Come explore the many facets of a Royal Caribbean cruise vacation. The RoyalCaribbeanBlog Podcast c
Matt is back from a 5-night Bermuda cruise on Liberty of the Seas from Cape Liberty, NJ and shares w
Matt shares how his 4-night Freedom of the Seas cruise went, and what he did differently on this sai
I got a chance to preview the new Royal Railway Utopia Station restaurant coming to Utopia of the Se
Calista is back from her first sailing on Icon of the Seas and gives her review of this brand new sh
Emma joins me on this week's episode to talk about how to approach planning your very first Eur
Royal Caribbean has plans for two Royal Beach Clubs (Nassau and Cozumel). What are they and what can
Matt explains how to get free cruises from gambling on a Royal Caribbean cruises, and what risks and
This week's episode answers as many emails Matt can squeeze in!Share with me your thoughts, que
A list of 6 mistakes I saw other cruisers making during my recent cruise on Wonder of the SeasShare
Matt is back from Wonder of the Seas for Spring Break.Share with me your thoughts, questions and com
How I approach planning a day at Perfect Day at CocoCayShare with me your thoughts, questions and co
Matt reviews his 3-night sailing on Allure of the SeasShare with me your thoughts, questions and com
Matt is back from the first inaugural sailing of Icon of the Seas and shares his thoughts from tryin
Matt is going on the maiden voyage of Icon of the Seas and previews his cruise on this week's e
Matt is back from a brief preview of Icon of the Seas and what stands out about the ship and his ini
With the New Year right around the corner, it makes sense to take some time this week and wish for t
We're back again with more listener emails! Share with me your thoughts, questions and comment
It's all listener emails on this week's episode! Share with me your thoughts, questions a
Matt and Don sailed on Celebrity Ascent and shared what made this ship different Share with me your
Is a 3-night cruise on an Oasis Class ship a good idea? I wanted to see what it was like with this n