cover of episode 182: Teen Ritual Murders, Suitcase Killer Trial, Mica Miller Updates, & Treadmill Dad Destroyed

182: Teen Ritual Murders, Suitcase Killer Trial, Mica Miller Updates, & Treadmill Dad Destroyed

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Serialously with Annie Elise

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Annie Elise
Annie Elise: 本期播客回顾了本周发生的真实犯罪事件,包括Delphi案预审听证会、911阴谋案认罪协议被撤销、跑步机谋杀案判决、Sarah Boone案审理推迟以及Micah Miller案的最新进展。Delphi案中,被告Richard Allen的辩方试图压制其认罪供词,并声称该案可能与仪式谋杀有关。911阴谋案的认罪协议被撤销,案件将继续审理。跑步机谋杀案中,凶手Christopher Greger被判犯有误杀罪和危害儿童福利罪,其量刑引发争议。Sarah Boone案的被告在法庭上试图更换律师,但被法官拒绝,案件审理被多次推迟。Micah Miller案中,Micah Miller的家人与她的丈夫J.P. Miller达成了法律和解,放弃了对其提起不正当死亡诉讼,但该事件引发了对J.P. Miller责任的讨论以及对制定强制控制法案的呼吁。此外,播客还报道了纽约一起碎尸案以及Wade Wilson案的最新进展。 Brianna Mitchell: 作为Corey的母亲,Brianna Mitchell对Christopher Greger的量刑表示强烈不满,认为其量刑过轻,无法体现其对儿子的虐待和谋杀行为。她详细描述了Christopher Greger对Corey的长期虐待,以及自己为保护儿子所做的努力。她表达了对失去儿子的悲痛,并谴责Christopher Greger缺乏悔恨之心。 Regina: 就Micah Miller案的和解,Regina表示Micah的家人已经准备好进入下一个阶段,即推动强制控制法案的通过。她呼吁公众支持该法案,以防止类似悲剧再次发生。她强调,Micah的家人希望铭记Micah的美好,并专注于为未来受害者争取正义。 Christopher Greger: 在量刑听证会上,Christopher Greger对Corey的死表示遗憾,并声称自己没有故意伤害儿子。他试图淡化自己的行为,并强调自己与Corey之间曾经的积极互动。他的陈述并未获得Corey母亲的认可,后者认为他的悔恨是虚假的。 Sarah Boone: Sarah Boone在法庭上试图更换律师,并表达了对案件审理进展缓慢的不满。她声称自己没有得到公平的法律援助,并试图将责任推卸给法官。 Richard Allen: Richard Allen在Delphi案中被指控谋杀两名少女。他的辩护律师声称他的认罪供词是在违反其权利的情况下获得的,并试图将其认罪供词排除在证据之外。辩方还提出该案可能与仪式谋杀有关。 JP Miller: JP Miller被指控对Micah Miller进行长期虐待,导致Micah自杀身亡。虽然他否认所有指控,但Micah的家人认为他的行为是导致Micah死亡的主要原因。和解协议中,Micah的家人放弃了对JP Miller提起不正当死亡诉讼。

Deep Dive

Annie Elise introduces the episode and provides a brief overview of the true crime cases and updates that will be discussed, including a reminder about a previous deep dive episode on the Ashley Benefield case.

Shownotes Transcript


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Hey everyone, it's your girl Annie and I have got such exciting news to share with you. I am officially going on tour. That's right. Serialistly with Annie Elise is hitting the road and coming to you live in a city near you. We have got so many amazing stops lined up. We are going to be hitting San Diego, California, Phoenix,

Salt Lake City, Denver, Colorado, Brea, California. Such an incredible show with brand new exclusive cases, Q&As. It is going to be so, so good. But tickets are limited. So the presale starts this Friday. You can get access to our presale code either through Patreon or through Apple subscription. I will put the link to that in the show notes below. And then tickets go on sale to the general public next Monday.

All of the details are at Just head over to the events page. So grab your bestie, grab your tickets, come see me. I can't wait to talk all things true crime with all of you guys and I will see you on the stage. Hey, true crime besties. Welcome back to an all new episode of Serialistly.

Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of Serialistly with me, Annie Elise. We have got Headline Highlights Edition today. Now, before we kickstart what's going on this week in the true crime world, because boy oh boy, do we have a lot, I do want to give you a reminder in case you missed the Monday episode. We did like the deep dive of all deep dives into the Ashley Benefield case.

If you are unfamiliar with that case, it's been dubbed as the Black Swan murder in the media, but it's about a woman who murdered her husband. She claimed self-defense. Other people are saying it was premeditated. And in any event, she went to trial. A verdict was reached. But the reason that we did the deep dive is because there was so much to the backstory, the relationship, the marriage, the dynamic, the history that...

Some of it was brought into the trial, but obviously not a ton because you can only bring in certain pieces of evidence and testimony and all of that. But...

There was a lot of controversy when the verdict was reached. A lot of people thought it was just and that it was great, but a lot of people disagreed with it. So we wanted to do the deep dive to kind of just lay out everything for everyone, including what was not included in the trial, and see what everybody's opinions were. And it's kind of interesting because the feedback that I'm getting, it still feels like a lot of people are divided. So...

My whole point in saying all of that was if you haven't listened to it yet, definitely go back and check it out. It's a very long episode, so whether you're getting ready for a long drive, a long commute, if you're cleaning the house and you need something to listen to, it'll definitely keep you busy for quite some time. But that's not what you're here to talk about today. You're here to talk about other cases. What's breaking? What do we have updates in? And let's

like always there is no shortage we have got updates in the Delphi case we have brand new cases we have updates in the Sarah Boone disaster which I hope that name is unfamiliar to you because if it is familiar you know exactly what I'm talking about she is a circus a zoo it's wild we have just so so so much to talk about um let's start where do I want to start why don't we start with Richard Allen now I

Richard Allen is the accused murderer in the Delphi case, and pretrial hearings are now underway for Richard Allen. He's the man who was charged for the 2017 murders of 14-year-old Libby German and 13-year-old Abby Williams. Now, to give a quick recap of the case, if you aren't super familiar, these two young girls were reported missing on February 13th, 2017. They had been out hiking on the high bridge in Carroll County, Indiana, and they were

and they had failed to meet up with their families that afternoon. However, unfortunately, their bodies were eventually found on February 14th, 2017, and they were found about a half a mile away from the high bridge where they were hiking that day. In a very eerie piece of evidence that was discovered, the police had obtained videos and images from Libby's phone. It's the images and the videos that the girls had taken during their hike.

Now, in this footage, and in a very, very smart move on the girls' part, they recorded a man who is seen walking towards the girls, and the investigators quickly labeled this man as the primary suspect in the case. Now, there was also a very chilling audio recording—this may strike a chord for you, even if you're not super familiar with the case— where this man in this video was saying, "'Down the hill.'"

almost as though he was instructing these girls to go down the hill. And that was really, that still frame was what people had to go off of for years, trying to match what that man looked like in that image still and video to potential suspects. And the police definitely thought that this was their guy. Now, eventually through that video that was found on Libby's phone, plus eyewitness accounts and CCTV footage, investigators charged 50-year-old Richard Allen with the girl's murder.

A bullet was also found at the scene, and it was linked to a gun that Richard owned. Now, even though the bullet was found near the girls' bodies, it was finally revealed during the pretrial hearings that a knife was likely used to kill the girls, as both of them had their throats slit. Now, if you've gone down the Reddit hole on this case, or if you, I don't advise that you do, but if you have, you know what I'm talking about. There have been long suspected rumors for quite some time now about

the mutilation and murder of these girls and their bodies and that they were laid in a very particular way that there was you know horns involved and branches and different things to where it almost felt ritualistic and

And now we finally were hearing in the pre-trial hearing that the knife was likely used because up until recently it had been mainly rumors, people on different sleuth boards, things like that. But it was also revealed during these hearings that Richard confessed to the murders more than 60 times since his arrest.

