cover of episode 177: Absolutely Barbaric: Pregnant Teen Goes Missing and Her Friends Discover the Truth on Social Media!

177: Absolutely Barbaric: Pregnant Teen Goes Missing and Her Friends Discover the Truth on Social Media!

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Serialously with Annie Elise

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Annie Elise
Annie Elise详细讲述了Marlyn Ochoa Lopez失踪案的经过,以及Clarissa Figueroa及其同谋如何策划并实施了这起令人发指的谋杀案。她对案件中警方和医院的失职进行了批评,并表达了对受害者家属的同情。 Clarissa Figueroa及其同谋为了满足Clarissa Figueroa的私欲,残忍地杀害了Marlyn Ochoa Lopez及其腹中的胎儿。她们的犯罪行为令人震惊,也暴露出社会中存在的一些黑暗面。 Desiree Figueroa作为Clarissa Figueroa的女儿,参与了谋杀案的策划和实施,并在案发后试图掩盖罪行。她的行为同样令人谴责。 Peter Bobak作为Clarissa Figueroa的男友,在案发后协助其销毁证据,试图逃避法律制裁。他的行为也应受到谴责。 Marlyn Ochoa Lopez是一位年轻的母亲,怀有身孕,却惨遭杀害。她的死令人惋惜,也提醒人们要时刻警惕潜在的危险。 Yovani Lopez作为Marlyn Ochoa Lopez的丈夫,在妻子失踪后积极寻找,并为妻子和孩子争取正义。他的坚强和执着令人敬佩。 Joshua Lopez作为Marlyn Ochoa Lopez的儿子,在母亲失踪后承受了巨大的心理压力。他的遭遇令人同情,也凸显了家庭暴力对儿童造成的伤害。 警官在案件调查中存在失误,未能及时立案,对受害者家属造成了二次伤害。他们的失职应受到追究。 医生在Marlyn Ochoa Lopez就诊时未能发现异常情况,也未能及时向警方报案。他们的失职也应受到追究。

Deep Dive

Marlen Ochoa-Lopez, a 19-year-old pregnant woman, went missing after leaving school. Her family's pleas for help were initially ignored by the police, who only took her disappearance seriously after her car was found with multiple parking tickets. A glimmer of hope emerged when a newborn baby was found abandoned, but DNA tests ruled out any connection to Marlen. Determined to find answers, Marlen's friends hacked into her Facebook account, uncovering a connection to a woman named Clarissa Figueroa, who had offered Marlen free baby clothes.

Shownotes Transcript

On the afternoon of April 23rd, 2019, a call was made to 911. The caller was Clarisa Figueroa, who told the operator she’d just given birth in her home. Apparently, labor went so quickly, she didn’t have a chance to head to the hospital. Unfortunately, the birth didn’t go well, because the baby was blue and Clarisa couldn’t get him to breathe. So two ambulances rushed over. One took the baby, who rode all alone and the second one took Clarisa. Both of them arrived at Christ Advocate Hospital right away. But when they showed up, the doctors there thought something seemed off with Clarisa’s story. 

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Sources:  ABC7 Chicago CBS News Chicago Chicago Sun Times USA Today NBC News Block Club Chicago BBC News Fox40 News WKRN News

Audio Sources:  ABC7 Chicago