Douyin stock trading refers to a method where investors follow stock codes pushed by live streamers on Douyin (TikTok) without analyzing fundamentals. It involves high leverage and frequent trading to generate profits. The streamers often use tactics like withholding part of the stock code to keep viewers engaged, promising high returns or even guaranteeing stock price surges.
High leverage trading is risky because it amplifies both gains and losses. In Douyin stock trading, investors often use high leverage without proper risk management, making it easy to lose significant amounts of money quickly. The lack of fundamental analysis and reliance on speculative tips further increases the risk of losing everything.
Some companies profit by distributing buy and sell instructions to different groups of investors, encouraging frequent trading to generate high transaction fees. They exploit group psychology and internet media to quickly hype stocks, often without regard for the underlying fundamentals of the companies.
Ethical concerns include the exploitation of inexperienced investors, the use of manipulative tactics to drive stock prices, and the lack of accountability among streamers and platforms. Many investors are lured into high-risk trades without understanding the potential consequences, leading to significant financial losses.
Douyin initially had a relaxed approach to financial content, allowing a wide range of self-proclaimed financial experts to broadcast. However, after 2022, the platform tightened its regulations, requiring streamers to be affiliated with legitimate financial institutions and hold professional certifications to ensure a higher standard of content.
Emotion plays a significant role in Douyin stock trading, as streamers often use dramatic narratives and emotional appeals to attract viewers. This can lead to impulsive decisions by investors, who may buy stocks based on hype rather than rational analysis, increasing the risk of financial loss.
Regulating Douyin stock trading is challenging due to the platform's vast user base and the rapid spread of information. Additionally, the use of live streaming allows for real-time manipulation of stock prices, making it difficult for authorities to monitor and control such activities effectively.
Investors should be cautious of high-risk trading strategies promoted on platforms like Douyin. It's essential to conduct thorough research, understand the fundamentals of the companies they invest in, and avoid making impulsive decisions based on emotional appeals or speculative tips.
Some companies justify their manipulative practices by arguing that if they don't exploit investors, others will. They rationalize their actions by claiming that they are providing a service and that investors would lose money regardless, so it's better for them to profit from it.
Douyin stock trading can have a detrimental impact on new investors, who may be lured into high-risk trades without understanding the potential consequences. Many new investors lose significant amounts of money due to the lack of proper education and the manipulative tactics used by some streamers.
嘉宾|杨天楠,「听懂涨声」主理人,长波家庭财务工作室创始人 主播 | 刘飞,内容创作者,产品经理,袋泡原叶茶「三五杯」联合创始人 本期邀请的是播客圈的老熟人天楠,我们聊了聊一个最近热点的话题:抖音炒股学。这是一种通过直播间推送股票代码,吸引投资者跟风购买,而不注重基本面分析,通过高杠杆和频繁交易来获取利润的方式。投资者教育变成投资者教训,面对这样的行业现状,投资者一定得清楚自己玩的是什么游戏,才能在投资浪潮里赚到钱。希望对你有所启发。 内容索引 02:08) Part1 抖音炒股与行业现状 抖音认证的财经自媒体人质量也会参差不齐 高杠杆交易,爆仓就是很容易的一件事儿 分发买卖指令给两组人,通过他们的频繁交易赚取高额手续费 利用群体情绪和互联网媒体,快速炒作股票很普遍 最聪明的程序员开发了最强大的工具,若被坏人利用,其高效率可能伤害更多人 24:18) Part2 投资心态与行业运作 一个月8亿收入,实则就是在卖空气 股票顾问的运营逻辑就是工业化割韭菜逻辑 我不割这些人他们也会被割的,与其被别人割,不如被我割 人们可能对单个悲剧感同身受,但面对大规模灾难却可能麻木,因为缺乏具体性 46:02) Part3 投资者教育or投资者教训 人性难改,只有平台担责、监管跟进和反思,才可能带来正面结果 对多数人来说,通过炒股获得财务自由是个妄念 投资需逆人流而行,人少处才能发现机会 只有明白自己在玩什么游戏的人才能赚钱 制作人:严格 片头:Where Are You Going (Live) - 海龟先生 片尾:而我也无法摸到上游的风 - 刘森 相关 欢迎在评论区留言交流。如果喜欢《三五环》,也恳请能在苹果 Podcast 、网易云音乐、Spotify 或喜马拉雅留下你的宝贵好评。感谢! 商务合作&嘉宾自荐,请加微信: wocaishiliufei 封面图片由 Midjourney 生成,版权所有©️三五环