The price of haircuts has risen due to the increasing demand for high-end services and the proliferation of titles like 'Chief', 'Director', and 'Deputy Director' in salons, which create an illusion of premium service. This trend is particularly noticeable in first and second-tier cities where consumers are willing to pay hundreds of yuan for a haircut.
The middle class in China is often portrayed as a flexible concept, sometimes depicted as struggling and buying budget brands, while other times as having significant purchasing power. Media narratives vary, with some defining middle class as having a passive income of 3 million yuan or more, which is unrealistic for most people.
Middle-class consumers in China often seek emotional value in their purchases, favoring small, niche brands that are aesthetically pleasing and not overly expensive. They balance between saving and spending, with a focus on finding affordable alternatives to luxury items.
Low-cost salons, such as those charging around 80 yuan, typically offer minimal service without much interaction or upselling. In contrast, high-end salons, charging 200 yuan or more, provide a more personalized and quiet experience, with stylists who understand the client's preferences and avoid aggressive sales tactics.
Live-streaming e-commerce has become a way for consumers to learn about middle-class lifestyles, including fashion, accessories, and beauty products. While not everyone can afford these items, the exposure to such content influences consumer aspirations and spending habits, even if they only purchase small, affordable items.
Internet culture has led to a homogenization of consumer trends, with many people adopting similar styles and products based on social media influencers and platforms like Xiaohongshu. This has reduced individuality in fashion and lifestyle choices, as people increasingly follow popular trends rather than developing their own unique styles.
从几十元到几百元,再到高端沙龙的上千块,水涨船高的价格让人惊呼,什么时候起剪个头也那么贵了?现在一进理发店,让人眼花缭乱的不止是托尼的发型,还有首席、总监、副总监这些让人看不过来的头衔。这花样一波接一波,商家为了让你消费可谓是费尽苦心。不止是理发,细心留意会发现这届中产的消费名目越来越丰富,消费越堆越高,暗地里不知道被当成韭菜割了一茬又一茬。 你现在理发一次需要花费多少钱呢?快来和电子厂众人分享你的洗美开销吧! 如果喜欢这期节目,也欢迎大家关注同名公号“三联电子厂Pro”,一起来谈谈消费与科技那些事儿! 00:22 你认知里的中产是什么样的 06:37理发价格又双叒涨了,你的理发价格还好吗 14:08现在买东西追寻的似乎都是情绪价值 17:13中产爱好风向标:小众、好看、还不太贵 22:12储蓄还是消费?大家的消费观是什么 34:06这届网友特别容易被忽悠,消费这事总是随波逐流 42:08互联网还是太全面了,在直播带货都能学到中产的生活方式 59:00网络投喂的东西是否过于单一,让人缺乏思考的时间和空间 本期当值主播腰花梅卡吃饭 后期foku 联系邮箱:[email protected] 扫描二维码即可关注同名公众号