Now, Richard has been in an isolation unit in a maximum security prison, and during his stay, he has confessed to multiple inmates, to prison guards, to prison psychologists, family members, and even investigators about his involvement in the girls' murder. And many of these confessions were recorded, and they revealed details about the murders that only the murderer would know. However, Richard's defense team wants to suppress Richard's confessions.

because they believe that his rights were violated. Apparently, Richard's confessions began after he started reading the Bible back in March of 2023, and when he had said, you know, that he found God. So his defense team is claiming that Richard was suffering from stress-induced psychosis because the conditions that he was kept in at this prison were, you know, equal to those of a prisoner of war, and that he was denied adequate mental health care, all of these things, and that that is what resulted in these false confessions.

Again, according to his defense. His defense also claims that Richards started behaving erratically at the same time that the confessions began. However, the prosecution claims that Richards' behavior was all fake, that it was all performative, a ruse. Now Richards' defense team also claims that investigators ignored other credible leads.

For multiple days, they presented evidence that suggested that the girls' deaths were in fact part of a ritualistic murder. And remember, going back to the manner in which their bodies were discovered, that was the rumor for quite some time, but there was never any proof to that. Now specifically, they claim that members of a pagan Norse religion called Odinus is who killed the girls, and that it was during a sacrifice ritual.

The defense argued that the murders had all of the hallmarks of a sacrificial ritual. The placement of their bodies with branches that were placed on top in this like symbolic pattern, the manners of their deaths, having their throats slit, things like that. And according to the defense, these are all things that you would expect from people with quote, magical beliefs.

However, the prosecution said that there is absolutely no evidence linking an Odinist group to the crime, and that any patterns or markings that were found near the girls were all evidence of a struggle, not cult-related symbols. Richard's defense team also asked the judge to move Richard to a county jail.

one that was closer to the hometown of his lead defense attorney. They claimed that by moving Richard, it would be easier for his defense to build their case, and the judge agreed. So Richard will now be housed at the Cass County Jail until his official trial that begins this fall. His trial is officially set to start on October 14th, 2024.

We're deciding right now if we are going to send a team member or not to that trial. If it is something that you want us to cover live, definitely let me know. We would do something similar to the Chad Daybell trial, Lori Vallow, maybe even Karen Reed where we will do weekly updates because I know that a lot of people are invested in this case. But let me know if that's something that you would want or if, you know,

the headline highlights updates week to week will suffice. But regardless, I will definitely be keeping you updated on this case because it feels as though we are very close to these young girls getting justice. Now we're gonna shift gears a little bit and kind of do a flashback to 9/11.

For more than a decade, the trial for five 9-11 conspirators has been delayed due to numerous legal issues. But it was released last week that three of the defendants reached a plea agreement with prosecutors. The agreement stated that the conspirators would plead guilty to all of the charges, including murdering nearly 3,000 people. They also agreed to detailing their roles and reasons for the attack.

and in exchange, the prosecution would not try for the death penalty. However, as I'm sure that you can imagine, many families who were affected by 9/11 were outraged by this. They wanted the plea deal to be retracted. The Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, announced that the Pentagon was never even consulted about this plea deal. So on Friday, August 2nd, Lloyd announced that the plea deal has been revoked and that the best course of action would be for the case to head to trial.

Unfortunately, this does mean that the trial might be delayed even longer, but will eventually, hopefully, bring answers to these victims' families. Speaking of answers for victims' families, or better yet, not getting answers for victims' families, I want to revisit the Treadmill murder case really quick with you because the sentencing took place. Now,

Now in early June of this year, we covered this case, and we covered it in detail. It's more commonly known as the Treadmill Murder Case. So go listen to that episode if you do want the full deep dive. I will link it in the show notes. But to give a quick recap, six-year-old Corey died suddenly on April 2nd, 2021. That day, he woke up from a nap and he was stumbling. He was slurring his words. He also had a difficult time breathing, and his father, Christopher Greger, brought him to the hospital.

where then Corey started having seizures and eventually died. Now, Corey's official cause of death was blunt force trauma with cardiac and liver contusions, also acute inflammation and sepsis. Now, because his death was so sudden and so suspicious for, you know, a healthy six-year-old boy, an investigation was launched, and investigators in their investigation found very, very disturbing CCTV footage from a gym at his father Christopher's apartment complex.

