cover of episode #397: Diddy’s ‘Freak Off’: What Truly Happened To Cassie In The 10-Year Relationship With Diddy

#397: Diddy’s ‘Freak Off’: What Truly Happened To Cassie In The 10-Year Relationship With Diddy

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Alex Fine
Cassie Ventura
Dawn Richards
Jonathan Oddi
Misa Hilton
Roger Bonds
Tiffany Redd
Tony Busby
主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
播音员:本集节目围绕Diddy的性侵犯指控展开,涉及到巨额资金失踪、私人飞机失踪、住所被搜查等一系列事件。节目中还提及了Jonathan Oddi在特朗普酒店开枪事件,以及Jonathan Oddi声称自己是Diddy性奴隶的证词。 Jonathan Oddi:声称自己是Diddy的性奴隶,并提供了Diddy参与非法活动、毒品交易和光明会等方面的证词。 Cassie Ventura:在诉讼中详细描述了Diddy长达十年的虐待经历,包括强迫吸毒、殴打、强迫参与‘freak offs’等。 Tiffany Redd:作为Cassie的朋友,证实了Diddy的虐待行为,并描述了Diddy对Cassie的威胁和控制。 Gina:作为Diddy的前女友,讲述了Diddy对她的言语和肢体虐待,以及Diddy强迫她堕胎的经历。 Dawn Richards:作为Diddy旗下艺人,证实了Diddy对Cassie的暴力行为,并描述了Diddy对她的威胁。 Roger Bonds:作为Diddy的前保镖,证实了Diddy对Cassie的暴力行为,并表示Diddy的团队对暴力行为视而不见。 Diddy的毒品供应商:描述了在Diddy豪宅参加性派对的经历,并表示目睹了令人震惊的场景。 Misa Hilton:作为Diddy孩子的母亲,对Cassie的遭遇表示同情,并呼吁Diddy寻求帮助。 Tony Busby:律师,表示还有更多受害者将对Diddy提起诉讼,其中包括未成年人。 Alex Fine:Cassie的丈夫,谴责Diddy的暴力行为,并呼吁保护女性和儿童。

Deep Dive

Jonathan Oddi's bizarre behavior at a hotel is linked to his claims of being a sex slave for Diddy and Cassie Ventura, involving drugs and Illuminati conspiracies.
  • Oddi claims intimate relations with Cassie while Diddy watched
  • Allegations of liquid cocaine usage and Illuminati involvement
  • Oddi's unhinged behavior and subsequent arrest

Shownotes Transcript


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Badabing, badaboo. Weird things happen in Times Square, New York, especially on Saturday nights. But even by those standards, this is about to get very strange. A man walks into this popular building and he beelines it to the ninth floor. So it appears that he knows exactly where he's headed, exactly what he has to do.

Security cameras show this man in a hoodie at 8.45 p.m. walking straight up to this other man in a tuxedo. I mean, I'm sure if you were to somehow get your hands on this footage, you could see that the figure in the tuxedo looks very familiar. It looks like Sean Diddy Combs. Diddy, the musician, the mogul.

The hooded man walks straight up to whom everybody refers to as Diddy, and he just out of nowhere, unprompted, knocks him onto the ground. And for lack of a better word, because of the force, I guess, of how he knocked him over, Diddy's head pops off, becomes decapitated.

The man then starts stomping on Diddy's decapitated head, just stomping until his head is turned literally into a pulp. He spits on the head before he books it out of there. He runs straight out of Madame Toussaint's wax museum in Times Square after decapitating Diddy's wax figure. Hmm.

It's an unprompted, unprovoked, seemingly random, yet so premeditated attack. I mean, it can't be random, right? For someone to do this, they must have something against Diddy. They weren't going on a rampage just knocking over every wax statue. It's specifically Diddy. Was that guy caught? Yes.

Diddy declined to comment on the incident, but now people are wondering, does it have anything to do with everything that's happening right now? Because five years after this incident, $60 million of Diddy's disappears.

How does $60 million just vanish? I mean, if there's $60 million in cash, maybe it's a little bit more feasible, but the way that this $60 million is set up, it weighs 48,000 pounds. That's like the weight of 24 cars that just goes dark. It just goes missing. Or like 42 grizzly bears. How does it just disappear?

That is exactly what happens in March 2024 to Diddy's $60 million Gulfstream G550 private jet. It's registered under Love Air LLC. It's called the Love Air, but it's a 20-seat matte black aircraft and it just goes missing.

Now, to be very technical, the plane hasn't vanished. It's not a mystery in that sense, but it does go dark. Technically, all planes can be tracked, even private planes, thanks to the ADS-B system. It's the Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast System. It broadcasts every single plane's position, altitude, speed, and other information every three seconds. You get three-second updates. It's mandated for all aircraft to improve safety and efficiency.

Now, some websites have made a business of relaying all that data to the public. They've compiled it for the public to track different planes.

It's very intriguing. You know, there's whole Twitter accounts dedicated to tracking famous people's planes, mostly to pressure them to stop flying back and forth in their private jets while we're all stuck sucking on paper straws. But sometimes people will track plane data because it tells you more than just what celebrities are doing. It can tell you what high profile business leaders are headed. And then you can kind of guesstimate where they're trying to invest, what next moves the company is going to make by tracking their movements.

So you can remove yourself.

Yes, it's not unusual for people, especially celebrities, to request flight tracking data to be blocked from the site. But a lot of times, if people really want to find you, they can find you. Because it's not like you stop broadcasting your plane's location. You just request that these specific websites do not relay that information to the public. Okay. Now, people think the timing of it is very interesting. Because the plane lands in the Caribbean island of Antigua, and it goes dark online. Okay.

Just a day after his homes in Miami and Los Angeles are raided by Homeland Security in an ongoing sex trafficking investigation. This is the case of a music mogul who is accused of sex trafficking. He is facing at least 11 different lawsuits from victims. Another 120 are suspected to file lawsuits against him. He is currently sitting in prison awaiting trial.

There are rumors that the feds have taken 100 electronic devices where the rumor is he and his fellow friends in the industry, high profile celebrities, have been caught engaging in potentially illegal sexual activities. This is part one of the Sean Diddy Combs case.

We would like to thank today's sponsors who have made it possible for Rotten Mango to support the Arizona Anti-Trafficking Network. They work constantly to bring solutions to the illegal sex and human trafficking network in the states by creating awareness, researching, and training in the most current anti-trafficking methods. This episode's partnerships have also made it possible to support Rotten Mango's growing team, and we'd also like to thank you guys for your continued support.

As always, full show notes are available at A big disclaimer to keep in mind throughout this entire case is it's currently ongoing and developing as we speak. There has been no court verdicts yet. So unfortunately, I must legally state that these are all the current accusations and allegations. People are innocent until proven guilty, legally speaking.

Some statements have been shortened for time and all the theories and speculations mentioned are netizen opinions that can be found publicly online. All reporting for this episode is also taken from information that is online, so please do your own research, form your own opinions. I'm not here to convince you of anyone's guilt or innocence.

Some potentially triggering themes involve heavy use of illicit substances, including date, R-word, drugs, domestic violence, workplace and gang violence, essay and sex trafficking. This case is also going to be heavy, so please, please do not hesitate to take a break and unplug. With all that being said, let's get started.

Originally, I was hoping to do a two-parter on the Diddy case, but then it became a three-parter and then there was 13 deaths loosely connected somehow to Diddy. So now it has become a four-part series. I've never been down a rabbit hole like this one before. There is no end in sight. And I'm sure with the trial in May of next year, there will be inevitably another part then. Just the amount of information, the amount of strange mysteries surrounding Diddy's life

I don't think I've ever really touched a case like this before. I know a lot of people liken him to Epstein, which I can see why that comparison is drawn, but the key difference here is Diddy is a very famous man. Epstein, he also circulated amongst famous and wealthy people, but he primarily was rubbing shoulders with the wealthy elite that tend to be a lot more private.

But Diddy and all of his friends, they're very famous. There's just so much weird information available online that in hindsight, it appears quite scary. This will be part one where we do a deep dive on the lawsuit that started all of this. The hotel footage of him beating his then girlfriend, Cassie, as well as other girlfriends who have spoken out against him, as well as covering the freak offs. And somehow we get into the Illuminati scene.

Part two will be in-depth on the other lawsuits against him, as well as a lawsuit against his son, what happens at Diddy's yacht parties, and the very strange death of the mother of his children, Kim Porter, who died of pneumonia. And a very controversial book that claims to be her diary entries before her death. And that book seems to implicate Diddy as having a bigger hand in her death.

Part three will be about the 13 people who have mysteriously died around Diddy. There's a very, very alarming pattern, not an implication of guilt, but a pattern of some strange, bizarre ways that he responds to people dying around him.

And finally, part four will be the so-called Diddy's List. The internet allegations of all the celebrity friends who are rumored to somehow be involved in Diddy's sex trafficking charge. Also some other wild conspiracy theories that Diddy's not in prison, he's been cloned, there's tunnels under his house, the baby oil is laced, as well as the 120 people that are working on suing him. I will leave a pinned comment for what days those videos will be posted. And with that being said, let's get into it.

They say the floors of the Trump National Doral Miami Hotel are impeccably clean, evidenced by footage of a man dressed in black inside the hotel that gets released. He's in this nearly empty area of the hotel and he's pointing his gun behind him.

And his wrist seems to be made out of jello while he's just shooting up in the air at the ground. He's sometimes shooting at the chandelier, sometimes at the ground itself. And the footage is interesting. He's just recklessly shooting his gun. He's slipping on the freshly cleaned floors multiple times. He's wearing just socks on tiled floors.

Then he gets up and then shoots around like his wrist is made out of jello and then starts running trips again. Honestly, if you told me this is movie footage of a man who is shooting at ghosts, I would potentially believe you. But it's not. It's real footage. It's real footage of a man screaming, come out, motherfuckers, while shooting at the ceiling and in the lounge areas. This man also grabs an American flag to drape over the front desk of the hotel. This is during Trump's presidency.

He goes behind the counter, starts breaking, smashing the computers. When the Miami-Dade police arrive, a shootout ensues, both sides are firing, and in the commotion, the gunman manages to flee. He is found later hiding near the elevators with gunshot wounds to his legs. One gunshot to the right ankle, two to the left leg. Interestingly enough, most of the shots fired by the man were into the floor and ceiling, and ultimately the only one shot, thankfully, was himself.

The man, Jonathan Odie, is arrested. Before the police can even question his dangerous but honestly kind of bizarre crime, they have to take him to receive medical attention. The whole time that doctors are trying to save him from his own pain, he's screaming, I'm not going to talk to none of y'all traitors. I need to talk with the FBI Secret Service. Someone get me the CIA. I need the media on the line now. Look at me.

I'm an intelligence officer and there will be no president in two days. There's going to be nuclear weapons. The police will no longer exist.

Which I would say is one of the last things you would want to say after the crime he committed. But even more so when the police figure out that he is in fact not a CIA operative. He's a sex worker for a website called It's an X-rated website where male dancers put on big bear masks and have intimate relations with women.

But he continues rambling about, quote, Obama is Osama. Trump makes his money on gas. Kill all the police in the street. Useless, good for nothing. Nada. All of you. Laws are corrupt. Police death has come to you. You be judged. Die for now and for hell and for all of eternity. People in the streets are going to shoot you. Get heart attacks. You're all dead. I'm going to let them know to put a bullet in your head. My dog bubbles. You got to let him out of the apartment, Bubbles. If he does not eat, he will die.

He then proceeds to pass the officers his house and car keys. Don't hurt my dog, Bubbles. He continues on his rambles. I have a settlement. I have a settlement with the former president of the United States, Obama. I have a settlement with the current president of the United States, Donald Trump. And I have one with P. Diddy. Excuse me? After the hospital, Jonathan Odie is brought into an interrogation room. Do you have family in the United States, sir? Just my dog, Bubbles.

