cover of episode 793. Andy & DJ CTI: Hurricane Milton Could Change Florida's Coastline, 60 Minutes Editing Kamala's Answer & Wave Of Heart Attacks

793. Andy & DJ CTI: Hurricane Milton Could Change Florida's Coastline, 60 Minutes Editing Kamala's Answer & Wave Of Heart Attacks

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REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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Andy Purcell 和 DJ 讨论了飓风米尔顿的强度及其对佛罗里达州海岸线的潜在影响,内容包括专家警告称,飓风米尔顿的强度可能史无前例,并可能导致佛罗里达州西海岸大部分海滩被海水淹没。他们还讨论了佛罗里达州应对飓风米尔顿以及伴随而来的龙卷风的情况。Tampa 市长在 CNN 的采访中发出了严厉警告,称如果居民选择留在疏散区域,他们将会丧命。他们展示了飓风米尔顿与卡特里娜飓风的规模对比图,突出了米尔顿飓风的巨大规模。他们还展示了听众发来的邮件,邮件中描述了来自爱荷华州的志愿者们正在向北卡罗来纳州运送物资。 Andy Purcell 和 DJ 讨论了北卡罗来纳州在飓风海伦之后更改选举规则的情况,他们认为此举是为了操纵选举结果,对共和党选民不利。他们还讨论了拜登政府就飓风救灾的回应中存在虚假信息,并指出天气操控的可能性,以及比尔·盖茨与天气操控相关的专利。他们还讨论了卡玛拉·哈里斯在《60分钟》节目中回答问题的剪辑版本,以及色情行业支持哈里斯竞选的广告。他们还讨论了年轻人心脏病发作的浪潮,并指出 COVID-19 及其疫苗接种可能与之相关。他们认为,这些事件之间存在关联,并暗示存在一个试图操纵事件以达到其目的的阴谋集团。

Deep Dive

Hurricane Milton, predicted to be one of the strongest ever, threatens to inundate Florida's West Coast beaches. Amidst community efforts and discussions of potential weather manipulation, concerns arise about election rules changes in hurricane-affected areas.
  • Hurricane Milton is predicted to cause catastrophic damage to Florida's coastline.
  • Concerns are raised about potential weather manipulation and its impact.
  • Election rule changes in hurricane-devastated counties, primarily those that voted for Trump, have fueled Republican election integrity concerns.

Shownotes Transcript

On today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Hurricane Milton being so powerful that it could change Florida's coastline, 60 Minutes being caught editing Kamala's answer to make her sound coherent and normal, and how a wave of heart attacks in young people may be being fueled by COVID.