In this footage, which you may have seen it, it went absolutely viral. You see six-year-old Corey running on a treadmill, all as Christopher continues to increase the speed, like standing next to the treadmill. The treadmill starts going faster and faster, and it goes so fast that Corey falls. But a whole Christopher kept putting Corey back on this treadmill, a six-year-old.

where Corey just continued to fall over and over again. And at one point, it also looks like Christopher bites Corey in the head. Shortly after this incident, Corey's biological mother, Bree, asked for emergency custody of Corey because she suspected that Christopher was abusing him.

Whenever Corey spent time at Christopher's house, he would always go back to his mother's house covered in bruises. And she made so many people aware of this. She tried so hard to get Corey out of his custody. And it's a devastating case when you really know the ins and outs of it.

However, ultimately, even after this occasion, a judge denied her request, and Corey ended up then just dying days later, which is absolutely enraging. So it was determined that Corey's injuries likely stemmed from the abuse that he suffered at the hands of his father. So in 2021, Christopher, his dad, was arrested and was charged with first-degree murder and also with endangerment of the welfare of a child.

Just a few months ago, in May of 2024, Christopher was found guilty of manslaughter and also of child endangerment. Now, this month was Christopher's sentencing, and the prosecution asked for the maximum sentence possible, 40 years. However, get this, a judge only sentenced Christopher to 25 years, largely due to his limited criminal history. And guys, listen to what this guy had the audacity to say at his sentencing.

I just want to say thank you for the opportunity to speak today. And Brianna, we haven't talked since Corey passed away. With everything that has been said, I just want to tell you that I'm sorry that you lost Corey. He was, to say simply, the best. I know we'll miss him for the rest of our lives. And the two years that I knew Corey were very difficult, but they were the greatest years of my life. And...

He was a happy, energetic, loving, radiant young boy who flourished in his life in all aspects the last year of his life. And that will be how I remember him and Corey wherever you are, I just want to say that I'm proud of you and everything that you did. The last months of his life, us three, Brianna, Corey, and me spent more time together than apart. All those hikes and walks, trips to the beach, time spent playing football and all the other sports,

Going to Sky Zone, the park, the playground, sledding, and all of that, I saw how much Brianna loved Corey, how much he loved her, and how well we could co-parent together. Those memories and all the good times, they'll be what I remember, and they help me get through the tough days. And I hope that they can help you too, Brianna. I'm sorry you believe I could have done this to our son, and it pains me to know that you view my actions those months together as ingenuine.

that I could have hurt the most important person in my life. What happened on March 20th was inexcusable. To you, Brianna, your family, and mine, I want to apologize that you had to see Corey treated that way. You never deserved it. I understand this single moment will overshadow all of the others, but it's not representative of who I am, who Corey was, and his relationship with me and him.

I want to assure you that on April 2nd, I did nothing to cause Corey's passing. I didn't hurt my son. I love him and I still do. I regret not bringing him to the hospital sooner. I didn't know how sick he was. I didn't know. I just thought he was tired. And whether you believe Dr. Bodden or Dr. Andrews' version of the events, the outcome is still the same. Corey is gone. He had so much to give this world and he still can't.

What we do in his memory, for his memory. Things that he would want us to do, that's all we have now. To the court staff, sheriff officers, to the jury, and to you, Your Honor, thank you for being professional through this whole process. I understand you have a job to do today, Your Honor. Sentence me for the crimes I've been convicted of today. I ask that you please consider all of the evidence presented in and out of this courtroom when making your decision today.

I ask you to sentence me fairly, taking into consideration my entire life, and not just based on the 12 days.

It honestly just enrages me because why you're getting a sentence that is almost 50% of what the maximum could be, all because you have a limited criminal history, is honestly bullshit in my opinion. You abused and murdered your six-year-old innocent son in such a cruel way, which many could argue all was rooted in the fact that he was trying to get back at

Corey's biological mother. Again, go to the deep dive episode to get the full details on this because it truly is enraging. Now his mom's statement was incredibly heartbreaking. I honestly can't stop thinking about it as a mom. So I want you guys to listen to this really quick. My name is Brianna Mitchell and I appear before you today not only as a grieving mother, but also an advocate for justice on behalf of my son Corey.