Here's what I want you guys to know. Diddy and Ross, which they're good buddies. Okay? And they're gay. Ross? Rick Ross. The police are confused. Who is? Both Diddy and Ross and Khaled, they're all gay. The police are even more... DJ Khaled, Rick Ross, and P. Diddy? Yeah. They're all gay? Yeah. And he's like, gotcha, gotcha.

You know the Illuminati group that I was telling you about? He puts his hands up in a triangle shape. The illuminated group, you know the Illuminati, which is an elite group, okay? Individuals which run the whole country, all right? What I did this for was to basically transmit a statement to the American people because they want the United States to fall. They've been creating chaos and confusion in the United States. They want the United States to fall. You have the Illuminati, basically, which means illuminate, right?

They do satanic ritual abuse, which is basically CIA mind programming techniques to their own family and kids, and they bond that way. They do sexual pedophilia, animal abuse, killing of animals, blood sacrifices, and everything in the Bohemian Grove. You know, where the bushes go. Okay, now, how do I know this? The police are like, yeah, that's exactly what I want to know. How do you know this? He slams his hand on the table. Do you know Sean Combs?

Puff Daddy, P. Diddy, whatever he calls himself these days. Yeah, he's part of what's called the blue, blue lay. He says it like blue lay. It's a branch of the Illuminati. It's the black people. Oh, I'm from Africa, so I'm not racist. You're my brother, so I like black people. My mom, I was raised by an African woman in my house. He's from South Africa, by the way.

And the police are like, okay, okay, right, right, okay. So I love black people, okay? So I have this settlement with Sean and he belongs to that agenda. That's why he's so famous. They land over contracts. Okay. He leans in, he puts his arms on the table. I had sex with Cassie and Sean. Basically, he would masturbate and tell me what to do with Cassie. I had like 15 encounters and I heard lots of business.

because when they would do it, Sean talks a lot on the phone and on the TV with speakers and stuff. And I'll be in there. I was like a sex slave. Yeah, for them. That's what I was. He leans back. So I caught herpes. He goes on. What is going on? Yeah. I mean, it just seems like the ramblings of someone who is a little unhinged.

He leans back and he goes on to explain that Diddy's two attorneys asked him to turn in a video recording. Those two attorneys are also involved in Michael Jackson's death and the Illuminati. It's unclear, but it seems like he's stating a video was recorded of this supposed sexual encounter and he turns it in. But he also states they gave it back to me accidentally. And it's possible that I threw everything out. But it's also possible that I could produce a copy. I'm not sure.

Now, how does that lead up to him going into the Trump hotel with a gun? My settlement put me in a box.

My settlement with Diddy. Basically, I couldn't talk because or else I'll be sued. So I let it be. But people kept following me. The FBI was on me. Other departments and agencies were looking at me, spying on me because they want to set me up as an extortionist. Like I was extorting Sean for money. It's wrong. Basically, what happened is the Ciroc agenda, you know, the Ciroc vodka agenda is to promote binge drinking and drugs. The hip hop agenda. That's why they had Tupac killed.

Because when they killed him, they gained pain. That's when the record sales go up. That's how you become famous. That's how you do it, all right? Tupac is still alive. He's in Cuba. Basically what happens, it was in the hip hop agenda.

What? He alleges in more simplified terms, they move drugs all over the United States. They move drugs in private jets that don't get screened within the United States domestically. They move all that dope in the private jets. They move what's called high grade powder MDMA. They move cocaine. They move liquid cocaine in their bottles, too.

Okay, so they put the liquid cocaine in the bottles and they move it. I've seen liquid cocaine. I've tried it myself having sex with Diddy and Cassie. It's not good. Okay, it's not good. He drinks it all the time. It's liquid cocaine.

Many state it sounds like an interrogation that one would watch to study for psychology class. And to be frank, there's many parts of the interrogation that sounds like the unhinged ramblings of someone who has lost touch with reality and has gotten swept up in every internet conspiracy possible. Perhaps he created a whole sexual fantasy of two high-profile A-list celebrities, and in his mind, he truly knows them. He's met them. He's had these encounters with them. But it's all a fantasy, right?

It doesn't change the fact that he committed this crazy crime. And it does appear that most of what he's saying are full-blown conspiracies, we hope. But the question is, what if there's even a little bit of truth to what he's saying? Because four years later, the Department of Homeland Security conduct a multi-state raid on Diddy's L.A. mansion and his Miami mansion.

Diddy's LA home is described as, quote, an immersive experience. It's on the same street as the Playboy Mansion as well as Kylie Jenner's home.

Yeah. One reporter says within months of within moments of entering his home, a member of the staff will walk up offering you a drink, likely deli on tequila infused. Diddy's tequila brand. Well, former tequila brand. There's a personal chef on duty, but they don't just start shoving food down your throat. They don't even ask you, are you hungry? Instead, they wait. They watch you without making you feel watched. They just wait for you and your body to send signals that you're feeling for a little snack.

One recent Vanity Fair piece on Diddy says, "The hospitality is both overt and inconspicuous. You will enjoy yourself here, or someone will die trying." What does that mean? It seems to insinuate that someone will die trying to make you enjoy yourself.

By doing all these things over the top. There's so much staff trying to make sure you're having a good time. It's overt, but it's also inconspicuous. The staff are wearing everyday clothes. They're not dressed up in weight staff attire. It's just, it's fascinating. They have this relaxed attitude, but they can tell that they're not relaxed. They're high alert. But when you see them walking down the stairs, it looks like they have nowhere to be. But you can just tell shit gets done in this house.

So like, you know how we're talking about Epstein's house? Yes. There was like so many staffs, right? And they're all so dressed up and just standing around. So you're saying Diddy's people are always around, but they look like they're not like uptight. They look like they're family friends. But they are actually very uptight. They're like lounging on the couch, but they're probably surveying you and trying to see what you need next.

Because the minute that you're half done with a glass of water, you've got now a wine glass in your hand. It just gets so seamlessly replaced. Which takes even more effort. More effort, more skill. It's very interesting. Now, in hindsight, that's a very grim description of his home. Someone's going to die trying. You will enjoy yourself here.

If the staff don't make people feel out of place or slightly uncomfortable or watched, the grandness of the house is going to accomplish that. The house is one of the pricier residential homes in Southern California. It's actually on the market right now, if you're interested, for $61 million. It looks more like a resort than a residential home.

It's a modern colonial style home. It's all white. It looks like the White House on steroids with beautiful French doors, beautiful iron balconies on the second floor. It's got this massive swimming pool, basketball court, a separate two-story guest house, state-of-the-art movie theater that seats 35 guests, a resort-like swimming pool with a waterfall, a spa house, gym, recording studio. There's this giant metal statue in the back. It

It looks like one of those metal statues. And if you were to slice it back and forth, it's like rings. And it's the headless torso of Kim Porter. It's said often that he speaks to her giant metal bust. It was his tribute to his now dead.

Gone, Kim Porter, which we will talk about in episode two. It's a massive 10 bedroom, 13 bathroom estate, 17,000 square foot home. But in March 2024, tanks are driving up to that house.

A swarm of fully decked out in tactical gear officials start clearing through that house. They've got guns pointed in every direction. They're sending in drones to check rooms. Diddy's two sons, 30-year-old Justin and 25-year-old Christian, are forced up against the wall, handcuffed with guns pointed at them. They're dragged out of the house while the rest of the team tear through that place, which is interesting because what exactly are these Homeland Security officials looking for?

It's said by the time that they left, there were just cables dangling around like they unplugged some security cameras, multiple safes that were left wide open, almost 100 electronics confiscated.

At the same time, his massive $40 million compound in Miami was also raided by Homeland Security at the same time. Coordinated. It's a pretty crazy visual to see Homeland Security just rolling up in tanks, camo, full gear, raiding a mansion in a neighborhood where you've got the hedge fund billionaire, Citadel founder Ken Griffin just down the block.

where Philip Frost, a pharmaceutical billionaire, owns a large piece of land. There's only like 50 houses on this little island that he lives in, in Miami. It's called Star Island. It's like a billionaire island. Interestingly enough, Alex Rodriguez and his then-girlfriend Jennifer Lopez, who also happens to be Diddy's ex-girlfriend, owned a house on the same island.

So they're both 40 million Miami home, 60 million LA home, both getting raided at the same time. By Homeland Security. And where is Diddy? Diddy? He's at an airport in Miami. Oh, so he wasn't there. No, there's actually footage of him. Oh, he ran away. So that's what people thought because his plane went dark, but he didn't actually run away. It said that he was searched at the Miami airport.

It's like a private small airport in Miami. There's actually someone who took a video of him pacing around because I'm sure he's getting all the news that his homes are getting raided. He just got spoken to by Homeland Security. And someone says ominously while they're recording Diddy, you're probably wondering what's going to happen next, Diddy. It's very unsettling. The whole thing is unsettling.

In a statement, Homeland Security states, because when your house gets raided by Homeland Security, that is very odd. Homeland Security is the department that is responsible for sex trafficking investigations. Because you hear the FBI, you hear people getting swatted. Homeland Security is a bit bizarre. Yeah. Are they more intense than FBI? I wonder. Some people think they are, but definitely some of the crimes that they investigate are pretty intense. Hmm.

Like you're talking very organized crime charges. In a statement, Homeland Security states, earlier today, Homeland Security Investigations New York executed law enforcement actions as part of an ongoing investigation with assistance from Homeland Security Los Angeles, Miami, and our local law enforcement partners. We will provide further information as it becomes available.

The further information would shock many netizens. The feds would reveal that they are investigating Diddy for sex trafficking charges and that they found 1,000 bottles of baby oil and lubricant along with narcotics in Diddy's mansion.

1,000 bottles of baby oil is about $10,000, which is nothing for Diddy. But still, what on earth is he doing with 1,000 bottles of baby oil? That is enough to fill a 100-gallon fish tank. You could use the baby oil to paint the surface, the outside, of the White House one time and then another half. You know those giant water cooler jugs in those corporate offices or sometimes your home if you're lucky?

and you connect it to the machine. That's about 83 of those jugs.

of baby oil. I know it's a very bizarre detail. I also think it's bizarre that they disclosed that out of everything. I'm sure there's a lot of incriminating evidence they found, but they are saying here's a thousand baby oils. Do what you will with that information. So some people think that it was included in the indictment to indicate this amount of baby oil must have links to sex trafficking. You don't just do this as someone who loves to have intimate relations with

Even multiple women and men, who cares, right? But this gives some sort of organized brothel vibes. Or some people think that it was included in the indictment along with the narcotics because there is suspicion that the baby oil has been laced with something.

But wouldn't they disclose that already? We don't know because they don't have to disclose any of that. I see. Now, but more alarming is that they find nine AR-15 style weapons, six with the serial numbers intact, but three of them, the serial numbers are scratched off.

which is very scary. Now, many believe that this raid was kicked off by Cassie Ventura's lawsuit against her ex-boyfriend Diddy. His homes are raided in March of 2024. Cassie Ventura, Diddy's ex-girlfriend, files her lawsuit November 2023. But everyone thinks, "No, no, no, no. The lawsuit actually starts back in 2022."

I know it's very confusing. Bear with me here. 2022, Cassie and Diddy have already been broken up for four years now. In fact, Cassie is married to another man. She's a mom with two beautiful children. But Diddy is winning the BET Lifetime Achievement Award. His rumored girlfriend, Young Miami of City Girls, is in the crowd holding up a sign supporting him. But in his winning speech, instead of thanking Young Miami, he says...

anything i do is through love that's what i evolved to be that's what i'm doing right now i was in a dark place for a few years and i gotta give a special thank you to the people that was really there for me he lists a few people and then there's this odd moment where he looks directly into the camera and says cassie for holding me down in dark times love wait he broke up already four years ago they broke up in 2018 this is in 2022

That is crazy. She's married. She's moved on. It's not like they're still on and off. He's dating Young Miami. He's dated like a string of other women, allegedly, after this. And he's...

publicly in this weird relationship with young Miami where it's like kind of unclear if they're dating or not. It's a little bit unclear, but she's there right there. Yeah. Cassie's not even there. Yeah. This is very strange. Is it like kind of like a threat almost? That's what it feels like. At the time, nobody thought it was. They just thought it was kind of disrespectful to young Miami, but maybe he was still pining for Cassie because they did date for like 10 years. Maybe he wants her back and she's the one that got away. But now in hindsight, Cassie

It feels like a threat because just 18 months later, Cassie will file a lawsuit against Diddy.

