cover of episode Franco Part 4: The Cold War & the President

Franco Part 4: The Cold War & the President

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旁白:本集讲述了弗朗哥在西班牙内战后巩固权力,实施恐怖统治,建立集中营迫害政治对手,以及在二战后通过重新塑造自身形象,与美国结盟,最终在冷战时期获得国际地位的过程。弗朗哥政权对政治犯进行军事审判,利用强迫劳动,并通过大规模宣传掩盖其暴行。西班牙内战后,大量人口死于饥饿和疾病,集中营的残酷行径以及对女性的迫害都令人发指。弗朗哥通过制作电影《种族》来改写自己的历史和内战历史,并对艺术作品进行严格审查,控制对内战和历史的叙述。尽管弗朗哥最初试图加入二战轴心国阵营,但最终由于军事和经济原因未能实现。在冷战时期,由于西班牙的地理位置,弗朗哥政权获得了美国的支持,并最终与美国结盟,这使得弗朗哥政权得以延续。西班牙的共和派游击队在二战后继续抵抗弗朗哥政权,但最终失败。 Ángel Viñas:弗朗哥在西班牙内战期间积累了巨额财富,这体现了弗朗哥政权的腐败。

Deep Dive

Franco immediately began persecuting his political enemies, issuing decrees and creating legal structures to eliminate opposition. He established concentration camps and used brutal tactics, including sexual violence, to terrorize and suppress any remaining resistance.

Shownotes Transcript

The ‘White Terror’ continues. Spain’s strongman assumes power in Madrid, herding his defeated enemies into concentration camps. Franco commissions a movie to tell his own life story. Up in the mountains, die-hard rebels continue to resist. After World War Two, Franco seeks to re-brand. ‘El Caudillo’ sets about seducing a brand-new ally: the United States.

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