I stand here before you to plead for justice that Corey rightfully deserves and to press for the maximum sentence of Christopher Greger, whose actions have inflicted irreparable harm in our lives. For you to fully understand the gravity of the situation, I will flash back to July of 2013. This day marks the beginning of a traumatic journey defined by manipulation, abuse, and ultimately an unspeakable loss.

At 16, I first met the defendant, who was 21 at the time. He proceeded to feed me drugs, alcohol, and took complete advantage of me, which led to the conception of Cory. From day one of my pregnancy, I knew I would keep Cory, regardless of the way he was being seen. Cory didn't ask to be brought into this world, and I knew I owed it to him to bring him into this world with unconditional love. Cory was and still is my life, my world, and my everything.

I would also like to speak about my past, which I am not 100% proud of. You heard a lot about it throughout the trial, and so did a lot of the world. It was very upsetting for that to come out because I've worked extremely hard for many years to be where I am today. I admit I abused drugs, but during the trial it was made out that for some reason my son deserved to be killed because his mom was a drug addict. That is absolutely disgusting. I stand here today clean and sober, and I know Corey would be so proud of me.

unfortunately my son is no longer here to tell his story so i'm here to be his voice and tell his story along with all the others sitting in the gallery who have continued to stand by me not once have you seen the defendant shed a tear for cory in the last three and a half years since he killed him and today was bake i don't believe a word he said and i don't accept any apologies he has no remorse for any of the actions he committed

And his only remorse, like you saw today, was for himself because he got caught and convicted. Another reason I could think of is, I'm sorry, everything he had done to Corey was done out of spite towards me. Another reason I could think of is he was sick in the head and used Corey as his punching bag. April 2nd of 2021 was not the first time that he abused Corey, but it was the last time.

He never had an ounce of love for Corey. And to the defendant, Corey was just an inconvenience in his life. He never hugged him. He never praised him. He never told him he was proud of him or that he did a good job. He punished Corey every chance that he could get. And I cannot even begin to imagine what my son dealt with behind closed doors with this man. Throughout everything he did to Corey, Corey still loved him. He looked up to you.

And he still wanted to be like a real father who treated him like a son. Instead of being a good role model for Cory, he decided to beat him to death. Why? Were you jealous of him? Did you hate me so much that you took it out on Cory? Were you abused as a child?

Not that that's a good excuse, because you could have overcome it and became the protector he needed as a child, but instead you became a killer. There was no amount of love in his actions, and only a disturbing amount of hate. It seems like he hated Cory simply because I loved him, and he felt deprived of that love. He couldn't even control himself for long because after the first visit with my son, he started abusing him.

My son didn't even know him and he was beating him. He was abusing him for the first time. Wow. I thank God. I hate you for not letting me say goodbye to my son, but I thank God your face is not the last one he saw.

I'm sorry. Now moving into even more unhinged behavior. About two years ago, I covered the case of Sarah Boone. I covered this over on my YouTube channel, 10 to Life. In 2020, Sarah Boone and her boyfriend, George Torres, they were playing this game, this weird, bizarre game, I should say, of hide and seek.

And in it, George got into a suitcase and then Sarah zipped up the suitcase and kind of like locked him in there. She even took a video recording where she's like giggling and laughing while he's trying to get out. But she basically just sat and watched as George begged to be let out of this suitcase and stated that he couldn't breathe and that he couldn't get out. And eventually, he died from suffocation inside that suitcase. However, Sarah has been claiming that his death was all an accident.

She said, you know, we were just playing, we were just having fun, we had both been drinking, and she says that she accidentally fell asleep while he was still zipped up in that suitcase. That's why it's an accident. However, like I mentioned, investigators did find videos which indicated that his death was not an accident, and Sarah ultimately was arrested on February 25th, 2020.

