Inspiring interviews with everyday people that are generating passive income by investing in rental
Reducing tenant turnover is a great way to make your rental properties more profitable. Rob Chevez
Property Manager John Malatesta shares the Top 5 pitfalls that can get rental property owners in tro
Turnkey Rentals are rental properties that an investor would buy that are already fixed up, and rent
Can we believe the numbers that the investors on this show have given us? Is it true that you can b
Section 8 and low income real estate investing can bring in a lot of cash flow. On today's episode
Fourplex properties are a great way to have multiple income streams from one property. Today we tal
Airbnb is a great way to rent out rooms by the night, and generate rental income. Rochelle rents ou
Getting laid off two days into a new job, made Steve decide he never wanted to rely on somebody else
Lisa doesn't like having loans on her rentals. She knows that she could make more money by using le
Managing rental properties doesn't have to be a nightmare. My guest today has set up systems to mak
Carl figured out one day how many rentals he would need to own to leave his job, and live off his re
Sometimes life changes, and you need to move. This is what happened to Nicole Ratner, she bought a
Q&A show. I ask listener questions to Steve, a successful rental property owner.
It is possible to buy houses for as little as $400, just ask David Sexauer He got his start buying
Every real estate investing story doesn't have a good ending. Jim Adams is proof of that. Jim buil
Moving up to a new home, and turning your old home into a rental can be a great way to get started o
How to pick the right tenants, to minimize evictions. Skip and Mary Saylor talk about the lessons t
How to manager 20 properties on the side without a property manager. Sheila Konecke's main business
It is possible to own rental properties in a different city than you live in, and not have a propert
Justin alks about how he owns 10 rental units, and is not involved at all. He hasn’t even seen some