cover of episode 18: Drake vs Kendrick Lamar | Red Thread

18: Drake vs Kendrick Lamar | Red Thread

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Charlie 认为 Drake 的音乐不错,但其人品存在问题,并指出 Drake 向未成年人发送不当信息。Isaiah 认为 Kendrick Lamar 是一位严肃的艺术家,而 Drake 更注重商业利益,其作品缺乏创意。Jackson 则对两人矛盾的起因、发展以及双方使用的策略进行了详细分析,并指出 Kendrick Lamar 目前在舆论上占据上风。 Isaiah 详细分析了 Drake 和 Kendrick Lamar 的音乐风格和创作理念,认为 Kendrick Lamar 更为注重艺术性,而 Drake 更注重商业化运作。他还评论了两人矛盾中涉及的歌曲,并分析了歌曲中蕴含的意义和隐喻。 Jackson 对 Drake 和 Kendrick Lamar 的矛盾进行了全面的梳理,从矛盾的起因到发展,再到双方使用的策略,都进行了详细的分析。他还对双方提出的指控进行了客观评价,并指出 Kendrick Lamar 目前在舆论上占据上风,但如果 Kendrick 的一些指控无法证实,公众舆论可能会发生转变。

Deep Dive


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You up? The words beamed across the screen. Your eyes adjust somewhat quickly to the light now emanating from the phone. You shuffle in the silk covers blanketing over your body as you shift awake. The numbers at the top of the screen share to you that it's quite late. You must have fallen asleep. 12.07am. You bemoan the sound that woke you, an annoyance pulling you from your slumber. You breathe a deep sigh, knowing immediately the source of the message. You

You wonder, despite already knowing, about the inappropriate intent of the sender of the message. The thought knocks around inside your brain, yet for some reason you can't tell if you're just being unreasonable. Yet it forms regardless, and you can't help yourself from thinking. You should have never given your number to Drake. You're Millie Bobby Brown, and this is The Red Thread, a podcast series where we apparently...

I knew immediately once that text message you up, I knew exactly what this was. Yeah, I was hoping it wouldn't be so obvious, but it's pretty hard to write that without it being very obvious that you are Millie Bobby Brown. That's fine. I think that's still good. Right into it. Welcome to the red thread. Yeah, welcome to the red thread.

This is apparently where we talk about hip-hop artists and drama. That's what we are now. We've done... No, no, no. P. Diddy was like two weeks ago. Yeah, but this has conspiracy as well. Of course. Right now it's a bunch of allegations and we have to research whether or not these conspiracy theories hold any water.

Exactly. We're getting conspiratorial. We as three way too white guys aren't here to talk about the je ne sais quoi of their rap capabilities. But when we heard conspiracy, mystery, we're in. You can't get us out of it. That's right. It has something for everyone. I was honestly very scared about this topic given our whiteness, let's say.

It felt like a very intimidating thing to like Given our complexion It's a little It's a bit dangerous but I do enjoy hip hop Maybe not to the level where I like understand All the digs and the references But I do like The artist Even like Drake I don't mind his music I hate him as a person like he's very corny And I'm not a big fan of Drake As a person but his music I mean you can't deny that it is Mostly pretty good Like he does have good tracks

Yeah, I won't fight you on it. When I think of the greats in the industry, I will never think of Drake. But when his tracks come on at the bar or something, yeah, they're fun to dance to for sure. That's exactly what they are. I would call Drake a great in an influential sense, like fame-wise, right? Oh, yeah. Maybe not like, you know, if I was talking greats about capability, it would be people like Kendrick and whatnot. But Drake has been, you know,

irrefutably popular especially with his earlier on stuff and I really like all his albums up till views I thought they were all good I'm not crazy about the new stuff but

My walkout song when I played baseball in high school was Headlines. Oh, wow. Okay, so that's where you are. Yeah, yeah. I was also in high school, to clarify. Drake was massive during high school. Maybe it was just because high school was 15 years ago, but very influential at that time. Influential to the scene, to the music industry. Very popular. Kendrick Lamar... Kendrick, I kind of think...

think he's like more of an artist I guess like an auteur kind of like very very he takes the craft very seriously and that's why I respect him so much whereas Drake is more like

uh you know a typical industry person I would say someone that's just like putting out kits for money basically that they're all pretty like derivative and stuff like that nothing like as insane as Kendrick Lamar that's right at least right now I would say back during take care and nothing was the same that he was he I would call him an artist then I think but now yeah yeah I agree maybe yeah

Yeah, anyway, this is the Red Thread. Do we even say what this is about? Or do we just immediately go into talking about Drake and Kendrick? There's the title, I assume people know. Yeah, you guys know. If you're watching the Red Thread, you're on the internet. The idea of this is to give a comprehensive deep dive, especially for people who don't know anything about the beef. But I'm pretty sure most of the people coming here know of the beef in general. That the beef was happening, right? Because you couldn't escape it for the last week. It was mass reported. It was everywhere. So you...

You know what we're talking about to some degree, but we are going to get deep into it. But this is the Red Thread. I'm Jackson, Charlie, Isaiah are both here, and we're going to do just our best in our limited capacity to talk about the beef between Drake and Kendrick. Our limited complexion. Yeah, our limited complexion. That's a good way of putting it. Um.

And also call back to the beginning, just in case you're really confused about what that little intro was. Millie Bobby Brown does play a minor part in this story. So that was a reference to something. Minor part. A minor. That was good. You're quite the artist yourself, Jackson.

I don't even know I'm doing it. That's what's crazy. That was completely accidental. So thank you for pointing that out. Yeah. So that's a reference to something that we'll talk about down the line. But you guys, so Isaiah, you said you hadn't really dug too deeply into this.

Well, I say that compared to people who really know it. I've heard all the... Are you talking about them as artists or them as the recent beef going on? The beef. I've heard all the songs in the beef. I've seen some stuff breaking down like, okay, well, this diss actually means this and is a reference to this or whatever. So I'm familiar with all of the stuff in the music, but maybe not all of the lore leading up to it. I'm a bit hazy on how it kicked off. How we got to this point.

Yeah, I think the first person I think the first was Kendrick's song on the Metro. Was it the Metro Future album or something like that? Like that was one of the kickoffs for it. But I don't know why that happened. So yeah. Yeah. Charlie, what about you?

Yeah, I don't know the extensive history of why Kendrick hates Drake or how long that's been going on for. I just know all of the recent stuff, like what started the catalyst, why they're at the point that they're at. I only know current stuff, so it's going to be interesting to take a look at the history between the two of them because Kendrick fucking hates him. Oh, yeah. It's really ugly. Yeah. Whereas I feel like Drake is mostly just playing defense at this point. I don't even think he was that...

you know, pissed at Kendrick to begin with. Like there was no kind of like really deep seated hatred, hatred for Kendrick. It really feels like he's just been playing defense the entire time against Kendrick, who just absolutely loathes him, which is great. Um, yeah. Okay. So surface level thoughts, who do you guys think is winning this beef currently? It's not even thoughts. There's only one right answer. It's Kendrick. It's not even close. Yeah.

I do want to say, though, like, again, to Drake's credit, all the songs apart from the AI generated one or the one with AI in it have been pretty good. Like, even Drake's side of it. They have been good songs. Family Matters is the best thing Drake's done in like 10 years. Family Matters was really good.

Yeah. So, I mean, it's bringing out the best in both of them, which is great for the hip hop scene. I will say, yes, in the public eye, indisputably, Kendrick's winning. Yes. But...

I think if some of the stuff Kendrick's alleging can't be proven, then maybe people will kind of start to turn a bit. Because there was that whole... I mean, not to jump the gun on the episode a bit, but there's the whole thing about Kendrick talking about a daughter, and then Drake's like, yeah, that was... We fed you false information. So maybe in the long term, Drake will kind of win, but as of right now, yeah, everyone's on Kendrick's side. I feel like...

Because a part of Kendrick's argument against Drake stems on the fact that Drake is potentially a pedophile, let's say, or has dealings with underage individuals. Predator, yeah, Predator. Yeah.

uh since the base of his basis of his argument is that it kind of already like poisons the well because everyone obviously hates predators and pedophiles so yeah he's throwing out that accusation immediately it's like holy shit drake i don't know if i want to defend drake yeah it's also just not an accusation that's out of nowhere like what drake alleged on kendrick of him you know beating a woman that has no evidence other than like a single reddit thread that mentions that the woman went to therapy for an undisclosed reason but

For Kendrick's argument against Drake, one of his big ones, the Predator one, there are videos and many, many years of documented encounters he's had with underage people, notably Millie Bobby Brown, as well as a couple other celebrities when they were underage. So those are things you, as just a person, can go look up yourself. And he kissed that 17-year-old on stage after learning she was 17, like...

Those things have real evidence behind them, which is why I think Kendrick is winning in such a big way. Yeah, I agree. I think there's things to point to and use as additional sources of evidence against Drake. Whereas for all of the things said against Kendrick Lamar, it's a lot of just circumstantial kind of he said, he said kind of stuff that you can't really concretely confirm.

That is true, and I forgot about the thing you mentioned, Charlie, that Drake did allege domestic violence. So, yeah, if Drake's wrong about that, then absolutely, that'll hurt him. Yeah. I mean, if either party is wrong about anything they've alleged at this point, it's pretty hurtful to either one of them because they are coming out swinging with all these allegations and they would look pretty foolish if any of them were proven wrong. So...

before we get into the meat of it though, quick shout out again, links in the description to a bunch of, well, I've shown notes for one 33 pages, 34 pages this week of, um,

Mostly lyrics breakdowns because there has been a lot of diss tracks released. So there's copious amounts of sources and information down there in the show notes. So you can go read over them painstakingly compiled over the last few days. So go check them out. It makes for a great companion piece to what will be the rest of the episode itself.

And a reminder, just like Drake and Kendrick, we're also on audio platforms. We're on Spotify, so you can go check us out there and it would really help a lot. It helps the show leaving a review or a rating and also clicking the follow button so that you get notifications whenever a new episode comes out. Thank you to everyone who's done that. It really does

mean a lot to all of us. That's it for notes, so let's just get into this. We've already talked about it, but we may as well, for people out there who may be clicking into this that don't have any kind of idea who Kendrick Lamar or Drake are, I've just created a little short

I guess for both of them, just to kind of get up people up to date on them. Uh, you guys could fight over who wants to take Kendrick. I'll take Kendrick. You can take Drake Isaiah. You can be on the losing side. I love how, as soon as we get into a pop culture episode, Charlie's video, you're like mine. It's mine. I just don't want to have to give Drake's biography. Yeah.

All right, all right, that's good. Go ahead. Born Kendrick Lamar Duckworth on 17th of June, 1987, Kendrick is often regarded as one of the greatest rappers of all time. He came from Compton, California and gained widespread recognition with his album Good Kid, Mad City, releasing in 2012.

He went on to release critically acclaimed albums to Pimp a Butterfly and Damn and Mr. Morale and the Big Steppers in 2022. He has won multiple Grammy Awards, more than Drake, 17 to 5, as well as a Pulitzer Prize for his album Damn. I'm pretty sure that's like a massive deal winning a Pulitzer Prize. That's usually like reserved for like writers and journalists, right? Well, yes, I think so, right?

Yeah, it's a it's normally given to like writers who expose some massive story or books like that become classic stuff like that. So for Kendrick to win, it isn't a testament to him as a musician or like, you know, popular figure. It's a testament to him as a writer. It's a really big deal. Yeah, a massive, massive deal.

Good Kid, Mad City, To Pimp a Butterfly, Damn, all three of those are like some of the best albums. Like I'm not old enough to appreciate a lot of the founders like, you know, Biggie, Tupac, stuff like that. But from like my generation of hip hop and stuff, some of the best albums ever made.

Yeah, for sure. Like a lot of, a lot of Kendrick's albums. I mean, all of them are really, really, really, really good. He's a very, obviously a very talented individual. He did again. He's kind of like that or to like once in a generation kind of figure for the, for the music industry. I think a lot of people give him that kind of credit and I think it's well deserved, honestly. So it makes sense why he's earned that kind of, you know, award. And then we got Drake. All right. So, um,

Aubrey Drake Graham, known simply as Drake. Man, if you... As of like a year ago, if you would have said I would have said those words in a YouTube video ever, I'd be like, of course not. Why would I talk about Drake? Did you...

Aubrey Drake Graham, then simply as Drake, because I guess Aubrey didn't have the same ring to it, was born the 24th of October, 1986. Oh man, I forgot an Australian wrote this, so it's all formatted in the Australian way that threw me off. Oh no, what did I do? 24 October. I know, what a...

Are you- what are you editing? There's like stuff lying around the table. I'm gonna be honest, uh, the audience may have heard it and seen my reaction, but I accidentally knocked over my tea all over my keyboard and my desk, so I'm just covered in tea right now. Stop! No, you're deleting everything! I'm not doing anything! I just wanna-

You just deleted an entire sentence. The sentences are going away. It's Drake. He possessed my tea. I think my keyboard is short-circuiting. It's still going. Stop. It's still going. I need to close the document. You guys take over. I'm tired to look.

Am I out or is someone else doing it? Cause I'm not in there anymore. You're out now. You're out now. Okay. I think he, okay. I think we're good. Yeah. Half of that got deleted. All right. Maybe just control Z and it'll fix itself. Uh, I need to go get a towel or something to wipe up everything. Okay. I'll be right back. You guys take over. Sure. Okay.

He was born October 24th, 1986. He was born in Toronto, Canada. He also had a long and successful acting and music career. He has... Oh, wait. I think some of this got deleted as his team destroyed everything. That is absolutely just a sentence that didn't make the cut anymore.

He also had a successful acting and music career. He started out acting in Degrassi The Next Generation before making his move to music with the release of Thank Me Later in 2010. There are a few other smaller projects I remember he did before that, but Thank Me Later was like his breakout, effectively.

He blends elements of hip-hop, R&B, and pop in his music and has also won numerous Grammy Awards. He is a big hit with women because of his R&B influences, at least as of current year. His best albums are probably Take Care and Nothing Was the Same from the early 2010s. Drake is more club music with a lot of his songs hitting the mainstream scene. One Dance, God's Plan, and of course Hotline Bling, for example.

Well, that's certainly true of like current era Drake. Like the Drake, again, that I knew in high school and stuff like that was seen as more so like part of the young money crowd. You know, he came under Lil Wayne's label. He became famous for a lot of his hip hop music that, yeah, infused a lot of like, you know, more poppy elements into it. But he was still taken very seriously as a rapper on the come up.

Yeah, that was the same for my experience as well. In college, you'd hear Drake music in every house party you went to. Everywhere would have some Drake tracks in the mix. It's just one of those things where he really did explode onto the scene. It was very easy listening, good vibes kind of music. Club music, absolutely. And he was also featured in a ton of other songs. He has so many features on others. Oh, yeah.

Like all the stuff he did, like I mentioned with when he was in Young Money and stuff like that, he did a ton of different songs that became really big as like hype music or stuff like trophies or something like that. Or like his album that he made with Future, Diamonds Are Forever, like had some some bangers and Jumpman, like every basketball game I went to played that song. Yeah.

Yeah, like he was definitely taken serious as an artist for a while. And I guess he still is in some sense, even if it's more of like a poppy sing song kind of thing compared to, you know, where he started out at, which is why a lot of like the hip hop community sees Kendrick as more legitimate because he didn't leave those roots. Whereas a lot of people kind of view that Drake did. Yeah, 100%.

Is Jackson still with us? Did you make it back? Yeah, I'm back, but I think my keyboard is like permanently deleting. So I'm a bit afraid to come in. Yeah, it's deleting everything. Jesus Christ. Do you not have the documents going away? Do you have anything to replace it with or no? Okay, so I don't really need my keyboard, do I? So I can just unplug it probably. And that should be safe. Yeah. Yeah. While you do that, I'll just take the next part as well. So this is like their early days.

Back in November 2011, Drake released his second album called Take Care. The album was a critical and commercial success, debuting on Billboard 100 and selling $631K in the first week, despite the fact it was leaked nine days before release. At this time, Kendrick Lamar hadn't yet made a major label debut. Backing up to the months before Take Care release, Kendrick Lamar was in Toronto performing his first ever show on the Section 90 tour, when Drake allegedly set up a meeting between the two. Kendrick Lamar was in Toronto performing his first ever show on the Section 90 tour,

Kendrick later said in an interview that they clicked immediately and Drake had a genuine soul. Drake then invited him to be a part of the album he was working on. Kendrick recorded Buried Alive Interlude, which became track 7 on the Grammy-winning album. This track featured solely Kendrick Lamar where he talks about his rise to fame and how it will change himself and his art.

Following the positive response from buried alive interlude, Drake invited Kendrick to open for him on the club paradise tour with ASAP Rocky in early 2012. In his song 4pm in Calabasas, Drake raps about how he fought for Kendrick and Rocky to be a part of this tour, saying, when they told me to take an R&B inward on the road, I told them no and drew for Kendrick and Rocky.

Furthermore, in October 2012, ASAP Rocky released Fucking Problems featuring Drake, Kendrick Lamar, and 2 Chainz. I actually forgot that was Rocky's song. That song went so hard. I still hear that any time I go to a club or bar.

Yep. So good. Within the same month, Kendrick Lamar released Poetic Justice featuring Drake, which would become the last time the two collaborated together professionally. Yeah, so they did start as industry friends, at least. Well, we don't know if friends for sure, but yeah. They got along. They had a working relation, at least. No, they were definitely friends. I mean, Kendrick called them a genuine soul. They connected. Drake fought for him. They were definitely friends, I would say. Wait, how many? Okay.

that just like saying he's a genuine soul just kind of sounds like, you know, industry talk really just like, it could, it could be inauthentic. We don't know for sure. Um,

Regardless, I do think Drake doesn't have a genuine soul. I don't think there's a genuine bone in Drake's body, honestly. Oh, man. Yeah. There's some heat coming off of Jackson. We'll see if it's justified. Again, I've liked his music. The tease pissed me off, okay? I can't hold that against Drake, but I'm pretty sure there's now a fire hazard behind my desk.

because there's tea dripping off the desk into the like open power points below below the desk so i'm a bit nervous about that and a bit pissed off if you die in a house fire on a drink versus skin drink episode you would really contribute to like the conspiracy element of this whole story for sure oh yeah that'd be pretty cool we'll profit off your death don't worry it won't go to waste

I will say Poetic Justice, bang up song. I'll also say earlier I said that the name of the Drake album with Future was Diamonds Are Forever. That's because diamonds are on the cover. It's what a time to be alive. I knew that for the person who was yelling at me in the comments. I'm sorry. I'm just stupid. His tea got me all messed up. Okay. It's infectious. It's infectious. There's going to be a lot on this. We're going to get things wrong. Definitely. There's just so much. And it's also...