In 2023, she was charged with second-degree murder. And since Sarah was arrested in 2020, it has been a zoo, like a full-blown circus. She has hired and fired eight different attorneys, and apparently they all couldn't reach an agreement on how to approach her defense, and Sarah eventually forfeited her right to a defense and agreed to just represent herself. And at one point, she even put out this, like,

flyer that was handwritten, hand scribbled, saying, you know, seeking an attorney, somebody who wants fame on national television. And I wish I could show you the visual of this, guys, but the flyer looked more like a carnival drawing. You know how people say, like, come see the bearded lady here one time only? That's literally what this looked like. It was so bizarre. Now, this last Monday on August 5th, Sarah appeared in court, and even though she was

agreeing to represent herself before, she now tried to convince the judge to give her one more chance to have a lawyer represent her. She was, I guess, hoping that this flyer would do the trick, that she would, like, find, you know, an ACES defense attorney. She claimed that the judge made her forfeit her right to an attorney and that she didn't even want to represent herself in court, which, take a listen. For the reasons that the court identified in that 16-page order previously entered, your request for standby counsel is denied. Okay.

Do you have any other questions to the course? I do not look at my right. That was your.

And also I feel that I should have had some kind of an engineering hearing prior to your decision. So I could have better explained myself and you could have had a better understanding. So by you denying my standby counsel, which thank you to him for explaining to me what specifically it is, I don't want to be prosane longer.

Didn't want to be first place and again, in my opinion, I'm awfully, I mean, or suggest your hearing to avoid or try to go about.

So Sarah's trial has been pushed back many times, and she has expressed a lot of frustration with this. But it's also kind of like, what do you expect? I mean, you keep firing every single attorney that is willing to represent you. So maybe the trial being pushed back is slightly your fault?

I don't know. What do you guys think? If you guys have listened to the show before, you've probably heard me rave about Beam Dream. Like a lot of people, I used to struggle with poor sleep and always feeling tired throughout the day, and I never realized how much it was affecting my life until I was finally able to start getting amazing sleep, all thanks to Beam, which is why I am super excited to announce that I have officially partnered with them to create an exclusive flavor of their best-selling sleep blend. It pairs two of my favorite flavors together, creamy caramel and salted chocolate.

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A new true crime podcast from Madison McGee. On July 11th, 2002, my dad, John Cornelius McGee, was shot and killed in the doorway of his home in Bridgeport, Ohio. Two decades later, and the killer has still never been caught. I will stop at nothing to find out who killed my dad. This is a story about a daughter on a mission for answers, for closure, for justice. Check out this clip. We have done nothing to cover this up. Records were all accidentally destroyed in different ways.

Ice Cold Case is available now. Listen for free on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

So now I want to talk to you about something that I know is enraging a lot of people, but it's an update regarding Micah Miller. So Micah Miller's family has finally reached a legal settlement with Micah's estranged husband, J.P. Miller. As a reminder, Micah died on April 27th after a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

However, many people believe that Micah was driven to suicide after suffering years of abuse at the hands of JP. And Micah's family largely believed that her death was ultimately because of JP's actions, and there was a discussion that they were going to file a wrongful death lawsuit, all sorts of different things, but JP has heavily denied all of these claims and has said that Micah just struggled with her mental health. He tried to help her, he tried to save her, but ultimately, you know, this was...

on her. But when I tell you how unhinged his interviews are, it's bizarre. There is, in my opinion, I'm not an expert, guys, but there is so much evidence that he is emotionally abusive, psychologically abusive, possibly physically abusive, and he's had exes come out and say all of their experience as well. So then when you see that with his interviews, because he has been like on a media frenzy and he's giving public sermons at the church, and it just...

has all indicators of like a true narcissist. You got to listen to these for yourself guys. So I will link some of the main deep dives we've done in this case. But in any event, a lot of people are suggesting, you know, he drove her to this. He was abusive. He was tracking her car. He was following her. He was

financially abusive, all sorts of things. And it's no secret that since Micah's death, many people have wanted more answers because her death seemed so sudden and because JP seemed a little bit suspicious. She was planning on leaving him, divorcing him, and then she ends up dead. It's just horrible. It's horrible every way you look at it.

