. All right, guys, thank you so much for tuning in to another episode of Serialistly with me. And until the next one, stay safe.

be nice, don't kill people, and definitely, definitely, definitely stay the hell away from Diddy. All right, guys. Thanks so much. Bye.