This podcast is just for fun ‼️ Spotify : Ed Chuuya Roblox : jenniferchl Discord : bearyslay
Inspired by gaming life!
I swear daisy I’m not using anyone of you , it’s just I’m busy and barely play roblox anymore :(
How could you think that :( Ofc I didn’t use you !
I suck
No asking our school , house and all
I never had a sleepover before what should I do?
Sasuke uchiwa .
I’m weird
Say in comments uwuwu
Stay safe :)
Hello guys , welcome back to another episode of roblox forever ! Today I try to be productive ? I’m
My opinion
No strangers only besties
Sometimes all I think abt is you
I’m so sick and tired of people hating on religions ! It’s just wrong . Not all Muslim are terroist
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