How to strip away your meta description for better optimization over all for your web pages.
By not using a meta description you are letting Google decide what your page is about and pull information from your web pages to display a meta description and this can help with your over optimization if that is a issue you are having.
Then the next advanced strategy that you can utilize is extending your titles to a web page , a title does not have to be a certain length it can be much longer. So due to Google reading all content on a page it can help with overall rankings but can be seen as a more advanced tactic to deploy.
Then we will move into tag pages and using a certain set up that involves no-index but follow on these pages to pass power though.
But can be excluded from penalty due to the tag on the said page your passing backlinks through.
Once we are done adding in little bits of information I will then move into adding multiple meta descriptions this goes back to Google crawling everything and they see all that is inside of the source code that a rendered DOM is displaying.
So when you add different variations of intent inside of your meta description it is seen and Google will decided what to show depending on the searchers intent.
I covered this in a video about 1 year ago but this is still a great advanced feature that you can use for additional clicks to your site.