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The 19-year-old Cassie gets presented with this very simple 10-album deal with Diddy's record label, Bad Boy Records. So far, Cassie just has a few songs that by chance happened to be playing at a club. When was this? This is back in 2006.

This is when they first meet. Her songs were playing at a club that Diddy was at and he's intrigued. I mean, her voice, it's nice. She's going viral on MySpace at the time. And 37-year-old Diddy ends up signing 19-year-old Cassie to his label.

She releases an album under Bad Boy Records. It debuts number four on the Billboard 200 in the US, which is a big freaking deal, especially when you factor in this is her first debut album. It seems like Cassie herself is not even ready for this level of commercial success. She was just going around promoting her album, doing these different press interviews, press tours. She would perform her songs live, but because she's so nervous and she's never done this before, she would

freak out, her performance would be considered not her best and the media was just ripping into her. This is her first taste of fame, really. Side note, this is the same girl who said one of her first performances, she was doing everyone's hair and makeup, the dancers, the performers. So she's passionate. She's clearly talented. She's just not used to this level of fame that comes with signing with Bad Boy Records.

Some critics start questioning her vocal ability, suggesting that her studio recordings are just heavily edited and she can't even manage to replicate the same sound live. Others use this as a way to be like, "See? She's not that talented. She's just an industry plant. She's signed by Bad Boy Records because she's pretty, so she signed with Diddy. She's dating a producer by the name of Ryan Leslie. She's not actually skilled."

The negative press at the time was a lot. She's 19 years old. Her frontal lobe has not even fully developed, but everybody is treating her like she personally insulted their mothers. She's probably thinking my entire career is over at this point.

But Diddy, the owner of her record label, comes in and he starts defending his artist. He tells MTV News, "You could hear the nervousness in her voice. And to be honest, I kind of smiled at that because it made me appreciate what I really love about her. She's just a regular person. It just made me appreciate that she got nervous. It's kind of cute to me." To be honest, you've got to understand that success for her is coming out of nowhere. It's just huge and people deal with that differently.

A lot of people shut up after that and they respected Diddy a lot for coming to his artist's defense, which is probably why Cassie felt comfortable and excited to perform at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Denmark later that year with Diddy. She flies all the way to Europe with Diddy and during hair and makeup leading up to this performance, she's sitting in the makeup chair and her makeup artist is fixing her face, staring at her in the mirror and just states, Diddy's interested in you.

Wait, she's dating someone though, right? Yeah, and Diddy's dating Kim Porter, okay? So this is very crazy, you know? Cassie thought the whole thing was just gossip. And honestly, kind of gross. He's so old. He's practically double her age. I mean, there's just no way. He's in a very public relationship with his longtime on-and-off girlfriend, the mother of his children, Kim Porter. Besides, she's publicly dating a producer by the name of Ryan Leslie. And he knows that. He's friends with Ryan Leslie. But from what everybody has said about Diddy...

If he wants something or someone, there's really no way of saying no. The two enter into a very public relationship. And for the most part, they fit this very glamorous, jealousy-inducing public image. The music mogul leaves the mother of his child. It's not explicit that it's due to Cassie. It seems like he's never really been a loyal person. Yeah.

Even with Kim Porter, he was cheating on her with multiple other people. He had children with other women while he was dating Kim Porter. It's a lot. We're going to get into it in episode two. But he ends up publicly dating Cassie. And everyone thought the music mogul, the beautiful, talented girlfriend, they look good together. But behind closed doors, there were just some red flags in their relationship.

For example, while he's publicly dating Cassie, he posts a tribute to one of the mothers of his children. So he's got three mothers of his children. Well, now four. But he captions it, Chance, their daughter's name. Chance and I are so grateful to have you in our lives. Love.

which is totally fine. But the picture he posts of the mother of his child is her in a bikini on the beach. Again, the picture is fine. I'm not mom shaming her. She looks incredible. But surely he had more appropriate pictures to post considering he's dating Cassie. It's her birthday. It's just it's weird.

He also allegedly had drugs and pills out in the open like candy. So those were a few red flags for Cassie. But again, maybe that's just what happens when you're dating a billionaire in the industry. They're eccentric. But sometimes he would do really strange, really questionable things. For example, according to a lawsuit, Cassie told Diddy that she calls her beloved grandfather Pop-Pop. Immediately after that, Diddy insisted that Cassie call him Pop-Pop.

but they're dating with this huge age gap. It feels a little perverse.

But more alarming than that is they were constantly breaking up, getting back together. And while they're on a bit of a break, Cassie alleges that she had a brief, brief relationship with another musician by the name of Kid Cudi. And it seems that Diddy found out, found emails between Cassie and Kid Cudi. He was not happy. He tells Cassie, I'm going to blow up Kid Cudi's car, which I mean, no excuses for that. But it sounds like it's just someone's intense anger and jealousy speaking, right? I mean, it's Diddy. It's

P. Diddy. Really? He's going to blow up another A-list musician's car? That's ridiculous. January 9th, 2012, Kid Cudi's car blows up in his driveway.

His Porsche goes up in flames at 11 a.m. in the morning. The report lists the cause of fire as intentional, a.k.a. arson, but the police don't know who did this. The police were never able to even figure out exactly who did it, but there were whispers that Diddy was going around stating that he ordered someone, allegedly, to slice open the car's convertible top, it's a Porsche convertible, and drop a Molotov cocktail inside to have the car blow up, allegedly.

In fact, there were always whispers about Diddy if you're in the industry. You know why they call him Puff? Or at least why they did call him Puff, don't you? There was a brief rumor that he got it in high school. He was on the football team, but because he was a bit skinny of a kid, he had this habit of puffing up his chest to look more intense.

But most people say that's not actually why they call him Puff or Puffy. So goofy. Yeah. That's why he's called Puff Daddy. They say it's a childhood name because he was always, I feel like the real reason is goofier. Okay. Because he was always angry. So he would walk around huffing and puffing. So they called him Puffy. No way. Puffy or Puff. Puffy, Puff. Then it's Puff Daddy. Then it's P Diddy. Then it's Diddy. And now it's Brother Love.

He even admitted in an interview once, I had a temper. That's why my friends started calling me puffy.

One industry source says they were at a party at Diddy's house and they left early because the whole party just felt uncomfortable. They just sat there watching Diddy yell at Cassie all night for honestly nothing. They later said, you could see it in Cassie's eyes that she's scared. And I'm like, is this normal? Am I tripping right now? Why is nobody saying anything? Are they all scared of him? Why is he screaming at her? Who said this? An industry source, Anonymous.

So there is always whispers that Diddy is not normal in the industry.

Danielle, who wrote a piece for the New York Times. She's a journalist. She said that she was at a party. This is back in 2015, which by the way, she has a piece on New York Times. It's incredible. She's an amazing writer. This was back in 2015. She's at a party, one of those fancy ones where they have the little tuna bites and those singular spoons and the waitstaff walk around. Cassie, who's normally always surrounded by Diddy's entourage, is walking around alone, which is very rare. She's wearing stilettos in the grass,

But she's stunning. She's so graceful. The way she, it's like she's barefoot. But even more so when she walks over to Danielle, gracefully squats down to be eye level and says, how are you? Fine, how are you? How are you doing it? Doing what? Like, how are you managing?

Danielle describes feeling like Cassie could almost see through her. It's like she felt that it's very likely a mutual friend had told Cassie that someone that they all knew in the industry had essayed Danielle. This was a decade earlier, the incident. But Danielle couldn't confirm that. So she just felt anxious. It felt like Cassie was asking her, how are you doing it? Staying in the industry, going through all of this. So Danielle collected herself and tried to play it off like, girl, what? I'm fine. What are you talking about?

It was this moment where both of them, she said it's both of them wanted to say something, but neither of them could find the words. Eventually, Cassie rose up gracefully, waved goodbye and walked off.

Another close to the couple friend by proximity, Dawn Richards. She's a former Danity Kane member. She has her own lawsuit, which we're going to cover in episode three. But she has her own lawsuit against Diddy. And she stated that the first time she saw the two of them, Diddy and Cassie, she just felt uncomfortable. Diddy would get into Cassie's personal space. He would fixate on her with this very intense, unyielding stare. It was like he was constantly trying to isolate her while there's other people in the room.

Another friend of Cassie's would later detail how she was once in the car with Cassie. Diddy's calling on speakerphone, just screaming at her. She alleges he was like, bitch, what are you doing? Cassie kept hanging up because he was screaming and then he would call again. She'd pick up and he would scream. You don't hang up on me. I mean, this does not seem like a normal relationship.

In the new lawsuit filed by Cassie against Diddy in November of 2023, she states publicly that after her on-and-off relationship with Diddy from 2007 to 2018, she's finally ready to come clean. She says, quote,

With the expiration of the New York Adult Survivor Act fast approaching, it became clear this was an opportunity to speak up about the trauma that I had experienced and that I will be recovering from for the rest of my life. I am ready to tell my story and to speak up. She goes on to detail in depth about her experience with Diddy. She states that even the start of their relationship was not something she consented to.

The lawsuit alleges that after Cassie's 21st birthday party, Diddy pulls her into the bathroom and forcibly starts making out with her. Cassie did not consent. She said she immediately ran out of the bathroom and started crying. She told her best friend what happened, but she doesn't know what to do because she's basically stuck in this 10 album contract with Bad Boy Records. This is the

founder and owner of bad boy records that just forcibly kissed her. He knows she has a boyfriend. He's so influential in the industry. It's not like she can break the contract and go somewhere else. She's just started. She had like one hit song. That's it. It appears that she hoped that running out of the bathroom is a signal enough. It's a no without telling him don't ever do that again and pissing him off and maybe making him angry. But no, Diddy allegedly keeps demanding she come spend time with him quote for work.

On one of those occasions, he hands her this pill and told her to take it. He wouldn't tell her what it was, but she was so scared she just swallowed it. Later, she said she realized it was ecstasy, something she had never tried before and never wanted to do. And it just gets worse from there. There were always drugs being pushed onto Cassie. The lawsuit states, as she wanted Mr. Combs to continue to support her career, she felt she could not refuse Mr. Combs' urging for her to take more drugs.

Diddy would often have pills and other drugs out in the open like quote candy. Within two years of meeting Mr. Combs, Ms. Ventura found herself lured into this immediate circle of her boss, the owner of her record label, and one of the most powerful men in the entertainment industry.

Mr. Combs' aggressive and demanding approach to those he worked with made it impossible for anyone to challenge him. And Ms. Ventura soon learned that Mr. Combs insisted on blind loyalty from everyone in his inner circle. He also rented out apartments in New York City and Los Angeles for her. They were both in walking distance to his residences in both cities. He paid for everything in her life, her houses, her cars, which, yes, sounds great, but that's a really high level of control he now has over a 21-year-old. Yeah.

And it's not even just the purchasing of things. There was one instance, due to his alleged abuse, Cassie had to get an MRI. You would think that she's safe at the doctors, but even the doctors send the MRI results directly to Diddy and not to her.

The lawsuit alleges throughout their relationship, Mr. Combs was prone to uncontrollable rage and frequently beat Miss Ventura savagely. These beatings were witnessed by Mr. Combs' staff and employees of Bad Boy Entertainment and Mr. Combs related businesses. But no one dared to speak up against their frightening and ferocious boss.