There's so many names of albums and artists and stuff like that, that it's just very hard to keep track of, honestly. All right. So next we come to Control. So after releasing Good Kid, Mad City in 2012, Kendrick Lamar was quickly becoming a popular name in the hip hop genre. In August of that year, he featured on a track with Big Sean.

We love Big Sean. Big Sean called Control. Many have said that this verse shook up the hip hop scene as Kendrick named 11 of the biggest emerging rappers at the time by name. Jermaine Cole, Big Crit, Whale Pusher, I mean Whale Pusher T, Meek Mills, ASAP Rocky, Drake,

Big Sean, the artist, the very artist he was collaborating on the song with, Jay Electronica, Tyler, the creator and Mac Miller. He directly calls them out in what appears to at least be friendly competition by saying, I got love for you all. And this is a quote. I got love for you all, but I'm trying to murder you guys.

So he was coming at me. Man, why did you get to say guys? What do you mean? I'm saying guys. I'm going to replace it with guys. Yeah, because you put inward here. So I just read it as it was on the teleprompter. I'm going to murder you fellas. I'm going to murder you friends, compatriots. Are we all going to come up with a different word to use?

I'm just going guys for comedic effect but okay whatever anyway I got love for you all but I'm trying to murder you n-words is what the direct quote is I mean it's not the direct quote but it's the quote I'm using you sound like a college professor who's 85 years old describing this like the way you just said n-words you were like trying to murder you like a just glasses laughing

It's a dangerous topic to go into. There is a lot of that in this document. In an interview with Power 106 Los Angeles, Kendrick talks about the after effects of the track. He would go on to say that when he went and recorded the verse, it was all in fun. Everyone who spoke about were people that he knew and it was all fun and love. But he can recognize that the media twisted the verse and it had been many years since the industry had been at

shaken up like that. And yeah, I mean, that's kind of like true. Like the 2010s from what I remember, like the hip hop, it was kind of like a

peaceful era in the universe, the hip hop universe, right? There wasn't that much like big beef or at least not the same kind of beef you'd get in the nineties and the early two thousands. So something like this, yeah, something like this happening, even if it was like just friendly competition, like saying that I'm better than all you, you know, all you guys that I'm naming right now, even saying something like that was like newsworthy. Um, and yeah, the media ran wild with that, obviously. Yeah.

I mean, it's clear that Kendrick's just saying that he's competitive. He wants to win. I mean, it's pretty obvious, yeah. It was obvious to everyone, apart from Drake. He was directly asked about J. Cole and Drake and how they...

after the release of the song to which he responded that they are in the same places before the song and he has respect for both the artists. The song inspired a lot of song responses from artists he called out and some he didn't including Friends by Mac Miller, TKO by J. Cole, Ooh Kill Em by Meek Mills, How To Rap by B.O.B. and more. So a lot of like those other artists responded in their own way to that kind of dissed

just through kind of putting it in songs and stuff. Pretty sure TKO is on the Kid C. Go, not Kid C. Go, I'm getting all my collabs fixed up. The J. Cole album that was about Kid C.

K.O.D. K.O.D. Yeah, that was the name of the album. Pretty sure TKO was on there if I remember right. But yeah, most of them just like they knew they understood what Kendrick was saying, except one guy. Yeah. Yeah, there was one guy. There was one person who vocalized their dislike for the verse outside of, you know, just lyricism. And that person was Drake.

Weeks after the release of Control, Drake spoke to Billboard saying, quote, So he is saying it sounded like it was just ambition to me, but he still sounds so salty even in that quote. His ego is being kind of hit even at that point.

He's a sensitive guy. He is a sensitive guy. And that's why we love him. We love you. We love you, Drake. He also spoke in another interview saying that Kendrick was a hungry underdog and he was giving the people in the verse quote moments. He talks about how it was forgettable asking the host, are you listening to it now? The host silently insinuated no. Then Drake asked, what if I asked you, how does that verse start?

Which the host does not remember. So that's a very compelling argument. That's kind of like the same argument you used to me, Charlie, whenever you talk about like, do I remember any of the characters in Rogue One? And that's how you define if it's a bad movie. That's always your point. That's not the only way I define it, but you're like, yeah, this movie's fucking amazing. So I'm like, alright, Jackson, who was the main character's name? And you're like, oh, jeez.

I didn't say it was amazing. We're talking about Star Wars, Rogue One, an argument that's apparently been happening for seven years between us. It's not amazing or anything, but I don't think me remembering their names, especially with my memory issues, is a sign of its quality issue. No, but it does still point to, okay, this didn't hook like you thought it would. Like you insinuate it does, and that's the point he's trying to make, which I get. Yeah. So you agree with Drake there?

No, I don't agree with him, but I get the point he was trying to make because I make that point against you pretty often. But basically he's saying you don't remember the verse, so it's not going to have much like, you know, staying power or anything. It doesn't mean anything. This is to prove a point that the song is not really relevant. He did have a slightly nicer thing to say, however, like that the verse had no malice and Kendrick had a lot of potential.

But then he goes on to say that he lost respect for Kendrick for only going halfway with the verse and not completely fucking everybody. So Drake wanted him to go even harder, I guess. Well, he's saying if you're going to do it, do it. Yeah, do it big. What else is he going to do? Call out every single person in the industry, I guess, which sounds like far too many people.

Drake's saying if you want smoke, get it, right? But he's saying that what Kendrick did was kind of like a half measure.

that it wasn't going out the way when really that wasn't that was really what kendrick was doing at all he was just naming off people then say i'm trying to murder you talking about in like a professional sense like i'm trying to be the best uh but drake's like oh if you want if you want to come at me come at me like you know don't i guess i guess that's what it is drake could be like um you're using that kind of ambitious element to it to hide your true feelings about us about all of us and you should have just gone all the way and just insulted us or whatever it just looks weak or whatever

I will mention during that paragraph, it was funny that it takes 25 minutes for a group of white guys to turn a conversation about rap into a conversation about Star Wars. I know it's the saddest thing ever.

You did that. That was Jackson. I know, right? That was my fault. I don't know why. That was the Australian, to be clear. Okay, because Charlie always makes that argument against anything, like, anything, anything really, like the names argument. And that all started, like, the very first situation of that starting was with the Rogue One thing, our Rogue One argument on the podcast. So, like, it's just what I always point to as an example of that.

Yeah, I wish I didn't bring up Star Wars. That's a big hit now. That's a big hit for this. From that point on, during the decades, during the decade of 2013 to 2023, it became obvious that Drake and Kendrick Lamar began to dislike each other. Let's start...

to have a look at the disses. Keep in mind, a lot of this is conjecture and theorycrafting. At the 2013 BET Hip Hop Awards, Kendrick featured on The Cipher with Isaiah Rashad, Schoolboy Q, Ab-Soul, and J-Rock. He rapped about the aftermath on the track "Control."

Where he says, yeah, and nothing has been the same since they dropped Control and tucked a sensitive rapper back in his pajama clothes. Ha ha, joke's on you. High five, smack, I'm bulletproof. As a note, nothing was the same could be a reference to Drake's newly released album. Nothing was the same, which could be.

What's that note in reference to? In the lines above it says yeah and nothing Oh yeah and nothing been the same since they dropped Yeah yeah yeah He says nothing been the same as someone sensitive and they tuck him in Sounds like he's talking about Drake I think it's pretty obvious who he's talking about Even just the sensitive rapper back in his pajama clothes I was like yeah that's Drake Immediately that's Drake And I mean Drake was the only one that was sensitive about the initial control

You know, whatever. He was the only one that was really that. He's also had that reputation of being like a really sensitive guy for at least 10 years now. Like there used to be a really popular joke format that went around all in like the YouTube comment section and Twitter about like Drake's, you know, the type of guy to take a bottle of water and pour it out in the ocean so the water can be with their home or whatever. Drake.

Drake's the kind of guy to go for a high five and then lock fingers, that kind of shit. Like, for the longest time, he was, like, the joke-sensitive guy. I mean, yeah. He even, like, kind of leans into it, like, Certified Lover Boy and, like, names like that. Yeah, exactly. Oh, my God. Yeah, exactly. What's the... Drake's the type of guy to get done laughing with his friends and then sigh and say, I needed this. Yeah.

That was so fire.

What was the line on Certified Lover Boy Everyone Was Closer? Oh, he said, girl, you say you a lesbian, I say me too. Me too. That's so good. That's hilarious. Okay, anyway. What a line, man. On Sway's Universe in October 2013 with Schoolboy Q, he called Kendrick and asked if the verse was about Drake.

There appeared to be a bad phone reception the whole time and Kendrick at first didn't reply, which could have been an intentional way of avoiding the question. They then asked again and he responded that it was just them having fun as usual for schoolboy Q hung up the phone as he didn't want to be the one getting anyone in trouble.

That is some schoolboy shit, by the way. That is some, like, what's all this, like, wasn't he there? Wasn't schoolboy Q at the BET Hip Hop Awards rapping with Kendrick? He was at the BET, yeah, yeah. Surely he would know. Just say it. Anyway. Drake did an interview with Vibe in 2014 and talked about how he felt baited by Kendrick. Quote, What am I supposed to say?

nah we'll be buddy buddy yeah so this is why the this is why the beef could have like kind of reached a new point for drake because he was putting out an album at that time and maybe he felt slighted that all the conversation around that period of time was like around was about the beef was around about the beef and the diss and stuff yeah so maybe that's why it like bubbled up to this kind of degree he also spoke about how he only really saw kanye west as his competition that didn't age well

Yeah. Quote, he's like the best. What an air to be a part of. I wouldn't want my competition to be anybody else. My competition is nobody else, by the way. It's just me and yay. I still have work to do, but that's what it is right now. End quote.

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There may have been songs that are theorized to have subliminal disses towards each other in them. A user on Reddit, AdeptSalad, listed 31 songs from Control from 2013 to Not Like Us, which was released just a few days ago.

Since then, not even 24 hours later, another diss track from Drake released, The Heart Part 6. And here we have this full, basically all the songs. Yeah, it's a giant list of all the songs that have been compiled that may have subliminal disses and stuff in them. We're not going to go over all of them because otherwise we will literally be here forever. There's over 30 of them. So we're going to jump ahead to where the disses started to kind of bubble up into something that, you know, we're seeing the

effects of today and that was with first person shooter the song by drake and j cole in october of last year jake jesus drake released first person shooter featuring another popular hip-hop artist j cole it's widely agreed that this song was the catalyst for the current drama j cool j cole seems to fire the shots with the lines pew pew pew first person shooter mode we turn in your song to a funeral

This is the first line in the song and Kendrick responds to it with his first line and his response like that. Now it's worth noting that we haven't really touched on it in a big way, but like the current beef started directly from J Cole, like wanting to make a spectacle out of things really. And then he immediately ran away from all of it. He made one diss track and then went on a two week apology tour, by the way, it hasn't been seen since.

He really just threw like two of the industry's giants into like a death match with each other and just... And then he just said, let them fight and then watch from sidelines. He was like the ref who stepped in like, all right, want a good clean one? No scrapping. You know what he is? He's like fucking Littlefinger from Game of Thrones. He's just plotting for the shadows, like trying to clear out the race. And J. Cole's another one who like, it's kind of sad.

the reputation they have now. Cause I remember when like Forest Hills drives came out, that was one of like my favorite album. It still is one of my favorite like hip hop albums that are like rap albums ever. Like I remember songs like wet dreams and stuff like that, like high school, like everyone talked about it, you know? So it's kind of sad that kind of the persona that's been brought about now, but yeah, same with Drake.

So continuing on, love when they argue the hardest MC. Is it K-Dot? Is it Aubrey or me? We the big three like we started a league, but right now I feel like Muhammad Ali. Ha, yeah, yeah, ha, yeah, Muhammad Ali. He references Kendrick, K-Dot, Drake, Aubrey, and himself as the big three as they have often been described as. Muhammad Ali is often referred to as the greatest fighter of all time. J. Cole is here saying he is the best of the three.

Yeah, so he's kind of also dissing Drake at the same time. Who he is being featured on the song of. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which is pretty funny. And then it goes on. Dude talking about when this is going to be repeated. What the fuck, bro? I'm one away from Michael.

Beat it, dude. Beat it, what? Drake, who performs this line, sits behind Michael Jackson on Billboard's list of artists with the most number one songs on the Hot 100, with Michael at fourth place and Drake at fifth. He believes his legacy is comparable to Michael, at least in this regard, as he has accolades he can back up with it. So this is where it really stems from. That line, specifically the one about, is it K-Dot, is it Aubrey or me? Arguing about who the best artist is in hip hop.

Let's just say that Kendrick Lamar did not like that, which is where the next song comes in. And that is like that, which was a track by Future, Metro Boomin, and of course, Kendrick Lamar. That's really like the track that this started catching on. This is where everyone started paying attention. Kendrick Lamar featured on a song of Future and Metro Boomin titled Like That, which was released March 22nd of this year. He directly responded to what was said in First Person Shooter.

These dudes talking out they necks. Don't pull no coffin out of your mouth. I'm way too paranoid for a threat. So he's responding to J. Cole's line about turning songs into a funeral and gives them a warning, which is the don't pull a coffin out of your mouth. Yeah. So that's again, that's a direct line. That's a direct reference to a first person shooters. First line. That's why I included that quote when we were talking about first person shooter, the direct, you know, reply to that basically. Yeah.

I also, I just really like the way Kendrick, like, structures his lyrics. I think that's such a cool way of saying that. Don't pull a coffin out of your mouth, it's fire. I'm way too paranoid for a threat is also good, too. Like, I will kill someone over this. It's so fucking fire.

so then it goes on motherfucker the big three dude it's just big me the song title outright saying that Kendrick and Drake are sneak dissing and to him there is no big three just him on top yeah which was a line that went everywhere as well on Twitter because it was pretty hard yeah he's just saying he's the best fuck Drake fuck Jacob yeah it's not even a conversation it's just him

Another one. Dude, Prince outlived Mike Jack. Kendrick pushes back Drake with his line about Michael Jackson saying that Prince outlives Michael, implying that his legacy will outlive Drake. I think that's honestly Kendrick's weakest. That's my favorite. Oh, no, no. That's my favorite one in that diss track. That's great because like...

Drake talks a lot about legacy and stuff like that. He compares himself to Michael in a lot of his older tracks and stuff like that. So it's like he has this legacy tied to him. And Kendrick's kind of like, yeah, well, he's dead. What?

that guy died prince outlived him what if that's me what if i'm like prince it's it's like i don't know it's like a weird it's a unique humbling step into what like i get that it's kind of smart uh to some degree but i also just disagree with the fact because michael jackson did have more of a legacy than prince ever did like 100 yeah but he's saying prince physically like literally outlived oh yeah i just

yeah i guess slightly less impressive to me i don't know i i think it's a pretty weak line personally but you're you're free to have that opinion isaiah another one dude bum for all your dogs getting buried that's a k with all these nines he's gonna see a pet cemetery this is kindred calling them out as dogs canines and the album the album that first person shooter was on is called for all the dogs

Yeah, just a pretty cool way to say it. That's also a double on top because he said that's a K with all these nines, which is referring to himself, Kendrick, as K, and nines is a nine millimeter, the gun. So it works as both all these dogs and also me with the gun who's putting down the dogs. That's why they're going to see Pet Sematary.

I also, until you said that, I actually didn't even connect the canines being dogs. I just immediately went to the gun one. It's always so deep with Kendrick's lyricism. I really appreciate that. It kind of reminds me of Glorb. Another... Oh, yeah. Another equal Pulitzer Prize winning writer, for sure. Absolutely up there in the conversation. Yeah.

All right. Now we come to when J. Cole graciously dips out of the Thunderdome with the seven-minute drill. And I've titled the section, I've titled the section, The Seven-Minute Drill and J. Cole Apologizing. So you know what you're getting into here. On April 5th, J. Cole released an album called Might Delete Later, which I just want to say, I think is a terrible fucking album. It is.

That is like the cringiest shit. Yeah, it is cringe and it's also like, hey, I'm a coward. I might delete these. Which he does. He does. He deletes one of them. I will say this is the closest I've ever come to like hip hop fame because in that album, he sampled Hunter, Meat Canyon. He sampled Wabbit Season. I actually totally forgot about that.

in the beginning of a song which means i am one removed from j cole now yeah now you have to release your diss track on j cole yeah that's where this is going i have to it's time for me to get involved

You think J. Cole would fight back? Or do you think he'd immediately apologize? I think, no, he'd probably be fine fighting any of us. It's just not someone like Kendrick. Yeah. You know what? Call me crazy. I think J. Cole is a better rapper than me. No, I think you are better. I'm team Isaiah. I think it's close, but yeah, he might squeak it out in my eyes.

So this album, Might Delete Later, included 7 Minute Drill, which he did in fact delete later. The song was a response to Kendrick's diss on Like That. Not even two days later, J. Cole apologized to Kendrick for the song at Dreamville Festival. Oh, God, it's so sad.

I moved in a way that I spiritually feel bad on. I tried to jab my friend back and keep it friendly, but at the end of the day, when I listen to it and when I see the talk, that shit don't sit right with me, with my spirit. That shit disrupts my fucking peace. So what I want to say right here tonight is that in the midst of me doing that, trying to find a little angle and downplay this dude's catalog and greatness, how many people here think Kendrick Lamar is one of the greatest motherfuckers to ever touch the microphone?

I ain't gonna lie to y'all, the past two days felt terrible. Like, it let me know how good I've been sleeping these past 10 years. We taking that song off of fucking streaming services. That's his apology.

What an apology. He gave... He, like, couldn't sleep well after that. Straight up, like, I'm deleting the song. Yeah. You didn't even go into the... Like, since you didn't really talk about the diss, I'll just go ahead and give, like, a brief mention on it. It wasn't, like, bad or anything. He wasn't even, like...

super aggressive or mean. It felt like one of those really lukewarm disses of the last 10 years where if someone did make a diss track, it was really kind of not too bad. It wasn't really aggressive. It wasn't vicious or anything. It was really just kind of

Not that big of a deal, I don't think. It was kind of like... I feel like it was pretty close to Kendrick's initial... The control line that started this all. Yeah, it was really subtle. Yeah, nothing too out there. It's nothing that it would get his ass beat over, I don't think, right? It's not something that I think would...