However, on July 29th, it was announced that any and all litigation between Micah's family and J.P. has now ended. Now, Micah's sister, Sierra, was originally filing to be the representative of Micah's estate instead of J.P., but now in this legal settlement, it was agreed that Sierra would dismiss this request and J.P. would continue to be the representative of the estate.

Another part of this agreement was that Micah's family would not pursue a wrongful death lawsuit against JP, which take a listen. Today, John Paul Miller, Solid Rock Church Inc. and the estate of Micah Francis Miller, along with individual members of the Francis family, have reached a full and final settlement on all presently filed litigation.

The parties have also signed a full mutual release on all potential future litigation. The terms of the settlement agreement are sealed under a confidentiality agreement. The agreement and release include but are not limited to the dismissal with prejudice of the matters currently pending in both family court and probate court of Horry County. You just witnessed in court the withdrawal of the petition in probate court.

Micah's family, Pastor Miller and the church have set their differences aside to allow Micah's memory to live on without the encumbrance of contentious litigation. All parties now consider this matter closed. Those that have sought justice for Micah should feel accomplished in helping the Francis family in reaching this milestone. South Carolina criminal investigators have concluded their work.

of following up on the investigation done by Robeson County Sheriff's Office in this case with nothing new to report. Unfortunately, we don't know every piece of information that led to the death of Micah. We do know that her life did serve a purpose. Her life mattered. Those that have spent every Sunday morning protesting outside of Solid Rock Church chanting "Justice for Micah" should recognize this time of healing and move on with their lives.

We only ask that you remember Micah as the wonderful, beautiful person that she was. And now Regina may have something to say.

It is true that we reached a global settlement on all issues that could have been brought to court. Some additional things that are pending now, as well as things that could have been filed, those have been resolved as well. As far as justice for Micah, we are ready to go to the next chapter, and the next chapter is to go

and convince our General Assembly to take a look at the Coercive Control Law Bill. We need that on the agenda ASAP. We need it taken seriously. We need it to be made into law in the very next session of the General Assembly. Standing by and doing nothing is unacceptable. It is absolutely embarrassing. I urge everyone

If you want the final piece of justice for MICA, which means justice for all who have been domestically abused, please, please put your efforts into getting in touch with your legislators. Get in touch with the people who have the power to do something here and do it now. These other things that you're doing,

That time has passed. It is time to move to the next chapter. We want to focus on the memory and the beauty of Micah and everything that she has represented for herself and every single person that has ever been in her situation. And we, her family, when I say we, I'm talking about the Francis family. They need your help. They need your help on this.

We don't want to talk about Mr. Miller anymore. We want to move forward to the next chapter, and that is getting this law passed. So I urge you, please, contact my office if you want to volunteer. We are putting together benefits to raise money for this cause. We are also looking at a potential rally on the Capitol if the General Assembly doesn't get it together. Now, I know that some of you are going to be somewhat disappointed

to hear that we reached an agreement. Let me tell you about that agreement. First of all, the terms are supposed to be confidential, but nobody can keep a secret anymore. Setting that aside, please don't be disappointed by it. Whenever you're involved in litigation, and litigation of this magnitude, and this many things to cover and all the complexities of it, could take years to go through a court system. We do not want the Francis family

or anyone to be drugged through litigation for years. We wanna put this behind us and move on to the next chapter that matters. So as you heard from that clip, Micah's family and their attorney are moving on to try and pass a coercive control bill or otherwise known as Micah's law. And basically this bill would make it a felony to use coercive control over another person. Part of the proposed bill states,

When two people are personally connected, it is unlawful for one person to repeatedly or continuously engage in a coercive behavior toward the other person that is coercive or controlling and that results in the person fearing, on at least two occasions, that violence will be used against them or that results in their mental distress such that their day-to-day activities suffer substantial adverse effects.

which I do think that it is beneficial that they are trying to get this bill and Micah's law into place because that will definitely help future victims but it also just rubs me the wrong way and I know it rubs a lot of you the wrong way because it feels like JP still is not being held accountable for his role in all this.

