cover of episode Are we hardwired to commit ‘deadly sins’?

Are we hardwired to commit ‘deadly sins’?

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Science Weekly

Guy Leschziner
Ian Sample: 本期节目探讨了七宗罪背后的生物学机制,采访了神经学家Guy Leschziner教授。节目涵盖了懒惰、贪食、嫉妒、愤怒等罪恶,并探讨了这些行为背后的神经学和遗传学基础,以及环境和社会因素的影响。 Guy Leschziner: 许多看似源于品格或意志力缺陷的行为,实际上可能根植于大脑的结构和功能异常。例如,极端的懒惰可能源于神经系统疾病,导致患者长时间处于清醒但闭眼的状态。而贪食则与大脑中调节食欲的下丘脑以及瘦素水平、基因变异、环境因素(肥胖的社会网络)、肠道菌群等密切相关。在某些罕见病例中,基因突变会导致个体无法产生瘦素或瘦素受体,从而导致极度肥胖。 嫉妒分为良性嫉妒(利用他人成功激励自己)和恶意嫉妒(希望剥夺他人拥有之物)。恶意嫉妒与自恋型人格障碍,特别是自恋脆弱型相关。这类人虽然自视甚高,但也容易感到羞耻,从而产生强烈的嫉妒和幸灾乐祸。 愤怒和暴力受多种因素影响,包括基因(例如MAOA基因)、睾酮水平(与手指长度比例相关)、童年逆境经历等。MAOA基因的突变会导致极端攻击性行为,而童年创伤也会影响大脑中负责调节愤怒的区域。 关于道德责任,自由意志的存在与否尚无定论。大脑结构和功能的变化会影响行为,而许多影响因素都无法控制,因此道德责任的界定存在挑战。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What is the neurological basis for behaviors like sloth and gluttony?

Behaviors such as sloth and gluttony often have underlying neurological or medical causes. For example, sloth can be linked to sickness behaviors orchestrated by neurons that detect inflammation, while gluttony is influenced by the hypothalamus, which regulates appetite through hormones like leptin. These behaviors are not merely moral failings but are deeply rooted in brain function.

How does the brain regulate fatigue and physical tiredness?

Fatigue and physical tiredness are primarily mediated by the brain, not the muscles. Signals from the motor parts of the brain to sensory areas create the perception of fatigue. Studies show that blocking these signals with magnetic pulses can reduce fatigue, indicating that the brain plays a central role in regulating physical exhaustion.

What role does leptin play in regulating appetite and body weight?

Leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells, signals to the hypothalamus about the body's fat stores. Low leptin levels trigger hunger, while high levels suppress appetite. In humans and animals like grizzly bears, leptin levels can change seasonally or due to genetic mutations, significantly impacting appetite and weight regulation.

How do social networks influence obesity?

Obesity can spread through social networks, similar to a communicable disease. Studies show that individuals are more likely to gain weight if their friends or social peers are obese, regardless of household factors. This suggests that social influence plays a significant role in eating behaviors and weight gain.

What is the difference between benign envy and malicious envy?

Benign envy is a positive emotion where one admires another's success and uses it as motivation. Malicious envy, on the other hand, involves a desire to deprive others of their success. Pathological jealousy, an extreme form of malicious envy, can lead to violence and is considered highly hazardous.

What genetic factors contribute to aggression and violence?

The MAOA gene, often called the 'warrior gene,' influences aggression by regulating neurotransmitters involved in anger. Mutations in this gene can lead to extreme aggression and criminal behavior. Additionally, testosterone exposure during fetal development, indicated by finger length ratios, correlates with adult aggression levels.

How does childhood adversity affect anger regulation?

Childhood adversity, such as trauma, bullying, or abuse, can fundamentally alter brain areas responsible for generating and regulating anger. These experiences shape how individuals respond to stress and conflict, often leading to heightened aggression or difficulty managing anger in adulthood.

Are humans morally responsible for behaviors influenced by brain function?

The concept of free will is debated, but changes in brain structure or function can significantly influence behavior. Some individuals may have little control over their actions due to neurological or genetic factors, while others may have more autonomy. Determining responsibility is complex and depends on where an individual falls on the spectrum of brain function.

This chapter explores the neurological basis of sloth, using clinical cases and research to illustrate how laziness can stem from underlying medical conditions or brain mechanisms. It discusses the role of sickness behaviors and the brain's role in mediating fatigue.
  • Sloth can be a symptom of neurological disorders.
  • Tiredness originates in the brain, not muscles.
  • Sickness behaviors are orchestrated by the brain to divert resources for healing.

Shownotes Transcript

Scientists are increasingly finding that behaviours once seen as depraved often have a direct physical cause. To find out more, Ian Sample hears from Guy Leschziner, a consultant neurologist and sleep physician at Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospital in London. His new book, Seven Deadly Sins: The Biology of Being Human, looks at the neurological basis of behaviours often dismissed as evidence of bad character or lack of willpower. Help support our independent journalism at