Not in a vacuum, right? Not in a vacuum, right? But taking into context everything that's happening around this situation, I guess he felt like it was an even bigger deal because there was already beef brewing and heightened emotions, if you will. So maybe it seemed like a bigger deal. But

Even still, even if it was, I feel like this is pussy shit, right? Just deleting it. Okay, okay, hold on. Let me make, as someone who is not at all qualified, let me make a slight conjecture on Cole's behalf, right? Okay.

so a lot some of cole's earlier stuff was definitely along the lines of typical like i'm the best everyone else can suck it you know whatever but then he kind of had this shift in music where assuming he was acting in earnest he was trying to be much more about like you know positivity about like you know trying to help people get along then put other people down on his albums like um

for your eyes only and stuff like that. It seemed kind of like his mindset changed a lot. So when he has this song with Drake where all

All he really said was like, oh, we're like the big three. I feel like a king, whatever. Not directly putting anyone down. So then someone strikes at him and he strikes back. Maybe it was in earnest where he's like, that didn't sit right with me. I don't know why I want a fight to go on, so I'm deleting it. So maybe. Maybe there was a legitimacy to it. It still kicked off the fight between Drake and Kendrick, right? But maybe J. Cole was being earnest and stepping back. I don't

I don't want that kind of energy. That's super possible. I also just went back because I was curious. You're kind of right. Like, his line is almost just hyping all three of them up. And he's like, yeah, but I'm, like, kind of the best, right? And then Kendrick's like, wait, wait. What did you say? Eye order. Even...

even then it's kind of like all three of us are doing good and muhammad ali like yeah ali's considered the best but that can also be seen as a generalized statement of oh i feel really cool i'm on top of the world you know like it's not saying that the other two are less yeah he wasn't even really directly putting them down in any kind of conceivable way and yet it kicked all this off which is hilarious also i i

J. Cole's like 37 they're all like mid 30s I think J. Cole's like 37 right so maybe he's just again it goes back to him maybe trying to be a more positive dude maybe he realized this shit's pretty you know corny and childish and shit maybe this is something that a 20 year old rapper would do

The album For Your Eyes Only is about him talking about not only his children, but his friends who have died and their children being raised and how he realizes he's setting an example for what the next generation is going to be. It's very different than wanting to fight other people who are famous, right? Yeah.

Yeah, I like to think that there was, maybe not, like you said, maybe not, maybe it's all just like, I don't want to get involved in a fight I started. But there could have, I think there could have been some earnestness to it. No, no, I actually do think it is earnestness. I just think it's kind of like weak to start it and then dip out immediately as well. Yeah. Especially in a, you know, album called Might Delete Later. I don't know, it all just like seems really corny to me.

It's kind of like a guy walking into a room like, "I'll show you who's never been boss!" Anyway, this is where shit starts to get serious with push-ups by Drake. The cover for Push-Ups, which is like, it's a shoe size, is specifically a diss towards short people.

Which is really funny because it's like, I guess it's a US size seven UK size six, like shoe, I assume. Right.

Yeah. So it's just like, haha, you're short, which is a really weird, that's a weird way to open up, but okay. So... That's all he has against Kendrick, he's short. Yeah, Kendrick, like, often hailed as one of the greatest writers of our time, legendary, and Drake's like, yeah, oh, sorry, can't hear you down there. What's that? You have to speak up. It really shows how childish it is. But again, this escalates into an area where we're talking about domestic abuse. Yeah.

It immediately gets worse. But it started off with height stuff. It's great.

Drake released push-ups on April 19th. He came for a lot of people in this song, not just Kendrick. The artwork for this song is a size 7 shoe label, a dig at Kendrick's height and small feet. It has been speculated that the title is a callback to a 2023 video of Kendrick doing prison push-ups. Yeah, I guess. That's what speculation was.

This direct quote, this next line from the song, this is like super, what do you call it, like spinfoil hat kind of shit. That's kind of like wacky. This is the red thread. This is what we're here for.

This is the part that justifies three white guys talking about this for so long. The tinfoil stuff. So on tinfoil stuff, a line from the song, you pussies can't get booked outside America for non. I'm out of Tokyo because I'm big in Japan.

Okay, so in a video by What's the Dirt, the possible not well-known jab behind this line is discussed. The implication is that Drake is more internationally well-known and more popular than the people he's talking about, besides Kendrick. It's also about a woman who goes by JustTokyo. A few months ago, she posted on Instagram that she was at Drake's concert and also around his trailer, implying that she was possibly invited there by Drake.

Then, a few months later, she posted a birthday celebration thanking her Free Band's family, which is Future's record label. Future is a big collaborator with Drake, who's recently been on the other side of Drake and the Beef. And also, clips from her at Future's concert and backstage with the jumper saying, we don't trust you, which is, of course, a reference to the Future Metro album. Mm-hmm.

She has been linked to Future for years. In this video, he highlights that Japan is actually one of Drake's weakest markets, so the line doesn't really make sense in the popular way. Basically, the implication is that Drake is having sex with Future's friends. Yeah, which is like a really deep exclamation for what is ostensibly two lines in the track, but I wanted to include that anyway. Yeah, if he's not saying...

It could be a double that like, oh, I'm really popular in Japan. It could also be, hey, you know that girl Tokyo? I'm really popular with her too, future. Yeah, I'm big in her, basically. It all comes down to like

dissing anyone associated with Kendrick now at this point. Yep. I'll take the next verses too because apparently I'm the Drake. I am the voice of Drake. You're the Drake guy. Great. Yeah. Awesome. That's what I get for saying headlines. I'm going to smell a pie in the next room here in a minute and start floating in the air.

Another line from the song. I'm the hit maker y'all depend on. Backstage in my city, it was friend zone. You won't ever take no chain off us. Here, Drake has helped many artists get the highest chart topping songs, endorsing and helping people like The Weeknd, Migos, Rick Ross, and many, many more. So he's kind of like...

OVO Drake's like Drake came up under little Wayne through young money. Right. And then Drake starts OVO and then he brings up a lot of people like the weekend, uh, who are obviously, you know, now massive celebrities in their own right. So here he's kind of claiming that a bit, uh,

of saying like, remember who made you. But now you have people like The Weeknd and Rick Ross who are making disses against Drake. So it's kind of like, you know, bad feelings within the family. It can't be overstated. It seems like everyone in the industry doesn't like Drake at this point. Like there is so much... Even people who he brought on. Yeah. So much beef with Drake across the entire industry just for like shady, sneaky, like shit that he's done against people.

that aren't really like super relevant to this case like the kendrick and drake case but it just kind of like shows how the mood in the hip-hop industry towards drake as well i'll also say that kind of unrelated drake but speaking of like people bringing other people on according to a nardwar interview jay cole is the guy who brought on kendrick way back yeah

Okay. According to an interview, Kendrick was with... Who was the other big producer? Not Diddy. He's the only producer I can think of because Red Thread. But who was the other producer back then who was working with all those guys? Anyway, I'll think of it eventually. I don't know. I can't type. I don't have my keyboard.

Dre. Yes, Dre. Dr. Dre. That's it. Thank you. Cole was asked if he brought on Kendrick and Cole is like, yeah, actually, I told Dre that there was this kid from Chicago he needs to take a look at and it was Kendrick. So that's also kind of funny that this has happened now because if you look at it that way, then Cole kind of put Kendrick on and now the fight's happening between them two. Everyone is fighting each other. Everyone's turning on each other. Yeah. Yeah.

Another quote from Push-Ups. Extortion baby, whole career you've been shook up because Top told you drop and give me 50 like some push-ups. Drake talks about how Top Dog, owner of Top Dog Entertainment, pushed Kendrick into a record deal and whatever Top says, Kendrick does. The 50 number can also refer to how Kendrick apparently had to split 50% of his profits with Top Dog Entertainment.

So he's kind of saying that Kendrick's not really his free artist because he has to do what the label tells him to. Isn't that insane that this guy, Kendrick Lamar, is one of the best artists working in the music industry and he had to split 50% of his profits to his label? Is that still...

No, he's got his own label now, I think. Okay, yeah. Labels in the music industry are absolutely a scam. That could be a whole red thread in and of itself. A lot of major labels, especially like in the metal scene, they take 80% of everything, of literally everything. So a lot of bands make most of their money through doing their tours, which is why so many of them tour all the time. And the merch that they sell at the tours, that's pretty much where they make all their money. They have these like five...

like album long contracts that they're just locked into for so so long they only get like 20% it's crazy such a scam man yeah it is a scam I'm glad that like bad stuff comes of it for sure like um

Like people talk about how like the music, especially rap scenes get saturated with stuff like SoundCloud pop enough. But I think it's overall a benefit when people can kind of represent themselves. Because if you already have some following, you can't get taken advantage of that hard because you can just go somewhere else. It makes people be competitive with you. Yeah. So I'm glad that that kind of thing's fading out. But yeah, back then you pretty much had to because otherwise, how are you going to get music out? Right. Yeah.

So yeah, I'm glad that that doesn't happen as much now. But yeah, it used to be pretty bad.

Another line from Push Ups, pull your contract because we got to see the split. The way you do in splits, bitch, your pants might rip. What is this? What is this line? So corny. He's again referring to the split, the 50% split. Yeah, I know, but it's such a... Like, we go from the, like, multi-layered, like, lyricism of Kendrick Lamar in the previous song, and then we come to Drake talking about your pants splitting or ripping. Like, that's his association there, you

in terms of wordplay it's like so juvenile that's probably his best line though the way you're doing splits bitch your pants might rip so good k not more like k not exactly i see london i see france i see kendrick's underpants such a corny individual another quote

You better do that show inside the bitty. Maroon 5 needs a verse. You better make it witty. Then we need a verse for the Swifties. He's like Dr. Seuss of rapping. What is this?

I mean the songs are good like again the songs are good it's just like when you take the lines out of the song and start like actually like interacting with them you're like holy fuck is he six like what is this I do I do I like again my favorite thing Drake has dropped in this so far is Family Matters I think it's better than Push Ups but yes some of these lyrics are pretty funny just in isolation

Obviously there he's saying that Kendrick's making pop music, which is a wild accusation to come from Drake, right? Another quote, you ain't no big three. Okay, correct me. How do you pronounce her name? SZA. I always feel like it's SZA. Okay, thank you. You ain't in no big three. SZA got you wiped down. Travis got you wiped down. Savage got you wiped down.

So SZA, Travis Scott, and 21 are all, they all outsold Kendrick's last album. Drake is saying that Kendrick is not in the big three. Notice how he didn't mention J. Cole, implying that Drake doesn't consider J. Cole one of the best three. Maybe he lost respect for him after he apologized. Or, counterpoint, he isn't about to drag J. Cole back into the beef. He should have. He wants peace. I'll let him have peace. He should have.

He should have dragged him back in kicking and screaming. Like J. Cole's crawling out the door and Drake's like, where do you think you're going? You're getting back in here. But yeah, he's saying that like Travis and 21 all outsold. I guess it would be Mr. Morale and the Big Steppers, right? So he's saying Kendrick isn't even in the big three, much less the top one.

Yeah, that's the implication. Then Drake says, what's this? A 20 V one. What's a pre what's a prince to a king? He a son. So, okay, we got, uh,

we have the setup for what Kendrick's going to use as one of the funniest this is when he makes the response to this. But at first, at first he says, what's this? A 20 V one. And then he says, what's a Prince to a King. He has son. So he's talking, he's once again, referencing the line Kendrick said about a Prince outlived Mike Jack. Right. And he's like, well, if I'm the King and you're a Prince, that makes you my son disgracing him. And, uh, hence the whole, uh,

diss there um the when he's saying a 20 v1 he's talking about and he's kind of accusing kindred of turning everyone against him right yeah that's the vibe i get yeah to tie it back into star wars it's basically when it's like you've turned them all against me and then obi-wan says you've done that yourself there you go yeah there you go there you go thank you it's actually crazy how well that works

We were forgetting our white heritage there for a second. We got to relate everything in here to Star Wars somehow. But yeah, he's saying he's accusing Kendrick of like weekend coming at him. Rick Ross coming at him as all being his doing. That's why I'm saying it's a 20 V one, but he's saying he's still the king.

um and then he says i be with some bodyguards like whitney which is a reference to uh the movie the bodyguard which stars whitney houston uh the movie is about a bodyguard who is hired to protect whitney houston and they fall in love kendrick's wife name is also whitney alford and drake implies that whitney has been previously domestically abused by kendrick thus requiring bodyguards so

He's saying that Kendrick's Whitney needs a bodyguard, just like the movie Whitney that needs a bodyguard. Yeah, exactly. This next line. Yeah, this next line is good. Savor it.

To do it justice, Charlie, would you like to say the line? No, I don't want to say the line. Why would you even put it to me? Just because I'm short? That's fucked up, brother. No, that's not what I meant. I meant because I'm not going to say the F word in it, but it's really funny with the F word in it. That's why. Give it to Jackson, then. Give it to a neutral third party. There you go. I don't want to say it. Let's phone a friend. Call, like... No, it's your people, Charlie. I feel like you should absolutely say it.

Am I even allowed to say it? I'm not allowed to say it either, Jackson. Nobody is. It's not a good word to use. Drake was able to use it. We should clarify we're not talking about the N-word right now, by the way. There is a different word. It sounds like we've been talking about it.

What is the word that is used now respectfully? Dwarfism? I don't know. Dwarf? Yeah, dwarf. I thought that was... That feels worse. Yeah, wasn't that the insulting term? But I think that is what the word is. No, that is... I think it's dwarf or little person. Little person makes... Jeez, they're also like dehumanizing almost. There's no good way to do it. Because when it's not that, they try to make it too cute, right? Like little person, small people. Like just...

Yeah, okay, whatever. The quote, he says, top say drop your little short person ass better. So he's calling him, he's calling...

Kendrick a little person like after everything he just said he goes back to the height which is wild just to point it out uh we we're not saying it because we're respectful to short kings but drake on the other hand used the the m m word there he used it himself so is that what you say the in the end i don't fucking know what you say man everything's changing

It sounds like the word budget, but with a couple letters at the beginning switched around. Is it offensive? Fuck, I feel like we're being fabulous. We might be overthinking it actually at this point. It might not matter at all. I don't know. I just make YouTube videos. I'm not risking it.

Anyway. All right. He then says, and that song y'all got did not start the beef with us. That shit been brewing in a pot. Now I'm heating up. So he's saying that the feud between Drake and Kendrick has been going on for years. Drake is saying that the song like that wasn't the start, but had brought it to the surface. Basically, like this is this has been a long time coming.

He also says, I don't care what Cole think. That dot shit was weak. Champagne tripping. He is not easing up. This could be a jab at J Cole who deleted his diss track to Kendrick and apologized to him publicly. Drake is saying he won't do that. Also notably, Drake didn't mention Cole as he listed top three artists. So this whole thing kind of implies that maybe Drake's got beef with Cole now. A little bit, yeah. He sees him as a little bit weaker than he was. Because he says, I don't care what Cole think. I think it's weak.

so he's kind of like so if not directly dissing him he's saying it was like a weak move to delete the the disc basically and to give drake a little bit of credit at least he didn't run away tuck his tuck his tail between his legs and run away at least he's trying to come back in some capacity yeah yeah uh and then he says what top five you smoking on kendrick

So sample from DJ Academics on a live stream. Academics is a popular live streamer who covers news and everything to do with hip hop. He is in communication with Drake and is known for being a big fan of Drake. Wait, the actual line, what top five you spoken on, Kendrick, was a sample from Academics stream? It was a sample used from DJ Academics. Okay, so DJ Academics, for those that don't know, has been viewed... Some people really like him. Other people kind of view him... Lolcow would be a bit much, but they have a lot of...

at his expense because of how much he likes Drake. Like anything Drake does, he's like, oh, he's the greatest. He's the greatest artist alive, whatever. A lot of you have probably seen a couple of his memes. Like he's got that really popular one. If I had to name the top five artists, it'd be Drake, Drake, Drake, Drake.

Drake! Drake! And then it cuts to him listening to Drake's newest album and he fell asleep. He fell asleep, yeah. I mean, I think it's directly referenced in one of the disses coming up. So, yeah. So that is...

the stuff that we're looking at from push-ups. So basically, Cole starts the fight and then Cole's like, actually, I take that back. I apologize. Kendrick makes a diss and then Drake comes back with this. So then where do we go from there? We go into the tailor. I guess since this is also Drake, do I keep talking about it? Give this one to Jackson, though. This one is so fucking stupid. I want Jackson to cover it.

Alright so this is TaylorMade Freestyle And Charlie's right this is like the one song Where I listened to it and I was like What the fuck is going on? Like what is this?

Drake released another track, Taylor Made Freestyle, on April 19th, so same day as well. This track received a lot of criticism as he used AI to falsify the voices of Tupac and Snoop Dogg. He was forced to take the song down after Tupac's estate threatened legal action. Snoop Dogg made an Instagram video reacting to this in a state of confusement, appearing as if he had no idea Drake had planned this. He didn't say anything in particular, just, quote, they did what? When? How? How?

Are you sure? Like you had just woken up. Classic Snoop Dogg.

What's crazy is Snoop Dogg's not even dead. He could have asked him to feature on it if he wanted to. How insane to be like, you know what's going to change the people's mind? If I use the voice of Tupac to speak for me. Yeah, the ego. It's unhinged. It is. It's super unhinged. So this is the... I'm not quoting Drake here. I'm actually quoting the Tupac AI. These are the lines. Kendrick, we need...

"We need ya, the West Coast savior, engraving your name in some hip-hop history. If you deal with this viciously, you seem a little nervous about all the publicity."

So here Drake's using Tupac's voice to push Kendrick into making a response. In an old interview, Kendrick told of a dream he had where Tupac spoke to him and basically encouraged him to keep creating music. So Drake's doing a little bit of trolling here using the old AI modulator, using Tupac's voice to kind of egg him on, trying to push him into responding, making his own diss track.

