Did you catch Monday's exciting news? Scott's a published author now! As you can imagine, Scott was thrilled at the response to his announcement at Brand Accelerator Live and from TAS followers who sent a message of support following Monday's announcement. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you'll hear from Scott and Chris as they dive into the behind the scenes process and inspiration for Project Take Action Effect. You'll want to pay close attention to this one - Scott and Chris drop some helpful insights that you don't want to miss!
With all of the options to reach a following out there, why did Scott decide to publish a book? This might come as a shock to you but - authors don't make very much money from writing a book! Scott didn't write a book to get more money - he wrote his book to make a connection with leaders like you. If you haven't yet - make sure to grab your copy of "The Take Action Effect" - you can find the link to order your copy in the resources section at the end of this post.
If you've been around the TAS community for very long, you know that Scott is passionate about helping sellers like you take your business to the next level of growth. While much of Scott's insights and lessons revolve around how to improve your ecommerce business - lately he's been focusing on the bigger picture. Don't let yourself get so caught up in the next tip or hack - take some time to zoom out for a minute! You can learn more from Scott and what he's trying to accomplish with his new book by tuning into this episode of The Amazing Seller!
Let's face it - no one likes to get stuck anywhere. You get stuck at work; you get stuck in traffic, rarely do you get stuck doing something fun. What if you could go from stuck in your business and life to unstuck? What would that mean for you and your family? Scott's passion in this next phase of his career is to help leaders like you get unstuck. Drawing on his own experience of successes and setbacks - Scott encourages you to learn the lessons he had to learn the hard way.
Let's face it - business leaders are often a stubborn bunch. How do you get someone so focused on building something from the ground up to reach out and ask for help when they need it? Scott came to the point where he wanted to expand his message and get his unique perspective out to a broader audience. Then the doubt started to creep in. He was so sold on this idea to write a book to help others that he decided to do the hard thing and reach out to a book editor who could help him reach his goal. Learn more about Scott's book writing process and more by listening to this episode of The Amazing Seller!