Ever wanted to know how music affects your brain, what quantum mechanics really is, or how black hol
If one of the ambitious goals of philosophy is to determine the meaning of life, one of the ambitiou
Science costs money. And for a brief, glorious period between the start of the Manhattan Project in
What direction does time point in? None, really, although some people might subconsciously put the p
This is a special episode of Mindscape, thrown together quickly. Many thanks to Tara Smith for joini
“What good is half a wing?” That’s the rhetorical question often asked by people who have trouble ac
If you tell me that one of the world’s leading neuroscientists has developed a theory of how the bra
Anyone who has read histories of the Cold War, including the Cuban Missile Crisis and the&
It’s hard to make decisions that will change your life. It’s even harder to make a decision if you k
Nations generally want their economies to be rich, robust, and growing. But it’s also important to p
The Greek statesman Demosthenes is credited with saying “I am a citizen of the world,” and the idea
The Convention on Psychotropic Substances was a 1971 United Nations treaty that placed str
People have always disagreed about politics, passionately and sometimes even violently. But in certa
Physics is simple; people are complicated. But even people are ultimately physical systems, made of
We are all alive, but “life” is something we struggle to understand. How do we distinguish a “living
Wilfrid Sellars described the task of philosophy as explaining how things, in the broadest sense of
Welcome to the second annual Mindscape Holiday Message! No substantive content or deep ideas, just m
In the United States, more than one in five deaths is caused by cancer. The medical community h
It’s too easy to take laws of nature for granted. Sure, gravity is pulling us toward Earth today; bu
We've talked a lot recently about the Many Worlds of quantum mechanics. That’s one kind of multivers
An infinite number of things happen; we bring structure and meaning to the world by making art and t