Whether you're in Seattle or a displaced fan somewhere else in the world, hosts Adam Emmert and Bran
We're kicking off the offseason with discussions on the Seahawks coaching changes and the All-Pro sn
The Seahawks have officially moved on from offensive coordinator Ryan Grubb. We discuss the firing a
The Los Angeles Rams and Seattle Seahawks finish with identical records and they can take the ta
As the Seahawks wrap up their season with Saturday's game against the Los Angeles Rams, we debate th
Join us for a post-game breakdown after the Seahawks less-than-stellar win over the Bears. Winning i
It's a special Christmas Day episode and E.J. Snyder is here to preview the Week 17 matchup between
Another tough week for Seattle Seahawks fans after our team lost to the Minnesota Vikings 27-24, put
The Seahawks suffered an infuriating loss to the Packers on Sunday, but it did bring some clarity on
The Seahawks suffered a tough loss to the Packers, falling 30-13 in a game that highlighted some of
The Seahawks are sitting pretty at the top of the NFC West after a solid win over the Arizona Cardin
The Seahawks delivered a 30-18 win over the Cardinals on Sunday, fueled by a strong start with the h
The Seattle Seahawks pulled off the comeback win against the New York Jets, but it wasn't pretty. Th
In a game filled with bizarre moments (particularly on special teams) Leonard Williams emerged a
The Seahawks jumped back up to the top of the NFC West this past Sunday with a 16-6 win over the Ari
The Seahawks defense shines bright as they defeat the Arizona Cardinals 16-6 in a hard-fought divisi
From snowy Thursday Night Football, where the Browns edged out the Steelers, to divisional dynam
Our Seahawks did it! After Russell Wilson left following the 2021 season, the Seahawks have not been
With two unprecedented moves in the bye week, as the Seahawks started center retired and their leadi
Tune in as we navigate through our weekly picks, including some risky choices like the Raiders and C
It's a milestone episode (or at least half of one) depending on how you choose to look at it. It wil