It is stated that Diddy's head of security and his own assistant, when they saw the extent of some of Cassie's injuries, in one instance, it was two black eyes, a burst and bruised lip, and a huge welt on her forehead. They cried. They started crying. But it seems like they didn't do much to stop it. One former employee says, Diddy doesn't believe in being told no. And if you get caught up in the wrath of that, it can be very dangerous.

The lawsuit states that the injuries on Cassie were allegedly so bad that Diddy would come to his senses, realize his, oh yeah, these are brutal, literal crimes, felonies that I've committed. And he would hide his girlfriend Cassie in his house or hotels to make sure she's not seen or photographed with all the injuries that he inflicted on her.

While he's holding her hostage, in a sense, he would bombard her with gifts, words of affirmation, trying to get her back, which he would just get his assistants to buy a bunch of luxury gifts, have them delivered to the hotel room where she's being allegedly held hostage. And if that doesn't work, he would just remind her of how powerful he is. Once, she alleges an assistant tracked her down and told her point blank, hey, if you don't answer his calls, your single is never going to be released.

Like your songs, they're never gonna, nothing will happen. Or they would just say ominous things like, it's in your best interest to call Mr. Combs back.

Cassie alleges he would do this thing where he made her carry his gun in her purse. She's not familiar with guns and she was terrified that it would go off in her purse, but he gave her zero reason on why he even wanted her to put it in her purse. I mean, it seems like he just did it to instill fear in Cassie to show her how terrifying he is. Some other instances of alleged violence include once after a party with Jay-Z on the way back home,

Did he beat Cassie in an escalade by kicking and hitting her? He told the driver to stop the car, made her get out on the street of New York City and just left.

At another party, Diddy saw her speaking with a man and it's likely about work stuff, but he did not care. He asked her to step into the bedroom. It's a hotel after party. So it's one of those large suites with bedrooms, like a apartment. He steps into the bedroom and he just starts beating her while there's a whole party happening outside. She said that she ran from corner to corner of the room to try and avoid him. And eventually she found herself curled up behind the toilet while he was stomping on her. Nobody could hear her scream because of the loud music.

In another instance, it wasn't Cassie that he harmed. Once Cassie was at home with a friend of hers named Carrie. Diddy comes in unannounced, which Carrie did not appreciate, it seems. Likely she knew that Diddy was doing all these things to Cassie. And the two of them, Diddy and Carrie, they get into an altercation where Diddy throws a hanger at Carrie.

The two settled it. Diddy and Cassie end up paying her for the dispute. And ever since then, Cassie's friendship with Carrie just strained, which is just the way that Diddy isolates her from everyone. Also, this isn't the first time. Allegedly, he did this with another friend of Cassie's by forcing Cassie to listen to what he wanted. He was like, if you're not going to do what I want, fine. He picks up her friend, allegedly, and dangles her off the 17th floor balcony. This is in the lawsuit? Yes.

He dangled a human outside the balcony? Yes. I'm sure he was like cradling her more. What? Another time they were at a party in LA. Cassie thought Diddy would be proud and excited that she was networking. She spoke with this music manager in hopes of growing her career. But when Diddy finds out he's not happy, he's enraged. He drags her out of the party into the car. He's beating her, pushing her into a corner of the vehicle, quite literally, allegedly stomping on her face.

Cassie's lawsuit states Roger Bonds, one of Diddy's security staff, tried to stop the beating, which he does corroborate in an interview. But he is unable to de-escalate the situation. When they get to Diddy's house, Cassie tries to make a run for it, but he chases after her and kicks her in the face again. She's bleeding profusely at this point. She gets ushered into his house where she starts throwing up from the violent assault. Once they got in the house, Diddy, he starts realizing, wait, the extent of her injuries...

She's got to go to a hotel to heal. She's not allowed to leave this hotel for an entire week while healing. It's in this hotel room that Cassie stated she starts fully realizing, quote, that Mr. Combs' tremendously loyal network not only knew about...

and witnessed his assaults, but also these witnesses were not willing to do anything meaningful to stop Mr. Combs' behavior. She recognized she was powerless, and reporting him to the authorities would not alter his status or influence, it would just merely give him another excuse to hurt her.

She said, "From that point forward, she was terrified, isolated, and unable to see a pathway out of Mr. Combs' abusive hold on her life. She found herself numb to the abuse that she was experiencing. She began to blindly follow his instructions out of fear of again being on the receiving end of a vicious beating."

Tiffany Redd is a Grammy-winning songwriter and musician herself. She helped produce "Replay" by Zendaya, "Boss" for NCT U, and "Songs for Cassie." In fact, Tiffany Redd remembers it was all very odd. I mean, she had written this song for Cassie called "Loyal." The two of them had been working on it together, and the first verse reads,

"I don't know what is real, I just know how I feel and you keep acting like you don't know what you did wrong, trying to get me to chill. Since we ain't been together, I've been on some whatever." Tiffany could tell that Diddy did not like Cassie singing those lyrics, or at least that's the initial vibe that she got and she thought it was weird. Did she write that or Cassie wrote that? Both of them together.

Now, they've been in a stable relationship for like a decade. I mean, yes, they're on and off, but still, it's just a song. It's not that serious. But it does indeed get serious. Tiffany actually penned an open letter to Diddy when all of this starts unraveling. And she explains how she's a longtime friend of Cassie's. And yeah, she has seen the abuse.

She says to Diddy,

There were so many friends, a few famous faces, and cameras recording as we sang. She was definitely surprised. Up until that point, I'd only spoken to you once before on FaceTime with Cassie about songs we were working on together. You approached me that day and you introduced yourself saying, "So you're the one writing all those songs about me?" I said yes and you stared back and said, "That means she's talking to you, huh?" I was uncomfortable because it seemed like you were talking about the more turbulent parts of your relationship.

Tiffany also claims that one of Diddy's security guards came up to her once and said something along the lines of, "I heard a lot about you, Tiffany." She said, "You both creeped me out, and this interaction was super intimidating. It felt like you both wanted me to know that you knew who I was and you didn't like how close I was to her." Wait, wait, wait. What was the lyrics again? Like, what exactly was said that got Diddy so offended? That she doesn't think he's being loyal. That got Diddy this emotional? Yes.

Wow. Later that evening during the surprise birthday party, it started in the afternoon. So around nighttime, they all decided to go to a karaoke spot called the blind dragon, but only a few of the girlies were wanting to go. Tiffany read rights, but you weren't happy that she was leaving. I remember your people hovering around us trying to discourage Cassie from leaving, but we went anyway. You followed us and arrived just a little bit later after we did. It was instantly uncomfortable. You pulled

Cassie out of the private karaoke room, she put her head down and went with you. I followed outside to see if she was okay because something was off. When I walked out of the room, you had her backed into the corner of the hallway outside of the door and your security surrounded you two as you cursed her out with your hands in her face. These are all Tiffany Redd's allegations, by the way. She and I briefly made eye contact. I felt helpless. She looked afraid and I kept looking down at the floor. I didn't know what to do. I was scared. Tiffany explains that...

her allegations that the party was over at that point because Diddy wanted Cassie on her 29th birthday to come with him, leave her friends and do what he wants to do on her birthday, which is already alarming, but that's nothing compared to what actually happens.

or at least according to multiple different accounts, but still alleged since there's no recording of this incident. Tiffany said Cassie pulled her girls aside and asked them, can you guys just go back to my place and stay the night? I'll be back later. I mean, I have to go back to the house right now to gather my stuff. Go with Diddy and I'll be back and we can have like a little birthday sleepover.

Clearly something about the whole situation, the way that Diddy was asking and the way that Cassie was asking them, Tiffany says, "I said yes because I was worried that Diddy would hurt her. Prior to this incident, Cassie confirmed in me that you were a physically abusive person and the way you were in her face that night was so alarming to me. I didn't want to leave her alone."

when we got back to her house she kept saying to us she didn't want to go with you but you were already on your way to pick her up one of her friends was packing an overnight bag for her i'll never forget it it was the biggest birkin bag i've ever seen it was blue i kept asking why they're packing cassie's stuff if clearly she didn't want to go with diddy and this person said she always goes

Diddy arrives at the door and you whisked her away. Cassie looked uneasy. I didn't know where you were taking her. Once you left, the person who packed the bag said, they'll be back. Watch. It was almost like they had seen this movie before. Tiffany was worried, but there's not really much that she could have done in that moment considering everything. She says that she fell asleep in Cassie's room and quote, a few hours later, I was woken up by you screaming, emotional singing, bitch. Where are you?

What? Yeah, that's what Tiffany claims. It's like three or four in the morning. Tiffany walks out of the bedroom where she had fallen asleep and she's face to face with Diddy who allegedly says, emotional singing, bitch. There you are.

Tiffany said she didn't even know that he was talking about her, but now she's like, what? She feels terrified, humiliated, confused, but ultimately freaking scared. And he starts allegedly screaming, tell your girl she needs some birthday dick. I flew all the way from Miami and she's going to get this birthday dick.

Tiffany is terrified. He seems furious and she tries to respond. She doesn't have to have sex with you if she doesn't want to. But allegedly, Diddy keeps screaming around Cassie's house, she gonna get this dick.

Which I guess at that point, what Diddy wants, Diddy gets because of how abusive and violent he allegedly is. The two Diddy and Cassie end up driving off again in a golf cart since he lives down the street. Tiffany said she watched from the balcony that it was terrifying. She alleges Diddy was driving the golf cart speeding and she says, I thought you were going to get pulled over and go to jail or crash from being so high. It was like a real life scary movie. I was terrified for Cassie and she later told me that you made her have a freak off that night.

freak offs according to cassie's lawsuit within um they started happening within a few months of dating diddy kept telling cassie that he wanted to engage in this fantasy with her called voyeurism he explained it's a fantasy of watching others engage in intimate activities he allegedly said it would quote turn him on if he saw miss ventura with another dick

The first time it happens, Diddy hires a man, brings him to his LA mansion. He forces that man and Cassie and himself to wear masquerade masks, take drugs. The whole time he's sitting there and allegedly instructing Cassie on what to do to this man while he's watching and self-pleasuring. This encounter, according to the lawsuit, lasted multiple days. So it seems like he's drugging everyone, allegedly keeping everyone on drugs so that they can keep going.

He starts referring to these events as freak-offs or an FO, if you will. After the first time, randomly Diddy would call Cassie and tell him he wanted an FO. Eventually, he would even make her coordinate them, picking the location, usually hotels, hiring the male sex workers. He forced her allegedly to go online and find these men to have these encounters with and specifically told her to search for, quote, large black penises.

He would even fly these men around the US to meet up with Cassie and Diddy so that he could watch them having intimate relations with his girlfriend against her will. While Cassie is doing that, Diddy is picking out lingerie that he wants her to wear. He's making sure that her nails are painted white. He allegedly liked to have her white nails to quote in paraphrased terms, contrast to the skin of the black men that he was hiring to have sex with her.

Diddy's assistants would be sent to the hotel to set up the FOs, which by the way, there's a Conan O'Brien segment where he admits Conan O'Brien was like, I heard this rumor that you don't actually ever check into a hotel by yourself. Like you are not a normal person. You don't check in and like, oh, where's my room? You send people to check in for you and get the room ready. And he says, yeah, like they got to make it sexy before I arrive.

So he would have his assistants send to the hotel to set up for the FO, set up with baby oil, Astroglide, all these things. And there are also allegedly a ton of drugs present, ecstasy, cocaine, GHB, ketamine, marijuana, alcohol. Honestly, it's the only thing that let Cassie disassociate from these encounters.

There's so much coordination happening for just one of these encounters, it's really hard to say how many people on Diddy's team were involved in these arrangements. Another odd part of the routine is after the freak-offs, they would get IV fluids to recover from all the heavy drug usage. These freak-offs became more and more frequent, sometimes happening once a week,

Clearly Cassie hated it, but he kept telling her it was their thing, their secret. And allegedly he would even instruct her to talk to these sex workers and would specifically instruct where to touch them. He would say things like, quote, grab that big black dick. How does it feel?