I don't know why because Drake was Drake had to know that this wouldn't have ended well for him right surely it sounds like he was doing it as a bit of a jab to like Kendrick's whole like oh well I feel like Tupac's inspired me to make music so now he's like in the voice of Tupac like go ahead Kendrick make music like he's making fun of his inspiration you know

Yeah, it's just still super dumb though. It is super dumb. I also think he's kind of making fun of Kendrick's kind of West Coast, you know, West Coast Savior kind of complex that he's kind of got like, yeah, he's kind of playing into that a little bit as well.

Um, then the next line is fuck this Canadian light. Oh God. Uh, I don't know. Fuck, fuck this Canadian light skin dot. I don't know. I don't know what it is like offensive or not. Yeah, that was fine. We're quoting, we're quoting, we're quoting. Yeah. Yeah.

Plus, Drake's the one that wrote this as well. Fuck this Canadian. We need a no debated West Coast victory, man. Call him a bitch for me. Talk about him liking young girls. That's a gift from me. What the fuck are you doing, Drake? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I didn't realize this. In Drake's

This is still the Tupac AI voice, right? Yeah, Drake's saying... So Drake's song, he made Tupac say, Hey Kendrick, talk about Drake liking young girls. Dude, that's a gift from me. Yep.

Heard about it on the Button podcast. It's got to be true. You know what it is? It's absolutely just Drake trying to get ahead of it because he knows that Kendrick's going to use it. So he's just like... He knew. He's trying to play like 4D chess or whatever, but it just looks weird. This is literally what OJ Simpson's defense team did to the prosecution with the glove. Oh, yeah. I bet you won't get him to try on the glove. Bet you won't tell him to do that. Yeah. He's trying to look like the 4D chess mastermind, but all he's looking like is like...

He likes young girls. Self-reporting. Yeah. Self-reporting. Yeah. So Drake's bringing up topics that Kendrick might use against him. Even the rumors being spread that he has inappropriate actions with younger girls, which we're going to get into later.

And then the next line. Now you're about to give this shit another week and fall back so homegirl can run her numbers up? I would have refused. And this is a reference to Kendrick delaying the release of his song, his clapbacks, due to the Taylor Swift album that just dropped, which was Tortured Poets Department. So he's insinuating that Kendrick's such an industry shill that he's being told to hold back on his responses until Taylor Swift's albums are out. Which I mean, maybe? Maybe?

maybe because there is the whole possible yeah yeah the whole stuff before about like the labels kind of controlling Kendrick in that way so I it's not impossible in my opinion especially since he did start like clapping back really fast after tortured poets department came out after Taylor Swift's new album came out so there is a little bit there to support that claim I guess the next quote is from Snoop Dogg AI the Snoop Dogg AI who says

Nephew, what the fuck you really about to do? We passed you the torch at the house of blues. So this is a reference to in 2011, Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre passed the West coast rap torch to Kendrick Lamar, which was an incredibly emotional moment for him. I think there's like video of him, like receiving the, you know, the torch and crying on stage about it and stuff like that. He's saying that Kendrick let Snoop Dogg down though. So I,

again like Snoop Dogg's alive though like he could have just I guess maybe he knew that Snoop Dogg wouldn't do this like he wouldn't have he wouldn't have been a part of this it's so pathetic though like really really weird stuff did he do it in New Orleans too is that what the House of Blues reference means

Well, it would have to be on the West Coast, right? So maybe there's a House of Blues out there. That's what I'm confused about. I'm like, wait, why was the West Coast thing at the House of Blues? But whatever. Yeah, I don't know. I didn't look into that. Um...

The next one is, this is from Drake, no AI now. Shitting on you guy from a whole different altitude, high up in the sky like I'm Howard Hughes. This is a reference to Howard Hughes, obviously, who was an aerospace engineer, business magnate, film producer, investor, pilot, and philanthropist. He's one of the richest people in the world. So Drake is saying, I'm on a different level. Why are you breaking that line down? That one didn't need an explanation at all. I don't know.

I kind of, well, we kind of went a bit overboard breaking down everything at this point. Now we're explaining Howard Hughes. There might be someone out there who doesn't know how Howard Hughes fits into this, but now you know he was one of the richest people in the world. You're right. You're right. You're right. Now we need the Howard AI and the Kendrick this. You're not me. That's ridiculous.

The next one is, oh, this is from Drake again. The next one is really about to bring out the coward in you, but now we got to wait a fucking week because Taylor Swift is your new top. And if you about to drop, she got to approve. This girl really about to make you act like you're not in a feud. She Taylor made your scheduled with the aunt, you out of the loop.

So, Ant is Anthony of Top Dog Entertainment, so the label head of that label. He's talking about how he's being pressured by the labels into delaying until after Taylor Swift's album release again. And then another one, since like that your tone changed a little, you not as enthused. How are you not in the booth? It feel like you kind of removed. You trying to let this shit die down? Nah, nah, nah. Not this time, guy. You following through.

So in this line, Drake saying that Kendrick is repeating what happened with Control. This is a callback as well. So with Control, where the verse he did on that track solidified him in the hip hop scene and helped to propel his career. But Drake won't let this happen again. So he's kind of like,

Remember how back when Control came out, Drake came out and he's like, you should have gone harder, basically. Like, you should have finished the job. So that's a callback to this. Like, you're not doing that again. You're going all the way. You're coming back with a diss track against me. You're putting your words into song and you're fighting this fight. He's like really egging him on, which I bet he now regrets. Like, how could you not regret that?

Yeah, I can't imagine he's super excited that he did this now. Yeah. Do you think he thought that Kendrick just wouldn't come back?

I really think he expected Kendrick to roll over, which I don't know why he would think that. If I'm being honest, like if we look at it objectively, maybe not because both of them are more relevant right now than they have been in a long time. Yeah, but Drake's relevant for being a pedophile. Like that's not a good thing. I don't know. I don't know if that'll be enough to affect him. I don't know. You know, like I don't know if the mainstream opinion is that he is or it's like, oh, it's just they're both famous. Yeah.

And now, like, here's a diss track against him or whatever. We don't know the long-term effects of it, sure. But...

I don't know. Isn't that so sad, though? Call me conspiracy red thread brain, but sometimes I feel like, you know, a lot of it is coordinated PR. I said this, we were talking about this on the official podcast the other day, but it's like a conspiracy going around that this is all orchestrated and there's actually no bad beef between them. They're just using it to kind of prop everything up, the industry up in that way, which...

I mean, I don't believe it. It seems like there is actually some bad blood between the two of them. But also, like, I'm so just, like, disillusioned with all kinds of corporations and all these rich people and stuff that it wouldn't necessarily surprise me, I guess.

yeah yeah i guess i just feel like it'd be a tough thing to convince drake to do on purpose to be labeled the pedophile there could have been a level of that where drake's like hey this is good for business all right kendrick let's see what you've got and then kendrick comes back with like the predator stuff and drake's like oh okay maybe not that i thought you were gonna show me before you released it i

I thought we would have had to. I was going to, I was going to have to, I thought this was going to go through an approval process with my team. What the fuck? But maybe he's approved, like his team hates him so much that they just approved it on site. They're like, yeah, yeah, yeah. That sounds good. Get it out there. All right. So final one.

Um, another quote.

Like, come on. Your lines aren't hard enough where you should be, like, condescending to, like, Kendrick Lamar's writing process or anything like that. It's crazy, yeah. Yeah. You literally just pulled a SpongeBob before with the ripped pants. Like, come on.

Like, come on. Kendrick is running circles around you in terms of lyricism. That much is obvious. I know you're struggling with that notepad. Let me give you a fresh one here. Roses are red. Violets are blue. Also, what's with this, like, sucking up to Taylor Swift as well? Like, just constant talking about Taylor Swift. He's like, yeah, I moved my album when she dropped. I said that already. Why aren't you saying that? Like, isn't that kind of, like, hypocritical?

If he's saying that he moved his album out of the way, but apparently Kendrick's the bad guy for also like making room for Taylor Swift. Is he saying that? He's saying he moved his album? Yeah, he says right here. Drake says, you know, I moved my album when she dropped. I said that already. Oh, you're right. You're right. I didn't like that one right over my head. Okay. So I guess he's done it in the past and now Kendrick's doing it. Yeah.

It's a weird level of hypocrisy there to me. You're outright saying that you're doing the exact same thing he did, but you're giving him shit for it. Really weird. The note here is Kendrick only months ago purchased a New York apartment and Drake is hinting that he could have bought it because there was trouble at home with his fiance. So he's kind of saying you've left New York alone. You're struggling in your apartment alone. Your relationship with your fiance of eight years is on the rocks. Just...

Just giving him shit about that kind of stuff. But this is where it gets bad for Drake. This is where it kind of shit goes next level in the Drake world because Kendrick, unfortunately for Drake, hit back and he hit back hard with a song called Euphoria. If one of you wants to take it. I'll take it, I suppose.

So Kendrick Lamar released Euphoria on April 30th and some think that the title is a hint or a hit at Drake being an executive producer on the show Euphoria, which explores really dark themes with mostly high schoolers, which Drake loves.

A little bias in the reporting there, aren't we, Jackson? Yeah, a little bias in there. But to be fair, Drake was on Degrassi, which is a show about high schoolers and all that shit, right? So he loves the show with high schoolers because of nostalgia. Yeah. That's what it means. Better times for Drake.

It was released at 8.24 a.m. PT, which actually related back to Kobe Bryant's jersey numbers. They were friends with the duo, giving each other compliments on television interview in 2017. People have also found significance with the day it was released, April 30th, 19... On the day it was released, April 30th, 1945, Hitler died. Drake has Jewish roots with his mother being Jewish. It is also National Honesty Day, and it is the day of the child.

This is the kind of conspiracy theory I was excited for. That's a super fucked up reference, if true. He released it the day Hitler died. Let's go. Yeah, that's pretty fucked up, if true. Like, if that's intended. So, let's go through some of the lines. This line sounds like gibberish. I don't even know how I'd read that out. It's backwards.

That was pretty good. Yeah. And when you put it back in reverse, it reads, everything they say about me is true. It comes from the movie The Wiz, a retelling of The Wizard of Oz. The full line goes, everything they say about me is true. I'm a phony and is spoken by the wizard when it is revealed he is not from Oz. So Kendrick is calling him inauthentic or phony.

Hey, real quick, real quick, editor, can you play my line reverse now to see if it actually matches up with everything they say about me is true? I want to know how close I got in the final edit. I just want to see. Oh, that's cute, yeah. Them superpowers getting neutralized I can only watch in silence. The famous actor we once knew is looking paranoid and is spiraling.

So it's Kendrick implying that Drake desperately wants to be accepted into the hip-hop and black community.

I make music that electrify him. You make music that pacify him. Drake used a sample from DJ Academics in his song Push Ups, which we just talked about. And in that same stream, Academics fell asleep listening to Certified Lover Boy from Drake twice. And Kendrick talks about that here. Yeah, it's so funny. See what I mean, though? Kendrick's lyricism is just so much more interesting and so much better than Drake's.

It is so much deeper. It's not even close. Yeah, there's been no jokes based around really, really basic shit like height. None. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, to be fair though, there is lines coming up pretty soon in some of Kendrick's disses where it's like, I hate the way you dress. I hate the way you walk. I hate the way you talk. Yeah, yeah. But at least it's surrounded by actual subs and lines. I agree. I agree.

I can double down on that line, but spare you this time. That's random acts of kindness. So he's talking about that line, the reference to pacifying them and also relating to underage people because babies use pacifiers. Is that your interpretation, Jackson? That's my interpretation. That's right. He said, I can double down on that line, but spare you this time. That's random acts of kindness. I felt like he was saying, I can make that line go even harder, but I'll spare you this time.

That's random acts of kindness. Maybe, yeah, I guess I could see that. I mean, that's what, maybe it's just like I'm so brain broken now that I immediately associate Drake with like pedophilia. This is the red thread. It's conspiracy theory, so sure. Why not? That works. I thought it was obvious.

know you a master manipulator and a habitual liar too but don't tell no lie about me and i won't tell truths about you still referring to drake as a manipulator doubles down on it and meet the grams and he's saying that drake is lying about him and his lines but kendrick is only telling the truth i like that that's a good line too yeah i like that uh don't tell lies about me and i won't tell truths about you

Yeah, it feels like a very basic line, but it has a lot of weight behind it. Like, I feel like that's a very cool line. It also flows really well in the song. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have you ever walked your enemy down... Have you ever walked your enemy down, like, with a poker face? Have you ever paid 500 thou, like, to open a case...

People think this ties back to when Drake paid a six-figure settlement to someone who accused him of sexual assault. The woman, Laquana Morris, settled in court and was prohibited from ever repeating the allegations against Drake. Which I didn't know about until this song, by the way. I didn't know about that. Yeah. Interesting.

So, I mean, this is proven. Like, he settled in court. So, I mean... Yeah, it is a true thing. Drake's not a good guy. Somebody had told me that you got a ring. On God, I'm ready to double the wage. I'd rather do that than let a Canadian dude make Pac turn in his grave. Pac turn in his grave. The ring he's talking about is one of two Pacs that Drake bought for a million dollars. Kendrick is willing to spend more than that to bring the ring back to a rapper from the West Side. Hmm.

Yeah, Cole and Aubrey know I'm selfish. The crown is heavy, huh? I pray they my real friends. If not, I'm YNW Melly. So YNW Melly has been suspected of murdering his two close friends, YNW Sack Chaser and YNW QV. So Kendrick is going back to his metaphorical murdering of the others, saying he prays that Drake and J. Cole are actually his friends or else he'll take this further. I didn't know that one.

The way he phrases it in the song is earlier he says, I love him to death. And in eight bars, I'll explain that phrase. Eight bars in the song passed. And then he gets to the line. I pray they my real friends. If not, I'm YNW Melly. So he calls earlier in the verse that he's going to explain what he means when he says he loves him to death. And then here he's saying that he's YNW Melly. So he loves him so much he's going to kill him. But he called that in eight bars. He will get to the explanation of that line. Interesting. Yeah.

Yeah, it's Kendrick. You can. You can. Yeah.

I don't like you popping shit at Pharrell, for him I inherit the beef. So in a previous song, Meltdown, by Travis Scott featuring Drake, Drake talks about how he melted down some jewelry that he bought that was originally Pharrell's, basically saying they're nothing now. Pharrell works a lot with Pusha T, who Drake doesn't get along with. Pusha T and Drake have history, with a similar public diss battle occurring between them recently, and Kendrick says that he doesn't like Drake dissing Pharrell and is taking the beef on instead.

It's also should be mentioned that in that beef with Pusha T, that's when Pusha T released that Drake has a kid that he hasn't told anyone about. And that's what led to Adonis being public. Yeah. Fuck all that pushing P. Let me see you push a T. You better off spinning again on him. You think you're about pushing me. He's Terrence Thornton. I'm Terrence Crawford. Yeah, I'm whooping feet.

So Kendrick is referring to the beat between Drake and Pusha, which Drake lost, at least to many people. Most people, yeah. Yeah. Terrence Thornton is Pusha T's real name. Kendrick is saying that in his feud, he's Terrence Crawford, professional boxer who doesn't fight often. And Kendrick also doesn't release music often, but when he does box, he rarely loses a fight. Such a good reference as well. I love that line. Really good. Really cool shit. I know some shit about...

Dude that make Gunna wanna look like a saint. So Gunna is often looked at as a snitch in the industry and Kendrick is saying he knows things about Drake that look even worse. Drake has been called a snitch before after he was robbed in 2019 at gunpoint. He cooperated with the police when it happened and then in 2010 he told GQ in an interview that the robbery was a setup.

Wait, I think 2020. Yeah. He went back in time. That's how crazy this rat beef gets. He correctly called a robbery nine years in the future. That shows how much of a snitch he is. He went back in time to snitch on something that hadn't happened for nine years yet. That's impressive. Can we arrest this man before he robs me?

Jackson hated Drake. He was just making up. Yeah, he actually went through time to snitch on someone. I don't trust him. This ain't been about critics, not about gimmicks, not about who the greatest. It's always been about love and hate. Now let me say, I'm the biggest hater. I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk. I hate the way that you dress.

That's where he lets the passion out, I think. He couldn't help himself, I don't think. This line mimics DMX, who, while on The Breakfast Club a few years ago, listed a bunch of things he didn't like about Drake, which were the same things, basically. Do you remember who was it that was on The Breakfast Club and they were like, Drake? The guy that got bodied by Pusha T? That was...

Shoot. Kiss me through the phone. Soldier boy. Yeah. He went on the breakfast club a while back and they were talking about Drake and he was like, you mean that guy that got bodied by Pusha T? Degrassi in a wheelchair? That guy?

I hate the way that you sneak this. If I catch flight, it's going to be direct. We hate the bitches you fuck because they confuse themselves with real women. And notice I said we. It's not just me. I'm what the culture feeling. So it's not just Kendrick's feeling. A lot of people in the industry and culture are feeling this way towards Drake. That's such a wild diss. Yeah, those girls you have over? Yeah, I don't like them either. I don't like anyone...

He's so mad. It's crazy. How many more fairy tale stories about your life till we had enough? How many more black features till you finally feel that you're black enough?

So this is a big line in the track and other artists have mentioned similar things about Drake, like Rick Ross calling him a white boy. They call him an appropriator and not actually a part of the hip hop sphere that he wants to be in. Drake has done a lot of collabs with incredibly important artists in the industry. And Kendrick is asking how many more he needs to do until he feels accepted. So that was definitely like a big line when this track dropped. Yeah. Wasn't it Pusha T's diss track? The cover for it was Drake in blackface.

like when he was younger he did like a yeah he liked more like like the old cartoonish yeah it was like a really cartoonish black face like really really bad yeah yeah and that was that was pusha t's cover for it i saw it start making the rounds again after this came out but yeah yeah it's like really cartoonishly bad i like drake with the melodies i don't like drake when he act tough you're gonna make a guy bring back puff now let me see if chubbs really crashed something

Chubbs is Drake's personal bodyguard and bringing up Puff, P. Diddy, is a callback to when P. Diddy punched Drake in Miami in 2014. Drake didn't retaliate. It was later revealed that this happened because Drake took the beat for a song, 0-100, and P. Diddy wanted it, which is something I didn't know happened.

