Robservations is the new podcast by Comic Book Legend Rob Liefeld which exists to explore and celebr
As our 350th episode celebration continues we wrap up our look into the history and success of X-MEN
It’s our 350th episode! Rob is fired up and ready to discuss The Great Wolverine Debate! This show i
You’d think that being the best selling comic book franchise for 2 decades would clear the way for c
You asked, I’m answering! We are talking about that Deadpool & Wolverine Super Bowl trailer! X-M
The Media has often looked to influence the messaging and judgement of the consumer. The history of
The Biggest Beef’s in Pop Culture are uncovered and discussed! Did Prince really try to run over Mic
Rob Liefeld explains retiring from Deadpool and what influenced his decision to finish the journey o
Comic books and Rock N’ Roll go together like lightning & thunder and we start our series uncove
Jack Frost! Jigsaw! Spyman! Meet The Harvey Heroic Universe, learn of its origins and the stellar ta
Our Comic Book Feuds take a supernatural turn as Todd McFarlane takes on God. I was there, I watched
A deep dive into the Pulp Origins of two of comics greatest characters, Captain America & Batman
Comic Book Feuds! The most popular comic creator of the Eighties was never shy or tactful when it ca
We kick off our Uncut Gems series with a closer look at some little known works by Legendary Talents
Rise Of The Guardians pt. 2! Valentino Writes The Future! Daughter Of Wolverine! Check! Galactic Gho
Long before James Gunn turned them into a blockbuster tentpole franchise, the Guardians Of The Galax
From Jim Lee to Plan B! Jim Lee is the most popular & celebrated X-Men artist of all time. The
The term Alpha is used to describe dominant individuals, assertive leaders. Traditionally, Alpha’s h
Absolute Power! In our finale of the year, Rob names the most powerful person in the business and th
X-Men:The Road Back! Marvel is preparing to launch an all new phase in the X-Men’s storied history.
The Decades!! 1980 pt. 2! X-Men! Iron Man! Flash Gordon! 9 To 5! Popeye! Xanadu! The Empire Strikes