Ride the Lightning: The Tesla Unofficial Podcast is the world's longest-running weekly Tesla show, m
The big 8.0 software update is out, and among the many improvements is a dog-friendly climate mode!
Elon Musk details drastic changes coming to the way the current Autopilot on Teslas works, the New Y
Spotify appears to finally be coming to American Teslas, Morgan Freeman shares his love for Tesla an
Tesla powers through a bit of bad news, but Autopilot improvements are coming, and Model 3 Superchar
The P100D is real, and it’s amazing! I discuss what it might mean for Model 3, plus the other new ch
Say hi to the quickest Model S yet, more Model 3 production groundwork is being laid, Model X lands
Details on the next version of Autopilot are revealed, Tesla already has big plans for SolarCity, th
Tesla announces its second quarter results, Elon hints at big plans for Model Y, BMW goes on the off
The Gigafactory has its grand opening party, Elon clarifies his plans for a Tesla bus, Michigan owne
As promised, Elon Musk has laid out the future of Tesla in his second "Secret Master Plan," and th
Model X gets a new, lower-price option, I give you my Model X test drive impressions, we’ve got a sm
Tesla fights back against another media report they allege is inaccurate, a man and his son have the
We get our first clue about what kind of performance the Model 3 might be capable of, details of the
Tesla shocks the world by making an offer to buy SolarCity, your Model 3 pre-order gift from Elon Mu
Tesla actively markets the new Model S 60 to Model 3 reservation holders, last week’s suspension-rel
Tesla cleverly lowers the price of the Model S, defiantly refutes claims of suspension troubles, and
Elon Musk confirms that Model 3 Supercharging won’t be free, he also gives more self-driving hints,
The Gigafactory gets a grand opening date, Model 3 might be fully autonomous, your phone calls, and
This week brings a number of miscellaneous Model 3 updates, including reservation count, battery pro
Motor Trend gets us an approximate length, width, height, and weight for Model 3, Tesla chooses its