The world’s longest-running theatre podcast, which Broadway World calls “one of the Top
Actor and comedian Stephnie Weir (Mad TV, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend) discusses the origins of her one-woma
They keep writing American history so we have to keep reducing it! Playwrights Reed Martin and Austi
Novelist Louis Bayard’s new book The Wildes: A Novel in Five Acts, depicts the fateful weekend in 18
Writer and actor Mitchell Bisschop discusses his new one-man show Royko: The Toughest Man in Chicago
We remember longtime RSC colleague Jerry Kernion, who passed away last week after a short illness. J
Sara Holdren is not just one of the best theatre critics out there, she's a director as well wh
Actor, director, and educator Rob Myles, co-creator of The Show Must Go Online, talks about how adhe
The best of America comes to Chicago this month as Dee Ryan (The Office, Second City, the RSC's
Playwright Alice Scovell (The Rewards of Being Frank) discusses her new comedy Kindred Spirits, a se
Linguistics professor and podcast host Anne Curzan talks about her new book Says Who? A Kinder, Funn
Lili-Anne Brown directs the fabulously funny and moving Writers Theatre production of Katori Hall�
Independent Shakespeare Company celebrates its 20th anniversary of producing free Shakespeare in the
Who doesn’t love a romcom? David Rhee and Wai Yim discuss Zac Efron, their sweet and very funny roma
Ann Bausum, the author of The Bard and the Book: How the First Folio Saved the Plays of William Shak
Artist, author, and illustrator Gary Andrews (Finding Joy, Drawing on Shakespeare, Daisy the Littles
Mark Nutter and Tom Wolfe bring their special blend of comedy and music to an evening entitled “Anot
Sanaz Toossi’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play English, a powerful, warm-hearted, and surprisingly funny
Daniel Breaker (Billions, Girls5eva) is appearing in Judgment Day in its world premiere at Chicago S
Improviser, improv coach, and "ensemble whisperer" Liz Allen discusses her one-person show Tonight,
Scott Silberstein, the co-founder and executive producer of HMS Media, talks about filming Lookinggl