This is in the lawsuit. But sometimes he would just beat her during freak-offs in front of the sex workers. Side note, he would pay the men a few thousand dollars in cash for their services and probably to make Cassie feel more disgusting, it seems, he would present her with gifts during the freak-offs. The lawsuit states at one point she had so many designer bracelets from the freak-offs and immediately following his brutal beatings, he would gift her bracelets, designer bracelets, that she felt that she was shackled by his presence.

The lawsuit alleges, "During the freak-offs, in addition to directing Miss Ventura and masturbating, Mr. Combs would use his phone, laptop, and tablet to film Miss Ventura having sex with the hired sex workers. He treated the forced encounter as like a personal art project, adjusting the candles he used for lighting to frame the videos he took."

Sometimes he would use Cassie's phone to take those videos and pictures and she would immediately delete them after because why would she want that on her phone? But he would just mock her. Oh, you know, I can recover that. Like, that's crazy, which is kind of a hard to believe statement of...

No, that's crazy. You're crazy. How can you recover? It's my phone. I deleted it and I deleted it from my recently deleted. What do you mean? Well, not too long after that, they're on his plane heading to another city and he forces her to sit next to him and plays her a video that she believed she had deleted from her phone. So maybe he sent it to his phone before it was. I don't know. That is crazy. But he had it playing on the plane and forced her to watch the entire thing.

She started developing this intense fear and anxiety for these freak-offs and she would become physically ill every time he demanded one. She would just start throwing up when he told her he wanted to freak off and he would see this, convince her that she needed to do this, and would shame her for saying no. And if that didn't work, he would beat her.

There was one time where Cassie said she was ready to leave. She's trying to move on and briefly entered into a romantic relationship with Kid Cudi. But Diddy kept calling her for more freak-offs, more freak-offs, and out of fear, she went. And during that freak-off, I don't know if he stole her phone or forced her to let him have it,

He ends up finding emails between Cassie and Kid Cudi. He freaks out. He puts a corkscrew, a wine corkscrew in between his fingers and starts lunging at Cassie, allegedly, according to the lawsuit. She was terrified. She ran out of there and briefly went to stay with Kid Cudi. He's calling her, threatening her. I'm going to blow up his car. She leaves his house, goes to her parents' house because she's scared. And sure enough, his car explodes in his driveway.

Since then, others have come forward with their alleged freak off experiences, including one of Diddy's alleged drug dealers. So the word freak offs, these parties, they've kind of merged into different variations. Cassie's freak offs that she lists in her lawsuit seem like more intimate, more

encounters where she's forced to engage in activities with one two different people in front of Diddy right but um some people have stated he would just have like these freaky sex parties allegedly

Again, this could be someone that's never met Diddy a day in his life until things are proven in the court of law, take everything with a grain of salt. But this alleged drug dealer states that he once went to Diddy's mansion in the Hamptons to drop off a shipment of supplies, if you will. Diddy opens the door and nothing but a rope brings him to a back bedroom to make the deal. And that's when he sees, quote, weird shit, weird shit was starting to happen. Celebrity guys fucking each other. They were in the back bedrooms and it was like the inner sanctum.

He states there were a lot of people at that party, female rappers, sex workers. They were already high on what seemed to be ketamine and GHB, basically roofies, to which the drug dealer alleges you could see two people you would not think would be hooking up. Rappers. That's what shocked me. I won't say names, but there were rappers that I immediately lost respect for and could never take seriously again, which like, what is that supposed to mean? But he continues. That's when I got the fuck out of there.

So he this is a statement he made without any names mentioned. Now, this could be a total lie, complete and utter lie. But he's claiming he was Diddy's drug dealer and he saw these freak offs. So that's why I'm telling you the word freak offs. These parties are kind of merging. And then some people believe that all of Diddy's parties are freak offs, that everyone that went to the white party should be burned at the stake. But then some people are saying, no, it's the after parties.

like what this drug dealer is describing, that's the problem. And then some people are saying, no, it's the encounters that he's forcing these people into, like Cassie, that are the freak offs. So it's unclear. It could be all of the above. We don't know until the trial, I guess. Now, there are a lot of allegations and lawsuits that women had attended his white parties and then they were essayed at those parties.

But I don't know if those are freak offs. So it's like terminology, I guess, at that point. And those lawsuits we will get into part two. Now, he does note that he never saw Diddy himself partake in any sexual activity. But there seems to be a slightly different variation of freak offs, like I said, from what Cassie is alleging. So in this episode, we're just going through Cassie's version of freak offs and how they would be conducted.

Now Tiffany Redd also states that the only time that Cassie's music ever advanced, Diddy was ever willing to talk to Cassie about her business and her music was if she participated in freak-offs. In fact, he would force her to listen to her demos and her songs during the freak-off, allegedly. He would play the songs that they're working on during the alleged freak-offs. Tiffany Redd claims all these years, all those songs that we worked on,

I mean, to find out all those years I spent all this time writing these songs for him to rape my friend to them. Yeah. Tiffany Redd said, I mean, even his speech at the BET Awards, right? Cassie had moved on finally for the past four years. It's like harassment, she says. You're still fucking with her. Leave her alone. Leave her the fuck alone.

Another source says he tries to paint a picture of being this heartbroken man after Cassie left, but he's just a liar and an abuser. It feels like a threat, just like what happened when she did leave him. Cassie states in her lawsuit that in September 2018, she finally decides to leave Diddy. The two of them meet up at an Italian restaurant in Malibu where she confirms, yes, I'm serious. I'm done. Like, you can have all your stuff back. I'm over it.

The dinner went okay. After dinner, he drops her off at her place, but instead of letting her leave, he allegedly forces himself into the apartment, tries to kiss her. She obviously tells him no because she's done, but instead of leaving, he allegedly forcibly takes off her clothes, unbuckles his belt, and proceeds to essay Cassie while she claims she repeatedly told him no and is trying to push him away.

Soon after, Cassie leaves the apartment that he was paying for, leaves everything like the car that he paid for, and manages to get out of her bad boy records contract. And coincidentally, a few months after she moved away, she gets doxxed. Her new address gets posted online, which leads to her feeling paranoid and terrified, rightfully so. But there is a question of, if this all happened in 2018, why is she just now in the end of 2023 filing the lawsuit?

The two, Cassie and Diddy, broke up in 2018 after a decade of dating, like I said. Cassie moves on, remarries her personal trainer, Alex Fine, in 2019, and appears that he really helped her recover from not just the physical, emotional, mental trauma, but just everything. She also had an unhealthy relationship with drugs and alcohol because of how Diddy would push them onto her, allegedly. She said it was established and fueled by Mr. Combs,

they would briefly help ease the pain even afterwards she would have these horrific nightmares of the freak-off she had difficult difficulty sleeping and eating she starts having thoughts of self-exiting it's not until she ends up having two daughters that she feels like she quote was safe from the trauma that had consumed over a decade of her life

Cassie went to rehab to deal with the repercussions of her time with Diddy. And she said that being a mom gave her a renewed purpose. And in 2023, Cassie sues him thanks to the New York Adult Survivors Act, which essentially created this look back window. Adult survivors could file civil lawsuits against their abusers. So not criminal lawsuits, like civil lawsuits, regardless of when the abuse occurred and if the statute of limitations for the civil lawsuits was over.

Is this a new law in New York? It was a one-year window that gave survivors... So it's because a lot of people need a lot of time to even come to terms with what happened. And we would hope that now is a lot more accepting of an environment for survivors, even though we still have a long ways to go. How is that only a one-year window? That's what I'm saying, yeah. But it was a one-year window for people to...

sue their abusers and seek that justice that they might finally be strong enough to look for. And in that one year window, over 3,000 lawsuits were filed under the act, including Cassie Ventura's, which Diddy is arguing is false, false, false, false, false. It's a

money grab. Diddy's team, in essence, their argument boils down to Cassie as a cheater. She cheated on Diddy and she willingly participated in those freak offs. But now she's upset and wants to get more money out of Diddy, basically alleging her of orchestrating a shakedown to get this money.

His attorney, Ben Brafman, says, "For the past six months, Mr. Combe has been subjected to Ms. Ventura's persistent demand of $30 million under the threat of writing a damaging book about their relationship, which was unequivocally rejected as blatant blackmail." Despite withdrawing her initial threat, Ms. Ventura has now resorted to filing a lawsuit riddled with baseless and outrageous lies aiming to tarnish Mr. Combe's reputation and seek a payday.

What? So Cassie said that he tried to pay her A figures and she's rejected that? Wow.

The public arguments are over after these statements because within a business day, 24 hours, Cassie and Diddy settle for an undisclosed amount. There is a number circulating that she settled for $30 million, but that seems to be taken from a statement Diddy's attorney made where Cassie allegedly demanded $30 million or else she would write a book. She could have settled for $30 million. Honestly, I hope a lot more because he's worth a billion dollars.

Wait, so she filed this lawsuit a day later, she withdrew it. No, they settled. They settled. Right, right, right. So we're still able to access the lawsuit. Yes. So I would say him settling is not an admission of guilt. However, it's very beneficial for him to settle. It's not beneficial for her to settle.

Unless she is just, she doesn't want this in the news for her family. She doesn't want to keep going down this fight because it's a long fight. But for him, it's very beneficial because once you go into discovery, right?

Yeah. More things are going to come out into the open. Evidence has to be brought up. Yeah. Will this be mentioned during next year's trial? Yes, because she settled in a civil lawsuit where likely they signed an airtight NDA where they cannot mention each other or talk about each other or wage any other public accusations against each other. However, in a criminal lawsuit, she can be called to testify. That does not bar her from testifying or working with federal investigators. Yeah.

Okay. Yeah. So it's, it's good. Now she could have settled for 30 million. I hope a lot more, but the exact amount has not been disclosed to the public. Cassie released a statement after the settlement stating, I have decided to resolve this matter amicably on terms that I have some level of control. And again, you know, I think it's just so much trauma to go through. And of course, Diddy's attorneys are going to be slinging dirt at everybody. It's just rough. She says, I want to thank my family, fans and lawyers for their unwavering support.

Diddy releases his own statement.

Now, again, it's very interesting because netizens state for Cassie, it's very understandable why she would settle. She got her truth out there. She's warning other women. And now she doesn't have to go through this whole process that's going to take so much of her life, take so much money. She's going to have so many problems to deal with. This could be the best way for her to heal. Now for Diddy, people are saying, why would you settle if you're not guilty? Even though

technically legally yeah it's just a little weird it's just weird buddy now the lawsuit is filed november 16th and they settled the day after and for a while everybody stays a bit quieter because it's unclear what any of that really means i will say most people are thankfully on cassie's side but a good chunk they just want to reserve their opinions for later

until another lawsuit hits Diddy then another in total 11 lawsuits would hit Diddy back to back after Cassie's yes and then he will be hit with that federal raid on his houses on both of his homes in March 2024 for an investigation into sex trafficking now the questions are open again will

What the hell is going on? And none of Diddy's attorney's comments are even making sense. I will say a lot of the serious allegations do briefly get overshadowed by the baby oil memes, which Diddy's attorney doesn't really make it any better. Diddy's attorney has tried to argue about the copious, unfathomable, frankly bizarre amounts of baby oil in his possession.

He's got a big house. Americans, as we know, buy in bulk. There's a Costco down the street. I mean, this is what consensual adults doing what consensual adults do. We can't get so puritanical in this country to think that somehow sex is a bad thing, because if it was, there would be no more people. He says it wasn't a thousand baby bottle oils, but it was a lot. And I'm not sure what the baby oil has to do with anything.

Which Costco responded to this statement stating, we do not sell baby oil in any of our US locations. Keep our name out your mouth. That's crazy. Basically. They don't sell baby oils? No, not in the US. Even Costco wants nothing to do with Diddy. To which people have responded, I don't think anyone questioned where he was getting the baby oil. His lawyer is so unserious.