So there's been a lot of rumors about Drake and he's about having many plastic surgeries done, including to make his abs more defined. People also speculate he has had a nose job and a Brazilian butt lift. And Drake's former friend Rick Ross has called him BBL Drizzy. What?

which has become a big thing today. It's funny. But like, how do you guys actually feel about this? I think this is actually like Kendrick's weakest stuff, like around the whole stuff. I do. I feel like everyone in the industry is on like a Zen pick.

Yeah, but the whole point of this is to point out how insecure Drake is and point out how clownish he is and how desperate he is to be something he's not. I think it all plays very well into the themes. But again, I feel like everyone in that industry is insecure to that degree that they would be using stuff. I mean, it's rampant in the industry. Not...

in the masculine quote-unquote bravado rap scene of it. Sure, there's a ton of actors and actresses and stuff on Ozembic and stuff like that, but a guy who presents himself as, yeah, I work hard for the body I've got. I work hard at music. It's all me. I'm just being me. That's why they take...

such offense to being called like industry dogs or whatever, or just doing whatever a label tells them because their entire persona is themself. It's being authentic, right? So he's saying that Drake is really inauthentic, but wants to play with the crowd that takes authenticness seriously.

Well, yeah, that's fair. That's a fair criticism. It's just more... Whereas if you heard that someone like Billie Eilish or Taylor Swift was doing stuff with the label, you'd be like, yeah, sure. But if you hear that like Kendrick or Rick Ross was, it's much more offensive because that isn't the image they give of Kross. But they are... I mean, Drake is implying that Kendrick is just as inauthentic. Drake is implying that, yes. Yeah.

But I'm saying that criticism wouldn't work against someone who that doesn't really affect their image. Like Taylor Swift, for example. V12, it's a fast one. Bow, bow, bow. Last one. V12 is referencing a cryolops... cryolipolysis slimming machine used for removing fat and cellulite. I think so, anyway. I'm pretty sure he's just referencing the car. No, no, no. Like a V12 engine. No, it's light. That's such a good...

Now I'm curious, are some of these just like your homebrew theories, Jackson? No, why would it reference a car? V12 was the first one. He was just talking about how he's like... I mean, it could be a double. Because he just got done talking about...

Drake having work done and he's like oh v12. It's a fast one So it could be a double you know meaning of v12 the cars a fast one But v12 the procedure you get is a fast one. Maybe I could see that I don't know why we'd bring up cars But I don't I mean it's like this is Kendrick Lamar. He's he does this he does like multi-layered like really deep cuts I feel like this is probably more likely than then just a car noise

I don't know though. Maybe. Headshot for the year, you better walk around like Daft Punk. Telling Drake he has to walk around with helmets like Daft Punk because he's going for a headshot. That's less subtle. That one's just obvious. That's pretty clear. Remember, A, Top Dog, who the fuck they think they playing with? Even though not signed to his record label, Kendrick is saying that he is still on good terms with Top Dog.

Yachty can't give you no swag neither. I don't give a fuck about who you hang with. And Yachty, someone who's been outed as a ghostwriter for Drake, also very successful artist in their own right. I hate the way you walk, the way you talk. I hate the way you dress. Surprised you wanted that feature request. You know that we got some shit to address here.

Joe Budden brought forth a theory that J. Cole and Drake may have invited Kendrick to be on First Person Shooter, but he denied because of the feud that had been developing over the past few years. Yeah. I even hate, I even hate, Jesus, I even hate when you say the word dude. No, you have to say n-word at that point. N-word. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's directly referencing it. That's true. That's, yeah, you're right.

Drake is biracial. This and his upbringing have been contentious points across his whole career. Kendrick is bringing up that he believes Drake uses black culture when it is convenient for him. When I see you stand by sexy red, I believe you see two bad bitches. I believe you don't like women. It's real competition. You might pop ass with them. Bye, life. The way he says it in the song, too, because he does, Kendrick does that thing where he makes his voice so funny. He's like, I believe you might pop ass. It's so funny.

First time listening to that song that killed me. That's so hilarious. Kendrick is playing on Drake's masculinity and people believe that Drake got plastic surgeries and these are more often done by females. Drake may also be threatened by the... Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Drake may also be threatened by the rise of females in the industry. Let's speak on percentage. Show me your splits. I'll make sure I double back with you. You were signed to a dude that signed to a dude that said he was signed to that dude. Try cease and desist on the like that record.

So Kendrick is hitting back at Drake for coming at him about his record deal in the 50% split, implying that Drake isn't really any better. People are also speculating he may have sent a seasoned assist on Kanye West's remix of Like That. The repeating Sign To line is also taken from Pusha T and Ludacris in previous songs of theirs.

Drake has been known to order cease and desist on other songs, including ones Pusha T has worked on, adding to reasons why Pusha T hates Drake. That's ho shit. I got a son to raise, but I can't. But I can see you don't know nothing about that. Waking him up. No, nothing about that. Then tell him to pray. No, nothing about that. Then giving him tools to walk through life like day by day. No, nothing about that. Teaching him morals, integrity, discipline. Listen, man, you don't know nothing about that.

Speaking the truth and consider what God's considering, you don't know nothing about that. Drake's son Adonis, who was only revealed when Pusha T revealed his existence a few years ago, released a song last year called My Man Freestyle. And Kendrick is mimicking the flow of that song in this section as Adonis goes like that in the song. Yeah.

So this becomes a recurring theme as well with the Drake and Kendrick beef. Kendrick is just constantly...

shining a spotlight at Drake's inability to be a good father or a present father, in fact. So that is definitely a really big... I think it's the most provable thing as well. One of the most provable things anyway towards being a hit towards Drake because it definitely seems like he's just an extremely absent father that doesn't care about his children. So big, big hit against Drake there.

820v1 it's 1v20 if I got a smack dude that right with you yeah bring him out too I'll clean him out too tell beam that he better stay right with you am I battling ghost or AI laughing

That sounds like a genuine question. That's so funny because Drake's song, he's like, everyone's coming at me. What is this, 1v20? He's like, 820v1 is 1v20 because you got 20 rappers or ghostwriters I have to deal with at once. That's such a wild comeback. It's so great.

And am I battling ghosts or AI? Hilarious. Hilarious line. And it genuinely seems like a real question that he's asking. Yeah. Do I have to fight? Am I fighting the 20 people you have right for you or the AI of Tupac you posted on Instagram?

Feeling like Joel Osteen. Funny he was in a film called AI and my sixth sense telling me to off him. So this one is the one that a lot of people started to be like, uh-oh, Kendrick made a mistake because it seems like he mixed up the American pastor Joel Osteen for actor Haley Joel Osment, who was in movies Sixth Sense and AI. Some also think this is deliberate. Coming off the previous line, he purposely mixed up the person... Jesus.

Coming off the previous lines, he purposefully mixed the person up because he does not know who he's dissing as Drake has multiple people writing for him. Yeah, so what do you guys think? Do you think he just fucked up? I think he just messed it up. Yeah, same. Yeah, I think he just messed it up. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Because he doesn't just say, feel like Joel Osteen. Does he not say, feel like Haley Joel Osteen? I don't think so. This is copied, apart from the N-word, this is copied directly from...

from uh genius so it's like the lyrics yeah he doesn't say hayley okay all right yeah i think it's just a fuck up a pretty minor one to make though but it's not that big like it's not a big deal it also to me proves i mean we already knew this because kendrick again he's an artist but to me this proves that he's writing all these songs like he's writing all this because if he had like a ghost team or whatever a ghost writing team like they would have picked up on maybe

They would have been tracking it, yeah. I thought, because he says, funny, he was in a film called AI, and he was also, he's talking about Haley Joel Osment, who was in AI and Sixth Sense, but...

I thought that the Joel Osteen made sense because he just said, am I battling ghosts or AI? And then he says he's feeling like Joel Osteen because Joel Osteen is like a super pastor who often uses like prosperity gospel and stuff related to the Holy Ghost. So I thought that was a reference to the ghost line mentioned beforehand.

Yeah, it's if it was just like without the following line, it'd be fine. But he does directly mention two films that Haley Joel Osment was in with A.I. and Sixth Sense. So it just doesn't work anymore.


Also, Drake has a cat named Crody. Yeah, good little... I got that from my Drake fan magazine. I wanted to include that one. It's a little fun piece of trivia. Whoever that's fucking with him, fuck you and fuck the industry too. If you take it there, I'm taking it further. That's something you don't want to do. He's telling Drake that he does not want to push or come at him because he will take it further and just giving him a warning. Yep.

And then he just says, we don't want to hear you say N-word no more. We don't want to hear you say N-word no more. Stop. And this is Kendrick speaking into Drake using black culture to benefit him. And Kendrick telling him that he should not say the N-word anymore. It's not his to use. I'm not weighing in on that. That's up to their community. The next song is 616 in LA, which is, I mean, it's from Kendrick Lamar again. He popped them out real quick.

Isaiah, you know what? You've done all of Drake's work this episode. How about you take this one? How about you see what the good side's like? That's so sweet. Thank you all so much. I appreciate it. Okay, so three days after Euphoria, Kendrick released 616 in LA only on Instagram, and there is so much to unpack before even getting into the lyrics.

He released the track at 616 a.m., which is a reference to how Drake has a theme throughout his music names with times of the day. Yeah, he does a bunch of different songs like I think it was like there's some time in Toronto. Sometimes every album will have like a time in a city like a freestyle he puts in there. Yeah.

So 616 is in reference to that. Father's Day in Canada and America is also June 16th. Euphoria, the show Drake was a producer on, first premiered on June 16th. Tupac's birthday is June 16th. And it could also be referencing the Bible. What?

Proverbs 6, 16 through 19, which I don't know what translation you have here, but reading it, there are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him. Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. That's pretty applicable. Yeah.

I can see it. The cover art for the song features a Maybach glove hinting at Maybach Music Group where the founder Rick Ross is also in a feud with Drake. There's also only one glove like how Michael Jackson only wore one glove and some are seeing the resemblance to OJ Simpson and the trial moment with trying the glove on. Kendrick bought

uh jack antonoff who is a main producer for taylor swift on all her recent works to produce a song hitting back at drake said in the taylor made freestyle also uh this the picture itself is supposed to be a picture within drake's house right that was the whole thing yeah the the um i can't remember if you confirmed it but the the theory is that it's a picture of belongings uh of drake's dad i believe

something taken from Drake's dad's suitcase. I think that was the theory. Somewhat, yeah. Apparently people thought that the picture came from inside of Drake's home.

So the implication is that either someone, one of Drake's friends is like going behind his back and sending stuff to like future scene to prove he's there. Cause the main thing is the prescription bottles in the middle, right? Like he's proving that this is stuff in Drake's home or Kendrick has someone literally in Drake's home. Clipping at his walls.

Yeah, it is. I saw this skit a guy did making fun of it where Drake sees the release and he looks up and he was like, how'd he get this picture? And there's like three random guys in his house. He's like...

We should mention right now, almost two hours into this recording, that we are recording on the 9th, or I guess it's the 8th in America, 8th of the 5th. So stuff's going to happen past this point, and we might have to do a part two down the line. But I really doubt that all this is over. So there might be stuff that comes up that aren't going to be in this recording.

That have happened before it's released. So just keep that in mind. This is being recorded pretty recent. So these are quotes from 616. It's survival. Survival. Survival could be a reference to Drake's song Survival. Where he talks about his career. And feuds with other rappers like Meek Mill.

He says, "Off-white sun seeker at the marina. Screw a phantom. I like to buy yachts when I get the fever." So this could be a reference to a lot of things. Sunseeker is the leading brand of luxury motor yachts. But when he is saying "off-white sun sneaker" he may be referring to Drake's skin tone and him "seeking the sun" meaning his intent on getting more tan. Coming back to Kendrick believing that Drake uses black culture for his benefit.

Another line from that trifecta money, morals and culture. That's my leisure. My visa passport tatted. I show up in Ibiza.

So he's emphasizing how he lives for peace and that his children and him follow a faith, which he is saying is in contrast to how Drake lives. Mm-hmm.

Drake bad man, basically. Yeah, Drake bad man. But the industry's cooked as I pick the carcass apart. Yeah, somebody's lying. I can see the vibes on AK. DJ Akademic. Oh, on AK. I can see the vibes on AK. Even he looking compromise. Let's peel the layers back. So again, he's bringing up DJ Akademic. He's been brought up like every song, by the way.

I know. This is probably the best shit of his life. He is thriving right now. God damn, he's asleep in his chair again. Yeah, he's falling asleep. Ack was left shocked by Kendrick's song Euphoria. He also hints that Ack is one of the leaks close to Drake, something Kendrick alludes to. Ah, he took the photo. He took the photo. He might have taken the photo from inside the house. That'd be incredible. Or he is just sowing the seeds of discord throughout, you know, Drake's inner circle. Yep.

Are you finally ready to play? Have you ever? Let's see. Have you ever thought that OVO is working for me? Fake bullshits.

I hate bullies. You must be a terrible person. Everyone inside your team is whispering that you deserve it. He's playing psychological mind games now. He's ruining Drake's life. The cover art for the track is a picture inside of Drake's home. How must that feel? And then he's like, you got people in there. You've got people whispering that you deserve this. So funny. And also, the stuff we talked about earlier,

all those guys that's why it says have you ever thought that ovio is working for me a bunch of people who came up through ovio are now making diss tracks against him and stuff like that right so he says can't tootsie slide up out of this one it's just gonna resurface which is a reference to uh his commercial success uh kendrick saying that drake falls back into his success and creating chart hits to hide things in his career uh which what's the name of that track tootsie slide

where he's like right foot up left foot slide or whatever was the name of that song tootsie slide i'm pretty sure i remember um i don't know but anyway the song where drake said that he's saying that he makes tart chopper tart choppers chart toppers in order to cover up everything else if i

Finally says, now you can't sleep. These images trouble you. Know the wires in your circle should puzzle you. If you were street smart, then you would have caught that your entourage is only to hustle you. So he's doubling down the drinks guy. Imagine,

man he hates this guy so much he's sending pictures of his house he's saying that people in his inner circle are spies for him like man yeah insane oh man if i was if i was drake i'd be so fucking paranoid at that time i'd be like what the fuck

And what's the line Kendrick said that kicked all this off? I'm too paranoid for a threat. Don't pull a coffin out of your mouth. Yeah. No, it's just crazy that this even at this point, this all started from a line that was basically like, hey, all three of us are great. We all get along. Ain't that right, guys? And then that dude immediately leaves. Okay.

All right, now we come to what I think is probably Drake's best one, best track. It is. It is by far his best one. On the same day after 616 in LA released, Drake dropped Family Matters. The video depicts the van that is on the album cover of Kendrick's Good Kid, Mad City getting crushed.

Sandra Graham, maybe in this song you shouldn't start by saying n-word. I said it, I know that you mad. Okay, wait. So, Sandra Graham, which is Drake's mum, says that first line. Yep, sorry. I should have clarified. So, Sandra Graham says, maybe in this song you shouldn't start by saying... And then Drake jumps in and says the n-word. And says, I said it, I know that you mad. Which is kind of like immediately...

you know going against what Kendrick asked for in the last song so pretty pretty pretty direct there

So Drake is immediately addressing Kendrick, who spoke about not wanting Drake to use that word anymore. I've emptied the clip over friendlier jabs. You mentioned my seed. Now deal with his dad. I got to go bad. I got to go bad out here begging for attention. Say, please always rap in like you about to get the slaves freed. You just acting like an activist. It's make believe. Don't ever go back to your hood and plant no money trees.

A lot going on there. Yeah, there's a lot there. So in Kendrick's album, To Pimp a Butterfly, it speaks about issues such as colorism, police brutality, and the African-American experience. And Kendrick has participated in protests about Black Lives Matter. Drake may be taking a hit here that it is all for show, and he's implying that Kendrick is a fake moralist. He references Kendrick's song Money Trees while saying that Kendrick hasn't given any money to where he grew up in Compton.

Man, that also like the level of thrilled I got because I'm like Drake's not going to make like an actual like song over this. And then to start the song and hear that like all at once, I'm like, all right, I was wrong. Yeah, this is going to go far. It goes pretty ballistic for sure. Like he it is not friendly. This is where it gets pretty insane. Yeah, honestly. Yeah. Yeah.

You the black messiah wifing up a mixed queen. And this is Drake saying that this is about Kendrick who's come for Drake for being biracial. But Drake rebukes the criticism by saying that Whitney, Kendrick's fiance, is also biracial. So Kendrick is a hypocrite. Which is a wild, wild thing to say.

I mean, yeah, like you said, fair point, because that's what Kendrick's attacking him for. But to immediately be like, okay, your wife, she's coming into this. Here we go. Yeah. Yeah.

But he did already bring her into this, like in the previous song, kind of. Yeah, that's true. That's true. That's true. Maybe it was just the shock of hearing like sing song. All the girls love him. Drake say that like, yeah, just came out of left field. Yeah. And hit vanilla cream to help out with your self-esteem on some Bobby Hill shit. I want to know what Whitney need. This is a song that I've been listening to for a long time.

This can have a few meanings, going back to Kendrick on previous songs, talking about sleeping with white women and white women equals vanilla cream, saying he is a hypocrite. It's also clearly a subtle hit at Kendrick being a domestic abuser hitting vanilla cream, his biracial fiance, which is something Drake alludes to often.

Oh, man.

That is insane. Yeah. So the above line is Drake saying that Kendrick's manager and longtime partner in music, Dave Free, is actually the father of one of Kendrick's children. Actually like wild. A huge allegation. Massive allegation. And that last line's fun. If your GM is your BM, secret BD. If your general manager is your baby mama, secret baby daddy. Yeah. Yeah.

You're a man, Lil K. We call this shit a mini Drake. He always said I overlooked him. I was staring straight. Insulting his hate. Fool's back on the classics. He can't let the heart go. He has to go on short. That's insane.

Charlie, can you and I get into a fake fight online so I can say stuff like that? You can say it just for fun if you want, I guess. Okay, cool, cool. Appreciate it. And you can talk about my numbers and stuff. It'll be great. It'll boost both of our numbers. It'll be awesome.

If Drake Shooter's doing TikToks, really shoot her and your gang. That's P's brother. Wait, wait, wait. You can just skip over. He just says the N. The point is he says the N word in like 10 lines right now. Yeah, in all of these. Yeah. Which obviously, again, Kendrick, he's like just insulting Kendrick at this point by using it over and over again. Yeah, we can just go through that because he just, he uses that word a lot in each line to like close them out. And so it's basically just Drake rubbing it in his face that he's going to keep doing it. Yeah.