Not that he should be charged with murder or wrongful death, not necessarily, but he should, in my opinion, have to answer for what he put Micah through, what he put his ex-wife through. He was tracking her. He was manipulating her. He had all sorts of control over her. So why is there not any sort of accountability or answering to that effect? It just feels like he's kind of getting off scot-free. And where's the justice in that? Well,

While it's great that, yes, this law, Bill may help potential future victims, where's the justice for Micah in all of this? And I don't know what the answer is, but it makes me really sad because I don't feel like she's getting any sort of justice at all in this. I think he's getting a pass. He's skating by. And...

It's my belief he's gonna have another victim in the future. Maybe not something that results in death, but certainly something where he's gonna control the woman in that relationship and treat her poorly just like he has a huge track record of allegedly doing. So I don't know. We'll see what happens. I can't imagine he's gonna stay quiet after this because he loves talking. So we'll see what he says.

Now going into a breaking case in New York, we're kind of jumping over here. Around 2 a.m. on Monday, August 5th, the New York City Police Department found a shopping cart with human remains inside of it underneath a bridge in Yonkers. The shopping cart was on fire, and after they extinguished the flames, the police discovered that the body was missing its hands, its feet, and its teeth.

So whoever did this clearly did not want this person identified. No fingerprints, no dental records, nothing. They obviously with this, of course, quickly ruled that the death was a homicide. Now police didn't think that the murder took place in Yonkers and they think that the bridge was more just the dump site.

Then late in the evening on August 5th, police conducted a search at an apartment in the Bronx. That's where their investigation took them. In that home, police found even more human remains. They also found a gun and a lot of drug paraphernalia. Now as of right now, we don't know the identity of the person killed or how the police linked the death to that apartment. Also, so far no arrests have been made and the investigation is still ongoing. So it is going to be interesting to see what comes out of that but

but definitely a gruesome death. Now speaking of some other cases that we are going to be talking about in a more deep dive manner soon, we're going to be talking more about Wade Wilson. He is the tattooed face psychopath serial killer out of Florida. There is a lot of conversation about his innocence, which I'm just pausing. I'm not going to say what I think about that. Come to your own conclusions. But there are new jail calls that have been released between him and his ex,

girlfriend Mila that are very upsetting to hear. He has filed an ex parte motion that his counsel was ineffective and that he deserves new counsel, which I will say he did not have the best defense. Not that I think that makes sense.

a world of difference, but he didn't have a great defense if you watch the trial. So there's some more in that, which I can't get into now, but we're going to definitely be doing a deep dive update in that case. So check in for that. We also have an upcoming deep dive this Monday on a case that is sure to blow your mind and has a lot of people up in arms, and it's one we've been following closely.

And you for sure will not want to miss that. So make sure that your notifications are on, that you're following the podcast if you're not already. And then other than that, we have some exciting news coming up. I was hoping I was going to be able to announce it with you today. It doesn't look like I'm going to be able to. So hopefully Monday is the time. But some really exciting news coming up.

As always, we have our ad-free bonus episodes every single Friday. You can get access to those directly through Apple or through Patreon, so I will put both links in the show notes for you. But we have got a lot going on in the next two weeks, and you are not going to want to miss it. We've got some exclusives. We've got some interviews.

interviews. We've got a lot going on guys. So let me know too if there's any other cases that you want us to deep dive into. You can let me know either through the review section on Apple Podcasts. You can submit a case request on our website or you can also let me know on Spotify in the Q&A section because I definitely want to make sure you guys are getting the content that you want. I love taking your case requests so if there's something you want to deep dive on definitely let me know.

Other than that, for real-time breaking updates, make sure if you're on Instagram that you're following me, which it's at underscore Annie Elise. It is so much easier for me to jump on there, go on stories, do a live, give you updates that are happening in the moment so that you don't have to wait till Monday or Thursday to get those updates. So check that out. Other than that, thank you guys so much for tuning in to another episode of Headline Highlights. I appreciate it, guys. And until the next one, be nice, don't kill people, don't join a cult,

Stay safe. Do all the things. All right, I'll be back on the mic with you first thing Monday morning or Friday if you want that bonus episode. All right, talk to you guys soon. Bye.

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