Diddy is all lubed up and slipping through the bars in his cell. His lawyer is trying to get Diddy a Costco commercial at this point. Now, side note, the cost of baby oil, like we said, is probably like $10,000 for a thousand bottles, but it's going to cost Diddy a lot more. Cassie alleges in her lawsuit that Diddy would instruct her to pour excessive amounts of oil all over herself. And once in a 2013 incident at the Intercontinental Hotel in New York City, he was charged tens of thousands of dollars in damages by the hotel after an FO.

It's unclear if it's a direct cause of the baby oil, but I'm sure baby oil is not easy to clean. But perhaps it is. I don't know. Because for months, nothing happens to Diddy. He gets sued in November 2023. His homes are raided March 2024. He will not get arrested until September 2024. For five months, he is free and he is showing off that freedom. He posts videos of himself.

Standing by the ocean, staring down a tropical storm, his arms are outstretched to a pastor's voice saying, not hysterical, not frantic, not anxious, not fretful, but steady in the storm.

He also goes whitewater rafting with his friends and it seems like he's living the life because at this point his lawsuit is settled. The feds raided his house and have nothing. That means maybe they have nothing on him. He's free to go on his yachts, go on his plane, and he's always denied the allegations against him. If he really were that bad, he would have been arrested, right? And of course, naturally, people just want to hate on Cassie, believing that her lawsuit was a money grab. One netizen comments, she had the option to leave. She participated in her own misery. If a man puts his hands on you,

just go, which is insane. Another comment reads, she knew about all the freak offs and didn't say anything for over a decade. Someone else comments, some women are willing to endure abuse for money. If she could do it all over again and get the money, I believe she would still be with Puff. She left Ryan Leslie, a handsome musical genius for Diddy. Such a gold digger move. Not sure why she gets so much sympathy. She outed him for money, not justice. Wow.

Another comment reads, Some alleged that she might have put her hands on him first because, quote, some women like to do that. They like to put their hands on a man just to see what that man will do.

What kind of...

A lot of comments point out, aside from her getting a settlement, which what's wrong with that? Okay, they comment, he never planned music for her. It's like he signed her just to date her. He had bad intentions from the get-go because he mentioned that the world would love her music, but she barely got to create music and music videos.

They also state that there's a lot of people backing Cassie's story. Cassie's alleged former makeup artist has since gone on to CNN to allege that she was privy to an incident in 2010 where Diddy beat Cassie in a hotel room. She remembers being so scared, but she starts packing Cassie's things, gets her out of there, brings her to her home, but...

They were too scared to call the police. Roger Bonds, who claims to be a former bodyguard for Diddy, that he was also listed in the lawsuit, states that he believes Cassie a thousand percent. He alleges he himself has seen Diddy put his hands on Cassie. He states, quote, if Cassie was talking to somebody else, he would lose his mind. He also confirmed sometimes he would just leave her places and not come back for her. Like, remember, she alleged he would just leave her in New York City to just stop on the side of the road after beating her and then push her out the car.

In addition to that, he alleges, everybody was afraid of Puff. A lot of people knew what was going on, but nobody said anything. Nobody said nothing. I'm glad she's speaking her truth. I hope she gets justice. But the most detailed corroborating evidence is actually from another lawsuit filed by Don Richards, former Danity Kang member who was managed by Diddy. It's a group that Diddy formed. There were lots of allegations in her lawsuit that we're going to get to in part three, but

But the ones pertaining to Cassie said she saw Diddy beating, choking, punching, slapping and throwing things at Cassie. She said one time she saw Cassie making eggs for him for breakfast. Diddy comes barreling down the stairs, pissed off, high on drugs, or at least he looked like he was high on drugs, according to Dawn's version of events. She claims he starts screaming. I've been asking you for my shit. I can't stand you, bitch. You never do anything right.

She claims he pushes Cassie against the wall, starts choking her before picking up the scalding hot pan of eggs and throwing it at her, causing her to fall into the ground into a fetal position. Diddy isn't done, though. He keeps cursing at Cassie and allegedly dragging her up the stairs. Another incident, she allegedly saw Diddy attack Cassie in a van, grabbing her by the neck, dragging her out of the van into the grass, choking her while yelling, you're going to get fucked up today.

Don's lawsuit states, "In another instance, Mr. Combs punched Ms. Ventura in the face in the bathroom of a party in LA. Frequently, when Ms. Ventura attempted to voice an opinion or stand up to Mr. Combs, he would strike her or wrap his hands around her throat and choke her." She also alleges that they would be out to dinner with other high-profile celebrity guests. She names them in the lawsuit.

She once saw Diddy hiss at Cassie at the dinner table and forcibly punch her in the stomach so hard she doubled over and started crying. One of the other women escorted Cassie out of the restaurant and Diddy stayed to keep socializing.

According to the lawsuit, whenever Don tried to step up and help or deescalate, Diddy would threaten Don saying, allegedly he would say, this is normal. This was just a lover's argument. This is what love is. I'm giving you an opportunity. If you want to make it, shut your mouth. If you say anything, there will be consequences. Y'all bitches don't get in my relationship. Don't tell my bitch what she needs to be doing. Just make money and shut the fuck up. I end artists. I shelve careers. You could go missing. You bitches want to die today? You want to die today? I make...

N-words go missing. I end people. That is crazy. So he's blatantly doing this in front of every single person. And nobody even dared to go against him. That's how powerful he was. Yeah, I see a lot of people like ripping apart people for not coming forward until Cassie came forward. And I don't know. What are your thoughts on it? I see people ripping them apart. I see other people arguing with them saying, you just don't get it. Like it's not...

People aren't believed anyway to begin with. And to go up against Diddy is just the amount of funds he has. Yeah. Yeah. No. Yeah. Yeah.

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In 2019, a former on and off girlfriend of Diddy's, Gina goes onto a podcast with Tasha T where she alleges just a lot of things took place between her and Diddy. Wait, when was this? 2019. Oh, right after. Yes. But this whole podcast basically gets ignored. Kind of buried, honestly.

This is four years before Cassie's lawsuit comes out. She says she met Diddy when she was 21, 22. She's been seeing Diddy for the past six years while he's been with Cassie.

He's double her age at this point, but they start dating. And according to the timeline, Gina starts dating Diddy around the time that he's dating Cassie. She even alleges in the interview that Cassie did reach out to her a few times to tell her to leave Diddy alone. But she states that Cassie was always nice, never called her any names or anything. She even states in the interview that the last time she spoke with Cassie, Cassie reached out to her and she said...

She called me at four in the morning, Cassie did, and was like, hey, I just had a dream and I just wanted to call you and tell you I don't hate you. I don't have bad blood. I don't have anything towards you or anything like that. Which side note, a lot of people think that Cassie telling her to leave Diddy alone wasn't like leave my man alone, but rather leave, get out, go, like get help before it's too late.

Gina meets him February of 2014, allegedly gets pregnant in October of 2014, in which she alleges that she confides in him and he just assumes, well, you're going to get an abortion, right?

She states she tells him she's not sure exactly what she wants to do, and he offers her $50,000 to terminate, which if true, I'm sure was incredibly insulting considering Gina states she did terminate, but she turned down the money. She said, I just loved him. I was just trying to prove to him that I'm not that girl that wanted the money. I just cared about him. She explains, and I just wanted him to be nice to me. It was like, I don't want your money. I just want you to be nice to me.

She later alleges on the podcast, the first few months he was really nice and then after he started being an asshole. Like I would say the first three and a half years he was mean to me. When you say mean, could you describe it? Tasha T is asking her. He was abusive. He was always belittling me. He was like mentally, emotionally and physically abusing me. Tell me some of the things that he would say to you. He would always compare me to Cassie, tell me that I'm the bad one, she's the good one.

and he was with both of you guys at the same time? yeah at one point i was like breaking out really bad with acne and he would be like he said this a few times he would be like baby why don't you go see a doctor or something i don't date women with bumps on their faces he would call me names he would call me a hoe every single day i was naive and young when i met him so i felt like he was he tried to take advantage of that and manipulate me and made me feel low about myself

So obviously you terminated baby one because you loved him. How long after dating did the physical abuse start? The first time it happened, which was not even that long into the relationship, we started dating beginning of February. It was probably beginning of May because we were at Meek Mill's birthday party. It was like a mansion party and we went. She explains that she's sitting down on her right is Diddy and on Diddy's right is Meek Mill.

But she says, I was covered with like a stand or something. Like probably says, happy birthday, Meek, or something like that. And the stand was covering me because there was a lot of cameras and stuff there. So it's like me, Puff, and Meek. So he's publicly dating Cassie. So the stand is kind of covering her.

They put a little stand to cover her. It seems like it. In front of her. It seems like it. It's the insinuation. So she's sitting there. Diddy's sitting next to her. And then Meek is sitting next to Diddy. And Puff had leaned forward to talk to someone, say hi or whatever. So I turned over to Meek to say happy birthday. He put out his hand. I reached over to take his hand and shake it. As I shook Meek's hand...

Puff turned around, saw it. He got so mad. We probably stayed 20 minutes after that happened. And when we got in the car, he like grabbed my hair and cussed me out for doing that. He was like, why the fuck are you shaking his hand for? I was just like, I'm saying happy birthday. So it was like a jealous rage. I think he thought I was trying to be sneaky behind his back because like I reached over when he leaned forward to talk to someone. So he thought I was trying to be sneaky. And how, yeah. The dude is like, he's calling himself like,

like this level of fame and success and that insecure about everything. Like that is wow. So pathetic. Yeah, exactly. And the interviewer is asking, and you were how old at this time? He's like double her age. She says I was 22 probably.

So when we get to the hotel, it gets worse. He like took one of my heels and tried to throw it at me. He like mushed my face really hard, made my nose bleed. And every time, you know, we get into fights like that, which side note, if this allegation is true, that is not a fight. That's a one-sided domestic battery charge. That's not a fight. She says the only person that ever tried to help me was D-Rock, who is, I believe, a famous musician. Everyone else just allowed it to happen and just like look the other way.

So the rest of everyone, they would just watch. Well, not like watch, just like kind of walk away and just leave us alone and not really step in to stop it. Now, what made you stay? Because obviously there's baby number two, because she claims that she had two pregnancies. He made her terminate. Because I just thought, I just thought that he was only being like that because he loved me.

And she starts crying in this portion and she says, "I grew up watching my mom get beat by my dad. That's all I knew. So I just thought it was normal. I just thought it meant he loved me." Okay, let's talk about baby number two. When did baby two come? Last year, August 2018.

So this is six years of them being together at this point. She says, mind you, it wasn't my fault that I got pregnant because I have like this period app and it tells me when I'm ovulating and stuff. So I told him that I'm ovulating, so don't do it. And he just did it anyways. And then I got pregnant and he was like, okay, then just get a termination. He didn't even hesitate. She says, but by this time it was harder for me because I'd been with him for so long and I was like really in love. Part of me wanted to keep it, but he didn't. And I had only agreed to terminating because he told me to and...

He took me to Turks and Caicos a couple days later before the termination. So right before the termination, he takes her to Turks and Caicos. And during that time, he was just giving me like alcoholic drinks to drink. And I was like, I'm not that comfortable. And he was just like, you're going to get an abortion anyway. He was kind of being distant towards me the whole trip anyway. She alleges that they come home from their trip on Sunday and the plan was to get the termination on Monday. She says when they get back on Sunday, quote, he had left me to go meet up with Cassie.

So he just kind of like left me there for like half the day. And I was like, how are you going to leave me when you want me to do this thing tomorrow? He was obviously just making excuses on why he had to go. So because he left on Sunday, I was like, I'm not doing it tomorrow, though. I'm not going to terminate tomorrow. I just need some time to think about it. So I told him that I just need time to think about it. And he was like, well, then you can't leave my house. Like,

Like just being mean to me. He was like, I did this and this and this for you. And you told me you were going to do this and now you're not doing it anymore. Like you, you can't get out of my house.

