Whether you're in Seattle or a displaced fan somewhere else in the world, hosts Adam Emmert and Bran
Russell Wilson took over the game Monday night and led the Seahawks to a 27-17 win against Washingto
The Seahawks are coming off their bye week and will travel across the country for Monday Night Footb
The dramatic 26-20 overtime win brings Broncos fan Gerrad Timm back to the show to talk about the Se
The Chargers come out against the Seahawks and play a nearly flawless game in a 30-21 win in San Die
The Seahawks continue their primetime dominance at home and defeat the Green Bay Packers 36-16. As g
The Seahawks open up their final preseason game with a four-play, 80-yard touchdown drive and then p
It's a Russell Wilson love-fest to kick off the first portion of the show as Adam and Brandan are im
The Seahawks rebound from their first preseason loss to annihilate the Chargers 41-14. The intercept
The Seahawks lose their first preseason game and fail to get to double digits for consecutive presea
Season two of the Sea Hawkers Podcast starts with training camp and what better news to start off th
Before the new season kicks off, we take the Sea Hawkers Podcast on the road (please excuse the road
It feels like a new season is starting now that OTAs and minicamp are over, and the Seahawks have no
The Seahawks are fresh off a trip to the White House where they were showered by praise by the Presi
The release of the 2014 Seahawks Schedule motivates Brandan and Adam to get together after a month h
Jared Allen sounds close to signing with the Seahawks, but says he needs the weekend to make a decis
With more than a month having passed since the Seattle Seahawks won their first Super Bowl in franch
Not only did your Seattle Seahawks win the Super Bowl, they did it by dominating the top offense in
We're just days away from watching the Seattle Seahawks take on the Denver Broncos in Super Bowl 48.
The Seahawks defeat their NFC West rival to win the NFC Championship 23-17 and move on to Super Bowl
Another game against the Saints, another win and another earthquake. This game against the Saints wa