Yeah. Good Kid Mad City van will pop the latch and let the door slide. In Kendrick's album Good Kid Mad City, the van on the cover represents safety. Here, Drake is saying that he can destroy it, as he does in the music video. K.Shit is only hitting hard when Baby Keem put his pin to it, suggesting that Kendrick's cousin, Baby Keem, is a ghostwriter for Kendrick. The balls on this man. He like fucking... What's his name? Drake is surrounded by ghostwriters and he like puts it to...

Kendrick saying that someone else is riding the ocean. That guy you've written songs with? I know he writes songs with you. I will say also a second meaning to the line about we're going to pop the latch and let the door slide is through Good Kid, Mad City Kendrick's describing how a lot of the gangs would take part in drive-by shootings and stuff like that. So popping the latch and sliding the door is how you open a van door in a drive-by shooting. So he's also implying that he's going to roll up

on Kendrick. It's an actual threat? Yeah, yeah. Damn. Kendrick just opened his mouth. Someone go hand him a Grammy right now. He's so salty. He's so salty. This is very sarcastic. They're just talking about his success. Everything he says is gold. He's so salty, man. That's such a childish line.

Yeah. A cease and desist is for hoes. Can't listen to lies that come out of your mouth. You called the Tupac estate and begged him to sue me and get that shit down. So Drake denying that he sent cease and desist against songs like that, but instead is turning it around and saying Kendrick made Tupac's estate. Send one to Drake for Taylor made freestyle, which I think is probably a bunch of fucking baloney. I don't know.

I mean, Tupac's estate, didn't they send a cease and desist or something? They did get it taken down. Well, no, no, he did get cease and desist. He's just claiming that it was Kendrick that, yeah. Which is probably not likely. I think it's unlikely. He's saying Kendrick called the Tupac estate and that's what got them in the know about it in the first place. Yeah.

Your daddy got robbed by Top, you stunna and wane like father and son. So in Kendrick's song Duckworth, he's spoken about the story of how his previous boss, Top Dog, had first met his dad, Kenny Duckworth. Kendrick's father worked at a chicken shop, and when he met Top Dog, he realized that Top Dog had robbed and shot up the store a year before. Knowing this, he tried to get on his good side and often gave him free food and was overly kind to him when Top Dog visited. This worked in his favor because when Top Dog robbed the store again, Kendrick's dad evaded danger.

Wow. Yeah, the whole song in Duckworth, he's describing how if he just hadn't have given him that extra food, then maybe there would have been a timeline laid out to where Kendrick was never born or he didn't come into the music industry and stuff like that. It's about because a lot of the album Damn is talking about cause and effect, like how actions change over time. So that's...

That's like what the song Duckworth's about, but what Drake's saying there where he says, your daddy got robbed, you stunna and wane like father and son. He's kind of implying that his dad was a bit of a...

like a lay down and take it kind of guy and now he himself's in the same place yeah you're laying down and taking it from yeah yeah so he's he's equating kendrick's dad's survival from a robber to how kendrick now just lets things happen to him from the same guy yeah yeah yeah

You write about fuck the big three. It's only big D and there's video proof. Like I said, this is a pretty strong response from Jake, but from Drake, but that is a terrible, terrible. It's only terrible because it's so cringe that he actually is referring to his fucking dick pic or

dick video well no it's it's super cringe because it also alludes to the fact that he's proud of it like that he's the one that leaked it so he's what he's talking about is earlier this year or maybe it was late last year there was that video of drake masturbating like while filming it and he's got like a massive meat hammer like no doubt but it like went all over the place and he never really talked about it i don't think and now it's him like yeah it's big d and here's the video proof

So it just kind of alludes to the fact that he was the one that leaked it. At words of very least, he's extremely proud of it, which is like... Yeah, extremely happy it's out there. Which is like super cringe. Our son should go play at the park. Two light-skinned kids, that shit would be cute. Unless you don't want to be seen with anyone that isn't blacker than you. We get it, we got it. The blacker, the berry, the sweeter, the juice. Which is referring to Kendrick's song, The Blacker, The Berry. And then he's again saying that Kendrick is a hypocrite in these lines. Mm-hmm.

When you put your hands on your girl, is it self-defense because she's bigger than you? There we go back to the height again. That's a heavy, heavy accusation to throw out there, right? About, yeah, putting hands on his wife. He's already made that accusation. Is it self-defense because she's bigger than you? That's wild. He's already made the accusation before, though.

It's also, it's also like, again, not that this is any of my place to say, but just from what Drake's alleging, like Kendrick calling him like not actually black. And then Drake being like, oh yeah, that's wild coming from you with your wife. Anyway, our kids could play together like that. It's insane. It's insane. This all started with, Hey, we're like the big three, right guys? Yeah.

Why did you move to New York? Is it because you live in that bachelor life? Proposed in 2015 but don't want to make her your actual wife? I'm guessing this wedding ain't happening, right?

Kendrick and Whitney have been engaged since 2015 but have never gotten married. And Kendrick recently bought an apartment in New York. Drake is saying this could all be due to infidelity within the relationship. Or at least like troubles in the relationship. I don't know if he's directly referencing infidelity there, but still troubles in the relationship. Well, he is bachelor life like that. Oh, true. Direct reference. Yeah, you're right. You're right. And then this is the one that really stuck. And this was the one that had me go like, oh, God.

They hired a crisis management team to clean up the fact that you beat on your queen. The picture you painted ain't what it seemed. You're dead. So he's saying point blank this time that he beats her and they'd even hired a crisis management team to clean it up, which is why no one ever heard about it, which is a massive, massive allegation. Absolutely enormous. And again, like, man, if there is like actual proof of this and this did happen, then I

I mean, Drake kind of wins on that front, like as, as fucked up as it is to say winning in this context, but like that would be an awful blow to Kendrick, Kendrick's career. He would be an awful person obviously. And yeah, it would be enormous. So I, how do you guys feel like there is like substance to this or is Drake just pulling it out of his ass?

I mean, it's impossible to know. It's not like I've ever met Kendrick or anything, but there's no proof of it. There's no history to pull on from it. There's nothing that would indicate that that happened. There's nothing to go on publicly accessible. What if that's why they're split up and he's in New York and stuff, which is confirmed? Yeah, I mean, it is possible. Again, no one knows them. Yeah.

It would just be such an insane thing to throw out there without any kind of like

you know, an actual belief that it had happened, right? It would absolutely be extreme lunacy for Drake to throw that out there just blindly, just making it up, just lying about it. Yeah, but it's also like Kendrick can't really defend it. It's one of those things where it's like, no, I didn't beat her. It's like, oh, he could just be lying. And even if she says like, no, he never beat me. It's like, oh, that's crisis management making her say that. So like, it's one of those things that's a very hard defense. So maybe he would just throw it out there for that reason. Yeah.

Yeah, I mean, then he would be an obviously awful person for doing that as well. Like throwing out a straight up lie.

Well, he's an awful person for a lot of other reasons, too. Who wants Meet the Grams? I want Meet the Grams. I want to put it in my blood. All right. So only a single day later on May the 4th, potentially related to May the 4th, the Star Wars. Holy shit. I actually wrote this in the document. Oh, my God. Star Wars is connected. It is. Holy shit. Nice. Wow, man.

We are white. You really had to. I'm glad you inserted more of our culture so we could be represented. That is actually, I forgot about that. That's insane. Kendrick released Meet the Grams, a seething track addressing Drake's son, mother, father, and Drake himself. The track also insinuates that Drake has a hidden daughter. Drake immediately went to his Instagram and denied this claim, but there's very little proof or evidence for either assertion.

The cover art for the song is the glove from 616 in LA, but now the picture is expanded. It also includes medication like Ozempic, which Drake has been rumored to use for weight loss.

The picture also has jewelry receipts, other medication with Drake's name and address on it. DJ Academics also said on a stream that this cover art was stolen from a suitcase that belonged to Drake's dad. So the two options are, if Academics is right, then that the... Wait, he's saying the art was stolen from a suitcase? As in the things within the suitcase? I don't know. I still don't know. I don't know what he meant, honestly. So...

academics is either saying this is something that was stolen from him in the picture or something or if he's not correct if he's just saying that to cover whatever that this is again as some people have alleged taken from inside of drake's house by one of kendrick's spies i guess you could say regardless i think that's the main either way it's something that was stolen from

Drake or Drake's father from an outside influence. So there's that kind of coercion, definitely. So Kendrick opens right out of the gate by addressing Drake's son

and says, Dear Adonis, I'm sorry that that man is your father. Let me be honest. It takes a man to be a man. Your dad is not responsive. I look at him and wish your grandpa wore a condom. Pretty straightforward. Kendrick is, so he's speaking to Adonis, apologizing that his dad is Drake, and Drake's parenting has been called into question many times, and Pusha T has said that he neglects his son. In fact, Adonis' link to Drake only came to light when it was revealed in a set of drama between Pusha T and Drake, as mentioned earlier. Yeah.

Kendrick goes on to say, let me be your mentor since your daddy don't teach you shit. Never let a man piss on your leg, son. Either you die right there or pop that man in the head, son. Never code switch. Whether right or wrong, you're a black man. So Kendrick is offering to give Adonis advice as Drake supposedly isn't a good father to him. It's also a reference to T.I. who once pissed on Drake's leg. He also tells Adonis not to be ashamed of not being black enough. So he's kind of saying like,

Even though I question your sincerity in the culture, I'm not doing this to discredit your son. Yeah. In a way. Well, his whole thing is Drake pretends to be black. Well, he builds himself up or he over-exaggerates his blackness to his benefit, basically. Yeah.

Like, he's not saying that Drake isn't a black man. He's just saying that he uses the community to his advantage without giving anything back. Whereas Adonis hasn't done anything like that. He says, don't cut them corners like your daddy did. Screw that. Screw what Ozempic did. Don't pay to play with them Brazilians. Get a gym membership. Oh!

Good laugh advice. Again, saying it's illegitimate, the accusations of the BBL, and also that he takes Ozembic to lose weight. Kendrick tells Adonis he doesn't need to cut corners and do all that. He also says, don't be ashamed about who you're with, that

That's how he treat your moms. Kendrick saying that Drake was ashamed of Adonis' mom, but Adonis should never be ashamed of who he is with. Yeah. So he's using like the literary tactic is talking to Adonis or family members of Drake and

And using that to just insult him constantly about how he's failed all of them, how he's a bad person. And that continues with the next one with Sandra. He's saying, he's saying, be nice to your women. Like how, unlike how your dad is not nice to you at all. Basically. Basically.

He continues by now speaking to Drake's mom where he says, So he's speaking to Sandra Graham here.

and says the climate for women is challenging at the moment with rape culture, abortion rights, and more. He is telling Sandra that she should know how it feels and hope she doesn't undermine Drake's alleged issues with women. Which, by the way, this is like actually...

wild to write and sing and perform if he is a domestic abuser as well. Like that would be so, so insane if it actually does come out that he does beat his fiance and he's, he's like singing about this. He would be such a hypocrite, which is like wild. If, if, if that is true, I don't know if it is true or not. Just, just,

I don't know. He then drags Drake's dad into it by saying, Dear Dennis, you gave birth to a master manipulator. Even using you to prove who he is is a huge favor. Which is wild. Saying that Drake only uses his dad to prove that he's black. Which is a lot. The

There's also like Drake has a whole history with his father. Like he was absent for a while and then came back. So people have alleged that like they have, they only have the relationship because Drake is famous and stuff like that. So Kendrick's kind of calling back to that as well. He continues to talk to Dennis and says, I'm blaming you for his gambling addictions. Drake's known to be a big gambler as is his father. Apparently Drake once won $27 million on a relate online table, but lost all of it and walked away with nothing.

Drake is a huge guy for like steak and websites like that. He's not as big gambler and his dad is too. So it goes back to speaking to Drake's mom and says, Sandra, sit down. And I'm about what I'm about to say is heavy. Now, listen, your son's a sick man with sick thoughts. I think people like him should die. Him and Weinstein should get screwed up in a cell for the rest of their life.

He hates black women, hypersexualize him with kinks of a nympho fetish, grew facial hair because he understood being a beard just fit him better. Okay, so can someone explain that last line, what that means? Grew facial hair because he understood being a beard just fit him better? Beard, if I understand right, is a term like john for men that pick up prostitutes. Oh, okay. What were you going to say, Charlie? I never heard. Your one was like, beards look good. No.

No, no, I was just going to say, I also don't know exactly what that line was meant to be, but that makes sense then if that's real. Okay, hold on. According to, this is Wikipedia, a beard is a slang term for a person who is used knowingly or unknowingly as a date, romantic partner, or spouse to conceal infidelity or conceal one's sexual orientation. Can you dumb that down for me even more somehow?

basically uh a beard is someone who has affairs with people like oh they're just a beard they're just like a middle okay a middleman to some sexual favor so to say well that was pretty obvious in terms of like drake actually doing that yeah that sounds about right yeah so he's saying grew facial hair because the beard fits him better saying that he does that um

Saying that he should just straight up die and comparing him to Weinstein and stuff. Insane. Not only that, singing it to his mom as well. To his mom saying your son should die. Your son should die. He's probably a pedophile. Actually, so hard. Oh, there's also apparently a term. Okay, hold on. That a beard can also mean someone who helps another person hide their sexuality. Like, in other words, a man who dates a lesbian.

to appear as their boyfriend right yes okay basically a cover yeah i'm so confused which could be that as well it's bad whatever it is it's bad it's an insult he's saying it negatively yeah yeah okay yeah um so he's drawing similarities between drake and wines uh weinstein uh he says drake's a sick man who should die he preys on women all that stuff

It continues, it says, he got sex offenders on OVO, or as it's typed out here, HOVO, that he keeps on a monthly allowance. A child should never be compromised, and he keeping his children around them. So this is straight up saying that OVO has sexual predators in it. There are sexual predators in the house, yes. That kids shouldn't be around them, especially when he himself has kids, which is insane.

He is gunning for the whole boat at this point. I mean, this is proven. There are actual OVO members that have been... They've gone through the criminal system and being charged as sexual predators for sex trafficking and stuff like that. So, I mean, that's...

Definitely proven. Kendrick then goes full friend of the show red thread and said, I've been in this industry 12 years. I'm going to tell you one little secret. It's some weird shit going on. Some of these artists are here to police it. They'd be streaming victims all inside of their home and calling them Tinder. So an artist at OVO, Baka not nice, has been charged with human trafficking and assault. Kendrick is saying here that there could be more and that

There could be more of that going on in the homes of Drake and the people around him. He's also saying within the whole industry...

uh this kind of thing's allowed to go on because there's some people who allow they kind of like what we've talked about with like the ditty stuff right all of it it just takes a few influential people to normalize it for everyone else yeah it breeds that kind of you know environment yeah and then he directly calls out the video of drake and says then leaks videos of themselves to further push their agendas saying that he's the one who leaked the video of him you know pleasuring himself um

which could like further the idea that sexuality and there's common or just trying to push sex appeal or sex normalcy so he's gedrick stein all of it into some grand conspiracy he's trying to push his cock agenda drake's drake's big cock agenda

Yeah, which Drake himself highlighted on Family Matters. He did. He confirmed it. He then says to any woman that be playing his music, know that you're playing your sister or better, you're selling your niece to the weirdos, not the good ones. Cat Williams said, get you the truth. So I'm gonna get mines. The embassy about to get raided too. It's only a matter of time.

So the embassy is Drake's home and Kendrick can say that there's stuff going on there that will warrant his home to get raided, which also relates, of course, to the P. Diddy case, which link in the description. If you want another rapid industry sex scandal.

He's also mentioning Cat Williams here who went on the interview lately and talked about all the weird stuff that goes on in the industry. Also, there's another kind of theory going around that Drake was the one that put out the... He ratted P. Diddy out and that's why P. Diddy's house was raided. Which is why Kendrick called him a snitch earlier on. And that's actually bolstered by some online...

I don't know if whistleblowers is the right term, but there's a lawyer, a criminal lawyer over in California that operates a whistleblowing site where he leaks that kind of stuff and he's basically confirmed that connection.

I didn't have time to investigate all of that, but it seems like there's some kind of like credence to that theory. He continues on and says, Hey, LeBron, keep the family away. Hey, Curry, keep the family away. Anybody that embodied the love for their kids, keep the family away. They're looking at you too. If you stand in by him, keep the family away. I'm looking to shoot through any pervert that lives. Keep the family safe. So he's telling all of his NBA friends to not bring kids around him.

He's one step away from standing out the front of the embassy with a picket sign that says pedophiles inside.

Krusty Krab is unfair. Drake is in there. Plotting as oppression. He also, after addressing Drake's son and parents, now addresses his supposed daughter that up until this came out had never been spoken of publicly to my knowledge. So he says, Dear baby girl, I'm sorry that your father's not active inside your world. So again,

If this is true, then Adonis came to life because of a Pusha T dish trank, the story of Adonis. And then Kendrick is now saying that he has a daughter. He says, instead he be in Turks paying for sex and popping perks, examples that you don't deserve. So he...

He's saying that Drake, this daughter, that Drake is not active in her life because he says Drake often goes to Turks and Caicos where, as mentioned, he pays for sex and drugs. And he's saying that this is a bad example for his daughter. Well, he's saying that, like, I'm sorry that your dad's not in your life because he instead values going to these islands and, you know, popping pills and having, you know, cheap sex and stuff like that. Like, I'm sorry that your father is just such a piece of shit.

Which is completely fair. He then says, his father probably didn't claim him neither. History do repeats itself. Sometimes I don't need a reason, but I would like to say it's not your fault that he hid in another child. So on 02100, Drake talks about how his father would say that he would come to see him, and yet he never showed up. His dad said this

His dad has said that this is a lie to sell records, but Drake has always said that his father was never around. So again, kind of a disparity in the history if Drake's father was absent or not. So Kendrick's saying that this is history repeated itself because he, Drake, is not there for his daughter. Drake's dad needs to come out with a diss track against Drake at this point. Can you imagine? That'd be the craziest twist. Oh my God, if Kendrick collabs with Drake's dad on a track,

Or his mom. Oh my god, that would hurt Drake so much. That'd be insane. There's also a lot where Drake, like in the album Take Care, there's a lot of mentions where he talks about how his parents weren't around and stuff like that. So yeah, it's kind of a recurring theme. So Kendrick's saying that this is a, like, it's history repeating itself because now he's being a bad dad. Yep.