She states she got the termination, but quote, not only that, I had to go home two days later because he had to go on a trip to Burning Man. So I had to go through that and he went to Burning Man and he just left me fucked up and he didn't even, and you know, you don't get cell service in Burning Man because it's a desert. So I couldn't even get ahold of him. His texts weren't even coming through. I was just at home by myself, just fucked up in the head and he didn't even care. Like it was just me. If he had to do something that traumatic for me, I wouldn't just leave him and go on a trip.

This is on a public interview? Yeah. And people didn't care when that happened. She also talks about another time Diddy was abusive. And she says, the other time was when he caught me texting another man. It was in Miami. It got really crazy at that time. We were upstairs. We were in his closet and he pushed me and I fell to the ground and he got, he stood over me. So I was like laying on my back. He stood over me and he started punching me on the sides of my head.

like just on both sides, she describes. And I was just like covering my face. After he got done doing that because he was like standing over me, he like stomped on my stomach really hard. It took the wind out of my breath. I couldn't breathe, but he kept hitting me. I was like pleading with him. Can you stop? Can you stop? I can't breathe. He stopped for a little bit. Then he grabbed my hair from the back and was punching the back of my head. And he was just avoiding my face when he was hitting me.

The next big fight we got into at that point, I was fighting back because I just had enough of his shit and he kept pushing my buttons and I was just trying to calm the situation down before it got worse and he kept pushing me and pushing me. I left his bedroom and went to his guest house because he has like a separate guest house. Now, side note again, if the allegations here are true, she states the guest house has a meditation room, which is just people think it's ironic.

He followed me there and he continued talking shit to me. And I just got to the point where I was just so angry. And I took a bottle of Deleon tequila, smashed it on the ground.

And he was like, you did that bitch at my house with my kids here. I ran out of the meditation room. He chased after me, pushed me onto the ground outside, took my hair and was dragging me across the grass with my hair. After that, a couple hours later, it was the weekend. So we had people coming over and he just acted like nothing happened. He was dancing, laughing, talking to me like we didn't just get into a physical fight. It was always a push and pull with him. He wanted to pull me close to him and push me away at the same time, which confused me. And it just hurts.

She also alleges that he was cheating quite a bit throughout all of this. He would just tell her that it's just her and Cassie, but she always found him texting other people. She claims that his nanny even texted him naked photos. Or at least that's what she claims she found. Unclear if the photos were coerced or not, but even so, very alarming considering the power dynamic, right? But I digress. She finds pictures of the nanny naked on his phone, according to her allegations, and she claims that he doesn't even feel guilty or ashamed. He just says, well, what do you expect? You're fucking with a superstar.

She also claims that he once hit her in front of her child. So she has a child from a previous relationship. Her daughter was three years old at the time, but she states he never abuses women in front of his children because he doesn't want them to see him like that.

That's the allegation, but it does seem kind of to track. In Cassie's lawsuit four years later, she alleges that once she was, quote, healing and being trapped in Diddy's LA house to heal from her injuries that he gave her, he FaceTimes her because he's out of town and instructs her, quote, you got to go up and put more makeup on. My son can't see you like that because I guess her bruising was showing.

These are the allegations that Gina put forth on a podcast in 2019. Many netizens think that the whole story got buried by Diddy, and soon after the podcast, I think a lot of people didn't take it as seriously because she goes back to Diddy.

which started some online drama between her and young Miami of city girls who was reportedly dating Diddy at the time. Gina would later write on social media, "He's just a really good longtime friend of mine. Nothing more, nothing less. Like I just want him to be happy because like he did bless me in a lot of ways and I'm always going to be forever grateful and respect him."

Which, just to clarify, this is not to say that what she said was not the truth, which I'm not saying it is or not. These are her allegations. I'm just stating that two things can be true at the same time. She could have been physically, mentally, emotionally abused, and she could have still gone back to Diddy. Like, it's...

Not. Yeah. So all of these things, people are bringing it up because there's a small group of unhinged people being like, Cassie just wants money. But people are like, well, actually, the signs were there. Like, look at all these things. But it's not until CNN posts hotel surveillance footage that people realize Cassie was likely telling the truth the whole time about everything. And there's probably a lot more that we don't know.

The footage is from 2016 at an intercontinental hotel in LA in the security footage of the hotel hallway.

You see Cassie quickly walking out of the hotel room. She's wearing this big oversized hoodie. She's barefoot and she's holding a bunch of things in her arms and it's clear that she's in a rush to leave. She quickly walks towards the elevators, but seconds later, Diddy comes running out of the room with nothing but a towel around his waist. He runs out down the hallway, grabs her by the back of her hood, throws her onto the ground and starts kicking her.

Cassie is just laying on the floor while he kicks her and she's in a fetal position. Diddy grabs the back of her hood and starts dragging her back towards the hotel. He also grabs her bags that were dropped and it appears that Cassie is crying out for help. Perhaps worried that someone would investigate, he lets Cassie go but takes all of her belongings into the hotel room. She goes back to the elevator to try and get the elevator but he comes back, shoves her down and throws a vase at her from a nearby table, like a glass vase.

And then did she leave or? She does end up leaving and it is exactly as she has it listed in her lawsuit. So the lawsuit comes out in November of 2023. The footage is released in 2024. So people are like, she literally details this assault exactly like the footage. So how is the footage not came out in 2016? He paid the hotel security worker $50,000 in cash allegedly. To not post it. Yes. And not call the police. Yes.

I think that he gave Diddy a copy. I don't know who else has copies. I imagine if someone like that is willing to take $50,000 to not release it or call the police, he probably took a copy of his own. So who knows how many copies are truly out there. I mean, the hotel has it still. It probably still had it. Okay, the hotel was owned by a big hotel company and they state that that hotel is no longer under their management and they don't have any files from them. So they're saying we didn't leak this in 2024. Yeah.

This was leaked by somebody. - It's unclear how CNN got this footage and this becomes a whole thing because Diddy's attorneys are later going to allege that the government gave it to CNN. It's a whole thing. But it is exactly as Cassie has it listed in her lawsuit. She explains what happens afterwards, even though it's not captured on footage or at least the release footage. Her attorney states, "Cassie managed to get into the elevator and when she got to the lobby, quickly took a cab to her apartment.

Upon realizing that her running away would cause Mr. Combs to be even angrier with her and completely stuck in this vicious cycle of abuse, Ms. Ventura returned to the hotel with the intention of apologizing for running away from her abuser.

The lawsuit states in or around March 2016, during that FO at the Intercontinental Hotel Century City, L.A., Mr. Combs became extremely intoxicated and punched Miss Ventura in the face, giving her a black eye. After he fell asleep, she tried to leave the hotel room. As she exited, he woke up and began screaming at her. He followed her into the hallway of the hotel while yelling at her.

He grabbed at her and then took the glass vases in the hallway and threw them at her, causing glass to crash around them as she ran to escape in the elevator. So I feel like the lawsuit doesn't even really describe it, how bad it is. It almost down. I'm not saying it's intentionally downplayed, but it almost downplays it compared to the footage. So think about everything else that's downplayed. Exactly.

So with the video being released, Cassie's attorney made a statement stating: Once this footage is leaked, all these other clips start going viral. I think people are trying to see if they could have seen the clues.

The Met Gala interview from 2015 has gone viral. And at the time, nobody really noticed, but Diddy and Cassie are being interviewed by Andre Talley. And she walks up to shake his hand. Diddy gives her the most insane death glare and then very aggressively wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her in. And her whole body seems to tense.

He does not seem happy at all during the interview and even puts his hand on the interviewer's shoulder in a comforting way, but it feels slightly threatening in hindsight. One netizen comments: "He snatched her waist and I also saw the way he looked at her. This is pure control. If she stayed with him any longer, she might not be alive to tell anyone or file a civil lawsuit." The look he gave her for even shaking another man's hand? Diddy is gonna have plenty of more women coming out of the woodwork. He's a monster.

then in 2017 they're back at the Met Gala. they're interviewed by Andre again and it appears that she's reaching her hand out to shake his hand but pulls back awkwardly while he appreciates her dress. she seems incredibly reserved this time. like she doesn't even want anyone to focus on her or her dress and in comparison to the last Met Gala where she approached Andre, shook his hand, this time she just waits in the back for Diddy to almost let her walk up.

and show off her dress.

The next Met Gala clip that goes viral is the next year, 2018, the year they break up. The theme is "Heavenly Bodies: Fashion in the Catholic Imagination." So Liza Koshy was asking each attendee the same question: "Is there anything you'd like to confess tonight?" playing into the theme. But when she asks Cassie, a lot of netizens have pointed out Diddy gives her a death glare once again. She stammers for about half a second before putting her hands into a prayer and saying, "I keep everything here."

Right here. Or right here. And she points at herself and Diddy. She says she keeps everything right here between her and Diddy? Yeah, or like her and prayers, God, I guess.

But it's just the way that Diddy looks at her when they ask this question and the way that she kind of… it seems that she appears nervous and stressed about the question. One comment reads: "When she asks Cassie if there's anything she wants to confess, Diddy is giving Cassie the death stare and Cassie hesitates, as if she's afraid to respond with the wrong thing. It's sad to see that she was that scared."

Others have pointed out that Diddy is standing there in all white with crosses on while she's going through the most demonic shit. Even after the breakup went public, Diddy posts on Instagram a screenshot of the Michael Jackson song, The Lady in My Life, and he captions it, If anyone sees Cassie this weekend, please tell her to listen to this song a hundred times.

Now, some people believe there are theories that maybe this was a song played during freak-offs or something that's not actually meaningful. Notable lyrics include two hearts in a beat of ecstasy. Come to me, girl, and I will keep you warm. Stay with me. I want you to stay with me. I need you by my side. Don't you go nowhere. Even after everything he did to her, he still has the audacity to publicly try to do this and talk to her. It feels like a threat.

Another friend of Cassie's comes out to state that Diddy gave Cassie a black eye the night before her perfect movie premiere in 2016, where she's the main female lead, which has everyone digging up those clips again. And in an interview at the premiere for that movie, an interviewer makes this kind of normal statement where she says, you and Terrence, your love, you know, your co-star, the male lead, the love interest in the movie. I mean, you guys were definitely believable.

And she says, "No, you know, we're friends at the end of the day, and that is just very awkward when you're just friends with somebody and you're not in love, but we're completely— we're comfortable with each other. It was cool and it was easy." Netizens have commented that you can see bruising on her face while she's answering these questions. It's unclear if it's the lighting or if there are bruises there, but others have also pointed out how she answered the question by the interviewer. They think it's just odd.

Now, side note, in another interview, Cassie talks about how Terrence, her co-star, was nervous for their slightly sexual scene in the movie because, quote, he was super nervous because he knows Puff and I think they had a conversation and Puff was just like, make it believable. You know, it's awkward as hell when you're not in love with somebody and you have to do something like that.

The interviewer jokes that perhaps Terrence messed up the scene on purpose so he could redo it all over again. And to which Cassie's co-star, another female guest that was on this podcast, she responds, don't get Terrence hurt now. And I think it was all a joke, but it's all people are bringing up in hindsight. That's, I mean, yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, and a lot of netizens have also pointed out that it's kind of strange that Cassie has to keep mentioning to the world that it's uncomfortable doing these scenes with someone you're not in love with. I mean, that's acting. It's nothing new. Some believe it's a reference to the freak offs that she did not want. Like it's you don't want to do this with people you're not in love with. Others believe it's her desperately trying to tame the very violent, very jealous Diddy because she's scared for her safety or maybe even Terrence's safety and his car.

In another interview for the same movie, which was released a year or two before their final breakup, the interviewer asks her if she thinks it's okay to keep a relationship a secret. She responds, I think it depends on where the relationship goes. If it's something that you didn't want to share and it's your secret, it's your secret. I do believe in karma if you're hurting people though.

