cover of episode #346: The Curry Killer - She Killed 6 Of Her Husband’s Family Members With CURRY So She Could Marry Her Cousin

#346: The Curry Killer - She Killed 6 Of Her Husband’s Family Members With CURRY So She Could Marry Her Cousin

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旁白:本集讲述了乔莉·约瑟夫涉嫌杀害六名家庭成员的案件,案件发生在粉色房子,时间跨度长达十四年。案情复杂,涉及多个受害者,凶手手段残忍,作案手法隐蔽,一度被误认为是意外或自然死亡。最终,通过丽拉·托马斯的努力,以及警方调查,乔莉·约瑟夫被捕。虽然乔莉·约瑟夫曾承认罪行,但其律师辩称其是在胁迫下认罪,案件仍在审理中。 丽拉·托马斯:作为受害者家属,丽拉·托马斯在哥哥罗伊死后,发现了乔莉·约瑟夫的谎言,并最终揭露了其罪行。她积极寻找证据,并向警方报案,为案件的侦破做出了巨大贡献。丽拉·托马斯对乔莉·约瑟夫的所作所为感到震惊和愤怒,她希望能够为家人讨回公道。 雷莫:作为乔莉·约瑟夫的儿子,雷莫在得知母亲的罪行后,感到震惊和难以置信。他与母亲的关系因此破裂,并公开谴责母亲的恶行。雷莫的证词为案件的审理提供了重要的证据。 乔莉·约瑟夫:乔莉·约瑟夫是本案的犯罪嫌疑人,她被指控杀害了六名家庭成员。她曾承认罪行,但后来又翻供,声称自己是无辜的。乔莉·约瑟夫的动机和作案手法仍然存在争议。 马修:马修是罗伊的表弟,也是乔莉·约瑟夫的情人。他被指控协助乔莉·约瑟夫获取氰化物,但否认了这一指控。 沙朱:沙朱是罗伊的表弟,也是乔莉·约瑟夫的第二任丈夫。他与乔莉·约瑟夫的婚姻引发了公众的质疑,人们怀疑他是否参与了其妻子的死亡。 曼尼叔叔:曼尼叔叔是罗伊和乔莉·约瑟夫的叔叔,他也是案件的受害者之一。他的死进一步加剧了人们对乔莉·约瑟夫的怀疑。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Jolly’s whole family was dead. Well, almost all of them, but she never let that get her down. But this time, her friends noticed - something was very wrong with Jolly. 

She seemed out of it at the small gathering.

Anytime someone tried talking to her - she would glance across the room. It seemed like she was waiting for someone to walk in. 

“Don’t you want to marry someone like him?” - Jolly said. 

Her friend looked at her like she sprouted another head - “Excuse me?”

“That guy over there - he just seems so peaceful and calm.”

Jolly’s friends were confused - was she talking about Shaju? He’s happily married with two kids… and not to mention… he’s her cousin. 

Her friends didn’t think too much into it until Shaju, Jolly’s new love interest, his wife and child died mysteriously… 

Was Jolly Joseph killing everyone that she felt was in her way? Or… was there something just in the curry? 

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