cover of episode Where did our attention spans go, and can we get them back?

Where did our attention spans go, and can we get them back?

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Science Weekly

Gloria Mark
Madeleine Finlay
Gloria Mark: 我过去难以集中注意力,这促使我研究人们注意力持续时间的变化。通过多年的研究,我发现人们在屏幕上的注意力持续时间显著缩短。人们注意力持续时间缩短的原因可能是工作性质的改变以及技术的进步,例如智能手机和社交媒体的出现。频繁切换任务虽然可能不会降低生产力,但会增加压力和错误率。频繁切换任务会引起生理上的变化,例如血压升高和心率变化,并导致大脑疲劳。大脑疲劳会影响执行功能,导致更易分心,形成恶性循环。我们养成的习惯,例如频繁查看手机,会干扰我们的注意力,但我们的基本注意力能力并没有改变。过度依赖技术,例如GPS,会导致某些脑区功能的改变,但我们的基本注意力能力是可以恢复的。个体性格差异会影响注意力,例如,责任心强的人更频繁地查看邮件,神经质的人更容易分心。神经质的人由于反复思考而更容易分心,注意力持续时间最短。我们应该将注意力视为有限的资源,需要合理安排休息时间来补充资源。最好的休息方式是到大自然中去,其他方式包括冥想或从事一些轻松重复的活动。提高注意力,首先要意识到我们使用屏幕时的很多行为是自动化的,然后有意识地控制这些行为。通过有意识地控制行为,并了解自己行为背后的原因,我们可以更专注于目标。 Madeleine Finlay: 根据Gloria Mark的研究,我们应该如何看待注意力在一天中的变化?如何才能改善我们的注意力?

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What has been the trend in attention spans over the past 20 years according to Gloria Mark's research?

Attention spans have significantly decreased over the past 20 years. In 2003, the average attention span on a screen was about 2.5 minutes. By 2012, it dropped to 75 seconds, and from 2016 to 2020, it averaged just 47 seconds.

What are the main factors contributing to the decline in attention spans?

The decline in attention spans is attributed to increased multitasking, the rise of smartphones, social media, and sophisticated algorithms that target notifications to users' interests. Additionally, the social nature of humans makes it difficult to resist responding to messages, further fragmenting attention.

How does rapid task-switching affect productivity and stress levels?

Rapid task-switching does not necessarily reduce productivity but increases stress levels. Studies show that faster switching correlates with higher stress, as measured by heart rate variability and blood pressure. It also leads to more errors and mental fatigue.

What role does executive function play in attention and focus?

Executive function, often referred to as the 'CEO of the brain,' handles decision-making and filters out peripheral information. When the brain is fatigued from constant task-switching and stress, executive function weakens, making it harder to filter distractions and maintain focus.

Can our ability to concentrate be restored, and how?

Yes, the ability to concentrate can be restored by removing distractions, such as screens, and developing better habits. Taking breaks, spending time in nature, and engaging in rote activities like knitting or peeling potatoes can help replenish cognitive resources and improve focus.

What are Gloria Mark's top tips for improving attention spans?

Gloria Mark recommends becoming aware of automatic behaviors, such as picking up a phone, and questioning whether the action is necessary. She also suggests practicing forethought by visualizing future goals, identifying peak concentration times, and setting daily goals with visible reminders like post-it notes.

How does personality influence attention span and focus?

Personality traits like conscientiousness and neuroticism significantly influence attention spans. Conscientious individuals tend to check emails frequently to stay on top of tasks, while those high in neuroticism often replay conversations in their minds, leading to shorter attention spans and difficulty focusing.

Shownotes Transcript

The Oxford English Dictionary announced its word of the year at the end of 2024: brain rot. The term relates to the supposedly negative effects of consuming social media content, but it struck a chord more widely with many of us who feel we just don’t have the mental capacity we once did. Gloria Mark, a professor of informatics at the University of California, Irvine, has been studying our waning attention spans for 20 years. She tells Madeleine Finlay why she believes our powers of concentration are not beyond rescue, and reveals her top tips for finding focus. Help support our independent journalism at