In another interview about the same movie, she's asked about how she feels about Diddy being at the premiere watching her and Terrence because they have sexual scenes. They say, your boyfriend's going to sit down next to you and you and Terrence are, what does that feel like? She says, it's work. Yeah, I mean, obviously there's a little bit of anxiety, but Terrence is a good friend of mine. And you know, Puff, he's been so understanding with everything, so it's good. But people have said it feels a little odd in hindsight.

Not that the interviewer's question was odd, but just in hindsight of Diddy watching the freak-offs and the same thing with the movie. She's asked about her boyfriend Diddy as well. You know, what makes you guys work? She responds, I think that what makes any relationship work, if it's working, you know, just not talking about it too much, just keeping it close to your heart. That feels like has a lot of dual meanings. Yes. Because people are saying, if it's working, not talking too much. Hmm.

Right. Others have just pointed to another interview to show how much power Diddy has in the industry. The interviewer says, I mean, look, there's no way around it. You're Diddy's girlfriend. He's a marquee name. He's one of the richest guys in our culture. Hip hop. Richest guy in the world. Honestly, one of them. And I'm sure you being your own person, it's pretty hard to navigate a relationship with someone like Diddy.

Cassie does state it's hard because nobody associates her with music anymore, but more so just Diddy's girlfriend. But she still has that core group of fans that are just asking for more and more music. And it's difficult because, you know, she loves music and she's working on it.

People have also taken apart a video Cassie uploaded, a music video released one year before their breakup. It's titled Cassie, a short film where she alludes to a toxic relationship and she says he's like an aggravating high, like the high you want to go away, but you never want to go away. It creeps up on you, has you do some crazy shit that you would never do, and then it leaves you in the middle of the night.

In it, she has a line that says, I just want to be free. And in the end of the short film, she drives off from the toxic relationship by herself. And she's standing in the desert with her arms outstretched to which people allude and think it's her spreading her wings. She does state in an interview that this short film was really important for her because she was involved in every creative aspect of it.

Furthermore, because hindsight is 20-20 and eye-opening, a lot of people have pointed to the fact that it's crazy how nobody knew what was going on behind closed doors because after their final breakup, there was a whole TV segment on whether or not Cassie should go back to Diddy.

People were commenting about how they break up every single year and it seems like Cassie is just really looking for that ring she wants to get married. They also state that Diddy is posting on Instagram about how much he wants her back and it's so romantic. Again, they clearly don't know what's going on behind closed doors. But a lot of people have pointed out just to say, we truly don't know the private lives of these celebrities. Even other celebrities don't know sometimes. Mm-hmm.

But all these clips start getting brought back up and making its rounds online. Oh, along with a picture that has been circulating that's rumored to be Cassie wearing sunglasses. And she has a busted forehead, busted lip. This is while she's dating Diddy. But she said that Dubai was crazy. Like her trip to Dubai was crazy. And it was quickly deleted from her Instagram. What does that mean, Dubai is crazy? I think she was insinuating she tripped and got hurt. Or it was just so crazy. She was drunk and she was having too much fun.

But a lot of people think that it was the abuse. And this was her way of trying to maybe even test the waters and hope that people would be like, oh my gosh, wait a minute. Is she being hit or something? Now, all these clips, they start being brought back up and making its rounds online, including the interrogation of Jonathan Odie, the man from the Trump Hotel who claims to have been a sex slave for Diddy because he was saying everything about the freak offs before Cassie's lawsuit. Who is this guy? He is a sex worker.

Yeah. So it seems that a lot of netizens believe he has association with Diddy and Cassie. He likely was a sex worker that engaged in the freak offs. He likely was paid off. Some people think that maybe he tried to blackmail Diddy for money. Some people think that Diddy hired PIs to follow him.

And it just kick-started this paranoia in probably an already slightly unwell mind. And it spiraled into him creating all these crazy conspiracies to make sense of everything. And I'm sure the drug usage didn't help. Many netizens believe that he was telling the truth. They say, they comment, "2018? This man is crazy. 2024? Wow, he was telling the truth." Another comments, "This is why I don't write people off as crazy immediately."

This guy had no reason to lie and his story from six years ago is consistent with what we're hearing today. Another reads: "This is why I get mad when people ask victims, 'Why did you wait until now to say something?' People have been saying something for many years and they were called crazy, ignored, not believed, and nothing was done about it. That man has gotten away with destruction for years because of this. I believe every word Jonathan has said." Some just comment: "What if those bottles of baby oil are laced with liquid cocaine?"

Others state, yeah, he might have been saying some unhinged things about like the government and stuff, but who knows if that's even true, right? Maybe. But some parts must be true. And perhaps he lost his mind because of the incidents involving Diddy. I don't think he's a nutbag. I think he went into a state of psychosis triggered by drugs and he was paranoid because of Puff Daddy's handlers were following him, harassing him and threatening him. Others don't believe a single thing Jonathan says. They say lies on top of lies on top of lies.

Diddy does officially come out to respond to the hotel footage that was revealed by CNN. He states now in a since-deleted Instagram video, remember, this man goes from, these are baseless, outrageous lies, to...

It is so difficult to reflect on the darkest times of your life. Sometimes you gotta do that. I was fucked up. I mean, I hit rock bottom, but I make no excuses. My behavior in that video is inexcusable. I take full responsibility for my actions in that video. I was disgusted.

Which a source who knows Diddy says about his comment about being hitting rock bottom: "Rock bottom must be his personality. I've never not seen this person."

Netizens have commented, "He did not hit rock bottom. He hit Cassie repeatedly until she was a shell of a woman." Other comments read, "If he's this brazen and brutal in a hotel hallway, just imagine how evil he is behind closed doors. I'm more scared of what hasn't been caught on camera." When someone says, "Why didn't you leave?" Remember this video. Cassie was leaving. Or at least she was trying to. The fact that the hotel security accepted a $50,000 payoff to hand the footage over to the abuser instead of calling the police to attempt to help this woman is disturbing and disgraceful.

Others just point out, "Wait, weeks ago he said the accusers were liars and now this video gets dropped and he takes full responsibility?" Others just ominously write, "You can apologize and you can repent, but the crime you committed? You still have to pay for it." Additionally, in a since taken down Instagram post, Misa Hilton, one of the mothers of Diddy's children, she's the mother of 30-year-old Justin Combs. She's actually known Diddy since she was a teenager.

Yeah, she addresses the footage. She says, I am heartbroken that Cassie must relive the horror of her abuse and my heart goes out to her. I know exactly how she feels and through my empathy, it has triggered my own trauma. He needs help and I am praying that he truly does the personal work and receives it.

Some netizens thought the statement was interesting. It seems like she's being careful with her words to not land herself in legal trouble. But netizens have also pointed out the fact that she said she's reliving her own trauma. Is that trauma that she had with other people or with Diddy? He needs to work on himself. Some interpret it as he needs to learn and grow from this, which could be interpreted as casual downplaying of a violent incident. Or it could mean like lock him up in a psych ward. He needs help. Like we got to do something.

Tiffany Redd, the friend who corroborated Cassie's version of events the night of the 29th birthday, states to Diddy, "Your abuse of power has inflicted ongoing harm on countless individuals, including myself, my friends, and my peers. You are a literal pillar in Black music. So many of us looked up to you. This moment hurts for us too, but no one deserves to endure all of this. It's not right. You're hurting the very Black and Brown people you say you love and support.

It pains me to write this letter to you, Diddy, as a black woman, but when will this cycle of abuse stop? It has to stop. Cassie's attorney states, "'Cohm's most recent statement is more about himself than the many people he has hurt. When Cassie and multiple other people have come forward, he denied everything and suggested that his victims were looking for a payday. Then he was only compelled to apologize once his repeated denials were proven false, and that shows his pathetic desperation, and no one will be swayed by his disingenuous words."

The Tiffany Redd's message to Diddy, is that like a, you say she wrote a letter? An open letter to Rolling Stone because at that point, there were some people that were not really believing Cassie or believing, yeah, well, you're only saying that now because you want money. Got it. Okay. Cassie has also, oh, and Tiffany Redd said she's scared for her life. Yeah. When she wrote that? When she wrote that, she also stated that in some of the lawsuit articles,

verbiage it's very clear that tiffany red is the friend that's cooperating for cassie so it seems like she actually went public also for safety right right right so just so everyone knows that she's yeah also a target could be she said she doesn't go outside now she stopped making music i mean this is completely ruined her life yeah

Cassie also made her only public statement since her lawsuit about the matter. She writes, the outpouring of love has created a place for my younger self to settle and feel safe now. But this is only the beginning. Domestic violence is the issue. It broke me down to someone I never thought I would become. With a lot of hard work, I'm better today, but I will always be recovering from my past.

My only ask is that everyone open your heart to believing victims the first time. It takes a lot of heart to tell the truth out of a situation that you were powerless in. I offer my hand to those who are still living in fear. Reach out to your people. Don't cut them off. No one should carry this weight alone. The healing journey is never ending, but this support means everything to me. Thank you. Love always, Cassie.

Her husband, Alex Fine, posted to Instagram a letter to women and children. Men who hit women aren't men. Men who enable it and protect those aren't men. As men, violence against women shouldn't be inevitable. Check your brothers, your friends, and your family. Our daughters, sisters, mothers, and wives should feel protected and loved. Hold the woman in your life with the utmost regard. Men who hurt women hate women. To all the survivors, find the men and women who help others.

and love. To all the survivors, your stories are real and people believe you. To all the survivors, you are not alone. And there are men and women who care only for your well-being and safety. We want you to succeed and flourish. To all the women and children, I'm sorry you live in a world where you're not protected and you don't feel equal. I want to raise my daughters in a world where they are safe and loved. To the abusers, you're done.

Some netizens think that Diddy should have seen this coming because Cassie told him in a song exactly what she planned on doing.

In her song, Love a Loser, which she states she helped write, the lyrics read, I'd rather lose a lover than love a loser. Everything you did, I couldn't do it to you. Got my vision clear, so now I'm seeing through you. Writing you a letter, I'm gonna send it to you. Which she did. The letter just happened to be in the form of a lawsuit that would end his career.

Because shortly after Cassie, 10 other victims have filed lawsuits against Diddy, which we will cover in depth in the next episode. Those are the lawsuits that have already been filed. There is an attorney in Texas named Tony Busby who states there's a lot more coming, perhaps 120 more. Out of the 120 accusers he is representing and working with, Tony says 60 of them are men, 60 of them are women, and 25 of them were minors when the alleged abuse took place.

Tony states that one of the abused was even as young as nine years old when he was allegedly abused by Diddy. The individuals that are being repped by Tony Busby, he states, come from 25 different states, majority from California, New York, Georgia, and Florida. He alleges that many of the alleged abuse took place at auditions where, quote, many times, especially young people wanting to break into the industry were coerced into this type of conduct in the promise of being made a star. I want to focus on the ages of these victims.

When we talk about the ages of these victims, when the conduct occurred, it is shocking. He states, this should have never been allowed to go on for so long. This conduct has created a mass of individuals who are injured, scared, and scarred. He states that he has set up a hotline for any victims of Diddy to call. They have received over 12,000 calls in just 24 hours. He states ominously, I have no doubt that there are people right now

who know that they were somehow involved in this, who are now scrubbing their social media, who are searching their memories, who are deleting their texts, probably deleting pictures and trying to distance themselves from this. And we know who they are, or we will find out who they are. This is not something that's going to happen overnight, but I think we are at the tip of the iceberg.

That I think we can agree with. This is the tip of the iceberg. And this is part one. Part two will be up soon. In that episode, we will be going in depth on the other 11 lawsuits, as well as in depth on the one lawsuit against his son, which is about what happened at a Diddy yacht party and the very, very strange death of the mother of his children, Kim Porter, and the very controversial book that claims to be her diary entries before her death. And that book seems to implicate Diddy as having a much larger role in her death.

So stay tuned for that. Stay safe. And I will see you in the next one.