This one is no joke. Scott wasable to get money from Amazon that was rightfully his, withoutselling a product. It has to do with product refunds and damagedproducts that Amazon has processed in the past, and he owes it allto Jacob, today’s guest. The cool thing about it is that todayJacob is going to give you the step by step process for getting themoney that is due to your seller account and he’s going to show youhow you can use his automated service to get those refunds creditedto your account without you having to lift a finger. It sounds toogood to be true but it’s not. You can find out the details on thisepisode of The Amazing Seller.
Jacob sort of accidentally cameacross a situation in his refund reports that tipped him off to thefact that Amazon was holding some money that was due him in asuspension account. It was money that came as a result of customerrefunds that were reconciled but Amazon had never given back tohim. All it took was a simple inquiry to Amazon’s sellersupport and Jacob was able to recover that money on the spot. Themore he dug into his reports, the more money he discovered thatAmazon had not credited to him properly. On this episode Jacob willshow you how he discovered his “cash cow” and how you can use thesame tactics to get money that is rightfully yours.
Inside your seller account youcan run all kinds of reports that show you the status of yoursales, damaged products, refunds, and other variables that have todo with your products on Amazon. One of those is the “refundreport.” It has to do with refunds that have been issued to yourcustomers and the credits and debits to your account thatcorrespond to those refunds. It may sound odd, but quite often youare credited money through the refund process and Amazon lists thatmoney on your refund reports. By comparing that number with actualmoney you’ve been credited, you can find money that Amazon owes youbut you’ve never received. Check out this episode to find out howyou can get that money back immediately.
With any massive warehouseoperation like Amazon you are going to eventually have some of yourproducts damaged during handling. It’s part of how the businessworks. Amazon is usually very good about noting damage and givingyou credit for it so that you don’t lose money because of theirmistakes. But you don’t always actually receive that money, eventhough Amazon has noted the damage. On this episode Scott’s guestis going to show you how to investigate damaged products todiscover if you’re owed money from Amazon. You’ll want to listen soyou can get the cash you’re owed.
As Jacob’s Amazon businessbecame larger and his sales grew, he was having more and moresituations where his refunds from Amazon were not being processedin a way that credited his account. The time it was taking to stayon top of those important issues was mounting - so he decided towork out an automated system to search his refunds for him. Nowhe’s taken that system into a commercial software application thatyou can use to get back your own refunds from Amazon - and it willonly cost you pennies on the dollar. Listen to Scott’s chat withJacob today to find out how you can use this great software to getyour cash from Amazon, and be sure to use the special TAS couponcode to get your discount.