He also says, and a deadbeat that should never say more life. Meet the Grams. So more life is the name of one of Drake's albums released in 2017. It is used here to say Drake should never have another child as he neglects his already existing children. Such a fucking hard line. He's a deadbeat that should never say more life.

i liked more life i think my favorite album i think of drake's ever was either take care or if you're reading this it's too late but more life was still good drake in my opinion um

He says, Dear Aubrey. So now he's speaking directly to Drake. He's gone to everyone else. He's now talking to Drake. You screwed up the moment you called out my family's name. Why you had to stoop so low to discredit some decent people. So this is referring to Drake talking about Whitney. And Kendrick's like, that was the final straw. That's why I've got spies in your house. That's why I've got people going at us.

Did he even discredit Whitney, really? It was more like he was discrediting Kendrick by saying he beats Whitney. If Drake is lying about it, that's also bringing your wife. If someone said that I beat my wife, it's not only saying I'm abusive, it's saying my wife is like a victim and isn't saying anything about it or is allowing people she cares about to be there. It discredits the relationship and both parties in it, I think. Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, because that's also kind of implying that if this is true, that's implying that Whitney is kind of putting on a front and lying for him to the public, to, you know, family, friends, stuff like that, which, you know, like, sure, you could make you could say that she's a victim and that's why she's keeping it safe. But it's still calling her like persona into question. I try to empathize with you because I know you ain't been through nothing. Crave entitlement, but want to be like so bad that it's puzzling.

So he's saying that Drake has not been through as many hardships in his life compared to someone like Kendrick. Drake grew up in an average but nice neighborhood in Toronto, while Kendrick was in Section 8 government subsidized housing in Compton, where he was surrounded by a lot of crime. Yeah. So it's like saying you lived a super privileged life and yet you were craving so much entitlement. Like, come on. Yeah. I try to empathize with you because you've been through nothing. That's insane. But yeah.

But yeah, Drake in his early songs, it's not like he had zero struggles. If his father was absent, that's tragic. He talks about how when he did get his first gig on Degrassi, I think according to one of his songs, he was making about $50,000 a year, and he was using that to pay for his mom's house payments and stuff like that. So if that's all true, he did go through something. But Kendrick in his music talks about

being given a gun at a young age and told to like rob people and stuff like that. Like it's very different lifestyles, right? He says no culture cachet to binge, just disrespecting your mother identities on the fence. Don't know which family will love you. No culture cachet to binge. What the fuck?

So he's talking about the whole biracial thing. He's saying that Drake has disrespected his mother by disregarding her culture and Jewish religion and just binging off the one that profits him more. That's true. Yeah, that's a good one.

Why believe you? You never gave us nothing to believe in. In a 2019 interview after Drake lost the rap battle with Pusha T, he talked to Jackson quickly throwing that in there after Drake lost the rap battle with Pusha T. I mean, he did. Most people agree he lost. There's only a few holdouts that think he won. I agree. I agree he lost. I agree he lost. But it's just funny the way that was worded. Yeah.

He talked about how he didn't enjoy Pusha T's music because he didn't believe in it and didn't find it authentic. This could be a callback to that while also being a callback to the claims of Drake being inauthentic himself.

So Kendrick then says, because you lied about religious views. You lied about your surgery. You lied about your accent, your past tense, all his perjury. You lied about your ghostwriters. You lied about your crew members. They all pussy. You lied on them. I know they all got you in them. You lied about your son. You lied about your daughter, huh? You lied about them other kids that's out here hoping that you come. Again, he hates this man.

so much. You can see the passion in it. So basically there he's implying that there's more kids than even just Adonis and the girl he referenced earlier. He is saying he lied about his religion, about writing, about kids, that he's got more kids out there. He lied about his crew. He's saying every part. This is what I was talking about earlier. The reason stuff like the Ozempic, the Ghost Riders matters here where it doesn't somewhere else is because most of a rapper's

credibility is built on their authenticity, that they really mean the things they're talking about. And he's saying that not just his music, but everything from his family, his religion, all of it is just a fraud that he puts on. Nothing is authentic. He hates this man.

So much hate. And then he says, you lied about the only artist that can offer you some help. Screw a rap battle. This is a lifelong battle with yourself. So he's, he's saying that, uh, he gets more and more intense as this first goes on, by the way, Kendrick's really good at like framing. He frames like his flow to where it can help, uh,

further like the weight of some of the points he's making so this is kind of like the close out for it and he's calling drake out for everything that he believes drake has done while saying that kendrick was the only person who could offer him some help but that this is something bigger than kendrick because at the end drake is fighting himself exactly which very succinct

Yeah, like you said, he hates this guy. He hates him. So this is Not Like Us from Kendrick. Now, I already forgot if we mentioned, but the previous one from Kendrick, Meet the Grams, came out 20 minutes after Drake's Family Matters. So it was super quick response. He had that shit ready to ride. Locked and loaded.

Yep. And then I think it was 12 hours after Meet the Grams, Kendrick dropped again, double tapping Drake here with this one. So also on May 4th, he released Not Like Us. The cover art is a Google image screenshot of Drake's house, nicknamed the embassy, with little identifying indicators that are used to show where sex offenders live. So the implication is that Drake employs and associates with a lot of sex offenders. It is insane.

And then Jackson has, to be completely fair, Kendrick Lamar also associates with people who have said some sketchy things about minors like Metro Booman. Which is fair. He has associated with and worked with, even in this battle, let's say, with people that have said some pretty sketchy stuff. Speaking of, when did Metro's beat come out? When did that happen? That was May 4th, right? Or May 5th? Yeah. Okay. I think it was May 4th.

Okay. Yeah, wait, when was it? I can't fucking type. Never mind. Oh, right. Your keyboard's gone. Yeah. Anyway, though, not like us. I see dead people. And then mustard on the beat, ho. So in Family Matters, Drake says, you know who really banged his set? YG. Having mustard on this track is a hit back as mustard is a big producer for YG. Mustard also shared the song on his Twitter saying, I'll never turn my back on my city and I'm fully loaded.

So just having him here was already a big move. Also, the line, I see dead people is calling back to the Sixth Sense reference made in the previous. Yeah, yeah.

What's up with these jabroni ass dudes trying to see Compton? Kendrick again pointing out he's frustrated with Drake trying to see Compton. Drake had to take down an Instagram post shortly after he released TaylorMadeFreestyle because he was wearing a Compton Community College t-shirt. That's funny.

Beat your ass and hide the Bible if God watching. Kendrick will put aside his religious beef or beliefs to come back and drink. His religious beef. You know, he's got a problem with God. Kendrick's taking it all the way up to heaven. Yeah.

It's like they got Kendrick. You remember that scene in Spider-Man 3 when Eddie goes to church and he's like, I want you to kill Peter Parker. Oh, yeah. That's Kendrick with Drake right now. He hates him so much. God, you got to do this for me. Say, Drake, I hear you like him young. You better not ever go to cell block one.

So this is continuing with the Drake liking underage girls. And party at the party plan with his nose now. And Baka got a weird case. Why is he around? Certified lover boy, certified pedophiles. And that is the best line of this entire feud. Absolutely. The way he says it too. Certified lover boy, certified pedophiles. No. The next line I think is the best one.

So, I think it's pretty obvious here. It's him talking about how OVO are terrible people and Party is Party Next Door, who he calls out as having a cocaine addiction. Baka is Baka Not Nice, who was talked about a minute ago with being charged with human trafficking. So, it's not only just being like pedophiles and stuff, it's also alleging like human trafficking, like drinking associated with it. Trying to strike a chord and it's... Oh, you didn't put the whole line in here. So, it goes...

What is it? At your age, trolling, aren't you tired? Trying to strike a chord and it's probably a minor. He hangs on the A minor. A minor. So it's pretty clear, again, just poking at Drake being into underage women.

And also it's been speculated that Family Matters was sung mostly in A minor scale and also on a piano A minor scale is only white keys. Again potentially a disagree for being biracial and inauthentic. I saw that one on Twitter as well. It's super interesting. I mean I don't know if it's like on purpose but that would be impressive if that is like if that's why he came to that conclusion or wrote that line. That would be crazy.

So wait, wait, wait. The reason why I like certified lover boys, certified pedophiles more than that line is I feel like the A minor part is kind of predictable. I've seen that line used to like joke about that kind of stuff in the past. I think Bo Burnham's got a joke that's similar to that. Whereas...

Certified lover boy, certified pedophile just comes out of nowhere. It's kind of like an anti-joke. Almost like it doesn't even make sense. It's just hilarious how much conviction is said behind the line. That's why I like it more. Again, he hates it so much. It hit me more. It hit me harder than the A minor one, but they're both great. Yeah, don't get me wrong.

Fucked on Wayne's girl while he was in jail. That's conniving. Then get his face tatted like a bitch apologizing. So this one has actually been confirmed. So, yeah. Drake had sex with Lil Wayne's partner Tammy Torres when Wayne went to jail in 2010. A few years later, Drake got a portrait of Wayne's face tattooed on his upper arm. Whether or not that's because he was apologizing to Wayne, that's not confirmed.

Like, Wayne put him on, right? Like, he's the reason Drake's famous. So to have sex with his girl while you're in jail? What a bitch, man. It's crazy. Drake's the bitch. I mean, what an absolute scumbag. Fucking the dude that made you famous. Sorry, fucking the dude's wife.

or girlfriend that made you famous while he's in prison and that's been confirmed you said that has been confirmed uh beyond a shadow of a doubt wayne even spoke about it he started by saying like i have terrible memory who are we talking about he's like oh yeah no that definitely happened yeah so no that that that is true fuck that but he wasn't like he said he wasn't like mad about it anymore he said hoes will be hoes so wait is it still his part i guess

No, no, no, no, no. They're not like still together or anything. I don't think. That would have been funny. Anyway. And your homeboy needs subpoena that Predator's moving... That Predator moving flocks. That name gotta be registered and placed on Neighborhood Watch.

So he's saying that Drake and the people around him are predators. And in the U.S., Megan's Law means that sex offenders are required to register their address for the community to see. And this ties into the cover art for the song. There's a little, you know, update on U.S. law for you guys out there who don't know about Megan's Law. It's required by law. Once upon a time, all of us was in chains. Homies still doubling down, calling us some slaves. Atlanta was the mecca building railroads and trains.

So he's referring to how on Family Matters, Drake called enslaved African-Americans slaves, describing slavery as an identity rather than how it was imposed upon people against their will. So he's pointing out a disconnection to the culture. Yeah, I mean, I think. So then he goes, no, you're not a colleague. You're a fucking colonizer. The Family Matter and the Truth of the Matter, it was God's plans to show y'all the liar.

So Drake has been called a colonizer by many, especially with him purchasing hip-hop heirlooms like Tupac's ring and Pharrell's jewelry. And Kendrick uses God's Plan, the name of one of Drake's songs, against him, saying it's God's Plan to show that Drake is a liar. Absolutely. I think, yeah, I do think that Not Like Us is the best song out of the lot. I think so too. It's the perfect mix.

Even if you didn't know the beef between them, the song is just good. It's just a good, good song. You could listen to it without caring about the feud. You could listen to it without knowing about the feud. It's in my playlist now, whereas most of the other songs I don't think are in my playlist. I don't know. I feel like maybe... I feel like Meet the Grahams is the most hitting one, right? That's like the roughest.

No, I don't know. I actually think Not Like Us is the hardest because he's just point blank. You're a pedophile. You like underage girls. That's what I mean. I feel like it's more nuanced and interesting to be like Dear Adonis. I'm sorry about that. That feels more personal. My brother would be like, that guy, I don't like him. He's a predator. I mean, I just like the song though. I like listening to the song more than the rest is what I meant. I do like it.

However, I feel like Euphoria has a bit better of a flow, but I do like Not Like Us. It is good. It is good. All right. So after this point, people are wondering, is it even worth Drake coming back and swinging back? Because at this point he had been buried, essentially, with all these lines. But to Drake's credit, he did come back with the hot part six, which is a pretty clever...

title to give it credit where credit is due yet again which he stole from a Twitter user who had a viral tweet saying that if Drake claps back he should call it the heart part six I'm not I can't even give Drake the credit he wasn't looking at Twitter that day maybe he came up with this on his own we don't know for sure I will I will also say

that a few days ago there's one piece of this I think should be mentioned and that's the Metro Boomin part right so Metro was also kind of involved in this whole beef because he is the one who originally made the album with Metro Boomin's a big producer he makes beats and

He made an album with Future, which is where Kendrick made the original song like that. Correct. That was that was the track that came out on that album. It's the feature Kendrick did that, like, kicked all this off. So in some of his disses, Drake is calling out Metro and he says Metro shut up and beat some drums.

Basically like, you're not even a rapper. Go make a beat. What are you doing here? So Metro, right before Heart Part 6, if I recall right, released... He put it out on Twitter. He released a beat and said, I'll make a free beat for whoever can make the best song over this. And the beat is called BBL Drizzy. BBL Drizzy.

and it's a beat where it's a woman singing about drake having a bbl so so metro's like oh you go beat some drums okay how's this great so good and all the like all the like uh memes and and you know aside things that have happened outside of just these two going at it have been fucking hilarious most of the time really really funny yeah

So yeah, on May 5th, Drake released the Heart Part 6. So far, this is the last diss track to come out at this point anyway. Again, still a developing situation. We might need to do a part two down the line with even more diss tracks. But this is where we sit currently. The name alone is smart as Kendrick has other songs titled, you know, the Heart Part 1 through to 5. And now either we'll have to...

Sorry, now either will feel like he cannot do part six or will, but this song will now be a part of this discussion for good or for bad. Drake posted the song on Instagram with a photo of Dave Free, who is that manager that we described before, who has been accused of sleeping with Kendrick's wife, Whitney. So this is like, this is all Drake's got really is like your friend may have fucked your wife.

Which is so mid and baseless compared to everything else. But whatever. He's also claimed frequently that Dave is the father to one of Kendrick's kids using a photo of Dave Free commenting on a photo of Kendrick's kids with a heart emoji to signify it. He also captioned it on Instagram saying, and we know you're dropping six mins after, so instead of posting my address, you have a lot to address. The Pulitzer Prize winner is definitely spiraling. Which is a pretty weak caption, honestly. Like, pretty...

He sounds so tilted, honestly. Like whenever he's talking about it outside of the lyrics. Anyway, these are the lyrics. The ones that you're getting your stories from, they all clowns. I am a war general seasoned in preparation. My jacket is covered in medals, honor and decoration. You waited for this moment, overcome with a desperation. We plotted for a week and then we fed you the information. That's a big, that's a big assertion right there.

So Drake here is claiming that there is no mole in his team, that Kendrick instead has been fed fake lies like about how Drake has a daughter. This has come under contention for a few reasons.

Drake first says that the one Kendrick got his stories from are clowns but then is saying that his team gave him the information so which is it Drake are they clowns or is it your team or are you just insulting your team like what is it Drake

He also has no proof about doing this, leading many people to claim that Drake is just desperately attempting to save face. Another thing worth mentioning is after that allegation came out in the Kendrick tracks, Drake went on Instagram. He's like, can someone find me that 11 year old daughter? Like he went into a defensive mode as opposed to like this bravado that he's putting on. Surely you've had the proof that he fed that information to Kendrick. He would have just posted the proof being like, nah, it's all made up. Look, I tricked him instead of being like, well,

What was it like? He said on Instagram, like, if you find my 11-year-old daughter, I'll work for you or some dumb shit like that. Yeah, I'll quit rap and work for you is what he said. Also, I said this on the official podcast the other day, but like...

He's very focused on the 11 year old aspect and not the fact that he's been called a pedophile. Surely he would have been like, I'm not a pedophile. But instead he's like, I don't have an 11 year old daughter. That's crazy. That's ridiculous. Okay, Drake. All right. So the next line, even the picture you use, the jokes and the medication, the made back love and the drug he uses for less inflation. Okay.

So Drake is saying here that even the cover up for Meet the Grahams was a lie fed to Kendrick, which I guess would make sense if we're operating under the assumption that Drake is telling the truth here and that there are no- If he's right, then yeah, that would be correct. That would explain the leak and all that kind of stuff, yeah. And why that picture was sent to Kendrick. All right. And then what about the bones we dug up in that excavation? And why isn't Whitney denying all of the allegations? Why?

Why is she following Dave Free and not Mr. Morale? So Drake has brought up that allegedly Dave Free, we've talked about this, is the father of one of Kendrick's kids. He's asking why they are letting the rumor circulate without denying it. But again, we can like spin that around and be like, why aren't you denying being a pedophile, Drake? Come on. Also pointing out that Whitney follows Dave on Instagram, but not Kendrick, which is true. Whitney doesn't follow Dave.

doesn't follow Kendrick on Instagram and vice versa but again like that's high school shit I don't think Kendrick follows anyone on Instagram I think he's got like one of those very

hyper-focused art profiles where he follows no one and it's just like a repository for his art. So, who knows? Some fans have also said that she doesn't need to follow Kendrick as she would have a direct line of contact, which, yeah, obviously. And also, again, it's like super childish shit. If your entire argument boils down to, hmm, I noticed she doesn't follow you on Instagram. Like, come on. Come on, Drake. Something must have gone wrong. How interesting. It just shows where his mentality is at, you know? Like, that's so unserious.

Why isn't it Facebook official? Yeah, exactly. You haven't seen the kids in six months. The distance is wild. Dave leaving heart emojis underneath pics of the child. So Drake is claiming that Kendrick hasn't seen his children in over six months living in the New York apartment that he has talked about a few times at this point.

And he also says Dave's leaving heart emojis is also a callback to the cover art of the song. And it's apparently an indication that Dave is the father of the children, which has got to be the weakest fucking evidence of all time. If Drake believes that this man is the father of Kendrick's children because he leaves heart emojis underneath pictures of them, or one picture of them at least, like, come on. That's the best you can do. That's your evidence.

It's crazy. He keeps like, he's getting a lot of mileage out of the whole, uh, that child is actually not your kid. Yeah. Yeah. It's just everything Instagram. All right. And now we come to the Reds for a special. The moment you've all been waiting for. It comes up once an episode and Drake has, Drake has done you a service by bringing it up today. So big thank you to Drake. Yep. Massive. Let's go. He says, speaking of anything with a child, let's get to that now.

