cover of episode Introducing: The Curious History of Your Home - Baths

Introducing: The Curious History of Your Home - Baths

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Ruth Goodman
Ruth Goodman: 本节目探讨了从古罗马时期到现代社会,沐浴文化和人们对沐浴的理解是如何发生变化的。从古罗马卡拉卡拉浴场体现的奢华和公共性,到中世纪由于疾病和社会因素导致的公共浴场衰落,再到18世纪水疗的复兴和海水浴的流行,以及19世纪细菌理论的提出对个人卫生习惯的改变,最终到现代社会淋浴的普及和泡澡的仪式感,Ruth Goodman 详细地讲述了沐浴在不同历史时期所扮演的角色以及它与社会、文化、宗教和科技之间的复杂关系。她指出,沐浴不仅仅是清洁身体的行为,更是一种文化和社会现象,它反映了人们的生活方式、价值观和对健康的理解。

Deep Dive

The Caracalla Baths, built by the notorious Emperor Caracalla, were a grand complex in Ancient Rome, showcasing the empire's wealth and power. They included a library, an Olympic-sized pool, and a temple, and were a hub for social interaction and relaxation.

Shownotes Transcript

A brand-new podcast from the Noiser network. Join domestic historian Ruth Goodman as she explores the remarkable, often epic, tales behind everyday objects.

This taster episode is all about the bath.

A murderous emperor builds the grandest bath complex ever seen in Ancient Rome. The arrival of a new disease spells trouble for the bathhouses of Tudor London. An excitable Victorian clergyman extolls the virtues of skinny dipping. And World War Two plays a surprising role in kickstarting the hot tub craze…

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