This Epstein angle was the shit I expected. TikTok videos. Epstein! What is this? His 19th appearance in the red thread? TikTok videos you collected and dissected. Instead of being on some disdirect shit, you rather fucking grab your pen and misdirect shit. So Drake here is denying the allegations about liking children, saying that Kendrick is completely misdirecting the truth, which I mean, I guess that's all he can do. He's like, no, that's not true.

I swear. I swear it's so true. I also like how he says the Epstein angle is what he expected, but he didn't take the Epstein angle. He said Weinstein. He just got confused. Also, how bad is it for Drake where he expects to be called a pedophile wherever he goes?

True. Yeah. Like that's, that's, well, he, he planted that evidence too. I'm sure. Yeah. It's all 4D chess. Of course. That's the one record where you say you got molested. Oh, fuck me. I just made the whole connection. This is about to get so depressing. This is trauma from your own confessions. So,

The way he phrases that, too, is... So Kendrick had a song called I, which, again, I think was on To Pimp a Butterfly, where Kendrick says that he was molested. He was left alone with an older man. And the way Drake phrases it is he's having a conversation with his mom, and he's like, Mother, I... I...

Wait, that's the track where you said you got... He's framing it as if he naturally finds out in conversation that this is all Kendrick projecting for the molestation that happened to him. Look, as YouTubers, this is our home plate. Not only because, haha, YouTube pedophile, but also...

How many times have we heard people who like do predator chasing stuff get the whole accusation of, oh, well, you must be a pedophile yourself or, oh, I bet you got touched as a kid. That is exactly what Drake's doing here. Same strategy. That is such a brain dead take all the time. It's also worth mentioning. Drake didn't understand Kendrick's lyrics. So I looked into it a little bit because there's a lot of debate on that.

Kendrick never ever claimed that he got molested ever. Correct. He never outright says it. Some people have said that he implied it, but... I'm pretty sure he denies it. No, he...

No, he outright says it never happened. It's not like he even, like... Okay, I didn't know he straight up denied it. I just thought it was, like, it could be interpreted. Okay, I didn't know he denied it. Gotcha. From what I remember, like, he talks about sexual trauma and molestation, and, like, he talks about being questioned about it by his family, but he denies... I think it's specifically his cousin. I wrote here his cousin. He denies that his cousin molested him. But regardless, Drake is bringing it up and using it as projection, like...

Saying that Kendrick is projecting the trauma onto Drake, which is the weirdest fucking defense to being called a pedophile. It's a terrible angle. Yeah, it's a terrible angle to try. Yeah, insane. Honestly, insane. And it makes him look really callous too, right? Like almost like making fun of people who are being molested or whatever. It's a really weird take, really weird direction to go.

And then he says, quote, this is Drake again.

I mean, it got worse. It got worse, guys. Actually the worst. Somehow he took it to the next level of worst defense as possible. I'm way too famous for this. You just brought up Epstein and Weinstein, right? Regardless, so many fucking famous people.

being accused of the same or proven to be guilty of the same thing you're now being accused of and your defense is i'm way too famous for this shit it actually boggles the brain so crazy i know it is actually so famous people never get away with touching children pedophilia that's for poor people like what

I have to imagine he wrote these. His ghostwriters probably took a break. They're like, we need some time to process. He's like, don't worry, I got this one. Or maybe his ghostwriters are now in the employ of Kendrick because come on. They're the spies. The spies. Come on, man. Again, if I was fucking young girls, I promise I'd have been arrested. How is that a defense? I'm not a pedophile. I haven't been arrested for it, have I? What?

You're only a pedophile when you get arrested for it. Anyway, the next quote is, you mentioning A minor, but guy got to be sharp and tell the fans. Who was it? Oh, Jesus Christ. I felt that hurt saying that one. That is such a fucking bad line. That's cringe. It's so cringe. But man, it actually retroactively makes the A minor worse because now I'm always going to be thinking about how he cringed it up by saying B sharp.

b sharp which also is not a key no it's not there's a whole simpson joke about it because uh the b the homer creates the b sharps for these friends and the whole joke is that they're fucking stupid and it's not an actual it's not an actual key um so hitting back at one of kendrick's catchiest lines and not like us drake is telling kendrick he needs to be sharp and come clean just in just the most drake way possible which is

what we just heard. And now we come to the one of the funniest lines. Oh my god. He says, only fucking with Whitney's, not Millie Bobby Brown's. I'd never look twice at no teenager. He's self-reporting. He's actually like doing more damage to himself than Kendrick ever did. Yeah, so the memes that came from that were extraordinary. It was like, Kendrick, you're a pedophile. And he goes, I did nothing inappropriate with Millie Bobby Brown. It's like, who mentioned Millie Bobby Brown? Yeah, who brought that up, dude?

like actual self-report it's not only did he bring it up um but also that line i never looked twice at no teenager which is a strange thing to say but in his song nice for what he's talking about a girl and he says high school picks you was even bad then oh true yeah yeah that one too i mean we're gonna get we're gonna get into the evidence like briefly anyway because this is going on for a long time but we are going to talk about like

evidence of Drake's relationship with mine is coming up once we finish this little bit. But yeah, I mean, just that line. Drake came under a lot of controversy in 2018 regarding his close relationship with Millie Bobby Brown, who said in an interview that they would message each other things like, I love you, I miss you,

And he would give her advice about boys late at night. This is an interesting line in the song as Kendrick never brought up Millie Bobby Brown directly. So he immediately went on the Millie Bobby Brown defense, which I mean, also 2018, he was in his mid thirties. Drake was in his mid thirties around that time, or at least early thirties. Millie Bobby Brown was 14. What in the world is a 30 year old man doing texting a 14 year old girl as

Just at a bare minimum, like just texting them at all. Super fucking weird. But saying shit like, I love you, miss you. And giving her advice, like relationship advice. Giving her boys advice is crazy. Yeah, actually. All of that is so, it's so crazy. It's indefensible. It's indefensible. Even at the time, like they spun that out like it was a feel good PR story. And everyone was like, wait, what? What the fuck are you talking about?

Yeah, no, I remember when I first learned about that, I was like, holy shit, this is so weird. This is super weird. Drake's a weirdo. Yeah, that's when it all kind of bubbled up, at least in public perception towards Drake. And then we have, I don't want to fight with a woman beater. It feeds your nature. If you still bump in R. Kelly, you could thank the savior. Said if they deleted his music, then your music is going to a hypocrite. So here, I mean, this is honestly Drake's best point.

This is his best point, by far. Because all the rest have been dog shit, so it's a very low bar to hop over. So Drake brings up that when R. Kelly and XXXTentacion songs were being removed from Spotify playlist, Kendrick threatened to take his own music from Spotify, removing it from Spotify, which is a...

I get that he was probably standing up for the art of it because again Kendrick strikes me as like an auteur kind of someone who takes the art form very seriously and preservation of music probably ties into that but to like hang like defend R. Kelly and XXXTentacion who is an awful person.

He's done really fucked up shit with minors as well. It does come across as pretty hypocritical. So here, Drake is calling Kendrick a hypocrite for this as he was somewhat supporting proven child abusers. Were you looking up something then? I heard typing. That was not me. No, that was me. It was definitely not me. My keyboard doesn't work. I thought you might have been looking up XXXTentacion. And so if you wanted to know more about that, he was found guilty of it, right? Of...

Doing some really sketchy stuff with underage people. Charlie, I feel like you would know. So I don't know the underage people thing. The big thing with X was there is the allegations of domestic abuse. So I remember and I could get the details wrong here, but I remember it was something like his girl at the time was pregnant and he tried to force an abortion on her by like punching her in the stomach and shit like that.

That's what I remember. I don't know about the childhood stuff. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else. R. Kelly. No, you're just thinking R. Kelly. No, R. Kelly is a bad dude. But there was another SoundCloud rapper. I don't remember who. But he had 14-year-old girls on a music video set. And he was having sex with them and making out with them on set. Oh, Jesus Christ. Another one that kind of did that is 6ix9ine.

Oh, I think you're right. I think I'm thinking of 6ix9ine. Regardless, what you said is bad, obviously. There was a whole conspiracy that Drake killed X that went around. Yeah, there was a conspiracy Drake killed X. No, I was specifically thinking about the child abuse on the set of that music video, which it sounds like was 6ix9ine. Regardless, it doesn't matter. They're both...

Drake's point is fair here. R. Kelly and XXX are both pretty dodgy dudes, let's say. R. Kelly, definitely. We've talked about that in the past. R. Kelly is an awful person. He's urinated on children. Alright, the next line. And Whitney, you can hit me if you need a favor. And when I say I hit your back, it's a lot safer.

I promise. So Drake here is saying that if Whitney needs a favor, she can hit him up and he will help while also insinuating again that Kendrick Lamar beat his wife. He beats her. So yeah, I mean, allegations again, nothing proven like all the Drake shit, all the Drake evidence about him being weird with kids. So he didn't really feel a very strong attack or defense here in my opinion, but at least the song was fine. It was a pretty good song.

I thought the song was okay. It wasn't nearly as good as Family Matters from him though. Not at all. And I could kind of, I've, it was at this point definitely where I'm like, he's, he's just on the defense now. I feel like he doesn't want to be doing this anymore. He realizes that he bit off more than he can chew and he's, he's just playing defense. So I don't,

Do you guys think that it ends here? Do you think more diss tracks come out? Kendrick probably will. Yeah, I don't think Kendrick lets Drake have the last word. Yeah, you're right. Probably not. But I think Drake probably would just try to slink away and let it stop. Yes. That's what I think for sure.

So let's get to the most recent thing. This happened yesterday, actually, as of recording. So there was a shooting outside of Drake's mansion in Toronto on the early morning of May 7th. Initial reports were being publicized that there were concerns that the individual shot was Drake due to the internet beef at the time.

However, it was quickly revealed that a security guard was the only individual seriously injured in the incident. The shooting took place at 2 a.m. at the residence the guard was reportedly standing outside a gate when he was shot from a vehicle that subsequently fled the scene. He was transported to the hospital in serious condition. The exact motive for the shooting remains unclear at this early stage of the investigation, and it is not known if Drake was present at the mansion during the incident.

Though it's not impossible to believe that this was somehow connected to the beef online. I think it's a very high chance that it was, yeah. Wait, do you think someone from Kendrick Lamar's camp

No, I think it's probably like these have been so big and in no uncertain terms, Kendrick is like he should die. The people around him should die. So hearing someone like hearing like a mentally unwell person hearing that would be like, OK, I'll do that then. They deserve it. I'll do it for you. They get together and do it. Yeah, I guess. But OK, so here's an interesting question. And do you think that Kendrick is responsible in any way for that?

That's tough. I don't know. I don't know where I stand on that. I guess I need to learn more. This is the whole question of audience responsibility, I guess. Yeah, but on a bigger scale, I mean, he's directly saying he should die. Like, I feel like... Yeah, he is literally saying that they should die, need to die. It'd be a good thing if they were dead. Couple that in with the, you know, hypocrisy.

hip-hop crowd and hip-hop audience already having those kind of strong ties to that kind of behavior. And Drake's address is like a matter of public record, right? I mean, it's in a picture on the album cover. You can put a picture of it. So anyone who gets that idea, like what if it was two YouTubers, right? What if a YouTuber said another one should die and someone went and tried to shoot that one? We would say...

I actually would think that it would bear some responsibility in that situation. 100%. It was incredibly reckless that led to it, right? So yeah, I would say Kendrick probably does have some culpability with that. Now, if Kendrick is right...

And, you know, Drake is like abusing children. If it's a certified lover boy, then maybe it should be. Yeah, then then who cares? Right. But if this is just like rat beef that has gone too far and exaggerated, then, you know, maybe not. Maybe it is a problem. This is definitely the most explosive rat beef of the last at least 25 years. Right. Like it's it's. When did Park and Biggie die? It was like the 90s. It would have been after that. Yeah. Yeah.

All right. So then we come to Drake's relationship with minors. So while there is no concrete, like super concrete proof, let's say that Drake is a child predator. There have been frequent inappropriate events that people have been talking about for years. At this point, Drake is very quickly becoming implicated through various different events that have taken place that seem suspect when looking at them altogether, let alone individually. So what I'm saying is like, they might seem like,

Not enough to outright call him a child predator, but when you kind of combine all of them together, it definitely paints a very...

weird picture of how he like interacts with people underage so number one we have the concert incidents so Drake has previously been publicly criticized for onstage behavior with younger female fans Charlie you know this example I think you brought it up earlier in the show for example in one instance during a concert Drake invites a 17 year old girl on stage and after confirming her age I think that's important he like says oh you're 17 and

He would then go on to make physical contact with her by kissing her neck and commenting on her appearance in a manner that is at least adjacent to that of someone sexualizing a minor.

Okay, you did a very generous favor to that video because that video is gross. So the girl's on stage and I don't think he knows anything about it. They bring fans on randomly during concerts all the time. This was in 2010. And then he asked the girl how old she is. And she says 17. He goes, 17? I can't go to jail yet. Why are you so thick though? Yeah, he like leans over and looks at her ass, looks her up and down.

Yep, yep, yep, yep. After she's already said she's 17 and then he like goes in close on her and he goes, I like the way your breasts feel against my chest. And then he kisses her. So like it's, it's a lot like that. It's completely indefensible. That shit is so fucking weird. How old was Drake during that? Uh, 24, 23. Yeah, it'd be like 24. I think 24. Okay.

It's not even the gap in their ages. It's the fact that he confirmed she's underage. Yeah, any responsible artist would have been like, they wouldn't have pushed that any further, even if they were around the same age, because it's just not a good look, obviously. It's also legally irresponsible. And then we've also got relationship rumors and texting habits, which we just talked about. Drake has faced heavy criticism over rumors of relationships or inappropriate interactions.

With younger celebrities before they've reached the age of 18. Drake's communication with younger celebrities like Millie Bobby Brown, who you may know from the intro of this episode, and Billie Eilish have been heavily talked about. He reportedly gave them advice on personal matters, which some have argued is inappropriate given the age gap. For example, Millie Bobby Brown was only 14 when Drake was allegedly giving her boy advice late at night through text, which is just so fucking weird.

There was some other stuff around that too. So like they were at a party at the Grammys or something like that. And like Millie and Drake like hung out all night according to reports like in public, like he didn't take her anywhere, but like they were like super buddy, buddy. And then like, apparently he would like, like he got Billy's number and started texting her about bias, which in isolation would be fine. Just someone in the industry being like, Oh, here's some tips, but it is the pattern of it. That is strange. Right.

It's called me crazy, but I don't even think it's fine for him to be one-on-one texting her about industry stuff. The texting's weird. The texting makes it weird. If it was like, for example, if Drake saw Billie Eilish at an event. Yeah, if it was a social setting, completely fine. Yeah, totally fine. But it's the texting and the weirdness and the private conversations. It just feels strange. Yeah.

A hundred percent. He also like took Billy, not Billy, uh, Millie Bobby Brown to like a big dinner or something to like meet her for the first time. I think it was like, it's, it's, it's so weird. He's like fixation on Millie Bobby Brown when she was a child. You know, if that was like a one-on-one dinner, I don't remember. It's been a long time since I looked into that. I mean, that just sounds like a date to me. Yeah. I mean, that's, that's, that is what it sounds like. Yeah. Yeah.

All right. It is, it is really weird, but we are running, uh, three hours. We just hit the three hour mark. It's an insane amount of time for, uh, for us to talk about this. I think we've covered everything though. Uh,

in pretty excruciating detail. Do you guys have any like final opinions on where this is going or anything like that or what we've talked about? Kendrick is obviously winning in like the biggest possible way. And I think he's probably going to respond at least once more. I will say, I think you will respond once more. If it comes out that Drake is right about the domestic violence stuff, tables may turn a bit, right? Yeah.

And that would be, okay, hold on. If it's in combination with nothing else, with nothing else coming out about Drake, because if it comes out like more stuff regarding like underage people and stuff like that, that maybe he's knowingly covered up for people at OVO, that would be a big issue. But if right now, if it just stays, he's kind of weird with kids and it comes out that Kendrick is,

is a domestic abuser, I think the tables will flip. Short of that happening, I think Kendrick has won by a long shot. It has made Drake make the best music he has in years. True, yeah. But Kendrick's absolutely winning. So here's my thing. I don't think the tables will turn, even if evidence comes out. I think the best Drake can hope for is evening the tables. Like, that's all that he can get at this point.

Because his reputation has been marred by this pretty significantly. He is the laughingstock of the internet. And not only that, people defending Drake, like the Drake fans, the Drake diehards, are also the laughingstock of the internet at the moment. So it is not a great time to be a Drake fan.

I wanted to go into this. I mean, it doesn't sound like it, but I did want to go into this like pretty unbiased, but it's just hard knowing what we like, what we know about Drake and like how goofy he is and how corny he is. And also the stuff with children and stuff like that. There's just way more evidence against Drake. I will say that I do want to see evidence come out because they are dealing or

or they are talking and alleging very serious things at this point. It kind of feels like it has transcended beyond something that should be just diss tracks. You know what I mean? It shouldn't be just revolving around this diss track world. These feel like things that should be actually explored through releasing the evidence that they say they have. Definitely in both camps, I think it has just transcended beyond something that is

you know, just diss tracks. So I would like to see someone come out with something. Otherwise, it just feels a bit weird. You know, it does feel a bit weird that this has become entertainment. We're talking about domestic abuse and pedophilia and it's just becoming kind of like a, you know, a glorified gladiator battle between two artists through diss tracks when I feel like they're very serious things that should be

you know, treated seriously. Um, but that's where the drama is sitting at this moment. This has been an extremely long, deep dive into the situation. I hope that it's been kind of enlightening to anyone out there who hasn't dipped their toes into it. I highly recommend going and listening to the tracks just to see what we've been talking about. Um, yeah. Other than that, I feel like it's just a, he said, he said situation at the moment. So we'll see where this goes.

We might do a part two down the line if more comes out, anything more substantial comes out. We might do a part two. Let us know what you think about this episode. I hope you guys enjoyed it a lot. I hope you two enjoyed it as well. Yeah, anything else? Can we end it there? No, I think that's all good.

Thank you very much for listening to Red Thread. Yeah, thank you very much. I don't think there's anything else. I don't even know what I say at the end of these. I think that's it. Thanks. Stay thread. Thanks, everyone. Bye-bye. Stay red. Stay red and also thread. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Bye.